Sunday, August 22, 2010

On Tuesday Sarah Palin's pick to challenge Senator Lisa Murkowski for the Republican nomination will lose. Will that finally destroy the fantasy of Sarah Palin as a poltical kingmaker?

In just a few days, August 24th, Alaska is going to hold its primary election.

One of the many upcoming losers in that race will be Teabagger candidate, and Palin "Papa Grizzly" pick, Joe Miller, who has just about as much chance of beating Murkowski as Palin had of being asked to speak at Senator Ted Stevens recent funeral.  In other words, NONE!

Now recently many news organizations, including the Associated Press, have pointed out that Sarah Palin's political endorsements have not exactly "run the table". In fact she has managed to either piss off the Teabagger's or the established Republican movers and shakers with virtually every single pick.  It seems that the only group that has been consistently pleased with Palin's interference in local state elections has been the Democrats. (In fact I think they might be purchasing a plaque in her honor.)

But hey, you know all of that can be spun by competent handlers (not that Plain has competent handlers) to minimize the impact of the losers and pump up the importance of the winners and still keep a shine on the turd that is a Sarah Palin endorsement.

However that tactic will simply NOT work in Palin's own back yard.

ON Tuesday when Joe Miller hits the wall of Alaskan political pragmatism, still desperately clutching his Todd and Sarah Palin endorsement in his fist, he will become a symbol of Sister Sarah's crumbling political influence in this country. And Sarah Palin KNOWS it!

That is why she had RAM take to Facebook and plead for more money to help Miller's struggling campaign.:

Joe’s campaign needs to raise about $30,000 for a crucial final media buy. We can do it if we all pull together. Please go to Joe’s website at and donate to his campaign. Let’s raise $1,000 for each of the 30 years this senate seat has been locked in by the Murkowski family. (That will teach Lisa's dad to give his Senate seat to his daughter instead of me, me, me !) The only way for our state to reach its potential, and to save our country, is to elect reformers who will fight for Alaska and all America and will stand up against the liberal Washington agenda.

- Sarah and Todd Palin (Pretending to love each other again for political gain and monetary opportunities.)

Yeah like money will help a guy who made a campaign commercial this ridiculous! And this is AFTER the Tea Party Express already sent him $283,000!  That is a hell of a lot of moose nuggets to waste on a loser like Miller.

And money was not his ONLY problem, check out this unbelievable exchange between the wife of Miller's campaign manager and some local conservative radio personalities in a local bar.

Let's face it the guy is a carpet bagger, financed almost solely with out of state money, and endorsed by the woman who single-handedly made Alaska a national laughingstock.  He NEVER had a chance.

However if he is successful in FINALLY revealing to the media that Sarah Palin in NOT a king/queen maker, but rather a political amateur who picks her candidates based on whether or not she received the proper dosage of her medication that day, he may actually go down in history as a national hero. Albeit one who will lose his primary bid on Tuesday.


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Off topic, but a must read.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Is it true that Todd Palin will beat up anyone who doesn't vote for Miller?

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I hope Sarah lovers send as much money as they can to support Joe and the losing effort.

    The fools will have less to send to viable candidates later.

    Bots.....send till it hurts.

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    If Miller needs $30,000 and Sarah is so sure he is what Alaska needs, then let her spend her own money to further his campaign.

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Reporting from Washington — After a string of her candidates fell short in recent election primaries, Sarah Palin takes a trackside seat in her own state Tuesday as her choice for Alaska's U.S. Senate post takes on the incumbent.

    Palin's pick, attorney and political unknown Joe Miller, seems to have gained little traction against Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, according to political experts in the state.

    If Miller loses, it would be the latest setback for Palin's effort this year to propel candidates nationwide through her endorsements. Candidates she backed in Washington and Wyoming lost in last week's primaries, and a Palin favorite in Georgia was defeated the week before.,0,1137230.story

  6. Rick Hill7:31 AM

    You could pick names out of a hat and get better results than she has.

  7. emrysa7:32 AM

    can't wait to see it, gryphen!

    you know that funeral really burned her ass. all these "non-alaskans" being flown in to speak and she's not asked to say a damn word. I can just imagine what was going on in her addled brain while biden was speaking... you know she was pissed.

    anon @ 7:19 has a good point... why doesn't she just pony up the 30,000? cheap ass.

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Is there an explanation of the Youtube video of Miller's wife acting like as crazy drunk in a bar?
    Who are the people she is threatening to bury? And why?

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Republicans Put The Brakes On The Sarah Palin Crazy Train

    Republicans Are Just Not That Into Sarah Anymore. Why is that? Let’s take a quick literary licensed gander through Sarah’s head:

    Sarah Palin was sitting at Ted Steven’s funeral, steaming mad as she watched Democratic Vice President Joe Biden speak about her mentor and fellow oil money in my house friend, Ted Stevens. No one had asked Sarah to speak and this was her state. It was unforgivable.

    Assuming they would change their minds, she wore her best outfit and everything….and showed up late and made a fuss over herself, like she did at the Decoration of Honor Memorial Day Commemoration event during which she wore a black skirt so short it rode up to hooker level while she sat smugly on stage having created chaos at the last moment by announcing she would, after all, deign to speak for fallen Alaskan service members.

    But today, a year after she quit her job as governor because of her utter inability to understand the First Amendment, no one in Alaska wanted to hear from Sarah the quitter. Rejection gnawed at Palin, churning through her angry gut until she was unable to mask her contempt for her surroundings, try as she might. Her little chin was thrust out and her nostrils flaring as her lip curled in disdain. This was not going to be one of her better days, and she knew it.

    Returning to the terra firma of sanity which doth reside outside of Sarah’s head: Rumors blazed that Palin was behaving poorly during the memorial….and may have had her Blackberry out, trolling the internet for other things to feel insulted over. Some think that this is when Palin, already humiliated, came across the news that poor Dr. Laura was quitting her job after falling over the cliff of her repeated use of the n-word. There’s debate over when exactly she tweeted out her jumping the racism shark missive; some say she did it DURING the memorial, but others suggest she waited until it was over. In either case, Palin couldn’t have been too knee-deep in grief if she could rile herself up enough to pound out her now infamous tweet.

    And some people in her own party are slowly learning what Steve Schmidt learned the hard way during the critical seven weeks of the 2008 campaign during which he was trying to sell us on Sarah Palin as ready to be VP because she was a PTA mom. And that is that Sarah Palin is emotionally unstable and does not stand for Real America anymore than she stands for Alaskans.


  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Yawn, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    AK will keep 1 republican in the Senate regardless. Her wins that matter the most are the ones in Iowa and South Carolina.

    Wins in Nevada and California are the next big ones.

  11. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Speculations and Suspicions

    Going back to the story told by Sarah in Going Rogue regarding the “Trig” pregnancy and also her account of The Wild Ride I would like to put forth the following speculations.

    1. It was Bristol who suspected she was pregnant in the fall of 2007 not Sarah.
    2. The pregnancy test was not purchased in New Orleans while Sarah was there to speak at an oil and gas conference. It was purchased in New York City while Sarah and Bristol were there for Sarah to attend a five-hour women's leadership conference. The event's organizers said Palin asked if she could bring her daughter.
    3. Todd was not informed about Bristol’s pregnancy when Sarah and Bristol returned home.
    4. When Bristol was about 12 weeks along, Sarah took her to see Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. CBJ said she'd like Bristol to have an ultrasound scan. Sarah accompanied Bristol into the office across the hall.
    5. The technician prepped Bristol and pressed the wand across Bristol’s belly. Then the technician said. “I see boy parts ... would that be good?” She kept passing the transducer across Bristol’s abdomen. It seemed to be taking a long time. “Oops, sorry. Not sure on the boy parts after all. Your baby might be a girl.” Then the technician said: “The baby’s neck is a little bit thicker than what we would normally see . . .”
    6. CBJ called the next day. She said the ultrasound pictures meant there was a one in 12 chance the baby had Down syndrome. “There’s a doctor in Anchorage I want you to take Bristol to see, a geneticist,” she added. “I'm also offering her an amniocentesis” — the common prenatal test for genetic abnormalities.
    7. Sarah decided against taking Bristol to the geneticist and her having an amnio. Sarah was certain that Bristol was having a Down Syndrome baby boy based on the ultrasound.
    8. Todd was informed that Bristol was pregnant. Todd and Sarah agreed the Down Syndrome baby boy that Bristol was expecting would be a valuable political prop for Sarah and the plan for Sarah to fake a pregnancy and them to raise the baby as their own was conceived.
    9. When school resumed after Christmas break, Bristol was sent to Anchorage to live with Sarah’s sister, Heather. Bristol’s pregnancy was not a secret in the Heath/Palin clan. Everyone in the family inner circle knew the truth with the exception of the younger children.
    10. Sarah began writing a letter about the baby to extended family and close friends. She decided to write the letter as though it were from his Creator. She thought that writing that letter would seem sincere and it was easier than lying to family and friends in person.
    11. Before they knew it, Bristol was seven months along. Sarah hadn't quite finished writing her letter about Trig but they realized they had to announce Sarah’s pregnancy if they expected the plan to work so they shared the news with family that wasn’t in on the truth and a few close friends....

    22. In February, Bristol’s ten month old son was presented as two month old Tripp.

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This Joe guy is a LAWYER? I assumed from the ad the link led me to, that he was doing forced public service for some minor crime, having to clean up Alaska from the avalanche of moose antlers suddenly choking the landscape.

    Man, if the director of that video had to have the guy DOING something other than just talking into the camera, why didn't he show him beating off? THAT would certainly get people's attention.

    (And would be about as effective.)

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM,-Trussed.-Basted-and.....

    Sarah Palin needs to put a muzzle on her grizzly tweeter. You cannot expect to run for national office and rush to the defense of anyone, black or white, who uses the n-word, much less Schlessinger's verbal carpet n-bombing on a nationally syndicated radio show. It may play in a bar in Wasilla, but it has no place on a national stage.

    What was she thinking? Was she thinking? Is she that desperate for national attention that if someone attacked the truth of the Holocaust, she'd be talking about "here are some people who I don't necessarily agree with what they're saying but their right to say it is constitutionally protected and you have to look at it in context because the liberal mainstream media is on a jihad"?

    There are limits, and apparently she believes she's outside them, and in this case, she's going to find out what happens when you deliberately, ignorantly step into the extremely sensitive issue of race in America. It's stupid, it's insensitive, and it is just another fatal flaw in her mental make-up that makes her unfit for national office.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I had a lot of fun, reading Anon7:37am post on SP's "Brakes on the Crazy Train". Thanks!

    Nothing burns deeper for an attention junkie, than being given the cold shoulder and ignored.

    I hope Joe "O'Biden" made it crystal clear that Quitty was not considered an equal at that gathering.

    One of the eye witnesses commented that SP's jaw was moving even when she wasn't talking, so she may have been chewing gum during the memorial.

    You know all that money she earned on her book tour? It hasn't bought her class, respect or peace of mind. I bet she is burning right though that money, convinced that she has only to "write" another book to fill her bank account.

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Remember that Palin is shown as not getting funds from Alaskans for her PAC. Didn't we read that only one Alaskan had donated during the last report cycle?

  16. Anonymous8:36 AM

    On Tuesday Sarah Palin's pick to challenge Senator Lisa Murkowski will lose. Will that finally destroy the fantasy of Sarah Palin as a political kingmaker?

    Another FAILURE in a long list of FAILURES, MiSTEAKS and SCANDALS hidden away......what's new today?

    Anything less than a stay at the Hotel Greybar is only an excuse to look for someone to blame, or perhaps exorcise.

    If this candidate loses she can blame it on ...just wait for her twitter.

    Any media reporting on her activities as a political organizer or consultant since her QUITTING as governor has NOT been based on any belief that she knows or can organize anything other than a fiasco.

  17. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Instead of Palin trying to be a king or queen maker, she would worry about raising kids! They, the Palins, want to take the short path and become reality show stars and wave their dirty laundery in front of the world.

  18. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Here's hoping for an EPIC FAIL...

    The vid of the campaign manager's bride is hilarious... Ya never know where a smart phone will turn up will ya, macaca moment ??

    Can you say "Bye..Bye..???

  19. Anonymous8:49 AM

    May your predictions come true.

    No state deserves such low-class, hate-mongering people representing them. I cannot imagine Mrs. Miller at social functions in Washington talking as she does like an overflowing toilet. Sure, she was angry, but expressing it that way is not appropriate when her husband is running for Senate.

    Thank goodness of technology that empowers the truth to let the situation being recorded speak for itself.

  20. Anonymous9:02 AM

    To add to Anon 7:37a.m. commentary on Sarah and the "pregnancy" --- The official family Christmas photo for the state website was taken in September, three months before Christmas. The stairway had to be decorated with boughs, etc. (in September!). In this September photo, Bristol had weight gain and a large bosom. -- hmmm? makes you wonder! --

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What is with the Shirley Temple curls?

  22. on Sarah and Todd Palin at Ted Stevens' funeral - an eyewitness report 23 hours ago
    This is Todd begging for money for Joe Miller today: Fortunately the Tea Party Express has stepped up to the plate, spending over $400,000 already in the battle to support Joe Miller. The problem is that Joe’s opponent has received millions of dollars from the political establishment in this race alone. We must level the playing field. So I am asking you to please make a contribution to this campaign.

    And this from Politico!!! Can the Palins ever tell the truth?????A spokesman for Miller, Randy DeSoto, said that the campaign is nonetheless “pleased” with its overall fundraising of $283,000 for the entire race and that donations are still coming into the account. Last-minute fundraising reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show Miller has raised an additional $13,000 since Aug. 4.

  23. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Can we just take a moment to think about this: Sarah Plain endorses a string of losers and a couple of outsiders who won, in a year when outsiders are winning, she's a "political genius."

    Our president endorses an incumbent senate candidate in Colorado, a state where his popularity is lagging most from where it was when he WON the state in 2008, and ex-president Clinton endorses someone else, an outsider, in a year when people prefer outsiders. The incumbent wins, and people say...well, they don't say anything, because it ruins their narrative about how Obama is ruined. See, that's how it works. Present as evidence only what fits your case.

    When the GOP fail to run the table, and lose in Ca, NV, KY, OH, and IL, no one will be talking about that. It'll be about how the GOP won in DE, ND and LA. Just you wait and see...

  24. Anonymous9:50 AM

    The wife of Joe Miller's campaign manager is simply a hateful, scary person. We have opened the door to the hounds of hell in this country!

  25. Sarah was begging on Friday for $30,000 for Joe, and on Saturday at see4pee, Toad was begging for $150,000 for Joe in the next 48 hours

    So would you please consider making a contribution to the Tea Party Express’ campaign in support of Joe Miller. We’re trying to raise $150,000 in the next 48 hours. I know we can reach this goal if enough of you step forward and make a generous contribution. You can contribute by clicking –here

  26. Anonymous10:22 AM

    O.K., I looked at the photo and assume this is Miller's wife. What's up with her hair? Does she think trying to emulate Sarah Palin's Nellie Oleson look when on Oprah will help her husband win???? (grin)

  27. SME13111:00 AM

    Joe Miller is a douche and his campaign managers and his wife (especially the wife) are whack jobs for sure. Her tirade in the bar is a lot like the one she was having on Halcro's FB page a few weeks a ago. Me and a couple of others had her mad as hell, but she simply can't debate or argue at all. I do believe she needs meds.

    I was getting non stop robo calls for Miller for 10 straight days, at least a dozen a day. I am NOT a republican so why they were calling my home is beyond me. I raised holy hell and called Miller and his campaign manager. They swore they knew nothing about it but the second I said I would call them every time I got one of these calls the calls stopped. I am not a fan of Lisa's but she beats the hell out of Miller.

    BTW @ Anon 7:44 why are you copying and pasting the pathetic post from Blade's blog (Sarah's Scandals) onto Gryphen's post? And if you are Blade posting your own thread then why are you naming innocent people and trying to drag them and their dead child into the Palin scandal? Your blog sucks. If you can't get followers perhaps you should stop posting garbage and learn how to blog.

  28. The wife of the Joe Miller campaign manager sounds like she's from somewhere on the East Coast. She certainly doesn't sound like an Alaskan.

    Anon @ 9:18am,
    I think the woman is channeling Bette Davis.

  29. The wife of Joe Miller's campaign manager sounds like she is from the East Coast.

    Anon @9:18,

    The woman is channeling Bette Davis.

  30. Sorry, Anon @9:18

    Forgot the link for Bette.

  31. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Saint Sarah's endorsement in SC, Nikki Haley a current sitting representative, seems to be following in her mentor's footsteps... Nikki's for something before she was against it (so many examples) .. she campaigns on bringing transparency and accountability to the legislature but has missed ALL the transparency/ethnic votes. She is ranked as the 2nd highest legislature in missing votes (291 to date)... has issues paying her income tax on time ... low balls and minimizes her paid 'influence peddling' then spins it when the facts discredit her statements... stalls in providing her gov't emails via a FOI and when she finally does, they are in binders in her office which the public has to make an appointment to see and the emails can not be copied. No electronic copies are provided only these hard copies. This in itself demonstrates her willingness to skirt the laws and thumb her nose up at her constituents. Sounds like Saint Sarah has a sister in SC. Oh and the state Chamber of Commerce endorsed the Democratic nominee for Governor and not Nikki, the Republican nominee. Her shit is hitting the fan here in SC and people taking notes.

  32. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sounds like he's been hanging out with $carah too much...he apes her incorrect pronunciation of repeal - he's going to rePILL "Obamacare"?

  33. Ratfish1:09 PM

    I agree with some of the others? Why didn't SarahPAC ante up, let's say, $100,000 out of their $1,000,000.

    They could say they were tithing the Miller campaign.

    Instead of putting money she got from hard working patriotic Americans who donated to her PAC thinking she would spend it all on candidates instead of herself, she is asking them to pony up again.

    What a scamming grifter!

    And if she really supported Miller, why isn't she crisscrossing the state in person making campaign appearances with him?

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Sarah's PAC donated a measly $5,000 so I guess she doesn't really want to put her money where her mouth is.

  35. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I think it's hilarious: Palin actually believes that her notoriety translates to gravitas and influence.

    Nope. Notoriety translates to rubber-necking at a train wreck. Since the media know this very well ("If it bleeds, it leads."), they have been accommodating Ms. Palin all this time for the sake of their own profitable bottom line. Ain't capitalism great, Sarah?

  36. Borne to be Wilde4:13 PM

    Does Mike's wife not photograph well? She always looks kind of wild eyed and nutty in her photos. She needs to soften her expression a bit.

  37. chenagrrl5:24 PM

    Damn, all that over the College Republicans? Someone is gonna get haunted by Betty Fahrenkamp. This is Alaska grassroots political ego mixed with too much Ole! Kick in the ass to the guys who did the interview. Stop acting like 18 to 34 yo jerkwads. The answer to her was .. . The interview speaks for itself. Dignity always wins.
    BTW, Old Joe Miller better not be on Chena Hot Springs Road property that isn't his or a supporters'! I know where there is a new birch stand and an antler, just like that one.

  38. AKRNC7:16 PM

    After watching his campaign manager's wife in action, I have to ask--is this the first campaign he's managed? She probably won't be married much longer after he sees that video, comes off like a nutcase, no wonder $arah endorsed Miller. Seriously, the woman is an uneducated redneck joke!

  39. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I think $$ found out at Senator Steven's funeral ya can't buy class.

  40. Anonymous3:29 AM

    What do you have to say to that.


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