Friday, August 06, 2010

Another of Palin's political picks Sharron Angle, may have been the only possible GOP opponent that would guarantee that Harry Reid kept his job.

First in Hardball's "The Sideshow" Matthews spells out just how far out on the fringe Sharon Angle has demonstrated herself to be. (The first part of the segment deals with Stewart and Colbert's take on the judge's overturning of Prop 8. The Angle portion starts at around 1:33.)

And in the segment called "The Big Number" we learn just how much Angle's obviously insane positions have helped Harry Reid's poll numbers.


  1. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sharon Angle has been taking publicity lessons from Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. She is intent on keeping her name in the media, no matter how crazy she appears.

    Sharon has followed the Sarah Palin model of not giving interviews, asking the press to just print the answers that she wants to give, and to include, of course, the website where people could contribute money.

    It is easy to laugh at each of Sharon Angle's fumbles and bumbles. We take heart in the fact that each week, Harry Reid, who was once written off, pulls further and further ahead of his inept rival.

    I wish that it was as easy to laugh off Michelle Bachmann who rivals Ann Coulter for stirring up hate speech. I wish that I could laugh at Sarah's strange use of language, lack of knowledge and her serious attempts to appear well informed on Fox when she is blinking, yammering and fumbling for an answer. (And to think, she gets the questions ahead of time).

  2. SME1315:07 PM

    Sharon Angle goes way beyond the crazy extreme. I do believe this woman should be in a room with padded walls.

  3. Mickey75:08 PM

    Hmmm...maybe God really did call her to run...

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It would be SO heartening to see a certifiable lunatic like Angle go down to heavy defeat in November.

    I might have to stop saying things about just how monumentally stupid the average American seems to be.

    HOWEVER! who in their right mind would have expected the Republicans to win in LOUISIANA last election, after the world watched the people of that state get totally HOSED by the Bush administration?

    So, we better not count our chickens, yet...and should phone or email anyone you know in Nevada and BEG them to not sit home, but get out there and VOTE.

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Saw this on another site and had to share:

    T - Totally
    E - Enraged
    A - About
    B - Blacks
    A - And
    G - Gays
    G - Getting
    E - Equal
    R - Rights

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Since President Obama's election, I had been upset with Senator Reid's slowness to get with the program and felt him to be ineffectual, but I must say he finally did start delivering (even though I think he screwed up the Public Option).

    Now, I much prefer him to his opponent. I love that Palin has endorsed her clownish clone, Sharron Engle because that should make her poll numbers dip even further.

    Engle really does seem to be the best opponent Reid could have. She is almost certifiable. I hope the good people of Nevada exercise good judgment and go with a known brand (Reid) instead of a volatile, totally nutsy newcomer who thinks God chose her.

  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Michelle Bachmann is indeed a dangerous nutcase. In some ways, she is more dangerous than Palin (and that is saying something, right?) because she's (1) an incumbent, (2) raising more money for a smaller office than Palin, and (3) seems to have as rabid a following as Sarah.

    I don't write off the dangers of either Sarah or Michelle. They have the snake oil sales pitch down pat.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Sharon Angle is not an attractive older woman. She is Sarah Palin in 10 to 15 years. Not being attractive any longer, the crazy is easier to see.

  9. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Thanks, Sarah. You might have found your niche. I wouldn't be surprised that many of your donations are from Democrats.

  10. Mickey77:12 PM

    Michele Bachmann has a lock on her district (MN-6) because it was heavily gerrymandered by a Republican state congress. Take a gander at the boundaries of this district if you get the chance. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.

    The redistricting incorporated a rural area, St. Cloud, that is 97% white (really) and about 100% Roman Catholic (or there abouts). This area has been problematic due to excessive militia activity and meth labs (sound like any other little rural area we know?). Growing up in the Twin Cities, the joke used to be that St. Cloud was so inbred that it had a population of 25,000--with 3 last names.

    Somehow the Republican legislature figured out how to attach this god-forsaken hellhole of a 'deliverance' copycat (sorry to any normal people who are forced to live in the area) to an urban St. Paul (St. Paul has always been more conservative than Mpls) district and voila': we get Michele Bachmann. They LOVE her, even though everyone else in the state hates her. Sadly, I fear she will be with us for years to come.

  11. Definitely a possibility. I know I was hoping Nevada would dump Reid. Right now I am visiting in Nevada and I'm hearing thats what at least some Nevadans wanted to. My MIL says she voted for Sharon in the primary,but now she knows something about her, no way.

  12. Reid's number is down to 52.8 since Matthew's report.

    It's nuts that this race is so close. What exactly do people who plan to vote for Angle (or any other Rep. fringe candidate) think she's going to do to create jobs? If she ends up with 30% of the vote it's too much.

  13. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Sharron Angle is stupid enough to say publicly what many of the other wingnuts think and believe. Haven't I read or watched video of Palin saying that she doesn't believe in abortion for any reason, including rape or incest? But have also seen or heard her backpedal on the statement.

    Also, too, I've noticed that Sharron Angle completes a thought (nutty as her thoughts are). Something that Sarah can't do. Well unless it's a vicious thought.

  14. Mickey7 - I'm trying to maintain my hope that Taryl Clark will beat Bachmann.

    According to Wikipedia, Bachmann won with 50% of the vote in '06 and 46.4% in '08 in 3-way races.

    Independent Bob Anderson got 10% of the vote in '08 and he's running again as the 'true' conservative. So, we've got another 3-way race; and, ff Anderson takes votes from Bachmann, perhaps, Clark can pull it out for the Dems.

  15. Randall6:51 AM

    Vote Sharon Angle for an extra heapin' helpin' of the CRAZY double-dipped in STUPID!'s what happens when one maniac endorses another, also, too.

  16. Buffalo, NY7:50 AM

    On Wednesday, Keith Olbermann had a short segment on the Tuesday (8/3) primaries around the country; and there was one where Sarah Palin endorsed the candidate heavily, and made tons of robo-calls on his behalf, and he got absolutely trounced in the primary.

    But I can't remember his name; or find it anywhere. Anyone know ? Thanks !

    Just another example that when Sarah endorses you, you're 'done like dinner' !

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Sharon Angle, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin are proof positive that picking and/or electing women is a step toward progress ONLY if they are about something to begin with. A vote for any of these women is a vote to move the country backward, and they also set back the cause of women's rights with their ignorance,
    arrogance, and their appeals to the worst elements of American society.

    It's easy to laugh at their antics and to become complacent to the point of failure to vote based on the idea that people so detached from reality could never be voted into office. As the election of Bachmann has proven, that would be a glaring error in judgment. They are the female faces of the far right in all its toxic paranoia, hatred and ignorance that are bad for the well-being of this country.
    And the scary part is that anyone is foolish enough to vote for any member of this unsavory trio, in spite of their proven records.


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