Sunday, August 01, 2010

Full Fox News Sunday interview with Sarah Palin. Don't get too close to your monitor, she is a spitter!

Check around 2:10 in the video for Palin's nasty "cojones" remark.  You know Teabaggers really should avoid using terms like cojones, balls, and scrotum. It just brings up too many obvious visual images. Don't you think?

Okay Sarah, wipe the venom off of your mouth and move on.

The Geurilla from Wasilla: "Sanctuary cities. sanctuary cities!" 

Wallace: Uh no dumbass the judge said Arizona could ban those.

Failed half term Governor: "What?  Well,,, the OBAMA!" .

Wallace: What about allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire?

Crazy wig lady: "It is IDIOTIC to think about increasing taxes at a time like this!" (You mean when we the country desperately needs money to help pay down the deficit?)

Wallace: Well what about the economic high point of the Clinton years before these tax cuts were put into place?

Miss Quittypants: "I have no idea how to answer that question but thankfully one of my handlers made me some notes, on real paper this time!  Let's see ..uh..talking point...lie...factually inaccurate tax increase number....uh...talking point."

Okay let me get this straight.  She has several sheets of paper in front of her to read from and she STILL needs to write "3.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years" on her hand?  Couldn't she find any empty space on a piece of paper to write that down?

(By the way former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan completely disagrees with Sister Sarah and the Republicans on the issue of the Bush tax cuts.)

(Note from Gryphen: I am going to have to take a pass on making fun of Palin over her answers concerning the Afghan war, because frankly her response really pissed me off!)

Oh God, not that stupid "Mama Grizzly" video again!

Watch her face as Chris Wallace tells her how popular she is amongst Republicans, and then watch it change into that nasty tight lipped snarl when he brings up her unfavorable numbers among independents. Ooh she does NOT like to hear that!

And of course then she goes on to blame the media for her unfavorable ratings. 

Hey lady I have news for you. If the media had REALLY done their jobs, and exposed the truly despicable things that you have done, you would have been chased out of this country with torches and pitchforks a long time ago.  If anything you should thank the media for shielding you from the ONE story that would have turned into you the most despised woman in American political history. 

Uh oh, Wallace just brought up Joe McGinniss!  Look at her face! Can't you just feel her anger at McGinnis emanating off of the screen? 

Yes Joe ruined her summer fun and made her "change her behavior" by moving in next door.  Now she can't scream at her husband, throw jewelry into Lake Lucille, and call her children names without somebody with word processor noticing.  I think Todd and the Palin children might want to buy Joe a special gift for keeping Sarah away form home and allowing them a little peace and quiet.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    She coined yet another new word! Codendrum??? at around 1:05 in the video. Probably meant conundrum, but couldn't pronounce such a big word.

  2. majii2:48 PM

    I haven't met a person yet who doesn't think that this woman is an idiot.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Where is her wedding ring?

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Gryphen, she says "codendrum" instead of "conundrum" @1.05.

  5. She said if the companies taxes go up they will have to hire more people? LOL I swear I heard it in that video or the other one.

    When she brings up comments about the war I want to scream win WHAT?

    As far as Joe McGinniss. He does have a life. He is an author with an upcoming book I will read! A book that he won't have to buy himself or give away at World Nut Daily. I mean World News Daily.

  6. Thank you for the hilarious recap - I can't possibly watch/listen to her without wanting to scrape out my eardrum with broken glass. I've said it before, I'll say it again - I don't know how you do it, but I commend you!

  7. Did she mispronouce conundrum because of her lisp ... which shows up when she is overmedicated? And that could explain the spitting too.

  8. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Why is Sarah Palin so interested in bringing testicles into a political debate?

    Is this her version of "penis envy?" Or just her own hillbilly sexism in evidence.

    Her Christian base should be turned off by her gutter mouth and coarseness.

    Phyllis Schlafly needs to sit Palin's ass down and explain to her that the concept of nekkid Christian women wrapping themselves in Saran wrap is no different than nekkid Christian women living in glass houses: Palin shouldn't throw balls around when she doesn't have them herself.

  9. She is such a blanking joke.

  10. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I love that the GOP is "banking" on this woman in 2012.

  11. Sarah is a socialist liberal who wants to infect our country with these "mexican" words. Use English, Sarah! America, love it or leave it.

  12. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Lmao. I haven't seen this yet but cannot wait. Now I will say I appreciate people who don't hold back emotion. Shows humanity and its natural. I know she should not be in power but I feel she less threatening than any politcian in power today

    And gryphen. Those are way nasty remarks about how youthink she treats her family. It really does put you in the same class as you feel she's in.

  13. imnofred3:29 PM

    Of course, it's the media's fault. It couldn't possibly be that Independent voters are tired of her constant whining and criticism of the President along with the fact that she never has any ideas or solutions.I'm sure that her inability to hide her hatred and jealousy of the President is also a big hit with Independents.

  14. Anonymous3:34 PM

    If you go to Utube there are a few different people who published this video. The comments from her supporters are shocking. More of us need to make comments.
    I think she's a stupid nasty trashy grifter. And these stupid morons actually believe she is a patriot standing up for them? How can any American be this frigging dumb!!
    One guy said she makes Obama look stupid. Lol!! What planet are you living on to believe that!!!!!

    I thought people were exaggerating about looking high but she does look stoned. Her eyes are half closed. And her facial expressions so odd.

    How can we get rid of her??
    Please people!!!

  15. Linda Arizona3:35 PM

    ...And, there are no such places in Arizona known as "sanctuary cities." It's a myth to scare folks who are racist.

    There are rational authorities in AZ who will not comply with an obviously unconstitutional law, but that's it. We look forward to more speaking out. We trust the courts to continue to dismantle this travesty.

    Crazy wackos. She's a guerrilla alright, bullying her way through the media with nonsensical noise.

  16. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I think she showed her hand by mistake. She was so worked up when she started waving her hands she realized too late that her dummy notes were just shown to the world...again.

  17. Anonymous 3:28, that is not how I THINK she treats her family, that is how I KNOW she treats her family.

    I have been hearing those stories from people who were once close to her family for over a year and a half now. How do you think Bristol learned to treat people like she does?

    Trust me I was being gentle.

  18. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Did anyone here her version of the word CONUNDRUM? I replayed is several times to be sure and still don't have a clue what word she was saying! She's GW Bush in a skirt and wig.

  19. Anonymous3:51 PM

    OH YES! Bring her on! I can't wait for the bloodbath to really begin! She is such comedic fodder! OMG!!! CONUNDRUM!!

    Note to Sarah: Maybe if you could occasionally read a book you might make some sense! I am so discouraged you are an Alaskan. You embarrass us to no end! How about running to the Wasilla library and CHECK OUT A BOOK OR TWO!!!

  20. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Did anyone hear her version of the word CONUNDRUM? Replayed the video several times to try and figure out what she was saying, but she doesn't know so how would I?!

    I swear she's G.W. Bush in a skirt and wig.

  21. Scruffy4:12 PM

    Hey, look! Her eyes are BROWN again!

    About the sex-charged remarks:
    She claims Liberals are 'wet' about something or other. A female Governor has 'cojones', balls.

    You just know she's got some...well, let's say some non-mainstream-American stuff, literally, in her closet.
    Whips, chains, leather (leather!! oh yeah baby drill baby)

    Dominatrix much??? Kinky!!

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    She talks like a bar room whore!

  23. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Anon 3:28 The difference is that Gryphen isn't running for president. Sarah thinks she is.

  24. Ratfish4:24 PM

    She talks about the democrats raising taxes and increasing taxes?

    She proposed one of the biggest tax increases in Alaska history, and increased the state operating budget by 35% in just 2 years.

    So much for low taxes and small government.

  25. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Palin's racking up youtube segments for analysis in "Sociopaths and How They Disintegrate" pyschology courses.

    When you compare this current "codendrum" video with the Couric video or the "Charlieeeee" video, it's clear that Palin is MUCH worse than she was in 2008. Is Palin really stupider than in 2008 than 2010 or were the McCain campaign drug-meisters more skilled?

    Palin has the custody of young children. Someone with cojones should do something about that.

  26. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Isn't that another of the RNC suit jackets?

  27. Anonymous4:40 PM

    If Sarah can't pronounce "conundrum" and gets the syllables mixed up, she has dyslexia. Refudiate that, Sarah. I think that she has other learning difficulties which make it difficult for her to process information, remember things, or follow a normal line of reasoning.

    Maybe Sarah is confusing a "sanctuary city" with those old movies on TV when someone runs into a church and pleads for sanctuary.

  28. scarlet/oregon4:56 PM

    Couldn't listen so all I can comment on is her missing wedding ring and how bad she looks these days. Haggard with an obvious wig and uneven mouth.

  29. If she would remain monosyllabic, she may be able to disguise her limited vocabulary a tad better.

    Thanks for the blow by blow post Gryphen. It certainly soothed the afterburn of viewing the video.

  30. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OMG, all she spews is cliche BS. "We're in it to win it. If we're not, were't snot!". OK, I added the snot part but I was almost certain it was coming with her in her stupid, sing song chatter.

    What the hell is repill?

  31. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't she talk about polls and then in the next sentence completely dismiss polls when they were about her?

  32. ManxMamma5:10 PM

    Old, toothless and mean. She is disgusting.

  33. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Ha Ha Thanks for the laugh. Be careful,she is a spitter. And stupid also too.
    Sarah ? Didn't Chelsea look stunning ?
    I can't wait for the Rethugs to tear up Mlss Moosemeat.
    Thanks Gyphen for keeping us informed.

  34. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Of course she doesn't want the tax cuts on the megarich to expire--she's one of them now. Got to protect all those precious millions.

  35. So what behavior is she so concerned about that her family has to change cuz Joe is living next door?

  36. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Did anyone notice she slaughtered the word "futile" twice??

    She articulated few-tile (as opposed to 'more -tile').

    The grammar just keeps coming!!

  37. Mama Duck5:30 PM

    Anchorage and Fairbanks are sanctuary cities, Dingbat Palin! You didn't do anything about it during your 1/2 term as governor.

  38. Anonymous5:34 PM

    You sure are correct about if the media had done their job, she would not be on the air at all. Such a nasty, racist person. Some one commented earlier about her wearing white to compete with the Clinton's daughter this week end. Oh my just how simple is this creature.

  39. laprofesora5:35 PM

    Joe needs to get a life? He has one, he's a successful author. And unlike you, Scarah, he actually wrote his books. Why do you have to change your behavior? What are you trying to hide? Where's your wedding ring? "Fedrill" is not a word. Every time you say "bless his/her heart" you sound extremely disingenuous...look it up.

  40. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I couldn't watch, but when she said she didn't know anything so her handlers had written talking points for her, was she being sarcastic? I don't see how that helps her at all to admit she has to have someone tell her what to say. Or is it maybe she got the Fox talking points suggestions for the day and was rebelling?

  41. Anonymous 5:39, I was being sarcastic. She did not admit that her handlers wrote her notes for her, but of course we all know they did.

    I am sorry if I confused you but I kind of expected people to watch the video AND read my comments, not either or.

  42. Anonymous5:44 PM

    You sure are correct about if the media had done their job, she would not be on the air at all. Such a nasty, racist person. Some one commented earlier about her wearing white to compete with the Clinton's daughter this week end. Oh my just how simple is this creature.

  43. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Did y'all see FOX scrolling her resume starting at 4:28? They list her authorship, positions as gov and mayor, on city council, and Univ of Idaho even! Ha, as if they have to remind people she went to college. Why just one college? Why not list all of 'em? LOL!

    Also, too, did you notice at about 4:32, FOX pulls the ol' sneaky resume trick. She's listed as Gov of Alaska 06 to 09, making it look like she was gov for 4 years...

    besides that, didn't she actually get sworn in in jan 07?

    this makes me wonder about the other dates.

    FOX is really trying hard to beef her up. But it doesn't matter what they scroll on the screen, if they're going to have her sputter stupid all above it.

  44. Anonymous5:52 PM

    She gets a free ride on FOX to spew everything she wants and to tell the world who she is and she still blames the media for people not liking her.

    What a whiner. No wonder independents don't like her.

    I like her even less every time I hear her and see her.

  45. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Whenever I think of Sarah first appearing on the screen in any of her 'interviews' I just go back to her Nellie Oleson hair-do and Oprah's authentic surprise "What did you do to your hair?!"

    And the bitch quick to think on her feet (the only time she is) snarks back, "You like it? I was trying to look like you!"

    Bwa ha ha ha ha, that was classic.

    Oh, she has substantive stuff to say also too?

  46. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I cannot give credence to someone using words inaccurately as often as she does. "Codundrum" for conundrum is the final straw. Sarah, if you cannot speak English, you cannot live here anymore. Bye-bye!

  47. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Turns out that book cover wasn't photoshopped - Her teeth are crooked, her mouth is crooked and her nose is crooked. And in this video, her head looks short and fat. Eatin't those cupcakes with Bris from that photo shoot at the condo? Or maybe she's preggos, too? Who could be the pappa???? And the hand writing? Retard.

  48. Anonymous5:59 PM

    So she's basically telling Independents that they are stupid and lazy and don't do their homework. Their negative opinions are based only on what the Media says, not what they see and discern for themselves.

    She knows smart people don't like her and it is eating her alive.

  49. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Just 4 fun (copied from a HP):
    Sometimes plastic surgery goes vey wrong:

    And it brings out the inner ugly:

  50. Condendrum? Clear as a bell, didn't mispronounce it or anything. She thinks the word is codendrum, not conundrum. What does she read? With whom does she talk? Wowee.

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM

    This video is funny. It's short and to the point.

  52. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Ms. Dumbass, the President has over 20,000 border patrols, national guards will soon be deployed, and he has deported more immigrants than Bush has.

    Deportation of illegal immigrants increases under Obama administration

    So Ms. Dumbass, sit your stupid ass down and STFU. Better yet, cross the border, get the Fuck out of our country, and never come back. TREASON Bitch.

    Excuse me Gryphen for the foul language, but I can't stand this woman.

  53. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Scruffy @ 4:12

    You caught it, many of her sycophant followers salivate to her wet words. She plays her sex-kitten librarian role well, posing for Runner's World in short shorts (which dates her from her 80's running days) and talking about burning thighs, her sweaty body, her 'Man,' (have you seen Todd?)

    LOL - I think the question should be, have you HEARD Todd? Listening to their voices (hers grating, his helium-filled) vent, blame, bitch at the kitchen table in mainstreet
    Wasilla, the microcosm of Americana must be Hell on

  54. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Ratfish @ 4:24

    Yup. Somewhere in Sarah's tiny governin record you find that she increased taxes and grew govt in her aborted half term as Governor.

    Oops, do we use inflamatory and disrespectful verbiage in reference to ol Wite Out Sarah? Apologies to Sarah when she apologizes to everyone under the Heath Palin bus.

  55. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Gryphen, with ALL due respect, but you do realize that without scripted responses, speeches, and teleprompters, Pres Obama sounds like an idiot (as evidenced by several rallies)

    My saying this by no means suggests Sarah is more intelligent or qualified than he, but I just wished to put that out there.

    I didn't think this interview was THAT bad. Oh geez, yes I heard myself

  56. Anonymous7:02 PM

    There are like close to 8000 negative comments at HP about this. Usually a bunch of diehard STUPID blind Palinbots are arguing there but not today! Do you think maybe some of them are finally seeing what a loon she is?I doubt it.

  57. this woman gets on my last, and also too my next to the last nerve!

    Why is she talking about the President of the United States of America's privates on my tee-vee? Does she think this makes her .. what??? sophisticated? worldly? funny? smart?


    I don't get it.

    And in a conversation about illegal Hispanic immigrants, she decides to use the Spanish word for 'balls'.

    Our Presidents balls.

    (oh my dog just kill me now!)

    Did using the Spanish word for it make it less crass in her head? Less trailer park? Less unladylike?

    Is she not the most retched despicable creature on the planet? She is the epitome of mean. And bless her heart, she doesn't know squat about decorum.

    Can you imagine Hillary calling attention to some dood's privates in this way?

    Miss Quittypants needs to buy herself some class. And perhaps, also too, the smallest, teeniest most minute teeny tiny little bitty CLUE.

  58. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Anon @ 6:52pm...President Obama handles himself excellently without a he demonstrated numerous times...meanwhile Granny Grizzly continues to sound like a blithering idiot..

  59. He totally fucking laughed her off...he gave her every chance in the world to offer up solutions rather than whining about problems, but, she never offered anything but her same talking points. The same talking points that enabled Mr. Wallace to anticipate what she was going to say and beat her to it....

    We'll bring it back to Alaska now and say that she swallowed the bait, and the hook, and was reeled in flopping on the bank of the river. The only thing he didn't do was put her out of her misery by bonking her on the head with a big stick.

  60. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anon 6:52 all I can say is ROFL!!!!!! Hahahaha! Are you serious??? President Obama was on The View last week totally unscripted and he was wonderful. I think when Palinbots try to bring up Obama in these situations, they sound like fools, with ALL due respect!! Seriously why go there! Even smart people who don't like the Presidents politics know he is a very gifted orator. What a joke to compare him to slurry Sarah with her botoxed mouth, butchering of the English language and word salad.
    If you think that was a good interview, well, that's scary with ALL DUE RESPECT! She sounded like an angry drunk inarticulate trashy barfly.

  61. Anonymous7:34 PM

    The writing on the hand thing is OLD and overdone. It isn't cute and funny. It shows how Sarah doesn't let things go and is thin skinned. She is also incapable of appealing to anyone but her very narrow base. She shows zero respect for anyone else and she would be a terrible President. Even if I agreed with her views, it's obvious she doesn't have the emotional character to be President. She couldn't handle governor. She's way way too thin skinned.
    God didn't people learn anything from Bush?

  62. Anonymous7:44 PM

    She looks so frigid.

    And infertile.

  63. Anonymous8:04 PM

    6:52, seriously? really? i seem to remember one of many occasions where the president did just fine, thank you very much. remember the health care smack down of the republicans? no teleprompter, no notes, and no advanced questions.

    you are obviously a troll pretending to be one of us.

  64. Anonymous8:05 PM

    To Anonymous at 6:52pm:

    Go back to your sea of pee. Sarah is nasty and has a filthy mouth and any true Christian, heck any person with character would be appalled by her and the things that come from her mouth. This isn't a contest between Sarah and the President. Palin isn't even in the same class.

  65. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I saw SP this afternoon at the Arctic Thunder show. At first I was not really sure it was her because she looked, uh ... fake and scary.... and anorexic. She was wearing a SILVER trench coat thingy .. does not dress her age.
    I saw her when before anybody recognized her and she was alone... Piper was with her for a bit, but chose to back off and hangout with Todd who was off a distance behind her. The whole duo of Todd/Sarah is freaky and scary ..

    but it all made sense later when they went to the restricted area for media whore time with the blue angels.

    the womam, Gryphen, is truly a scary case. She clearly turns on only when the cameras are on her, or if people recognize her and then she starts shaking hands and gesticulating wildly.

    She is her own PUPPET... very weird.

    By the way .. no other family members were there. No sign of Trig at all, or any of the older kids. She is her OWN puppet and Piper and her husband are HER puppets. She only pays attention to them when the cameras are rolling or fans are introducing themselves.

    She looks like Michael Jackson .. .like she belongs in a wax museum.. no question that she's had extensive plastic surgery.


  66. To Anonymous at 6:52pm

    I watched 99% of Obama's campaign rallies and he did a wonderful job talking off the cuff while answering questions from the audience. He was ALWAYS very intelligent, informative, sometimes long winded, and in NO way ever sounded like an idiot (your word).

    Are you sure you're not thinking about McCain at his rallies? ;)

  67. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Anon @ 6:52 - What about the time President Obama did a Q & A, completely extemporaneously, with the Republican minority members about healthcare reform and other issues this past January? He basically exposed how empty, cynical, and uninformed (no, make that stupid) most of them are. Look it up, watch the tape. He is unbelievably articulate, he makes complex issues understandable for the average person, and he is truly brilliant human being. If you're looking for manageable sound bites, however, then Sarah Palin and the GOP are for you. Not for most of the rest of us - those of us who actually take the trouble to think, that is.

  68. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yes they are fueling her for the run of presidential candidacy. I say BRING HER ON!!!! LOL:}

  69. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Quite possibly the word she was seeking was not "conundrum", but rather "comedone". It's the stuff that you squeeze out of your pores during a facial-this word would represent the height of achievement for her, ever since she went to visit Ivana Trump at Penney's cosmetic counter, oh so long ago.....

    -Wild Tortoise

  70. Anonymous8:51 PM

    @J 8:09 PM

    "She is her own puppet... very weird"

    Thanks for the on the spot reporting. Very insightful comment.

  71. Anonymous8:53 PM

    She acts like a hateful, abusive drunk.

  72. Anonymous9:00 PM

    The Daily Show - John Stewart

    (writers conference)

    codendrum - 3 votes

    cojones - 3 votes

    just play the video and have John "react" - 16 votes

  73. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Yes, the Ivana Trump moment was Sarah's finest hour! I LOVE that story! It is so her! I wish the ADN wouldn't charge me to look at it again. Somehow she just couldn't get past the failed beauty queen meme and had to hightail it down Penney's (or was it Nordstrom's to see Ivana! SO Sarah.

  74. Anonymous10:19 PM

    What's with all the sexual references??

    The Dems are "wet" over letting the Bush tax cuts expire??what a very very ODD and inappropriate thing for a woman (or man) to say! Think about it!!!!!! She must listen to the neocon morons who are building her already delusional sense of self.

    And cojones??

    She also looks terrible with those snarly asymmetrical lips and big hard cheek implants?

    She is so low class. Blaming the media again when they overlook so much. She should be kissing their feet.

  75. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I didn't want to torture my eardrums by watching the whole interview so I just saw the part where she read off the notes someone gave her. OMG. I'm so used to her careless stupidity at this point that it's hard for her to shock me, but I'm stunned. I don't think I have ever seen a commentator on any news show read from a piece of paper like that. How embarrassing. How shameful that she's considered a big player in American politics. She can't remember some simple talking points? And even worse is how Wallace laughed like it was charming. I can't imagine his father being amused by such incompetence.

    Shows how arrogant she is, that she believes she is so inherently special that her ignorance simply doesn't matter. Not one of her followers would hire a plumber who had to read a how-to manual while fixing a leaky pipe, but they're okay with a complete know-nothing dumbass being the leader of the free world. Sad, sad, sad.

  76. Anonymous11:08 PM

    She looks likes she has aged 10 years . Did her surgery fail?

  77. Anonymous11:31 PM

    FNS show transcript:

  78. Anonymous1:55 AM

    This critter never lets a grudge down, does she?

    Talk about vindictive...

  79. Anonymous3:30 AM

    For her resume they put up '87: University of Idaho, B.S. at the 04:40 mark on the Chyron. I don't think I have ever seen a show put up a credit like that before for anyone let alone a potential presidential candidate. They kind scraped the barrel for that one.

  80. Four Deformations of the Apocalypse
    Published: July 31, 2010

    IF there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing.

    The nation’s public debt — if honestly reckoned to include municipal bonds and the $7 trillion of new deficits baked into the cake through 2015 — will soon reach $18 trillion.

    That’s a Greece-scale 120 percent of gross domestic product, and fairly screams out for austerity and sacrifice.

    It is therefore unseemly for the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, to insist that the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase.

    Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said the push by congressional Republicans to extend Bush tax cuts without offsetting costs elsewhere could end up being "disastrous" for the economy.

    In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Greenspan expressed his disagreement with the conservative argument that tax cuts essentially pay for themselves by generating revenue and productivity among recipients.

    "They do not," said Greenspan.

    "I'm very much in favor of tax cuts but not with borrowed money and the problem that we have gotten into in recent years is spending programs with borrowed money, tax cuts with borrowed money," he said.

    "And at the end of the day that proves disastrous. My view is I don't think we can play subtle policy here."

  81. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I believe it's been established that Sarah is a disciplinarian and doesn't typify typical mothering role. I would never suggest evil of her as a parent, as I have never witnessed her at home, only seen pictures. And I certainly wouldn't initially trust a blogger who's been wrong before, led down the garden path a couple of times.

    Why are we soo quick to judge a woman who embodies "male traits" and mock a man who is characteristically less masculine aka "house husband". I thought libs believed in acceptance and personal freedom to do whatever you wish.

    My mother called me a bitch when I was 12 and throwing a nasty, adolescent fit. I don't call her a bad mother due to that. As a toddler who liked to A) not wear shoes/socks and B) perpetually climb out of my carseat, my mother just let it be to avoid huge amounts of fighting. Please. spare Sarah the judgement and let's get back to this blog's political purpose. Bringing her down based on her incapacity as a politician.

  82. angela4:30 AM

    I got a laugh last night when a friend compared Palin to a two dollar corner girl screaming obscenities at men in expensive cars to take her cheap ass on.

    It kind of made my evening . . .

  83. Anonymous4:35 AM

    The marker on the hand is overplayed and tiring, but Sarah doesn't understand that. She thinks because people laughed the first, second, third times that she'll continually get the same adoring reaction.

    Her self-awareness circuit isn't working. Doesn't seem to understand that the same jokes, same points, same complaints, again and again to the same audience loses it's lustre.

    Haven't Fox viewers heard enough of her overbearing critical unresearched repeated statements. She never brings one new thing, except the hateful face, hateful hand gestures, and hateful speech.

    Sad sad person.

  84. I missed the part about libs getting 'wet'....

    Thank dog I missed that.

    My head would have exploded.

    Why does everything have to have a sexual connotation with this woman? Is she trying to keep John McShame and the rest of her manly-man base turned on?

    Decorum Sarah.


    Look it up.

  85. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Some people find it cute and charming that Palin writes on her hand. Chris Wallace seemed to find Sarah adorable for having done it again.

    Are people supposed to overlook the fact that the Palins booked most of their summer to go to Dillingham and other destinations in AK to film reality tv episodes? Or does she want us to think Joe McGinnis ran them out of their own house? She lies about things people don't have any need to lie about.

  86. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Anon at 3:52 am:

    Your spiel is so recognizable. Your are a TROLL. It has never been proven that Palin is a disciplinarian. Just take one look at the dysfunction in her family. Take a look at how she has to write on her hand to remember her talking points..she doesn't study, someone who is disciplined actually prepares...and most importantly, character does matter. A person who continuously reveals themselves to be gutter trash and can't articulate a single thought of her own unless it is vindictive and nasty has NO place in the political arena. For just as she is disrespectiful to this President and the American people, she can always count on the same in return. Sarah is no Lady, and she's worse than many males. That's a terrible legacy to have written in the history books. But since she enjoys it, and her low trash followers don't get it, we can always expect warped reasoning like yours to appear in defense of Queen Vermin.

  87. It's ironic about hearing this airhead say something is "idiotic." And "common sense" also too.

    Oh, no she didn't use the "only dead fish go with the flow" line again. She's like a Chatty Kathy doll with those one-liners.

    Sarah Palin is f*cking retarded, and so are the members of her cult.

  88. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I kinda agree with the point 3:52 am (the 3:52 am after Martha @ 3:52) was making (not Martha at 3:52, the post after hers) and, for the record, I don't think 3:52 is a troll. We do need to concentrate on Palin's awful record and her limiting characteristics, of which there are many, many examples. That is how independents will be won over. They will not be impressed with us calling $arah a fame whore or a bitch (which she is, of course, but that is beside the point).

    Also, too, the point I think 3:52 was making (my interpretation, that is) about people being too hard on $arah's mothering skills... well, there's a term called, "the good enough mother." I subscribe to that, actually. However, I disagree with 3:52 in that I don't think $arah is even a good enough mom. She's shown a lack of concern for her children, a lack of caring, that goes beyond merely being unconventional. It has nothing to do with being a disciplinarian. $arah doesn't pay enough attention to her kids to discipline them! Come on! Point is, she stinks at being a mom. Also.

  89. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck7:58 AM

    i can't look at the video again, but anonymous at 3:30 noted:

    "For her resume they put up '87: University of Idaho, B.S. at the 04:40 mark on the Chyron."

    just to remind folks that a degree in journalism is a Bachelor's of Arts not a Bachelor's of Science.

    so is FOX trying to tell us that the degree is BS?

    if so, i would heartily agree

  90. johnie2xs8:04 AM

    All she is capable of doing is reacting like the sophomoric m0r0n that she is,and throw grenades.

    When, when, when, is the MSM going to treat her the way they should, and either ignore her,
    or show her to be the ignoramus that she is and refute, and reject anything and everything,
    that she puts forth in the way of argumentation. She has no useful purpose, or point of view.

  91. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense, commonsense...

  92. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Sorry Anon @ 3:52 and 7:57, but I do not agree. Part of Sarah's schtick is wonder woman/mamma grizzly. Her parenting skills are fair game. If she uses motherhood as a credential, then we, as her critics, can put said mothering under a microscope. I taught special needs children for many years. During this time, I also taught parenting skills to the parents of these children, so I am also looking at this as a professional. During her run for VP and her book tour, Trigg was used shamelessly. I saw very little regard for what was best for HIM. It was all about Sarah. Now that he is not useful, where is he?? It's been rumored that the poor kid doesn't even live with Sarah and Todd. There have been no sightings of Trig. Why wasn't he at the Air Show? That would have been a wonderful opportunity for Trig to have some normal family time and some wonderful stimulation. Think of the social, language, visual and auditory, learning opportunities that could have been utilized. No, sorry, Sarah is not a "good enough" mother. She's an extremely self centered indifferent mother.

  93. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Bachelor of Science, Journalism (BSJ) is often part of or in conjunction with a course of study in mass communications.

    The University of Idaho does offer a BS in Journalism.

    1. Hawaii Pacific University – Private school - Fall 1982 - incomplete
    2. North Idaho College – 2 year junior college – Spring 1983, Fall 1983 - flunked
    3. University of Idaho – Journalism – Fall 1984, Spring 1985 - incomplete
    4. Matanuska-Susitna College - Alaska junior college - Fall 1985 -passed a course
    5. University of Idaho – Spring 1986, Fall 1986, Spring 1987

    She attended Idaho from fall 1984 to spring 1985.

    She then returned to Alaska to attend Matanuska-Susitna College in Palmer in fall 1985.

    Then she returned to Idaho, for spring 1986, fall 1986 and spring 1987, when she allegedly graduated. Despite her journalism degree, she does not appear to have worked for the college newspaper or campus television station, school officials said.

    At the time of her attendance it was known as the School of Communication at the University of Idaho.

    There is no proof that she graduated. Her grades were poor and credits did not transfer. She appears to have majored in partying.

    There are no pictures of her graduating although UI does claim her as alumni. That doesn't mean anything. A local school claims my child as alumni even though he only attended one year and transferred.

  94. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Gryphen, can you get that shot of her uglee mug without the video play button superimposed? It captures her 'charm' rather well and could be used for future posts.

  95. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Palin should be ashamed of herself for the disrespect she showed our President yesterday. (Comparison as to what he didn't have vs what the governor of AZ does!)

    What a horrid example she is setting for the younger folks in the U.S. as well as to her children.

    She makes me sick!

    I listened to Limbaugh for awhile this a.m. and he was promoting what she said and even played it on his show.

    She is an embarrassment to Alaska and the United States of America.

  96. Anonymous10:37 AM

    How much commonsense does it take for a mother to know her daughter is having unprotected sex with her boyfriend under her roof?

    How much commonsense does it take to know writing on your hand makes you look stupid?

    How much commonsense does it take to run a small town without having to hire a manager to do it for you?

    How much commonsense does it take to leave that town debt-free, the way you found it?

    How much commonsense does it take to know a plate of cookies won't keep people from starving?

    How much commonsense does it take not to mark out your running mate's name on your hat with a sharpie?

    How much commonsense does it take not to get into a public spat with a 19 year old boy?

    How much commonsense does it take to know that camping on reality tv with Kate Plus 8 makes you look like a joke?

    How much commonsense does it take to know your still sexually active daughter should not be a spokesperson for abstinence?

    How much commonsense does it take to know you are raising (or not raising) a houseful of drinking, drugging, vandalizing juvenile delinquents?

    How much commonsense does it take to know a tall tale about a cross-country wild-ride while in labor is utterly ridiculous on its face?

    How much commonsense does it take not to lie about something that is easily disprovable, like saying "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere?

    How much commonsense does it take not to redecorate your small-town office (twice) on the taxpayers' dime?

    How much commonsense does it take to know not to spend 200K on designer clothes using donated campaign dollars and then wear again (on camera) clothes you said you had returned?

    How much commonsense does it take not to use, or invent, a word if you don't know what it means?

    How much commonsense does it take to know a square pillow and some scarves don't make you look pregnant?

    How much commonsense does it take to know a scarf with donkeys on it stands for Democrat?

  97. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck11:13 AM

    gryphen -- have you noticed the shadow of palin on the backdrop of the video? what is that?

  98. Anonymous2:30 PM

    In talking about the plan to let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy die, she makes a weird statement.

    At about 4:58 she says that "the Obama Administration and the democrats, they're all wet on this idea. It's idiotic."

    She probably meant they're all wet, but when she says "they're all wet on this idea" when it is something that the dems want to see happen, her comment suggests something entirely different. It kind of jumps out at you.

  99. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck3:00 PM

    more on the BA vs BS degree from Univ of Idaho. Unfortunately the oldest catalog they have online is 2007 - but it does show that you have to take different coursework to qualify for a Bachelor's of Science rather than the default of a Bachelor's of Arts

    then click on the link for 2007 catalog and scroll down the pdf file to the blocked out portion that lists special requirement for a BS rather than BA degree

    sorry i am obsessed with that....

  100. Anonymous5:47 PM

    She seems obsessed with the President's package, maybe Todd's not getting the job done anymore. But then, he's probably as sick of that skank as we are.

  101. Anonymous6:24 PM


    This is 7:57. I only agreed with 3:52 regarding keeping the conversation about palin's lousy record.

    i disagreed with 3:52 regarding palin's mothering. my point was that sarah isn't EVEN a good-enough mother. (i certainly don't ever want to be accused of condoning sarah's awful mothering!)

  102. justafarmer6:32 PM

    as a retired university professor of journalism & communication in Illinois...I can say at my university,the difference between a BA & a BS was essentially print vs TV/radio. The BS degree required graduates to know every aspect of the control, studio cameras, on-site cameras for B-rolls, editing B-rolls, and so on and so on.

  103. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck8:39 PM

    justafarmer -- thanks for keeping with me on this topic of BA vs BS. Now that you say the difference could be the focus on the physical equipment used in broadcasting i have to have a big


    cause i do not believe for a second that palin focused on the technical side of broadcasting.


    cause her studio has an awful echo and she hasn't fixed it yet. her voice is tinny and the lighting makes her blink like a crazy lady.

    and there is a palin shadow on the fake scene projected on the glass behind her.

    of course, she could have gotten all C's or something......? or maybe FOX was just trying to say her degree is BS and that i would tend to agree with wholeheartedly.


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