Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keith Olbermann, host of Countdown and apparent member in good standing of the "professional left", has a Special Comment for the Obama Administration.

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  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Keith was bang on.

    This administration doesn't compromise, they cave.

  2. newmom6:33 AM

    i'm an obama supporter, and i tend, to empathize with him because i understand the incredibly powerful machine he faces daily.....

    nevertheless, i can't help but be in full agreement with KO.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The extreme reactions of the left--the "professional" left, the loudest and most strident voices on dailykos--to me are as childish as the attention-seeking antics of Sarah Palin. Both Sarah and the left scream louder and louder and deride the President and his accomplishments whenever they can, trying to goad him into paying attention to them.

    On dailykos today, the general reaction to Gibbs and then Olbermann's comment is a hysterical fit. But what exactly does ranting accomplish for the left? How could any elected official take that seriously? And if I were a Democrat running for office, I would be leery of courting the screeching so-called "progressive" wing... for fear they would turn on me just like they turned on Obama. Is the left more angry that their agenda is not being met (in their view--not mine) or just their tantrums are being ignored?

    Obama's leadership style is focused, persistent, and mature. Maybe the progressive wing should take a cue and change their style. I know I am much more receptive to listening to criticism or an opposing view when my opponent approaches me in a respectful way. I am so grateful to have an adult in charge who gets things done, rather than a petulant, foot-stomping blowhard.

    Anne G, Colorado
    (P.S. I really enjoy your blog, Gryphen...even tho the Palin clan's behavior is pretty cheesy. But exposing the truth about Sarah Palin is very important.)

  4. Aussie Blue Sky7:21 AM

    There's no amount of money that would make me want to be a part of the DC rathouse, so I resolved some months ago that I would keep my mouth shut.

    Democratic voters ought to be fighting tooth and nail for their candidates in these critical elections - and they're not. Hasn't the last year and a half been hard enough on them?

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The "Professional Left" is just as bad as the "Radical Right". Both sides need to get their heads out of their asses before they totally ruin this country. They're both wrong for America!

  6. I agreed with Gibbs. And I think there are more deserving things for a special comment than the left-wing media's hurt feelings.

    I wish that less emphasis had been placed on the "professional left" by the media yesterday and more on Gibss' point that a lot of people on the left are wanting rainbows and unicorns and are ungrateful for what we have accomplished in a very short amount of time.

    Obama and this Congress have accomplished more than any President in generations, but you would never know that if you only listened to some people on the left.

    THAT was Gibbs' point but KO and others decided to make themselves the focus of the story. And that is something I find to be unprofessional and petty.

    My two cents.


  7. Anonymous9:49 AM

    omg zings palin again.

  8. DetroitSam11:11 AM

    "The Professional Left" deserves every bit of Robert Gibbs' smack down when he said:

    "I hear these people saying he's like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested," Gibbs said. "I mean, it's crazy."

    Gibbs WAS NOT talking about the average evey day liberal. AND WE ALL KNOW THIS. But there has been a constant bellyaching and whinning for the past few months from people who can't get over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the nomination.

    I don't recall anyone, anywhere saying that President Obama can't be criticized. But look at who is doing the criticizing, more aptly described as trashing.

    These so-called progressives or "professional left" are undermining President Obama and using republican talking points to do it. They are suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome and use every opportunity they can and then some to trash him.

    There is hatred among the professional left that started during the run up to the election when Hillary Clinton and now President Obama Barack were batteling it out. They just about lost their minds when President Obama won the nomination. They are hanging onto this hatred and are still fighting Hillary's lost election and those who have a platform like Huffington, Hamsher, Greenwald and others use their platforms to trash the President.

    They are not interested in "steering" the President in the right direction. This not what they are after. Their goal is to help bring down President Obama to "prove" that Hillary Clinton or Dennis Kucinich should have been president. Just like the republicans and many in what passes for the media (not just Fox) they are ticked off that President Obama has accomplished something.

    Do you ever hear these people talking about how the republicans have been obstructing the Democrats and the President since BEFORE he took office?

    Now why is that?

    I for one are sick of them bellyaching and whinning. Don't vote for the man if you don't want to. This is still America.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I like KO, but sometimes he (and the "professional left") act as melodramatic as my young pubescent teenager in a hormonal spike.

    Many of the liberal blogs have pounded PO relentlessly for months, day in and day out. Yet, when Gibbs makes a few pointed criticisms of his own, howls of outrage erupt from liberals. Just silly hypocrisy.

    One of the biggest enemies for true progress forward is the excess of emotionalism in politics and political debate. The right-wing is gorging on anger, and the left-wing is whining with self-righteous discontent.

    I'm a liberal who thinks that the current administration has made a lot of progress. I'm saving my outrage for the truly destructive forces in our country --- the GOP and its brainwashed followers who vote against their own (and our) interests almost every time.

    Gibbs is entitled to his own opinions. This episode is just a tempest in a tea cup nonsense which diverts the subject from the larger problems.

  10. I didn't know that the bots threatened Gryhen's job?! Did anyone ever show up if you don't mind me asking? What a bunch of nutjobs. I read that over at in the comments.

    Sarah says nothing? Hm good Christian morals let her bots do her dirty work.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:57 PM

    jhw22 @ 8:21am--

    X2. I love KO, but I think he's a bit off base, though I understand his feeling slighted. Yes, there are some of Obama's policies that I don't agree with, and wish he'd come down like a hammer on the Party of No, but we all don't know what he could possibly be up against in DC (do you put anything past the Rethugs?) He's accomplished more than any President in eons, and we HAVE to be patient. An "I'm taking my ball and going home" attitude will set us back in November--and then what'll get done? You'll have the Rethugs back, recharged and with a vengence that'll be horrifying. Bill Press was going on and on about this issue on his show this morning, and a good number of the calls he recieved were Dems (or supposed Dems) saying they were so disillusioned that they would rather STAY HOME than vote in November. Bill was quick to walk it back a bit and admit that we can't sit home and go back to Repub rule. Smart, that!

    As a side note, how much of this Democratic voter "oy, I'm gonna curl up and die, so you should, too" propaganda is promoted by the "librul" (read right-wing) media?


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