Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you like YOUR hate speech accompanied by some foot stomping honky tonk music? Well then YOU are in luck!

That is an absolute abomination.  And you just KNOW it will be showing up on conservative websites all across the blogoshere.

Jesus, did you hear the sound of a shotgun being cocked about halfway through?

H/T to Wonkette.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Ugh, I will not even be watching that, I am trying to get over the Yahoo News comments about a portrait of Michelle Obama, just awful. I don't know if the trolls have figured out they're unmoderated over there or what, awful racist stuff. Someone said look how Sarah Palin was on the cover of Vogue (and the First Lady was on another magazine, not going to dignify it) - um, did they mean the *photoshopped* Palin Vogue cover that is on the internet? Maybe they made that YouTube video too.

  2. WakeUpAmerica5:27 PM

    yes, you can hear the shotgun being cocked at 2:15. This is so sick and disgusting. The symbol of our flag has been hijacked by these extremists and used so much to promote violence and bigotry that I now have a feeling of revulsion when I see it. These people are not patriots and do not exemplify American principals. These people do not speak for me.

  3. Lynne5:28 PM

    The hatred being stirred up is horrifying, and where it is leading is frightening. I get knots in my stomach just thinking about it.

  4. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Thanks, Senator McCain for introducing a figurehead for all the creeps, cooks, and mentally ill to rally round.

    Sarah Palin had better get her ass out in front of this, denouncing it because if something goes wrong, she goes down, hard.

    I am so tired of Rove, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Palin amongst others stirring the cauldron of hate.

    They all must call for an end to this sickness - NOW!

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Very sad and very scary.

  6. I won't watch this rubbish. However - I'd like to point out that even this disgusting drivel is protected by the First Amendment. So this sick video actually illustrates the point: I may not like what you are saying and I may even be offended but you have the right to say what you are saying. However - I and other sane Americans also have the right to call this video what it is - a disgusting display of hate and intolerance.

  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    This is sickening. It's not going to end well.

    Sarah Palin is going to have blood on her hands. This woman deserves to burn in her hell for all eternity.

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    That will most likely be played round the clock at the Rally from Hell tomorrow.

  9. It kinda looks like political party's don't count anymore in the view of America today. One is either a corporatist,fascist,bigot.Or you are not a part of reel amurica. The line is being drawn in the sand and the main stream media will not point this out.It will get worse before it gets better.

  10. Wow.

    Just wow.

    I've been saying that a lot lately.

    At least they're honest that they hate an entire religion and are willing to hold every member, no matter their sect, responsible.

    I wonder how many of those Muslims in the US moved here because they wanted to practice their religion in a country without so many religious extremists...

    (And I wonder what these asshats have to say to the families of the Muslim Americans who dies in the twin towers and as first responders...)

  11. Chenagrrl2:10 AM

    Hope the, uh, artists paid for the use of those pictures! There are some that batch they are using which specify limited Web use. This is not a news story.

    But on the flag: I believe it should be a flexible symbol to be used by all members of our society to express opinion. I am a child of the 70s and remember its use then. Making it a sacred symbol is a slippery slope.

  12. GrainneKathleen3:26 AM

    it makes me sick to hear folks of the tea party and gop variety in the same breath saying that ground zero is hallowed ground, and that the northeast part of the usa is elitist and socialist. since when have they cared about nyc and the northeast except to demonize it as a place against their family values? (by the way, these are the same folks you see in nyc walking with their heads up and mouths agape, and lined up to see "cats"; the real nyc eludes them.) this is a local issue they have no business butting their heads into. nyc is a world city - you see people there from everywhere and of every persuasion. yes, it is american, and on american soil, but it really is of and belongs to the world.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:36 AM

    Unfortunately "divide and conquer" is all the Reich Wing has got. So set fightin' words and disturbing 9/11 images to a toe tappin' tune, try to make the viewer feel unpatriotic if they don't agree 100% and you have a recipe for impending disaster. What happened to this highly intelligent, cutting-edge, tolerant country? Oh yeah...

    Did I say it before? Vote these hateful, divisive morons OUT in November!!!

  14. Anonymous4:03 AM

    And yet these same people could apparently care less that the Repugs blocked a bill to provide aid to the first responders suffering health problems etc... from 9-11. Why aren't they out protesting lack of care for the first responders?

  15. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I wonder what all those dead innocent Iraqiis have to say about this.

  16. majii7:49 AM

    If we want to send these folks a message, we need to vote and get everyone we know to show up at the polls in November. I'm going to begin canvassing in my area next month, and I'm going to pass out flyers letting people know that we can expect more of this if the republicans have a majority after November.

    I'm also starting a LTE campaign to combat some of the nonsense that these people are spreading. The first issue I plan to address is the cognitive dissonance between the way these folks are saying President Obama is a Muslim now when less than 2 years ago, they were attacking him about Reverend Wright. I've collected quite a bit of information on this subject, and I'm ready to unleash it on the knuckle-draggers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.