Friday, August 20, 2010

Sarah Palin may finally have tweeted herself right out of politics.

From the Daily Beast:

Sarah Palin’s post-VP nominee career has so far benefitted from bomb-throwing. The process follows a tight script—a crude, semi-calculated comment is shot into the middle of a political debate via Facebook or Twitter. It gains national attention. Liberals are outraged. Conservatives rush to her defense. Sarah Palin dominates a news cycle and becomes more beloved by her base.

But by unnecessarily rushing to the defense of Dr. Laura Schlessinger—after she dropped the N-bomb 11 times and told the caller “don’t marry outside of your race”—Sarah Palin might finally have gone too far and picked a fight she cannot win.

The few black conservative candidates, columnists, and media figures—who represent the GOP’s only hope for reclaiming the legacy of Lincoln and, with it, long-term demographic relevance—are not amused. They’re now saying what many in the GOP increasingly believe: Sarah Palin is not fit to be a serious leader of the Republican Party.

I spoke to Michel Faulkner, the former NFL player and Harlem preacher challenging Charlie Rangel for a House seat, and he was unsparing in his criticism: “Why Sarah Palin feels she needs to join in to Dr. Laura’s personal meltdown is beyond me. She’s sounding like she just likes to hear her own voice—and the voice that she has is no longer credible. It says that a leading voice among conservatives has joined the ranks of the entertainers—trying to shock us each day with more and more outlandish commentary. And at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead.”

“The constitutional stuff she’s saying doesn’t even make any sense,” Faulkner said. “She doesn’t know what real shackles are… But ‘don’t retreat, reload?’ Lady, are you kidding me? That is scary language in anyone’s terminology. Sarah Palin scares me.

As I mentioned yesterday it has become fairly obvious that Sarah Palin has no impulse control when it comes to her Blackberry and that she tweets before she thinks, and leave it up to RAM and her other "consultants" to clean up after her when she makes a gaffe, which is happening with alarming frequency.

You can tell from Mansour's uber defensive Facebook post yesterday ( "I didn’t retreat; I reloaded in order to fight for what is right on a fairer battlefield." Not exactly an option when running for President now is it? ),that they are become more and more frustrated with their fearless leader and perhaps even slowly realizing that they have been fooled and that she has no intention, or ability, to deliver the leadership that they expected from her.

So the question is, has Sarah Palin finally "tweeted over the shark" or can her team manage to get her back onto her feet and stumbling toward the 2012 election a little longer before she finally collapses under the weight of her burgeoning stupidity?


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Does Sarah support the rights of Muslims to carry guns in mosques?

    Dr Laura would not have approved of Sarah marrying outside of her race.

  2. Anonymous5:43 AM

    There is no coming back from this. She never employed a professional PR team in the first place, though. She was too cheap & uncontrollable for that. Her political brand ended when she quit her elected job; she was always more AIP than GOP and this racist support of Dr. L is just the truth about who Palin been--& it ain't electable.

  3. I hope you are right Gryphen, but we cannot let down our guard. All her handlers have to do is to bring her back on track. You know the one, in which no unborn child is aborted, any war is a good war, no poor person receives any financial aid, corporations are people, also too, billionaires are smiled upon by God, and all taxes are paid only by the middle class?

  4. Anonymous5:52 AM

    LOVE that article!

    All I can say is, imagine this gargantuan ignoramus as PRESIDENT! She'd be too busy tweeting and facebooking about her myriad grievances to do anything else! That she has others do so for her now is mind-boggling! Although I think she's taking the reins more and more now.

    Methinks it's slooooowly dawning on her pea brain that she's nearing her "sell- by date". She's NOT happy about that, obviously! Contrary to the SNL parody, when cornered, Sarah Palin does not become "increasingly adorable". Just way more nasty.

  5. Anonymous5:54 AM

    She is following Ann Coulter's playbook for getting attention, which suggests her plan is to sell books rather than run for office.

  6. Anonymous5:54 AM

    “Even worse, she deploys her vacuity to defend an acerbic talk-show host who just detonated herself by tossing around the word 'nigger' on the air 11 times, as if it were a volleyball. The American right can do better than this. And it must."

    Nicely stated.

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    “When I first heard this stuff, what came across was an extremely lame white chick trying to school this other woman about the N-word. … So I’m certainly not one to try and defend Dr. Laura. She has a history of being a negative and nasty persona. But Sarah Palin’s comments? Well, this is confusing stuff coming out of a woman who would have been the vice president if McCain had won. … Palin seems to be as equally detached from the real world where people operate and where race is a really volatile topic.”

  8. Anonymous5:56 AM

    “It says this woman really has no larger vision of what she is trying to do in a political sense—there’s a pretty narrow intellect at work here ... Attempting to defend the indefensible is just kind of insulting.”

  9. Olivia5:56 AM

    Michel Faulkner hit the nail on the head...she just likes to hear her own voice.
    She keeps herself, or someone keeps her surrounded by blind adoring followers so she is completely deluded into thinking that nearly everyone agrees with her and she speaks for the majority.
    I am enjoying witnessing the self destruction...Oh, the humanity!

  10. Anonymous5:58 AM

    maybe the turd is making it's final swirl?

    bill in belize

  11. BAustin5:59 AM

    truer words have never been spoken:

    "She’s sounding like she just likes to hear her own voice—and the voice that she has is no longer credible. It says that a leading voice among conservatives has joined the ranks of the entertainers—trying to shock us each day with more and more outlandish commentary. And at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead.”

  12. Anonymous6:05 AM

    She bypassed experience, which is a time honored teacher, thought she could cheat(because let's face it, she Never gets caught)because people 'loved her'.

    She really is pathetic. She will not/cannot learn the lessons of life because she believes she is special and above all.

    I am surprised it took this long for people to start realizing this. It really shows how dysfunctional the republican party has become to allow her to reach such a level in the party.

    She may have had it all if she had listened, learned and gotten the experience she needed.

  13. Anonymous6:07 AM

    How could anyone possibly think this Palin person has the attributes to become President of the United States of America and leader of the free world?

  14. Anonymous6:08 AM

    She is just not that into non-whites. Look at her track record in Alaska. She damn near killed out the native-Americans. (Heat or starve) Naw that is not fair, she did bring a plate of cookies for all of them. Can't throw stones at her for being prejudice because she married Toad. Look at Toad, Anywhere in America would I think Toad was anything but white and be welcomed at any Klan rally. No Juneteen celebration and it was her duty to sign as Governor. I once saw Steele kiss her on the cheek at a rally, took a lot of soap to get that off, maybe she used bleach.

  15. angela6:12 AM

    Anon 5:40
    You hit those out of the park!

    Truly, I believe the only thing that's going to stop Sarah Palin is a vampire slayer with a five foot stake, Rupert Murdoch's wife telling him his virtual affair with Sarah is over and Rush Limbaugh knocking on Sarah's door telling her that she's even viler than him and she has to go.

  16. Anonymous6:22 AM

    It is wise to listen to Floyd M. Orr.

  17. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The scary truth is that if she had followed advice from professional handlers, she could be a possible candidate. Not ever to ME, but they could have polished this turd and made her shine.

    Thankfully the mental illness which makes her unfit, also made her reject this counsel and go all mavericky and destroy herself.

  18. laprofesora6:52 AM

    It makes me nuts when people tout her "political savvy". She has all the savvy of a wet sock. How many times has stuck her nose in where it didn't belong, only to have it backfire on her? Let me see...she had no reason to confront Kathleen Gustafson. No one knew of the WGE sign until Crazy butted in. She had nothing to gain from commenting on Dr. L, but there's that political "savvy" again. Many have said it before: she's her own worst enemy. And you know she was really sweating this latest tweet mess, when she had to recycle the old "don't retreat blah, blah, blah." $P/RAM were so worked up they couldn't even come up with something original.

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    For the umpteenth time, $arah only cares about the cash. Like a good whore, she's where she needs to be, when she needs to be seen.

    Notice how the only other whore we see is Neutered Newt, another scumbag how has no hope in 2012.

    Any other "serious" GOP candidate isn't saying a word about this.

    But, let me play devil's advocate too.

    Let's assume $arah is planning a run. Well she's been running since Jan. 2009 and we live in even a more socially connected world than we did in 2008.

    Sarah is going to run into this wall called media saturation...she already has, in fact.

    The Macarena was popular for a short while too until people got shithouse bored of that too.

    Palin is yesterday's news. And she knows it.

  20. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I hope the hell so.

    (Suffering from Palin Fatigue--badly, and isn't our health more important than her huge piehole spewing hate?)

  21. Anonymous6:58 AM

    What I find absolutely stupefying is how everything Sarah says must be explained later to clarify what she "really meant."

    Sarah Palin once read an Oscar Wilde quote and decided to live her life by it:

    "The only worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about."

    She doesn't care what people say, so long as they're talking about her.

  22. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Oh, you make me laugh with your painfully true snark, Gryphen, thanks!!

    Sarah Palin can not escape herself; in a way, she is already in "stupid prison".

    The GOP spared no expense to try and bring her "up to speed" during the election campaign. She had tutors around the clock for every subject; crazy amounts of money were spent on her makeup, hair, clothes and presentation. They FAILED, defeated by Palin herself.

    Her current support staff labors on, trying to succeed where the best in GOP America have failed.

  23. laprofesora6:59 AM

    O/T, but I was wondering if she also didn't have herself worked up over Steven's funeral...y'know if she hadn't aborted her term as GINO she would've been one of the big muckety-mucks in attendance. I wonder if she ever thinks, "dang nabbit, why'd I go and quit?" Nah, if anything she'd think, "why did that gosh-darned lamestream media make me quit?"

  24. emrysa7:02 AM

    I'd like to be a fly on the wall when sarah comes to the realization that she has been used. her handlers have known since before she became mccain's running mate that she is not presidential material. they have just been stringing her along to do their bidding, and they've certainly allowed her to dig her hole. "sarah doesn't make the decisions" thanks chuck.

    she thinks she's a queen, but she's really a pawn. if she wasn't so mean and nasty I might feel sorry for someone in that position. but she deserves the big fall she's got coming. she has offered nothing positive to this country, only negative garbage.

  25. Oh please, let her reload for another day! I would so much rather have her inevitable collapse occur under the scrutiny of the general election!

  26. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The teacher from Homer had it right; Palin can't even explain why she quit her job. Can you imagine what real politicians will do with that? Her track record shows that her endorsements do NOT help conservative candidates. Palin is a GOP liability & now, with her racism on full display, how can she be rehabbed? Her talking points are old ones & they are not working for the GOP, the Teabaggers, or (& this is key) for her. Her popularity has waned in the past year. A conservative corporate influence may back her but as a product investment, they are wasting their corporate dollars. A few will always buy what Dick Armey, Koch, & Murdoch are selling, but they are mainly old racist white folks & Christian extremists.

  27. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Is there any point in explaining to Sarah and Dr.Laura that the first amendment about freedom of speech does not shackle them in anyway. The part about press is that the government cannot control what is said in newspapers, or on radio or TV. The only regulations would be what the station determines to be in good taste.

    Sarah and Laura can say any nasty thing that they want. No one is shackling them, either. There is such a thing as good manners. As far as the law is concerned, to knowingly spread lies about someone when the truth of the matter is know, well, that can end up in court.

    So, Sarah and those who write for her should stop making things up. Sarah is quick to call out the so called lame stream media, and she should follow her own rules. Stop making things up, Sarah. And when she quotes Rahm Emanuel, look up the correct quote. He never called anyone retarded. He said that the plan of some conservative democrats to vote against Obama's health care plan was f.....retarded. It was the plan, not people. But then, Sarah twists quotes like that to create attention for herself. She did it to Letterman, too. Freedom of speech does not grant the right to spread lies.

  28. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Scary has said during the beginning of her speeches that "they" want her to shut up and sit down. Giving the impression that it's the current administration, however it's the republican strategists that told her to stay in AK, read up on foreign and domestic policy, finish out her governor role...

    Instead she decided that money is more important than character. I bet she wish she listened and just STFU.

  29. mocha7:14 AM

    Don't underestimate her and the people who think they might be able to pull the strings if she were to win the Presidency. She has the backing of the neo-cons, the nastiest of the nasty political power in this country. Plus, I think she's like Jason in Friday the 13th. You can stab her, drown her, burn her, bury her and think she's gone for good, and suddenly up she pops. People make a terrible mistake in underestimating her. She is dangerous and should not be dismissed as a flake who's coming apart.

  30. Anonymous7:22 AM

    This is exactly what I thought when I first heard these tweets. She can't recover from this one.

  31. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I'm not getting how this is any more egregious than a whole lot of other stuff she's done. People who like her don't care. People who don't like her already don't like her.
    THe Republican leadership already knows she's a loose canon and don't want her elected (although they are willing to use her, which is sort of like playing with fire, but that's their choice.)
    I have my doubts this changes much.

  32. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I am not a tweeter, but I think it would be hilarious to have the Daily Show or Colbert provide examples of tweets that Sarah could send out to various world leaders if she was President. The more coverage she gets from comedy shows, the less and less viable she is, and her words, tweets,interviews, and facebook rants are simply fodder for comedians.

  33. johnie2xs7:26 AM

    First off, I have to say I approve of the picture with this blog. It show very affectively the HAG aspect of the Palin persona. I hope more such pictures are used in the future.

    Now,as concerns Palin's
    viability going forward.

    This is no more than a piss hole in the snow, relative to her going forward. Do you really think her followers will be turned off?
    The fact that black Rethuglicans, who have about as much sway as a eunuch in an MMA match, are up in arms over the matter, means absolutely nothing.
    The Rethuglican faithful see nothing wrong with what she has said, and either by their silence, or if some do stand in her defense, the Party is on her side to the end. We can only hope that that end comes sooner rather than later.

  34. majii7:37 AM

    As an African American I have no sympathy for Faulkner or any of the other AAs who have aligned themselves with the Republican Party. They made a conscious decision to become water carriers for the party. You reap what you sow.

    That they didn't know that many members of the party display signs of racism, when necessary, to gain a political advantage is not a new tactic. I've watched them do the same thing to one group or another for over 50 years. Why these AAs would not think of the possibility that they could become political footballs in the republicans' quest to regain control of Congress, shows extreme naiveté.

    Had I been a member of the RP, I would have cut and run the minute I saw how they treated President Obama. They knew that some of the criticism was due to racism, but not one of them had the courage to stand up and say ENOUGH. They have only themselves to blame for their gullibility in believing that they were equal members in the party. I've always wondered why Senator Martinez resigned his seat in the Senate after the Sotomayor vote. I believe it was because Martinez finally figured out that although he could support the republicans by voting the way they instructed him to, they had a covert disdain for him as a person of Hispanic/Latino heritage. He never said this, but I think he had an epiphany about his colleagues in Congress when they smeared Ms. Sotomayor for no reason.

    Let Palin destroy the party. It should be destroyed because no one in a leadership position has the stones to tell her to sit down and STFU. The RP deserves all of the blow back it receives from Palin's move to support Dr. L. in her wrongdoing.

  35. Anonymous7:45 AM

    This was my favorite part of the Daily Beast article...

    Nationally syndicated conservative columnist Deroy Murdock took an even stronger line. “Sarah Palin's tweets resemble something scribbled by a ninth-grade cheerleader. Is it asking too much for a reputed American political leader to communicate in complete sentences? Palin's gravitas gap is growing into the Gravitas Canyon,” said the media fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University. “Even worse, she deploys her vacuity to defend an acerbic talk-show host who just detonated herself by tossing around the word 'nigger' on the air 11 times, as if it were a volleyball. The American right can do better than this. And it must."

    Those 15 minutes are ticking, Governut!

  36. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The sharks are circling as more and more Republicans 'refudiate' Sarah's lack of discipline and intelligence. She was a useful pawn for awhile, but she is a rogue pawn who is doing more harm than good. In fact, I would assume that Fox will actually start to dissect Sarah a bit more.

  37. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Her complete undoing will come at Beck's rally where there are CERTAIN to be placards with racist slogans.

    Bye, bitch!

  38. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sarah is a vampire. She'll always come back. Unfortunately, humans cannot eradicate such evil.

  39. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I have tried to ignore this thoughtless creature, but now she's gone too far. I grew up in North Carolina in the early '60's. At that time, if I was downtown and had to go to the bathroom, I had to make sure I went to the "Colored" bathroom, even at the County courthouse. One time my mother, aunt and I were waiting for a bus carry my sister to arrive. I was around 8 at the time and wanted something to eat. We went to a restaurant, opened the door to go in, when a waitress immediately ran to the door to tell us we had to go through the back entrance. My mom looked at her and said, "We don't have to come in at all", and we turned and walked away.

    I was a well-read 8-year old, living with a bunch of teachers, and also having ministers in the family. I knew at that age about what happened to Emmett Teal, yet I was never afraid to walk around the city, which was the southeastern headquarters of the KKK. When my mom said what she said to the waitress, it re-enforced my resolve to stand up for myself, and I never went into businesses that would not allow me to enter in the front door. Also, after watching "Roots" in the late "70's, I realized that the word "Nigger", was a made up word by the White oppressor, who wanted to make Black people less human in his own eyes to justify killing, maiming, raping and totally disrepecting my people.

    So I just wanted to say to Sarah Palin, you are the true "Nigger", because the connotation of the word stands for absolute stupidity. You see, the White man made up the word because he felt superior to these "stupid" people that he so easily "conquered" with guns and then put "shackles" on them to put them on ships for the great passage to the new world where we were never allowed to be "Immigrants".

    So please Gryphen, allow this post to be seen, as I deliberately call out SARAH PALIN AND HER HUSBAND AS BEING NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF TOTALLY IGNORANT "NIGGERS", "NIGGERS", AND "NIGGERS".

    Show Sarah a picture of Emmett Teal, since the "Bitch" doesn't read, let her see what shackles and reloading did to this teenager in 1955, simply because he was visiting the south from Chicago, and had the audacity to "whistle at a White woman. F**K YOU SARAH PALIN, AND YOUR PUNK-ASS HUSBAND, WHO HAS NO "CAJONES". Thanks Gryph for letting me vent about this simple sucker.

  40. Anonymous8:12 AM

    She just keeps talking and inserting foot in mouth...revealing herself as irrational. Fortunately her past words keeps tangling with her present ones, as in:

  41. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Anon 8:03am, you made me cry.

  42. Randall8:18 AM

    I know the Constitution would allow a LIBRARY to be built next to Sarah Palin's house

    ...but should it?

  43. Anonymous8:35 AM

    @Anon 8:03 a.m.= Your comments made my heart hurt and my eyes cry.

  44. dominicastar9:08 AM

    I posted something similar on huffington post last night; it seems me and this Republican agree on how offensive the use of ther words Shackles, and don't retreat.... reload is.

    Here is the relevant part of my post

    "How dare she try to defend the indefensible and try to pass it off like 'liberals' are twisting her words.

    Coward $arah you purposely use to words 'Shackle, don't Retreat; Reload' when defending a white person purposeful use of the word 'n____r' when they know that my people were enslaved with bond with Shackles; and we were sensely killed, especially during the Civil Rights movement; when the bigots realise that they were loosing the Civil rights battle, they didn't want to give up (translation not retreat) instead became more voilent (translation reload)!

    HOW DARE U Coward $arah!"

    I was really angry and really hurt; that woman is so insenstive or just all about politics she looses all sense of morality.

    I also made the same argument on her facebook note.

  45. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I posted something similar on huffington post last night; it seems me and this Republican agree on how offensive the use of ther words Shackles, and don't retreat.... reload is.

    Here is the relevant part of my post

    "How dare she try to defend the indefensible and try to pass it off like 'liberals' are twisting her words.

    Coward $arah you purposely use to words 'Shackle, don't Retreat; Reload' when defending a white person purposeful use of the word 'n____r' when they know that my people were enslaved with bond with Shackles; and we were sensely killed, especially during the Civil Rights movement; when the bigots realise that they were loosing the Civil rights battle, they didn't want to give up (translation not retreat) instead became more voilent (translation reload)!

    HOW DARE U Coward $arah!"

    I was really angry and really hurt; that woman is so insenstive or just all about politics she looses all sense of morality.

    I also made the same argument on her facebook note.

    Trying again as anonymous

  46. Anonymous9:19 AM

    How's this going to play out when she joins Bleck in D.C. on the anniversary of MLK's speech?

    Inquiring minds want to know...

  47. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Maybe she needs to go back to speaking at slaughter houses. In hindsight it seems so much more sane.

  48. Anonymous9:26 AM

    8:03 Thank you.

  49. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Swirling Turds" would be a great name for a rock band.

  50. Anonymous9:37 AM

    It's not hard to see this as a nothing issue that won't hurt Palin. The reason why it won't hurt Palin is because Dr. L was speaking truthfully when she said that lowlife blacks use the word themselves. We've all heard them do it. Palin's supporters will all accept it as being just that.

  51. nswfm9:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    She just keeps talking and inserting foot in mouth...revealing herself as irrational. Fortunately her past words keeps tangling with her present ones, as in:

    8:12 AM
    It's better to keep your mouth shut and to be thought you've gone "full retard" (as they say in the movie) than to open your mouth and to remove all doubt.

    I thought she was full of shit from her intro speech on 8/29/08, but it's taken some others a little longer to get it.

    I hope they come with the orange jumpsuit soon:

    "This inept governor Sarah Palin has a high approval from the un educated, sound bite crowd. Sure it's all fun and games to terrorizing and taxing private industry 400%, successfully becoming the highest taxing regime in the world. Chavez would be Proud Palin invited 1200 new friends to ride the government gravy train and help grow government. She has continued giving every special intrest group just what they want or more. Sarah has created an atmosphere of hate and discontent in the state of Alaska between the people and the legislators. She continues with baseless accusations and directs negative media towards the Alaska House and Senate Members. She just recently tried to oust the Chairman of the Republican Party of Alaska. Side Note: The Lt Governor announced he was running against the Senior Republican Congressman. This guy has provided no service in his present position. Sarah was voted in for being nothing more than a fresh face.

    The fact that she has NO experience and NO creditability was not considered in the debate. We are now reaping the consequences of electing someone quite incompetent to do this job. Note: Don't Blame Me- I Didn't Vote for Her.

    56. Posted by syrin | June 15, 2008 "


    "Hey Tom and Juan,
    I live in ALASKA, I have known Sarah Heath and Todd Palin all their lives. My beef about an incompetent woman named Sarah Palin. She is a fraud! She can't accomplish a simple task as a governor of a small state so she has created an atmoshpere of hate and pitting groups against each other. You people think she can be a VP, how with her looks? You have lost your FLIPPIN minds! Ignorance KILLS! She is not smart, conservative or prolife. She is not an upstanding parent or community member. I know who her oldest children were sent to live so to get them out of Sarah's way. I know who Sarah had an affair with also. I know that Sarah Palin is the most insecure individual that I have ever met! The national GOP and McCain has NO intention on placing Sarah Palin who is the symbol of ignorance over substance in a position such as VP.
    Listen to my radio program

    66. Posted by Syrin | June 28, 2008 3:31 PM "

    from this link:

  52. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Palin jumps into anything and everything that is ALREADY being talked about in order to piggyback on a hot topic. She is a shameless attention whore with nothing original, relevant, or organic to add to ANY conversation.

    She didn't jump to Dr Laura's defense because she is so close to the woman, or feels a bond with her. She did it only to piggy back on Dr Laura's meltdown. Dr Laura didn't approve of picking Palin to begin with.

    Moreover, Dr Laura would not approve of anything regarding Sarah Palin's lifestyle, except the birthing of babies 2-4.

    Not the marrying with child (of, allegedly, another man), not the Wild Ride, not the dump the special needs baby and go to work in 3 days, not the having the boyfriend sleepovers, not the drunken teen terrorizing Wasilla and destroying someone's home, not the cheating on the hubby, not the bilking of the taxpayers... NOTHING.

    I'd have LOVED to listen to Sarah call in to the Dr Laura show to describe her life and seek advice. Holy Mother of God. THAT would have been priceless.

  53. 8:03, you broke my heart, and made me so proud of how far this country has come. Thank you for teaching me. For teaching all of us, really.

    I have long believed, and said countless times, that Mrs. Palin is one of the most dangerous women to have ever lived. She is ignorant, but that does not stop her from inflaming those who walk the same path. Her vitriol is deadly. I will never stop talking about her, doing my best to see she is brought down. Someone is going to act on her horrible rhetoric one day, and there will be a tragedy of monumental proportion.

  54. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Yes, Sarah has just flushed her career down the gutter simply because she can't control her rage, vindictiveness. Her passions will be her undoing.

    She can't blame anyone but herself. Imagine the day she realizes that she had it "all" - a close chance at a presidential nomination, and SHE is the one who sabotaged herself.

  55. Since she is focused on outer beauty, I must say she looks as is she is melting. All that hate is just eating at her.

  56. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Great to hear your powerful voice, anon at 8:03. (Emmett's last name is spelled Till.) I read your post aloud to my partner. You speak for me.

  57. newmom10:24 AM

    Personally, I'm beginning to realize we were being too hard on Candidate Bush. By comparison, he really wasn't that bad of a choice for the GOP. They've actually gone downhill since then--something we never could have believed was possible back in 2000.

  58. Anonymous10:28 AM

    8:03 - Thank you for that.

  59. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I hope this is the beginning of the end of her "reign of terror"! The sooner the better. The media has given her enough, she's hanging herself!

  60. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anon@8:03, powerful, and you have made me cry as well.

  61. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Palin In February: We'd Be 'Appalled' If Public Figure Used "N-Word"

    today her on her facebook tirade she says . . ."she should have a right to call people "n*****" even though she's white. "

    That would be the same white right Palin's father told the press Sarah had to leave Hawaii

    .... because "there were too many minorities in Hawaii" repulsing her petite and winsome mind.

    Her force of gag reflex is strong. (poor Mistah Palin)

  62. Check out Syrin's blog. She's posted a letter that Andree McLeod sent to the Alaska legislature (Speaker of the House & Senate President). She's calling on them to have a special prosecutor investigate the Palin-Parnell administration. One of the reasons: attorney Tim Petumenos, as vice president of the law firm Birch, Horton, Bittner & Cherot, contracts with the state for bond counsel and civil work.

    Whoo boy; I never knew he had a conflict of interest when he did the Troopergate investigation. And I'm too lazy to look it up (sorry), but I think he ruled on Arctic Catgate, too.

    18 items of interest. She finished up with Dairygate.

    Let's see if the Alaska legislature has finally grown a spine.

  63. I hope Sarah is pleased that she's getting the attention she deserves. She certainly managed to change the news focus away from Sen. Stevens funeral and onto herself.

    What can be said of someone whose heart and mind could compose such hideously offensive tweets immediately following Ted Stevens' funeral?

  64. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I believe it would be very appropriate for people to protest her support of the N word rant during Beck's Lalapalooza Rally. Get those signs painted.

  65. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I think she's gone rogue once again. Her handlers created this whole Mama Grizzly thing. Sarah took it and ran with it, out of the stadium and into the port-a-potty.

    There was absolutely no reason for Sarah to come to the defense of "Dr" Laura and not just because what she said was wrong. It was completely out of left field (to strain the sports metaphor).

    As we've seen, Sarah has a real hard time controlling her behavior and her mouth when faced with opposition and criticism.

  66. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Bob Franken from the Huffingtonpost explaining to Palin what the 1st amendment actually means. " In a tweetshell it guarantees the rights 2worship, 2speak freely, 2report the news, 2peaceably assemble and petition."

  67. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Now palin quit governor because people were trying to shut her up and take away her 1st amendment rights, per politico. Not because she could do more for Alaska if she wasn't governor. And she had to bring up Retard again. I can see why that would offend her since she is a f*cking retard.

  68. junasie1412:54 PM

    Anon @8:03 – Thank you for sharing your story with us. It was very moving and helps us remember that this was real life in America, not so long ago.

    I grew up in Chicago and am about your age. While it was a totally segregated city (north side, south side) and racism was alive and well, at least it was not codified into law like it was in the South. I remember hearing about colored drinking fountains and bathrooms from our black cleaning lady (classic stereotype, huh?) and I couldn’t make any sense of it at all. I remember asking her once why colored people needed special bathrooms and how were they different from the bathrooms in our house? She laughed really hard and just said there was no difference at all, but that people in charge down there wanted to keep Negroes apart from other people. In the infinite wisdom of a six year old, I suggested that they could just do it like we do in Chicago, where people lived in different neighborhoods and only got together when they went downtown or took the subway (the places where I saw “Negroes”). I knew this worked because everyone used the same bathrooms and drinking fountains at Marshall Field’s (major department store at the same). It must have pained her to hear a child’s blissful ignorance, but she never let on.

    While I understand your sentiment, I would not use the N word for Sarah Palin because I would rather leave that in the past where it can serve as a reminder of an ugly era that must never be relived. However, there is no doubt in my mind that Miss Sarah would have no qualms about using it herself against any inferior 'other' who doesn't meet her standards of being a real American. In her limited mind, the only thing separating the ugly past from the present is political correctness.

    She has a lot to learn about real Americans, then and now, but of course that will never happen. The only thing shackling that twit is her own ignorance, and pride in it.

  69. "She’s sounding like she just likes to hear her own voice—and the voice that she has is no longer credible."

    "And at that moment that person is no longer fit to lead."

    As if Ms. Palin was EVER credible or fit to lead.

  70. Anonymous1:50 PM

    This is OT, but I'm hoping one of you will remember this interview... Very soon after S. Palin was named as McCain's VP, there was an interview of a group of women who identified themselves as S. Palin's friends in Wasilla. The interviewer was male, I'm pretty sure it was on mainstream media TV news, not FOX. The interviewees were 4-5 women roughly S. Palin's age, in Wasilla. I have this sharp memory of watching the expressions of a couple of the women turning to nervousness and fear as the interview went on and they tried so hard to say how 100% wonderful S. Palin was and what a great VP she would be.

    Does anyone else remember this interview? I'm not finding it with the Googles.

  71. Sarah's base isn't the black conservatives. Its white racists. They see nothing wrong with what Dr. Laura said, in fact they probably applaud it. Sarah's jumping to Dr. Laura's defense just endears her further to her base. I doubt this will bury her. What would bury her would be the press refusing to cover all her ridiculous proclamations. She would be forgotten in a flash.

  72. angela2:11 PM

    ANON 1:50

    Good Morning America aired the clip--but it's been removed from HP (they had a small article) and other sites supposedly because of terms of use. You can't get it on youtube or anywhere else that I've found. Maybe on the ABC website?

    I remember the clip. They were NOT excited about voting for their workout friend, Sarah.

  73. Anon 8:03 and 9:08

    I wrote my piece before I read all the comments. Thank you for reminding us all what Sarah's words really meant. You made it come alive for me. And thanks Gryphen for publishing those comments. That took guts.

  74. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Amon 1:50, there's a brief write up HuffPo on that 2008 women friends of Sarah interview:

    but the video has been removed.

  75. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Anon 1:50, I found the video you're looking for at

  76. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Just asked on Twitter (and have this tweet under the RAM/SP from yesterday (also too):


    So, which of you 2 is Tweetle-dumb and which is Tweetle-dumber? Inquiring minds want to know. @ramansour @sarahpalinusa

  77. Anonymous2:43 PM

    While I know a few here have speculated that Sarah is on drugs, I have always wondered if Sarah isn't using diet pills to keep thin. She doesn't make sense on a regular schedule these days.

  78. Anonymous3:14 PM

    You know - when Palin dies - her send off will in no way compare to that of Senator Stevens. She is going to leave nothing to the State of Alaska because of her lack of commitment, constant negative rhetoric, proven lies, unethical behavor (determined by the Alaska Legislature), lack of knowledge and being a proven racist to our President and to our first people of Alaska.

  79. Anonymous4:09 PM

    There was a letter to the editor in the Anchorage 'only' newspaper (ADN) today from a Burt Bomhoff who supported our idiot Palin (he was upset because so many were anti her in the press). Everyone needs to know that he is of the older generation and stated nothing about what her abilities might be, or have been, here in Alaska. I remember him in Juneau years ago - he is now an aged white guy who is obviously carrying what McCain did for her.....(I'll let you decide what I mean).

  80. Anonymous4:18 PM

    OT: Anyone here planning to attend the (despicablely timed) Beck and Palin rally? I am considering a road trip lol to exercise my first ammendment rights!

  81. @Anon 1:50 PM:

    Palin's "friends" are called the Elite Six. Just google Palin and Elite Six.

    One video, on ABC, is at

    I didn't watch this video again, but if it's the one I saw before, most (four?) of Palin's "friends" wouldn't say if they were supporting her for VP.

    One of the Six is Juanita Fuller who was with Palin for part of her book tour where, among other essential duties, Fuller fluffed Palin's hair. I mean her wig. This is all on video and falls under the "you can't make this stuff up" category.

  82. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Oh I think the ruff and tuff Saint Sarah will be gathering her props around her to use as her invisible fence when she makes her next outdoor public appearance. Piper will be pulled from school.. Trig, her rent-a-baby will be dusted off... Willow would have expanded her vocabulary by then.. Bristol will have a few more little ones... crowds just love those little ones... Track won't show, but his military spirit will be there (flag pins.. lots of flag pins)... Toad and his 7 dwarfs will be on bully patrol circling people with signs.... oh and Chuckie will be belly bumping those that get too close. Yep, the Palin Circus will be coming to town.

  83. Anonymous4:58 PM

    That photo of her is horrible. She is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.

  84. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I absolutely remember that interview with those Wasilla housewives. I remember thinking how odd that they were so unenthusiastic. But, it was fear, as the poster pointed out.

  85. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It appears from an article in the
    Uk Daily Mail, that Sarah & Laura
    a buddies now, & L. thinks S. is
    wonderful. They talked by phone yesterday. Is'n 'at sweet! I think
    Palin is getting desperate now, as the
    6-figure speaking gigs are thinning
    & she & the dud are probably living beyond their means. Which means
    she will be injecting herself into
    even more 'none-of-her-business'
    issues to keep herself in the news.

    Sharon TN

  86. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Maybe Sarah and Laura will start touring together. I've forgotten the name for the events Sarah did with Glenn Beck.Maybe we could come up with names for a Laura and Sarah tour ? Pride and Prejudice ( with apologies to Jane Austen)

  87. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sharon @5:18, it appears both Dr L and Palin are desperately clawing at relevance.

  88. Anonymous7:28 PM

    anon@12:32, so you mean she didn't quit because the state of ak was going broke defending the frivolous lawsuits... no, wait, because she was going to better progress alaska without a title... no, no, no, that wasn't it... she was quitting because of the lamestream media. yeah, that was it... it wasn't? oh, it was the STFU folks that drove her to it? ok, i think i've got it now. maybe i should write that down.... on my hand.

  89. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Dr. Laura has expressed negative opinions about the Palins in the past. Apr 9, 2009 she blogged about being "sickened" about Levi/Bristol "breaching basic moral good sense and having sex. . . "
    She also says, "During the election, Mrs. Palin paraded her pregnant daughter and the sperm donor around to display family values, saying they were "engaged." That, too, was a disgusting display, especially with John McCain embracing this shameful young man on international television."Normalizing" children born without the protective womb of family is an assault on the well-being of children everywhere, and a bad influence on young men and women who too often follow that old adage: "Monkey see, monkey do."Children should be our first concern and responsibility - not our incidental playthings."

  90. Virginia Voter5:05 AM

    Anon 4:18...I am going to the Beck/Palin Hateapalooza, with some clever N-word signs. I live in Northern VA, very close to DC, so it will be fun, please come.

    You know we can exercise our First Amendment rights with all the baggers! I protested Sarah's book signing last winter in Fairfax, VA, and I will be there again, even if it's just me and my kids.

  91. Watched the 'housewives friends of Sarah' video last night, it's not available now [8 a.m. CST]. The 'friends' did appear to be quite intimidated by the interviewer, but really they didn't seem much like actual friends.

    There should have been at least one who resembled their [in]famous peer in some way but there wasn't. They didn't seem all that comfortable with each other either.


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