Friday, August 06, 2010

Sarah Palin and Politifact are in a doozy of a catfight! Well Palin is in a catfight, I think Politifact is just trying to set the record straight.

The war of words began when Politifact labeled Sarah Palin's assertion on Fox News Sunday that "Democrats are planning the largest increase in American history" as a "Pants on Fire" lie:

If you let all the Bush tax cuts expire, the tax increase would come to just above 2.2 percent of GDP. Clearly, that would be larger than the Reagan tax hike of 1982. But it would be smaller than one of the tax increases passed during World War II -- the Revenue Act of 1942, which is estimated at 5.04 percent of GDP.

But again, letting all the tax cuts expire isn't the plan the Democrats are proposing, and it's not what Wallace asked Palin.

Palin said, "Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history." She was asked about tax cuts for the top 2 percent. Either Palin is confused about the revenue numbers involved with extending the tax cuts, or she's willfully distorting the Democratic plans. We'll let you be the judge of that. Regardless, Wallace was very specific about asking her about tax increases for the top 2 percent. And that does not represent the largest tax increase in history. The unlikely outcome that she seems to be talking about -- that all of the Bush tax cuts will be repealed -- wouldn't be the largest tax increase in history either. Palin read the number on her hand correctly, but that's about all she got right. So we rate her statement Pants on Fire.

The thin skinned Palin simply could not let a non-partisan fact checking website get away with daring to challenge her on her poorly researched talking points.  After all, just WHO do they think they are!

So she got out her cattle prod and chased her Facebook ghostwriter out from under their desk and made them type out Sarah's indignant response:

Plan? What plan? There is no plan. All we have is smoke and mirrors based on an old Obama campaign pledge that if elected, he would exempt families making less than $250,000 a year from “any form of tax increases.”

There were some other words thrown in there as well, but I kind of believe that the above sentence was probably Palin's sole contribution to the post.  The rest was just stuff the ghostwritter found to try and make Palin look a little less bat shit crazy.

Now Politifact could not help but notice that THIS post was also not exactly based on facts either, so undoubtedly having just suffered an attack of hate filled e-mails from Palin's teeth gnashing supporters they decided to politely correct the Mama Grizzly:

We're not trying to antagonize Gov. Palin, but President Barack Obama has indeed published his proposals in some detail -- at least twice, in the annual budget documents that the White House releases.

The president's 2011 budget, for example, says on page 39, "Allow the Bush Tax Cuts for Households Earning More Than $250,000 to Expire."

"In the last Administration, those at the very top enjoyed large tax breaks and income gains while almost everyone else struggled and real income for the middle class declined. Our Nation cannot afford to continue these tax cuts, which is why the President supports allowing those tax cuts that affect families earning more than $250,000 a year to expire and committing these resources to reducing the deficit instead. This step will have no effect on the 98 percent of all households who make less than $250,000."

Apparently Politifact is not used to dealing with Caribou Barbie and her crazy ass supporters.  You can tell because they actually believe that using "facts" will somehow help them to win this argument.  Oh you silly, silly intellectuals you.  Sarah Palin does not let a little thing like "facts" get in the way of spinning her lies about President Obama. Silly gooses!

But now that the ball is in her court again Palin has a couple of choices.  She can ignore their fuzzy little ball(s) and move on to another conflict (This is considered a win by Palin standards). Or she can go on Fox News and slap a label on Politifact as nothing more than part of the "Lame stream media' and continue to make up more lies about our President and his policies at her hearts content (Also a win).  Or she can grab her Facebook ghostwriter by their hair, drag them back to their desk, and demand that they refute Politifact's so called "facts" with Palin's own less factual "facts" and continue this battle for a couple of more days.

Regardless of which one of these tactics she employs those of you at Politifact can rest assured that your e-mail boxes will start to fill up with all kinds of colorful suggestions and prayers for your slow painful death. That is just the Palin-bots special way of saying "You got our attention, now hurry up and die!"

As one who has had to have his e-mail box fumigated allow me to give you folks at Poltifact a helpful hint. If you see an e-mail in which ALL of the words in the headline are in capital letters, just delete it without reading it.  Even if you read it, it would not make a damn bit of sense, and it COULD cause you severe emotional harm.

Trust me on this.


  1. Tnbluedot12:42 PM

    Hahaha! Thanks for posting this. I got the Politifact e-mail yesterday and wondered how long it would take before Sistah Sarah responded, then promptly forgot all about it. She is such an idiot.

  2. newmom12:53 PM

    I love it. Palin NEEDS to be challenged on gender-neutral issues where she can't cry that they're being mean to her cause she's a rill dill feminist.

    i'm still chuckling about the comeback the DNC gave her about her knowing all about not being vetted! LOL!

    Palin isn't the third rail, and any politician/journalist worth their salt SHOULD stand up to her. that's how bullies learn to sit down and SHUT UP.

  3. Enjay in E MT1:02 PM

    We were commenting earlier that Palin has been out of the news cycles & off the HuffPo front page. Was wondering where half Gov. was hiding.

    Now Politifact is in the cross-hairs, along with all media that is not Faux-y. Politifact will realize that in Palins "world view from front porch" facts are just pesty little critters that get in the way so you brush them aside and ignore them. After all, those paid handlers are to keep HER informed - and THEY should have told her, before hitting enter. ((( Ha ha ha ha )))

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Obviously, Politifact did not get the memo (circulated sometime around 8/29/08) that "Gov." Palin does not accept follow-ups!

  5. Mickey71:19 PM

    I wish the MSM and sites like Politifact would publish the comments from Palin's 'Christian' supporters so independents and undecideds could get a real flavor for what they would be voting for if they are swayed in Palin's direction.

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Politifact doesn't want "antagonize" Sarah Palin? Hahaha. That's their polite way of saying that Palin's threshold for being antagonized is so low that even the simple truth angers her.

    SP is a nasty piece of work who thrives on trying to antagonize her opponents because she doesn't have the brains or education to engage in civil debate.

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Let her keep showing her skin is "parchment" thin. Seriously, she NEVER lets anything go. She probably has grudges that are older than Methuselah!

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Come on, quit pickin' on Poor Sarah. We all know that she is right all of the time and we are wrong all of the time....she has told us that many, many times. Also, too, don't try and comprehend any of her answers, her reasoning is so far advanced and intellectually superior to us lowly peons that it would take someone of Einsteins intelligence to understand her brillance.

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    It's not Palin that's in a cat fight, it's her writer.
    Palin doesn't know what the fuck is going on.
    Hell, she needs help just standing up.

  10. TNbluedot1:30 PM

    Oh, newmom - that's priceless! Thanks for the reference - I hadn't seen that.

    Here's the quote from CNN Political Ticker...

    "While former half-term governor Palin is certainly an expert in not being vetted, we put our trust in the judgment of the American people who rejected not only the broken policies she and Republicans continue to call for, but also this very kind of childish politics she continues to engage in," DNC national press secretary Hari Sevugan said. "What's been fully vetted and thoroughly rejected by the American people is the failed approach in tone and substance offered by Sarah Palin and her ilk."

    Too good!! I can see the steam rolling from her ears!

  11. I love how you keep your radar on for all this info. I check in several times a day because you frequently update or have some news not "breaking" yet. Thank you.

  12. Anonymous1:54 PM

    She looks mannish and overbearing in that photo.

  13. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Why does any RepublicaN oppose a Duhbya tax cut roll back?



  14. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Since Sarah has to have writers for her every written word. I wonder who the poor sod is who has to write her ghosted palm notes?

  15. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sounds like she's growing a larger SET and challenging the Prez to a debate? WOW

  16. angela2:19 PM

    Poor stupid Sarah.
    Mrs. Blah Blah just can't seem to keep her jr. high gum popping gob shut. On and on she goes.

    And newmom--I'm with you. The DNC diced her. And lets face it, in a few more months that will be the job of Mitt and the boys. So she better get ready for people who are NOT President Obama and NOT the Democrats calling her out for the lamebrain she is.

    Should be fun.

  17. In the movie "Cool Hand Luke", Paul Newman gets in a fight with George Kennedy, who is much much larger and beats him to a pulp. Newman wont quit. Kennedy doesnt want to keep beating him, but he has to. After a while the other inmates are telling Newman to "Stay Down. Stay Down". He cant quit, even though he is being being beaten badly. Eventually Kennedy picks Newman up and carries him back to the bunk and they earn each others respect.

    Later on in the movie, Kennedy "coaches" Newman to eat 50 hard boiled eggs!

    $arah, stay down! STAY DOWN!!!! and shut up, also too.

  18. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Does this woman not realize that this is just the beginning of what's in store for her if she declares for the Presidency?

    Does she really believe, as Sharron Angle seems to believe, that she can tell reporters what to ask and how to ask it and not to fact-check or comment on what she says?

    Is she so drop-dead stupid that she cannot understand that the American people want a Presidential candidate to be vetted by the fury and fire of a campaign? We expect and need our Presidents to be intelligent, calm and articulate.

    We had enough of Stupid with GW Bush. We were continually embarrassed and battered by his stupidity.

    President Obama has raised the bar. Unless she can raise herself to meet it, we do not want her. We do not want another dope, another embarrassment, another fool and another sham. Gee, I guess that counts her out. She so fits every category.

    She is a no-class, empty-headed, creepily arrogant, pushy old board who is trying to sell herself as a hip young chick. We ain't buying, lady. Get it straight now and save us all a lot of time and grief. You are beginning to smell like day old fish on a hot summer's day. That should be a clear enough image for even you to understand, Sarah.

  19. Lisabeth2:53 PM

    Has any one EVER seen Palin graciously admit she made a mistake and apologize? Heck, I'd settle for a mon gracious apology but it will never happen. Sarah is never wrong even when she is wrong. This is a really bad character flaw. People without personality disorders have no trouble admitting their mistakes. We are all human!
    But not Sarah!

    It is so much more than her being an idiot. She has severe psychiatric issues. It's really obvious. Just remember some of Schmidts comments in Game Changer about her.

  20. Sarah wouldn't recognize the truth even if it jumped up and bit her on the ass.

  21. Anonymous3:04 PM

    There was a point where Sarah was cute. Now she is starting to look like Chuckie. She looks older and mean. I hate to pick on a woman for not being pretty but she chose looks over substance long ago.

    Mutton trying to look like lamb.

    By the way, was Chuckie a real teacher or just a substitute? I think he was a substitute not a real teacher. She is from a long line of liars, cheats, grifters, and bullies.

  22. Beldar Kohnhed3:10 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, couldnt you just once give her a pass cuz she's just so gosh durn purty? No? Then how about some suitable deference due someone who almost served an entire term as governor of Alaska? (ok, HALF a term...) NO? Seriously? Well, how about cutting her some slack because of her status as real America's Most Moral Mom? Her energizing role in the squeaker 2008 election that put her within a scant 10 million votes of being one weak heart beat away from the presidency? Her leading the fight to promote teen abstinence among all girls not in her own family? Her dedication to preserving wildlife through taxidermy? her driving desire to be the smartest person in the room? Any room? Her steely eyed policy wonkery? Her insightful commentaries on the Fox Comedy News Network? No???? Man, you are one hard-hearted dude. Carry on, sir!

  23. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Have you seen this article yet about Palinisms? If not, *teasing smile* "hat tip to Anonymous."

  24. icstraights3:17 PM

    She is just a nasty-skank of a whore who is irrelevant: She is only there thanks to Murdoch and Ailes...
    This is a GREAT read.

  25. newmom3:36 PM

    SJK @ 2:20, i never saw that movie, but it sounds a bit like the brokeback mtn of its day. are ya sure you aren't missing a period, or a comma, or something? lol.

  26. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Sorry folks, but Palin is absolutely right this time. There is no agreement from Senate Dems on what cuts to extend and which to end:

    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) acknowledged the Senate Democratic Conference remains uncertain how it will proceed, say sources familiar with talks about a package to extend tax cuts.

    “Some members only want to extend the tax cuts for the middle class; some members want to extend all the tax cuts,” said a Democratic aide in reference to differences of opinion within the conference.

    “We’re surveying members to see what could be in a package that wins 60 votes and protects the middle class,” said the source.
    Democratic and Republican staffs on the Finance Committee have begun talks on how to mark up a tax extensions package. But Finance panel staffers have yet to delve into serious discussions over the substance of the bill.

  27. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Everyone should read Lizbeths's comment, especially the second paragraph.

  28. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Isn't this the time of the year when Sarah should be out buying 'back to school' clothes for her children?

  29. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Mickey7 and put the name along with the nasty comments from them.Maybe if they saw themselves and how they look and sound to others it might give them pause.Some post I have read are very unchristian which should also give them pause.

  30. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I forgot to add yes she is looking like papa bear. i have posted this on another blog. Since her claim to fame?, is on her looks?, and prop kids, I say it is fair game to say cutie is starting to look manly and like papa.

  31. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Fox, Palin etc will try to smear anyone who tries to get the truth out. The gullible fanatics think they're upset at Obama, but they're really just angry at a fantasy of Obama that's been put in their heads by the propaganda machine. If only they could see outside the cloud in their heads and into the realm of reality. They'd discover that they were duped, and then they'd know where their anger should really be directed. Sarah is certainly a leader (or misleader, if you prefer). But, unfortunately, she's just a master over the stupid, and that doesn't take much. Sarah indeed breeds retards, and I don't mean Trig. It's amusing to think that she would know anything at all about economics. She's a complete fraud.

    -- Malachi

  32. majii4:03 PM

    ROTFLMAO. You hit this one out of the ball park. Your advice to Politifact is priceless!

    My guess is that Palin will slink off to plot her next move which will be to engage in a full-fledged campaign against Politifact. It's her MO, and she can't resist the challenge whether she looks like a fool or not. She will paint herself as both the victor and the victim. Wait and see.

  33. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Every time this moron tries to actually sneak in a wedge comment and gets "FACT CHECKED" on the simple facts, she acts like her head has already exploded... Maybe a grizzly will get her as a snack when she camps with bozo from the lower 48..

  34. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sounds like she's growing a larger SET and challenging the Prez to a debate? WOW

    Her ego is so big that she may convince herself that she is knowledgable enough to actually face to face square off with him.

    One big problem, how can she rebut him when she can't understand them bag wards? Much less he can bury her in stats that she can't answer.
    I know she got away with that on a state level but on a national level?? with an international audience listening in????

  35. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous 3:40, you said, "Sorry folks, but Palin is absolutely right this time. There is no agreement from Senate Dems on what cuts to extend and which to end:"

    You read her ghostwriter's Facebook passage incorrectly. Read beyond the first sentence and you will see that she was not asking for "agreement from Senate Dems." She was asking Obama himself to publish his proposals.

    Palin's Facebook stated, "Mr. President, publish your proposals, and we'll duke it out. You can argue in favor of a multi-trillion dollar tax hike in an age of economic uncertainty and mass unemployment, and we'll argue for fiscal sanity combined with serious spending cuts. I for one look forward to such a debate."

    Um ... he already published them. She's wrong again.

  36. This is not the first time that Politifact has given her a pants on fire rating. I wonder how she (or they) decide when to argue with whom. Maybe it's just because she hasn't seen any headlines lately... In any case, I wish more of the media would call her on her BS. How do you call yourself a fiscal conservative and not let this go to pay down the deficit? Moron.

  37. Anon 3:40, sorry you are wrong. Max Baucus, doesn't speak for President Obama or even for the entire party. Of you had bothered to read fact you would have seen that there IS a specific plan and it is written out in the budget. To say there isn't a plan is simply not true. But America is a Democracy and people in congress have different opinions. As I'm sure you know they negotiate and vote on something. I trust factcheck. Org more than you an anon poster who quotes the views of a Single moderate Senator. Sorry, you are wrong and Sarah is out of line and giving false info that was fed to her. We know she doesn't understand it. If she did, she would be willing to do real interviews. As far as I'm concerned any person who does not have the "COJONES" to go on Sunday talk shows and other networks isnt worth listening to. She is a fraud.

  38. Anonymous6:09 PM

    @2:30 PM said
    "Is she so drop-dead stupid that she cannot understand that the American people want a Presidential candidate to be vetted by the fury and fire of a campaign?"

    Well, she's drop-dead stupid enough to fake a pregnancy and still accept the nomination. But she did neutralize the secret despite the fury of the campaign. So she qualifies for drop-dead lucky also, too.

    In the next campaign, should Palin be stupid enough to enter, the sex-kitten factor will have vanished. Palin will face the fire and fury will nothing but passable looks and a totally empty brain. At which point the "drop-dead stupid" will be so obvious it will glow in the dark.

  39. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Palin pretended to be pregnant in 2008. She was "mentally unstable" then. Every single time Palin has been exposed for lying she has reacted badly EXCEPT when her empty 2008 uterus is discussed.

    Palin surely understands that each time she comically tries to defend one of her absurd positions, it becomes more and more obvious that she can NOT even mention the (fake) baby.

    stupid error - exposed - defended
    is the pattern EXCEPT for Trig.

  40. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Palin says, "Mr. President, publish your proposals, and we'll duke it out. You can argue in favor of a multi-trillion dollar tax hike in an age of economic uncertainty and mass unemployment, and we'll argue for fiscal sanity combined with serious spending cuts. I for one look forward to such a debate."

    Sorry stupid, but Mr. President is not into you. He has more important things to do besides having a Facebook debate.

    However, In a real debate, I would love to see the President mop the floor with your dumb ass.

  41. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I think she is just pissed off that her carefully chosen endorsements did poorly in the primaries this week. Her momma grizzly here in red state Tennessee came in third in the republican primary.

  42. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Anon @ 6:21 pm
    Touche on your observations of Palin's reactionary & defensive habits.

    You're right - Sarah is a babbling motormouth on every subject, except Trig. On this subject she has nothing to say about her farcical pregnancy with him and her unbelievable Wild Ride after leaking amniotic fluid.

  43. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Sarah is the Alaskan sociopath. She's a f~},ing frutcake challenging the president like that. Why would he care about her? She's a fox talking head and celebrity not an elected official. Can you imagine how much the white house staff laughs at her? She's a NUT, a head case, looney tunes insane!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Palin is going after Politifact again on FB from "Homer" AK while "fishing " for Halibut and a her "butt off.". What a mouth!

  45. Annie Goolihy10:11 PM

    Unfortunately, the Palinbots never let facts get in the way. So sorry if they've caused you emotional harm, Gryphen. I wish I could give you a big hug & make it all better ;) xoxo

  46. Anonymous11:15 PM

    From Malia Laitman:

    "We should stop thinking of Palin as a politician, but as an entertainer, who has little talent."

  47. Buffalo, NY12:01 AM

    Of course she's worried about losing the Bush Tax Cuts for the ultra-wealthy; she's one of those people that does make over $250,000 a year !

    Not that she was ever into paying taxes anyway.

    Has she ever paid taxes ?

    Is she going to do Bristol's tax return for her this year ?

    I hope the IRS has 'red flags' up already, just waiting for those 2 returns to show up in DC next April.

  48. AKRNC1:30 AM

    Only Palin's FB writer, aka as Rebecca Mansour, would go after a group like Politifact that backs up their assertions with FACTS. Her outrage is always so over-the-top when Palin is insulted or corrected, the later usually being the reason, that you have to laugh at her. I can picture RAM with the neck veins bulging, and the "how dare you insult $arah Palin?" spewing from her mouth! Give it up, 'bots, your quitter queen makes ample mistakes every time she opens her mouth and if you think it is bad now, just wait and see what happens if she decides to run for President. Nobody is going to buy this nonsense about the media ganging up on her. Every other candidate lived through it and $P will have to do it also or else she can run back to Wasilla and hide under the same rock from which she came.

  49. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Have you all read some of the comments on the "Palinisms" article over at Slate? OH. MY. GOD. The C4Peees are out in force!

    "I'll take Palin over Obama any day.

    He lies constantly and for some reason his backers just don't seem to notice. That would be the kool aid effect. Reference Jim Jones followers.

    Palin knows what it is to run a government and deal with reality, that the O' backers just are not willing to acknowledge."

    (Runs away screaming)

    Seriously, what is wrong with people? (Gryphen, I bet you wonder that multiple times every day.)

    Jeebus Henry, that is just damn sad. Can you even begin to imagine the country under her watch? Lord have mercy on us all.

  50. Anonymous4:23 AM

    This continually proves to be a fascinating case study on a political novice with the thinnest of resumes and credibility -she and her ghostwriters have the gall to bring up smoke, mirrors and an old campaign pledge?

    What did we learn about Palin's grasp of domestic, economic and foreign policy during the campaign and ever since?

    McCain, the establishment, Fox News are all enablers of a massively delusional and ignorant woman.

    Quit paying this idiot for her words, she should be begging cable joints to bring her on for her mediocre political analysis that is no better than what you find in the Wasilla diner.

  51. Thank you Annie Goolihy for watching out for my mental health. But don't worry I am relatively unscathed from the angry e-mails sent my way.

    I only mentioned them as a way to illustrate that I can relate to those who have been on the receiving end of the Palin-bots wrath.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.