Friday, August 20, 2010

Could Sarah Palin be this devious?

From the National Enquirer:

To have a chance to be president, Sarah knew that she’d have to figure out a way to stop Levi from further sullying her reputation.

“So Sarah hatched a plan to discredit him,” divulged the source.

First, she encouraged Bristol to let Levi spend more time with their 20-month-old son, Tripp.

“Then, when Levi started to have feelings for Bristol again, Sarah talked to him about how he had embarrassed their family,” said the source.

In June, Sarah told Levi it was time for him to publicly retract the embarrassing statements he had made, says the source.

“At first he resisted, but Bristol convinced him that it was going to be for the best if he ever wanted to be back in their family.”

In early July, Sarah got what she wanted. Levi released a statement saying the things he said about the Palins were “not completely true,” and he chalked it up to “youthful indiscretion.”

“Her mission was accomplished, because now, no matter what Levi said about the Palins in the future, nobody would believe him,” said the source.

“Her plan worked – Levi was branded a liar by his own words.”

But Sarah’s plan almost backfired when Bristol and Levi announced a week later that they were engaged!

“The news hit Sarah like a ton of bricks,” said the source.

Fortunately for the former Alaskan governor, the reconciliation was short-lived. Right after making their engagement public, Levi confessed to Bristol that he may have fathered a baby with another young woman.

I will confess that I heard this from one of my sources as well.  That is why I was so sure that Sarah had been responsible for the US Weekly photoshoot. I figured since she had essentially used both her daughter and grandson to manipulate Levi that she would probably be just as willing to have him marry her so that she could present her daughter as married to the guy that knocked her up originally and salvage what was left of her and Bristol's reputation.

It was only later when I started to hear how upset Sarah was about the surprise engagement, and after it had fallen apart, that I realized that Tank Jones had seen HIS opportunity and manipulated the situation to benefit himself and Levi.

When there are so many con artists working so many different scams sometimes it is almost impossible to determine WHO is scamming WHO.


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Of course she is that devious. Levi was a loose string that had information to bring down her money machine and her (laughingly) "bid" for the White House. (It's named for her and Dr. Laura). He was so dumb to let himself be used, alienated his own family and then once Bristol's whoreing mission accomplished, discarded like a used condomn.

  2. Aussie Blue Sky4:30 AM

    The single thing that has made disbelieve that the rapprochement was Mrs Palin's idea was Bristol telling Us Magazine that Levi's first proposal (in 2008) came when they were in bed together "spooning".

    ewww!!! TMI!!!! Grandma Grizzly could NOT have been behind it.

  3. Anonymous4:36 AM

    NE must have a very close inside source if this story is true. Not many people would have known about or been involved in this plot. If true, Sarah needs to worry.

    Who the hell advises Levi? Palins are not loving Christians and FORGIVENESS is not a family trait.

    Levi was NEVER going to be accepted back into the family. Anyone that thought the Levi statement would calm Sarah down is a fool.

    Levi...get even with Sarah. Do a press release that you are shopping a sex tape.

  4. Anonymous4:44 AM

    "could Sarah Palin be so devious"?


    When has Sarah ever, been embarrassed? To be embarrassed, you need to have some pride, morality and honesty. Does Sarah have title to any one of these?
    "hits Sarah like a ton of bricks" when has anything ever, hit this sham like a ton of bricks?

    As for the reputation of Bristol, just what reputation are you talking about,hasn't it been pretty well sullied, long before this?

  5. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Oh yes I think Palin is that devious. It's really a simple plot - even an idiot like Palin could plan it out. Up to the engagement part anyway.

    Why does Sarah care who one of her kids marries? She doesn't appear to care about any of the kids except maybe Piper. Control? How sick is that!

    Right now Willow is useful to her as part of the mean-girl posse but that won't last long. Willow is 15 or 16 and is going to get tired of having to drag around with psycho mommy and a bunch of adults. All 4 of the older kids have not had a normal childhood or normal teenage years. High price for questionable celebrity.

  6. This sounds like Sarah, but I'm kind of skeptical since they never talked to Lanesia about her pregnancy.

  7. Facebook Lurker5:04 AM

    Please, everyone knew Sarah was completely responsible for that apology from Levi. We all figured it was somehow tied in to the custody/visitation of Tripp, and her future presidential run. Sarah is nothing if not transparent in her motives...all about what's good for Sarah, all the time.

    I thought the US Weekly engagement announcement was a Sarah setup, until I actually saw was unnatural, embarrassing, and goofy, and did nothing to elevate Levi and Bristol as two mature young adults ready to marry.

    So to answer your question, Sarah is absolutely that devious...and since Bristol and Levi are immature, and not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, they are easy for her to influence and manipulate.

  8. It's time for Levi to grow a pair and take this woman down. If he tells what what he knows (the secrets he's alluded to for the past year), she'll lose what shred of credible she has...and the less powerful she is, the less she can hurt Levi and his family. For god's sake man, fight back!

    The poor guy may have thought that by holding back he'd have a better chance of access to Trip. Surely it's clear now that *nothing* he does will make him anything but an enemy to Mama Palin. Levi: get better legal respresentation (Rex, Tank, and company are using you, not representing you), get smart, and don't be played again.

    And make up with your family, who are the only ones who have your back.

  9. Anonymous5:32 AM

    As 4:44am has commented, a person has to have a baseline of what is appropriate and honorable behavior to be embarrassed or ashamed of falling short.

    Granny Palin does not have that baseline. Manipulating her daughter and grandchild would have seemed "useful".

    Run, Mercede, Run!! Get as far away from Wasilla as you and your Mom can.

    Maybe one day your brother will wake up and smell the coffee, but until then the best thing you can do is try to live a healthy, sane life away from this snakepit.

  10. Anonymous5:38 AM

    It looks like there are two options:
    1. the story is made up : (
    2. Sarah's inner circle is crumbling. : D

    I actually feel sort of sorry for SP - as I would for most anyone with a mental illness. Doesn't mean we don't need to get her off the national stage yesterday - for her and our own good.

  11. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Any clues on who is the source(s)?

  12. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I'm not clear on why people think Levi's credibility is completely gone forever.
    1. He didn't say everything was untrue, and he didn't specify what was and wasn't untrue. There's wiggle roomn
    2. He' wouldn't be the first person to recant, and then recant the recantation. Happens all the time.
    Admittedly, the credibility is tarnished, but that's not the same as gone forever. It would depend on what is said, what back-up there is, what else is being said about Sarah at the time.
    Further, were he to talk to someone (say Joe, or Geoffrey, or bloggers) who know enough to assess his credibility and have access to other people and documents, it might not matter if Levi says something publicly.
    I'm not a big Levi Fan - but he's a young kid in a crazy-making situation. Most kids that age aren't someone to look up to. And mature adults in a crazy-making situation have a hard time staying sane.
    So I've not written Levi off as harmless yet. Sarah should remember the advice: HOld your friends close. Hold your enemies closer.
    Or maybe I am missing something. Certainly Levi didn't help his credibility with his statements. But the Palinbots would never believe him, and many of us are inclined to see SP's machinations behind it. It's how the independents view it.
    Hmm. Come to think of it, no one much cared what Levi had to say before he recanted. The Palinbots rejeted it. Many of us believe it. And I'm not sure the independents cared much one way or the other about what she calls TriG.

  13. Olivia5:57 AM

    Yes she could.

  14. BAustin6:05 AM

    my money is on Levi as the source for national enquirer...

    It allows him to get even with sarah and bristol in one fell swoop. He's never really gonna have much chance to visit tripp anyways so he doesnt have anything to lose.

  15. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Once again, Sarah uses a baby for her own purposes without concern for the effect on the child, in this case an on/off close relationship with his father.

    If Sarah didn't want the US spread then Bristol wanted it for money. You don't have that come out one morning and then that evening kick to the curb the person you've told the nation you want to marry. Especially since there's no evidence Levi has fathered another child. Immature as they are, I can't believe they hadn't discussed Ben and Brianna and the swim coach and whomever else before a national announcement.

    Levi may have a contract with Rex for PR but he needs to change counsel in family court. I bet someone would do it pro bono for the good publicity.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Since Levi cannot publicly badmouth the Palins, he could go incognito & tell all.

    But is telling the truth badmouthing?

    If something is true, does it countr?

    Does anyone know the legal ramifications?

  17. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Levi could make a ton of cash if he dropped the goods.

    Why doesn't he?

  18. Lynne7:02 AM

    So speaking of Joe McGinniss, how's he doing anyway? That little fake drama went away, and I presume he can now do his work in peace. I also, too, hope he speaks with Levi and gets some background information.

  19. Anonymous7:07 AM

    When Levi wears the purple shirt and tie he drives the gay guys wild..

    Levi.. who the hell picks out your outfits?

    Levi.. hope the reality show never gets a buyer... hope a book deal is your only way to make easy money...

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    YES !

    The other thing is, if Levi's people don't already work for the wacko, they must be auditioning for the job.

    Either that, or Levi is the dumbest schmuck I've ever seen.

    The REAL problem lies with all the idiots who will believe in her no matter what she does.

  21. Levi maybe has, receipts, audio/tapes..... I'd like to think that Sherry didn't raise no dummy!

  22. emrysa7:31 AM

    I agree with the part about so many people pulling scams that it's difficult to tell who is scamming who. but I still think this is sarah's doing (or more accurately her handlers doing). now if it comes out that bristol is not pregnant, then I will re-think that, but I still suspect she is pregnant and this entire episode was to cover for the new baby.

    still wondering why we haven't seen any pics of bristol lately (the planted target ones don't count). why didn't she move back to her condo when she & levi broke up? I think it's because of the potential for pictures. she is in hiding.

  23. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I think the best thing Levi can do is to run for Mayor. Scarah won't be able to play her power games in the town with media there all the time. And then maybe people won't be so afraid to talk.

  24. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Bristol has left the nest...moved to Cali! Is it to get away from mom? Or start an acting career? She is currently on the road driving her Dodge pickup w/a friend to a "new life"?

  25. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Did I miss something? What happened with the rumors regarding Bristol's pregnancy? She hasn't been seen so aren't there assumptions that she is, indeed, in hiding?

  26. Gosh, I knew that this is exactly what happened. It was the first scenario that came to mind. Nice to have it confirmed. The ways of the "mean girls" are so predictable. However, $P is rather transparent. You would think she would be more clever in hiding the obvious. I would bet a large majority of the public gets this story and would give LEVI another chance when he finally decides to REALLY come clean with what he know. If he were branded a liar by some other camp or individual, then I would be suspicious--we are talkin the Paylins here, even though he used his own words. In $P world, she owns every one and every thing they do. It was totally a set up.

  27. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I also agree that Levi can still tell the Palin secrets and will be credible. I think Sarah tried to discredit him but it was so obviously coming from Sarah-anyone could see that. There are others who know Levi was telling the truth way back when and will come to his defense. I believe he would have done anything to see his son and possibly even do it because he loved Bristol. Levi still has the upper hand!

  28. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I'm wondering how Levi gets his court appointed visitation two days a week with Bristol on the road? Or did she just dump her kid with one of Sarah's breeder sisters who seem perfectly content to look after all the discarded children these people produce?

  29. I don't think she is smart enough to do this. But, her mouthpieces are. And, so is Todd.

  30. Read some of the comments from the article. One lady said she never heard of President Obama before he was elected. LOL Well if she doesn't know he was a Senator who is the dumb one. You know when anyone writes about Sarah her "fans" come out of their hole.

    Ha another good one. She won't get 1% of the vote unless someone puts LSD in the water. And my favorites a mother bear is called a sow. Not sure if that is true going to look it up but the LSD post was funny. Heck they can put LSD in my water and I will still "fly" and vote for our President.

  31. FEDUP!!!10:33 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:12 AM said...

    Bristol has left the nest...moved to Cali! ... She is currently on the road driving her Dodge pickup w/a friend to a "new life"?

    Source? Where is Tripp? Who is taking care of him? Did Levi get to see him the last couple of weeks since the visitation agreement came out?

  32. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The source for the August 9th National Enqurier story about Levi and Lanesia Garcia was Tank Jones. The source for the current story about Sarah Palin was also Tank.

    The only people who know the truth from the Palin camp are Todd, Sarah, Bristol and Van Flein. Its highly unlikely anyone from the Palin camp was the source for the NE.

    So it points back to Tank and Rex. Levi is his meal ticket and easily manipulated. It's in their interest to keep Levi and Bristol apart.

  33. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I believe it because I think Levi does love Bristol. He never said a bad word about her publicly. Sarah is all about Sarah. She puts herself before her CHILDREN. Does anyone really believe she's going to do right by her grandchild?

  34. FEDUP!!!12:13 PM

    O/T but WHOA!!! Great balls, Ms. McCleod! About time that someone brings the ball into rolling!

  35. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Gryphen - back when Vanity Fair came out, you expressed confusion because your sources were telling you contradictory stories to what Levi aired. What's your conclusion?

    My belief is that, while the Johnston's may have been partly honest, I cannot forget that myspace post on Mercede's wall in late 2008 where her friend commented that she knew Bristol was PG but didn't know Levi was the father.

    I feel their whole relationship is a lie to make them look better and more in love. Why would the whole "you want me to kick her ass" comment come out on myspace if Levi and Lanesia broke up in middle school and B and L had been dating 3 years? Tripp's birth story and details have changed between all parties involved.

    High schoolers are pro at fabrication and embellishment. I believe Sadie, Levi and Bristol are no exception. Sadie sees in you a way out of her crappy life - when in reality if she would have ignored everything and continued to live out of the Palin umbrella, none of the drama would have come her way. She admits herself she was the only one who put effort into being friends with Bristol, but realistically, friendship/love doesn't work that way.

    They all need to grow up

  36. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I believe Sarah force Bristol to break up with Levi. According to Mercede Johnston, Levi never told Bristol he got another girl pregnant. Lanesia Garcia, the young lady mention in the NE, haven't been with Levi since 9th grade. She is pregnant by her boyfriend, who she has been dating for 3 years. They plan to get marry. I believe Sarah sold that false story to NE, to upset Bristol and break her engagament. I also believe Bristol is pregnant again by another young man, Ben... You won't be seeing her for a while. There are rumors, that she is in Washington state with her aunt hiding out, again.

  37. Everybody wants Levi to tell his story. What story? All he can tell you is that he went to the RNC with Bristol and she wasn't pg.

    If he does that, then we will know for sure he isn't Tripp's father. With that revelation, he loses his claim to fame. Not to mention, all the PR money he and Bristol get from using Tripp.

    One other thing. Yes, he knows Bristol was pg in the last months of 2007 thru April, 17/18, 2008.
    But neither he nor Mercede are "ever" going to talk!

    Before, with Mercede, it was all about "Triggybear." Now, all she wants to do is see her nephew, Tripp.

    Sob, sob...

  38. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I wouldn't put a thing past Sister Palin and I so hope truth comes about so many things concernig her. I really think she did herself in w/the radio show host though...we will just have to wait and see. She is not a politician -
    she is an ignorant entertainer and was the 'worst governor Alaska ever had'! The more we say it, the more people will get it - research the subject (I hope) - and, hopefully, believe what we Alaskans say about the diva.


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