Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Current mayor of Wasilla has some advice for Levi Johnston as he contemplates campaigning for his job.

From Political Wire:

Upon hearing news that Levi Johnston wanted his job, Wasilla, Alaska Mayor Verne Rupright tells Entertainment Tonight, "Well, it is a little early to declare. Usually most wait until the year the seat is up."

He adds: "But since I am nearly old enough to be Levi's grandfather I think it would be wise for him to get a high school diploma and keep his clothes on. The voters like that!"

You know I think that seems like reasonable advice to me.

Oh and I hope that Levi is not hoping for an endorsement from Sandra Bullock to help him with his political aspirations. She seems less than impressed with our most famous baby daddy.


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    You were so right, Gryphen. Levi needs a new team. He is simply proving his immaturity and ignorance by sticking with these con artists.

    But then, maybe he is proving he should be part of the Palin clan - arrogant, self-absorbed and willfully ignorant.

    Either that or Tank has done one heck of a head job on him. But then, isn't that what pimps are good at - conning people into trusting them so they can use them.

    Levi needs to get back with his family to clear his head. Surely they could talk sense into him.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I used to side with Levi against the Palins. I still believe he has the dish on the Palins and that everything he has said about them in the past is the truth.

    However, he has sold his soul to the devil (the Palins) and, as a result, has lost all credibility. Regardless of how hard he tries to crawl out of the gutter now, he will never be able to come back up.

    He is a LOSER in ever sense of the word. It's just very sad now.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I bet that Levi imbibes a bit less than our current mayor.

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I was reading another blog that said that Levi didn't qualify because he doesn't live in Wasilla. When did he move away (or was this guy misguided)?

  5. honestyinGov8:08 PM

    Gryphen... this is totally OT for this story, But I can't post it anywhere else because NONE of the AK blogs are writing about it. I figured at least you would be covering it since Sarah's PalinBot Hit squads did the SAME THING to you last year attacking you. Today they were organized and going after Kathleen Gustafson.Calling her employer... spreading lies and such to discredit her and defend the THUG family. They started last night on the Newsweek thread ( I was there and saw it firsthand )and as per that Politicususa post today they are hard at work.
    Yes... The Ted Stevens headline story moved to the top... but What about that OTHER Alaskan... she is one of your own. No statements from a Union or teachers organization backing her. I even emailed Shannyn TWICE ( at the start of the show... 1 1/2 hour later as well )during her show simply asking if ANY of those Orgs. or Unions made a statement of support..? No response at all as a reply, just to the questions I don't get it... Kathleen if from her own Hometown as well. Will ANYBODY up there come to her defense....or will she have to just fend for herself. Sarah and her crazy PalinBots are loving this.... the ' no comment ' from AK blogs. WHO is supporting her??
    I'm disappointed.

    PS. I left a comment on the Mudflats as to this situation. I saw NO response there either.

  6. Honesty in Gov: I'm pretty certain that if Ms Gustafson's bosses saw the video and how she conducted herself they would be in agreement with her. I bet you, this being Homer, that the bosses are laughing their butts off at the Palinbots faux rage.

    I understand that you are concerned, but I have a feeling this will end up find for Ms. Gustafson.

    The Bots are merely venting, much as we do on "our side" sometimes. Any thinking person can watch the video and see no harm done.

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I really feel bad for the kid. He's young, dumb and he has a lot to learn. Also, he's being manipulated by not only the Palin family, but the two pimps. I knew there was something fishy about Butler and Tank. I became suspicious of them during the custody case. When the judge ordered Levi to pay 1,500+ in monthly child support payments, I said to myself, how could his lawyer allow that to happen without a fight?

    Levi reminds me of my 20 year old son, who is sometimes hard headed. The advise that I give him, goes in one ear and comes out the other. Unfortunately, some kids have to learn the hard way.

    Levis should have listen to Donald Trump's advice when he told him to go back to school. The Trump liked Levi and may have had opportunities for him.

    Levi drop the pimps, go back to school and take care of your son, if you want to be taken seriously.

  8. o/t

    Palin aids Ehrlich — by endorsing his opponent

    Former VP candidate is proving more a curse than a blessing for the GOP

    August 09, 2010|By Thomas F. Schaller

    "[...]for now, the best response to Mrs. Palin for most Republicans is to run away from her."

    read more here:

  9. Jennifer8:46 PM

    When is Mercede going to write another blog post? I'd love to hear her take on the newest Levi developments.

    And I agree with honestyinGov who says there should be a concerted effort by smart Alaskan blogs to offer support for Kathleen Gustafson. She's being dragged through the mud and for nothing except expressing her opinion. She should be supported. Strongly.

  10. Levi WILL qualify IF he establishes residency in Wasilla for one full year before Oct. 2011 - so get crackin; Levi.
    I also noticed on a recent video that Levi talked about being on the City Council first - that is a NO GO - registration to run for City Council is closed and Levi's name is not registered.
    Go straight to Mayor, do not pass go.
    Rev up the young people to get out and VOTE.
    Levi as Mayor of scarah's own town- gotta love it.

  11. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Levi does not need a new "team." As a matter of fact, the very notion that he or anyone else of his ilk somehow deserves a squad of caregivers to spoon-feed him is patently absurd.

    What he-and the rest of the Palin clan-needs to do is disappear. Period.

  12. It seemed to work for Sarah Palin to uphold that formal education or even being educated in your job field is an elitist thing to do.

    Isn't the alleged pitch for Levi's reality show a form of impersonating Palin except he does not have more children (that we know about). Levi and Palin don't belive education is necessary, they can share running for mayor as a parent and sports lovin' rill Amerikuns and one can pursue big celebrity bucks, do reality shows that are staged, fake and phoney and pursue political ambitions.

    This is a sick group of people the lowest of low making a mockery of things for profit.

  13. Anonymous9:43 PM

    honestyinGov: you raise a good, valid point. I wish I could give you a answer to why more people are not paying more attention to the point you raise but I can't.

  14. Anonymous10:04 PM

    If $cara endorses his opponent there might be a chance.
    Is the Bristle tossing her diaper into the ring for the next govnur's race?
    Coming up: Alaska changing its motto-----"North to the failures".

  15. Anonymous10:38 PM

    There was a time when I felt sorry for Levi. But I have come to the realization that he is nothing more than the male version of Sarah Palin.

  16. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Hilarious - Variety has an interview with Levi Johnston about the reality show he is pitching.


    Here is my favorite part of the interview:

    VARIETY: Do you have any ideas on what can make Wasilla a better place?
    JOHNSTON: That’s for the show.

    You got to give Levi this - he's figured out the grifter game just like almost Mommy-In-Law Sarah.

    Oh, and one Canaan Rubin is the one shopping Levi's reality show. Here is the great man's website - http://www.canaanrubin.com/ He used to work for Entertainment Tonight and created a show for MTV called "Duets" where rubes off the street compete to record a song with their favorite artist.

  17. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Another interesting article about Levi hanging out in West Hollywood with the wanna be producer of his reality show Canaan Rubin.


  18. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I don't think he needs a NEW TEAM. I think he needs the public, press etc. to go away and let him get on with his life.

  19. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I STRONGLY AGREE with Honesty in gov about support being needed for Kathleen G. For one thing, to make sure no harm is done to her.

    ALSO IMPORTANT for others to feel safe, voicing opposition to Palin. Will anyone be so brave again??? If they are only smacked down on the web?

    It is ESSENTIAL for there to be some public display of support for Kathleen, or we can all give up now, hoping others will criticize.

    Sorry for another OT comment, but feel this is important. The Homer video also shows Sarah in a bad light, so we do not want this undermined with false info.

  20. honestyinGov11:43 PM

    Gryphen... here is a tip that DOES relate to your story. Jimmy Kimmel in the monologue mentioned in his jokes that Levi was running for Mayor of Wasilla. He then told some other one liners as well related to Levi. You will be able to find it online. *** But... he announced that Levi Johnston will be ON THE SHOW on Thursday as a guest.
    What will He be talking about.... ?

  21. Eunice11:44 PM

    I don't know why Levi should get all that education. I don't want no fancy highfalutin edumacated jackass who has to consult a freakin' encyclopedia to know if it's raining outside. He's a common sense regular guy who likes to party, hunt, bang hot chicks, and he's got good hair. What else does a candidate need?

    If a hockey mom can be president, then why not a baby-daddy for Mayor? If stupidity and ignorance are an asset, then Levi is our man.

    GO LEVI GO!!!

  22. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Get a real friggin J-O-B between Levi and $arah Paylin I'm ashamed of these lazy turds.

  23. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Anderson Cooper does not think the reality show or the run for mayor will ever happen... me neither.

    Levi needs to read up on how long Kato Kaolin's "fame career" lasted.

    Levi.. hope you have a sex tape to sell... it may be your biggest chance for money.

  24. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Gryphen, this is OT, but do you have any idea where Trig is, or who is taking care of him? Ever since the ruffled-ear baby story, I haven't seen any pics of him. He used to be with Sarah all the time, but not anymore. It's like he's vanished off the face of the earth.

    I understand WHY Sarah is hiding him - people were getting too close to the truth that Sarah didn't give birth to either the ruffled-ear baby or the baby presented as Trig since the RNC convention.

    Gryphen, please keep working to expose Sarah's lies about those poor babies.

  25. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Anonymous @9:10: Couldn't agree with you more.

  26. Anonymous3:49 AM

    This dumbass needs to get an education and a "rill" job, up there in Alaska. His 15 minutes of fame are up. That goes for his ex-ex-girlfirend & company, also, too. Go away!

  27. Beldar Kohnhed4:08 AM

    Here's my unsolicited advice for Levi: 1) find creative and convincing ways to persuade the voters that this disrespectful publicity stunt is not a disrespectful publicity stunt. 2) Try to parlay this cynical 'local dropout, no-talent, F-list celebrity runs for political office' gimmick into a long-lived profitable franchise characterized by doomed & comical vocational over-reach: Each episode could follow him aspire to and fail to become, for example, a Space Shuttle Captain, Wizard of Wall Street, Nuclear Submarine Commander, Warrior Poet, Fireman, Cowboy etc. Like a single-dad version of MTV's Made, only sad and not interesting. Ok, exactly like MTV's Made. The world will be a better place when no one even remembers any of the characters foisted on us by John McCain's cynical selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate.

  28. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Truck-driving man, Scott Brown (R-MA) took off his clothes and did just fine- and he belongs to the God, Family, Righteousness & Abstinence party.

  29. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Anonymous 8:37 PM who said, "When the judge ordered Levi to pay 1,500+ in monthly child support payments, I said to myself, how could his lawyer allow that to happen without a fight?"

    The judge's decision was perfectly right. Child support is based on the amount that a parent earns in a year. Each state has a standard percentage. It's not open for much interpretation by the judge. Levi had a very good year with his Playboy shoot, etc. So, he owes big bucks each month.

    However, if his income changes and he makes less, then he and his lawyer just ask the court to lower the amount he owes.

  30. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I think Levi is getting into politics because he has seen first hand that someone with no education can be successful. All it takes (from what he experienced when he was staying with Bristol in the Palin home) is charm and fast talking. Adding to that the fact that his handlers are encouraging him to do the reality show and he thinks he's got himself set for life.


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