Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sarah Palin attacks our President's manhood over Arizona border dispute.

Courtesy of the Political Carnival:

Can you believe how hateful this nasty woman has become?


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah knows all about cajones. She speaks as if her mouth is full of them.

    She is a tea bagger, no?

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Uh huh. So does that mean Reagan (her hero, though I doubt she could explain one of his daffy policies), Bush I, Clinton, and Bush the Lesser also lacked the testicular fortitude that Jackass Brewer apparently has? Illegal immigration didn't start with PRESIDENT Obama.

    I need a stronger word than idiot for this insipid, inconsequential woman, so I'm off to use a couple of things she has probably only seen on the teevee -- a dictionary and a thesaurus (no Stupid Sarah, it's not a dinosaur.)

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Great - now I have a picture in my head of Jan Brewer with huge know big old man cajones.

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Nothing says, "cajones" to me like sending thousands of people with guns to beat up unarmed people who just crawled through the desert...

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What is wrong with her voice? Is she taking lessons in public speaking? If so, she needs a better teacher.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sarah also believes Piper has bigger cojones than Todd... and Willow has bigger huevos than Levi.

    Can someone please vote Sarah off the island?

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    OMG. The weak-minded, jealous bitch. She is consumed by hatred of President Obama. She's disrespectful, crude and vulgar. I'm sure her fans are in ectasy today.

  8. Where's the rest of it?

  9. Why does she have such a hard time keeping her eyes open? She looks so high on painkillers!!

  10. Anonymous7:22 AM

    All that hate and envy will catch up with this nasty piece of work. I've always believed in Karma and in due time it will bite this nasty bitch in the ass.

  11. Wow. Sarah Palin speaks Spanish also too.

  12. Anonymous7:32 AM

    The border is more secure than it has ever been. Securing the border is not the issue. It is much, much more complicated than that.

  13. Anonymous7:41 AM

    This is the woman who had a cow over the lipstick comment saying a woman governor has cajones?
    Like I say, don't look at polls, you can tell how badly the GOP is doing by their rhetoric. The more insulting and obnoxious, the worse they are doing.

  14. Mama Duck7:47 AM

    Way to make friends with darker-hued humans Sarah Palin - invoke the visual castration of the first African-American president.
    Palin is a disgrace, a disgrace to motherhood, womanhood and to humanity.

  15. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Several times, Sarah has accused the president of not guarding the border. She makes it sound as if he is driving one of those coyote trucks that sneak people into the United States.

    I didn't hear anything about establishing a reasonable guest worker program. I didn't hear anything about INS following up on the thousands of people who do enter this country legally and then overstay their visit. I didn't hear anything about formulating a plan for undocumented workers to pay and fine and get in line for citizenship. I didn't hear anything about the duties of the business to use e-verify to check the immigration status of their employees. All that I saw was a woman who fills the air with excess words, and continues to play the role of a GOP attack dog.

  16. Ok Gryphen this is the last straw. I have not commented on this blog in a while. But you know I have been here for almost two years. To have her say this about our President, especially using a Spanish word - a word of the very peoples she seeks to discriminate against in AZ, is insulting. She is immoral. She is disgusting. Please, my comment to you today is do something now to take her down.

  17. Anonymous8:05 AM

    $arah, it is so easy to chat when you are given the talking points, but defending them is your issue.

    As pointed out by Anon. 6:41, how does what you say square w/ your hero, Ronald Reagan??? Ahhh, but you are clueless and aren't even aware of how Reagan, et al approached this issue.

    Meanwhile, although I never was one to parallel Chelsea and her family and Bristol and her family, it did come home to me this weekend.

    Just one look at how radiant Chelsea and Marc are at their wedding, tells it all. This couple is truly happy and doesn't need to go out an market themselves to prove it to anyone.

    Not only has $arah's vitriol worked for her, I think it fills the need of not knowing how to have a positive private life.

    How can I feel sadness for a woman who has all of the money in the world at the moment, but is really a shell of a person?

    But, I guess my parents instilled a compassion in me that $arah does not understand.

    I find the Palins to be a heartbreaking family, and feel for the children in it, who have not experienced a normal family of sorts.

    It is the fact that they are affecting the next and Tripp's generation that is even sadder. But those unintentionally caught in the Palin tentacles are the ones who might be the saddest of all.

    They were caught unaware and now their lives may be screwed up forever.

    Can you just imagine a Pres. Palin talking this way about a head of state of a foreign country? We would end up at war w/ everyone and $arah would be grinning on the sidelines.

    With each day, finally, she has become less and less of a real threat to us, but more and more a threat to her own family's sanity.

    Meanwhile, those she elevated to positions are still influencing others. Talis Colberg, former AK AG (involved in some of $arah's controversial moments)is to be the new director of Mat-Su College.... remember, this college? It was the one of the 4? colleges attended by $arah.

  18. sewnup8:05 AM

    In addition to the dopey-eyes look it looks like she is propping herself up by the elbows to stay upright. She must have taken too much of something.

    And she thinks (to be more accurate she said Todd said) that Joe McGinniss needs to get a life! Like she can identify how a life should be lived....the woman is sick.

  19. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I'm sure Brewer, who already looks like a man in drag, will be thrilled to have people visualize her with balls. Thanks, Sarah!

  20. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Interesting that Trixie Klondike had to use the Spanish, rather than English version of the word.

    Hey Quitta from Wazilla, BALLS TO YOU!

  21. Anonymous8:09 AM

    She probably doesn't realize she used a Spanish word.

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The Palin victimhood is damn important to Scarah. She has no qualms when it comes to admitting her paranoia. Paranoia runs deep and her behaviors on Fox convince me she is on drugs.

  23. Anonymous8:15 AM

    At least President Obama has whatever it takes to be interviewed by anyone in the media and not have to pout and carry on lake a seriously demented child afterword

  24. Pat in MA8:16 AM

    Thanks for only posting a short segment of her interview, I could barely handle that much. Cajones? Seriously? She is a twit. Has anyone tried to teach her about sentence structure? Run on word salad, garnished with snark. Ugh.

  25. Anonymous8:17 AM

    She is a very disturbed and nasty person. The words I have are not strong enough to describe how offensive she is. Her insane irrational jealousy of Barack Obama is sick.
    I don't understand why her neocon backers don't take her ego down a notch or two. She wouldn't hesitate to squash any one of then for her needs.

    I've never seen a "public figure" like Sarah who is despised by so many. I know I am not alone in saying that I have never hated any politician or whatever she is this much. She has only brought negativity to the very serious discussions of our countries problems. All she does is criticize. Like she could solve these problems? No way!!

    One day is is going to anger the wrong person!

    I wish she would just STFU and disappear with her trash family.

  26. She knows about cajones alright. I guess the bar stool with her name on it when she waw the Queen of the wife swappers club gives her the credibility and experience to talk about cajones. All that teabaggin too!

  27. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Wow what a Biîtch!!!!!

  28. Anonymous8:23 AM

    OT - Gryphen, you got quoted in the new Talk2Action post.

  29. sewnup8:24 AM

    "So does that mean Reagan (her hero, though I doubt she could explain one of his daffy policies), Bush I, Clinton, and Bush the Lesser also lacked the testicular fortitude that Jackass Brewer apparently has?"

    Do we have a cartoonist among us? This makes a great visual, all those "danglies" hanging here and there on Brewer (or Scarah? or the two of them?), labeled.

    It's enough to make me wish I could draw.

  30. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Those of us who live in Alaska are beyond embarassment at this point (long ago actually)and as far as whats'er name goes, she's beyond help. Why does't she just go away? please? Back to the compound sara, todd's mixing up a batch of koolaid right now, ya betcha

  31. angela8:29 AM

    Shorter Sarah. . . . .
    I'm nasty and crazy and I want you to comment as I get even crazier . . . . .

  32. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'd like to see the rest of the video, if you can get it.

  33. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I may be wrong, but I just thought of why she is wearing white. Which she has never ever done before. She is competing with Chelsea's wedding.

  34. Anonymous8:43 AM

    6:44 - no kidding.

  35. Anon 8:37 - I think she is channeling Madonna's performance as Eva Peron.

    You know, it takes someone really trashy to make George Bush look sophisticated.

  36. Anonymous8:46 AM

    8:06, you're killing me! lol!

  37. Anonymous8:48 AM

    and piper has bigger cajones than mommy dearest for shielding her at the pa hockey game.

  38. Anonymous8:52 AM

    How presidential to be speaking about our country's elected leader in this tone.

    She would have been hung for treason... if "all of them" decided upon it back in the day.

    (re: her pornerview with Beck on her answer about her favorite founding fathers.)

    unable to log in.

  39. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Actually, having cajones would have entailed $arah finishing out her term as governor.

    POTUS Obama

    1) Stimulus Bill
    2) Health Care Reform
    3) Financial Reform

    Caribou Spice

    1) Going Rogue
    2) Fox News Bitch

    I report, you decide.

  40. imnofred8:52 AM

    I realize how much hatred and jealously that Sarah has for the President but she's barking up the wrong tree. If her party wants immigration reform so badly, PUT TOGETHER AN IMMIGRATION BILL.

    Oops..I forgot, Sarah and the republicans don't actually want to DO ANYTHING, they just want to blame it on Obama and offer NO SOLUTIONS.

  41. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I just cannot stand watching or hearing that woman. Anybody got a transcript link?

  42. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I'd like to see the rest of the video, if you can get it.

    Check C-SPAN

  43. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:57 AM

    Here, Sarah, come here! Take your meds and there'll be a treat for you afterwards, okay?

    Good girl.

  44. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Seriously, her mental illness is showing. FOX and Chris Wallace should be ashamed for putting such an mentally incapacitated person on TV. Fox, why are you torturing someone who is not mentally competent? Let Sarah out of her contract so she can get some treatment. Something is wrong with her brain.

  45. Anonymous9:09 AM

    This is obviously some kind of crazy Stupid Sarah reverse psychology tactic.

    It's all a ploy to see Pres. Obama's 'Johnston.'

    Tee hee.

    She's a mental defect.

  46. Anonymous9:11 AM

    For 8 long years the republicans had the presidency and for 6 of those, the congress.
    During that time, America was attacked. The republican president started a war in another country to supposedly, "protect us". He did nothing about illegal immigration except put up a 10 million dollar fence that has not worked.

    I want sarah palin and all the other loud mouth, know nothing republicans to comment on this.
    And then to shut up.
    The republicans have reached for the bottom of the barrel to find and promote sarah palin. She is an idiot, a liar and a hypocrite.

  47. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Leadfoot @7:20 a.m.
    "Why does she have such a hard time keeping her eyes open? She looks so high on painkillers!!"

    My thoughts precisely. When she's being interviewed from what appears to be Wasilla, she usually has trouble with the eyes. Sometimes rapid blinking or the too-slow blink. Looks like results of Oxyies to me. Maybe she over-does it when she's home. She forgot her beauty-queen plastic smiles in that interview. She's getting angrier and more vicious all the time.

    The bags under the eyes? Are they a result of reflections on her glasses? Or the result of bad habits?

  48. Anonymous9:17 AM

    someone, please take away her sharpie. $cary $arah is so way beyond stressed out about the carnival freak show that she has become that she isn't getting ANY sleep. Those peepers of hers were basically slits. Tired and haggard.

    second, it's the same ol song and dance: the gobermint needs to stay outa things/ wheres da gobermint? i needs protectin from the darkies.

    she's wrong as always. the president ain't refudiating nothin' -if az and 44 other states are "doin it" then let the states come up with the mandation AND the courts will decide if their laws are in compliance with the CONSTITUTION.

    also, too, looks like chris was about to mount up a feeble defense of the court's verdict based on reality, but, meh, i don't have enough faith in fox to actually look for the whole clip.

    from this hysterical and childish rant, i'd say she sees the writin' on her hand and knows the end of her punditry has been prophesied. so she's going to extremes to get attention. kinda like how a toddler will throw a tantrum when actin' cute ain't doin' it.

    alaska dispatch has a commentary askng why palin hasn't spoken up for parnell. they mention she's had 10 out of 33 picks that have won. BUT they don't mention how many of them, most i'd say from my recollections, were already ahead when she picked them.

    seriously, how can any independent voter look at palin as a viable option? those are the people who look at records and hers stinks. Gryphen, if she puts her hat in the ring, the blogs need an all out offensive based on the details of her RECORD. the fake pregnancy, while fun, will not be enough.

  49. Anonymous9:28 AM

    i'd actually do 4 more years of bush, hell, ANY bush, than allow this wretched, jealous, bitter woman anywhere near ANY public office.

    poor thing, being denied the miss alaska title still hurts and it hurts bad. what does it say about alaska voters when the miss alaska pageant officials made better decisions?

    and WHAT was murkowski thinking when he appointed her chair of to the oil and gas commission? it is my understanding she had ZERO expertise.

  50. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Didn't Bill O'Riley ask this coward what she would do about immigration, and, as usual, she had no answers. Just deer in the head lights look, and mouth contorting with anger. Old woman go take care of the mess you have at home. Oh I forgot, Alaska does not want your sorry self there either. Maybe Billie, Ms. Rovie or one of your kind want you, but the voters rejected you 2 years ago.

  51. She is high as a kite.
    what the hell is she on? She looks like shes gonna nod off. Much different than her manic twin.

  52. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Still ignoring the facts.

    National Guard deploying to the border this week?

    Deportation of mostly criminals up 10% during Obama administration?

    Just more of refusing to deal with facts.

    Do these people realize that most of our fruit and veggies are picked by the undocumented? Why don't they boycott food until it is picked by ril 'mericans or documented workers?

    Why are these people opposed to a biometric Soc Sec card? And mandatory eVerify for all workers?

    Local law enforcement can use 287g to arrest suspected "illegals". Why are they not doing so? Most places do but Phoenix sheriff Joe has had his ability to do this suspended because of repeated Civil Right violation.

    Joe, Lady Cojones and the rest need to learn that being brown is not a crime.

  53. womanwithsardinecan10:42 AM

    Now I've got a picture in my head of Jan Brewer with "swingin" beef" between her legs and Sarah looking up her dress.

  54. emrysa10:42 AM

    she can't stay awake because she stays up all night reading the blogs, lol.

    have they found out yet? have they found out yet??? it's just eating her alive.

    reap what you sow, sow.

  55. Was it the last 2 or 3 years of Bush that the congress voted for funding to build the dam fence? Why wasn't it done and where did the money go? "Oh I forgot Bush bankrupted us".

  56. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Brewer is sowa in a few years.

  57. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It seems as though she is getting increasingly desperate for some kind of acknowledgment from the President. The more he ignores her or dismisses her offhandedly, the more vicious and hysterical she becomes.

    She has now reached the point where her hatred and jealously is overwhelming her ability to appear sane. She seems to be heading for a complete meltdown and I hope it happens before she does any more damage to this country.

    It completely astonishes me that anyone could still view her as 'folksy' and 'down to earth' with the vile, repulsive hate she is spewing these days.

  58. Forever Anonymous11:19 AM

    WOW, that virulent bitch kicked my on the chest with her hatred, didn't expected.. the way she exploded to say cojones, she is reaally went too vulgar, too personal with The President, the administration should ignore her, but our sign of protest should read:

    Sarah Palin; Perra Insolente!

  59. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Become, Gryphen, become???

    You live in AK; you should know she's been that way for many years.

  60. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sarah, if you're snooping here, or one of your bots is,chew on these facts: you're ignorant, crude, phoney, extremely obnoxious & the very opposite of what a real lady is. You criticized someone who used the 'f-bomb' when Piper was nearby, yet your kids are well acquainted with filthy language & use it as
    easily as other people say 'if,' 'and,' & 'the,'Look how Track referred to his own sister! What kind of a young man does that, especially to an outsider. Bristol also has an impressive arsonal of obscenity in her vocabulary. Neither one of them appear to have the least
    respect for other people, & your 2nd
    daughter has displayed the same
    negative attitude. With all the obvious dysfunction within your own
    4 walls, besides your many 'gates'
    that have yet to be resolved, you're
    not really in a position to chide anyone, let alone The President of
    the United States.

    Sharon TN

  61. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I don't mean to be harsh but why does she always look dirty? Can't FOX afford to clean her up a bit before putting her on the air?

  62. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Anon @ 9:49:

    Thank you! You are right.

    Last month, Mayor Michael Bloomberg formed a coalition of major corporations - including Boeing, Disney, Hewlett-Packard, and even Rupert Murdoch´s News Corporation - to lobby Congress for comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants.

    Sarah is full of shit.

  63. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ok, at this point someone really needs to do a video mash-up of Sarah Palin's obsessive rants about Obama and Glenn Close cracking up in "Fatal Attraction."

  64. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Sarah, please go to the border and then keep on going. Surely some Mexican needs a jackass and you will do a great job in that role.

  65. Ratfish12:09 PM

    First Palin derides Andree McLeod as as the "falafel lady." McLeod is an Alaskan Republican who used to be friendly with Palin and then started filing ethics charges against her- including the one that just succeeded in forcing Palin to return nearly $400,000 she improperly and unethically collected for the Palin Family Slush Fund.

    Now she accuses the president of having no cajones relative to immigration from Mexico. Palin does not understand it's inappropriate enough and very unpresident-like to use that word, but to use it in the context of being critical of Hispanic immigration shows utter contempt for other people.

    By the way, can't you visualize Palin meeting Putin, asking if she can see his cajones. Or meeting Ahmadinejad, and asking to see his. Or........

    What an embarrassment.

  66. Anonymous12:40 PM


    Get your shit straight. Violent crime, though rising in Mexico, has fallen this side of the border: in Southwestern border counties it has dropped more than thirty percent in the past two decades. According to F.B.I. statistics, the four safest big cities in the United States - San Diego, Phoenix, El Paso, and Austin - are all border states.

    And, yeah man, for six years we know nothing Republicans had control of the White House, the Senate, and the House and no one even began to think about repealing Roe v. Wade. WTF? Maybe, just maybe, some of us are fighting far harder than you could ever imagine to ensure our daughters remain in control of their own wombs. Effectively, within the system.

    Relax, okay. President Obama will be re-elected.

  67. Anonymous12:56 PM

    ... the undocumented? ....

    Gotta love people who think a name change will make it all better.

    Undocumented = illegal
    Progressive = liberal
    Pro-choice = pro-abortion

    Take a position and own it.

  68. Anonymous1:07 PM

    psst...Sarah, it's "COjones."

  69. mommom1:14 PM

    TeaBaggers should never use the word cajones.

  70. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Mrs.Palin isn't aging well. She looks tense and bitter and cheap hair pieces do her no favors.

  71. Anonymous1:42 PM

    one long run-on sentence of crap,,,

  72. $arah has balls. tawd's...levi's....that menard sucka.
    I'm sure there are more.

  73. Roger1:52 PM

    Its getting very irritating listening to Palin refer to Barack Obama like he was her uppity house nigger, instead of the President of the United States.

    In the time of the "forefathers" (none of whose names she can recall) the townspeople would have deemed her a witch and burned her at the stake by now...if she hadn't yet been found guilty of sedition and hanged by her scrawny neck.

  74. Tyroanee2:00 PM

    over 1000 people are dead in Pakistan and all she can bitch about is???
    Oh yeah nothing, just like herself she is and will always be absolutely nothing but a QUITTER.

  75. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I have long felt that all the vitriol,hate and nastiness that is pouring out of this woman, will have karmic can already she that she is already cracking under the strain of her own darkness and nastiness. I'm am glad that we have a mature President of class, and that he continues to not even so much as acknowledge her presence..

  76. Anonymous2:19 PM

    When is Granny Palin going to have the cajones to do an actually interview? go on Meet The Press? Instead of hiding behind Faux News, Twitter and Facebook?...

  77. Leadfoot:

    I was going to say the same thing. She looks stoned. Give her a couple of years her inner hate is eating her alive. Not that I care about her looks but her fans brag how beautiful she is. She is a mess.

  78. majii2:37 PM

    Anon @12:56 PM,

    What's it to you what the labels are that we use? We believe in the common humanity of all peoples and see no need to oppress them to make ourselves feel better about ourselves. We know undocumented immigration is a problem. We want to do more than just talk about it, and use it as a wedge issue to win elections. We are more than willing to work with "conservatives" to solve the problem, but it's impossible to negotiate with those who say what they want, get it, vote against it, and then turn around and act as if the legislation is the most evil creation in the history of man.

    You cannot blame liberals/progressives/democrats for your party's failure to act on health care, financial regulations, or immigration when republicans had majorities in both Houses of Congress for 6 years in the period 2001-2009. This is the same reason it is unfair to beat the abortion drum. They had the majority but didn't use it.

    There comes a time during which one side gets tired of the political games being played by the other. President Obama reached out to the republicans. In fact, he met with leaders of both parties this past week to discuss letting the Bush tax cuts expire. Let me tell you what happened according to Steve Benen at the Political Animal.

    President Obama reminded the republicans about the 10 year window for the tax cuts, reminded them that they weren't paid for, and reminded them that it was THEIR plan to set the expiration date for 10 years. By doing this, the bill to pay for the cuts would be delayed, and the republicans wouldn't be seen as the un-fiscal conservatives that they really are.

    As soon as the president finished laying out the facts, Boehner replied, "I had nothing to do with these tax cuts!" The response to his claim was laughter. Why? Because Boehner not only voted for the tax cuts, he worked on crafting the bill.

    And these are the type of people that we are supposed to believe that we can negotiate HONESTLY with?

    Get real.

    You may deride liberals/progressives over inconsequential labels, but the one thing you cannot claim with any credibility is that we don't know what both parties are up to in Congress, or that we don't study and understand policies and policymaking.

  79. Anonymous2:40 PM

    She's lost it. Someone please slap a muzzle on this aging pitbull.

  80. majii2:44 PM

    Anon @12:56 PM,

    We believe in the common humanity of all peoples and see no need to oppress them. Undocumented immigration is a problem. We are more than willing to work with "conservatives" to solve the problem, but it's impossible to negotiate with those who say what they want, get it, vote against it, and then turn around and act as if the legislation is the most evil creation in the history of man.

    You cannot blame liberals/progressives/democrats for your party's failure to act on health care, financial regulations, or immigration when republicans had majorities in both Houses of Congress for most of the years 2001-2009.

    President Obama has reached out to the republicans repeatedly. In fact, he met with leaders of both parties this past week to discuss letting the Bush tax cuts expire. This is what happened according to Steve Benen at the Political Animal.

    President Obama reminded the republicans that it was THEIR plan to set the expiration date for 10 years. By doing this, the bill to pay for the cuts would be delayed, and the republicans wouldn't be seen as the un-fiscal conservatives that they really are.

    As soon as the president finished laying out the facts, Boehner replied, "I had nothing to do with these tax cuts!" The response to his claim was laughter. Why? Because Boehner not only voted for the tax cuts, he worked on crafting the bill.

    And these are the type of people that we are supposed to believe that we can negotiate HONESTLY with?

    Get real.

    You may deride liberals/progressives over inconsequential labels, but the one thing you cannot claim with any credibility is that we don't know what both parties are up to in Congress, or that we don't study and understand policies and policymaking.

  81. Anonymous2:50 PM

    According to F.B.I. statistics, the four safest big cities in the United States - San Diego, Phoenix, El Paso, and Austin - are all border states.

    San Diego, Phoenix and Austin - are all border states?

  82. What goes up, must come down2:59 PM

    She sure doesn't look like a meth addict. Not the pimply freaked out ones.
    "methamphetamine and opiates are her 'drugs of choice'"

  83. Anonymous5:30 PM

    2:50, appears to be just a typo.

    are all IN border states.

  84. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Undocumented immigration is a problem.......called breaking the law. With the help of the Obama Administration.

  85. Anonymous6:11 PM

    People won't ding Sarah if she says 3.7 million instead of 3.8 billion dollars. People should ding Sarah because she can't speak about a single issue without reading it from a piece of paper.

    Sarah, attention! It was the Republicans who voted for the Bush tax cuts 10 yeas ago, and part of the package included the fact that they would expire in 10 years. They were for it before they were against it. Don't blame Obama. It was the Republicans set this all up. (And, I didn't have to cheat by looking at notes. I've been following the issues).

  86. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Sarah's looks shouldn't have anything to do with her total lack of substance. However, her eyes are blinking at a furious rate while the rest of her face does not move a bit. That wig is a loser. And, please, Sarah, don't ever get a voice coach. Screeching is perfect for the message you want to deliver. It is the perfect way to spew venom.

  87. Anne In DC6:25 PM

    Palin continues to show her lack of class, manners, and just plain common sense. But with her reference to the "cajones" that our president supposedly lacks, she has sunk to a new level of crudeness and nastiness. Her jealousy and bitterness at not being in the seat of power are glaringly obvious, and are eating her alive. I also believe that she is truly suffering from a mental illness that gives her delusions of greatness and anger at anything that challenges that view. That's why she is still angry that McCain and she lost.

    She cannot deal with any fact that does not conform to her simplistic, short-sighted world view which is: liberal = bad
    conservative = good

    The more she is exposed in the media, the clearer it becomes that she is disconnected from reality, and that her problems go far beyond just being ignorant and ill-informed. She represents the very worst this country has to offer. Palin is racist, xenophobic, jingoistic, and proudly ignorant which she uses religion to rationalize.

    No one in his or her right mind would still consider her as presidential material, and her defenders can defend her only by attacking Obama or anyone who doesn't agree with their out-of-touch-with-reality worship of her.

  88. Anonymous 5:34 pm: Where was Bush for eight years??????

  89. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Poor Sarah. She's stuck being a Reality TeeVee Personality just like Kate and a sock puppet for Fox NonNews. Her jealously of President Obama just keeps oozing from every pore.


  90. Anonymous7:30 PM

    That woman is an idiot.

  91. SPO10110:20 AM

    I want AZ Governor Jan Brewer to show papers to prove she’s a human being. I think it was FOX that did a show on extraterrestrials that live among us, and Governor Brewer does resemble some alien from a B Movie, “Invasion of the Brain Snatchers”, right? I’ve have my suspicions about people like Jan Brewer, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove because of their lack of human qualities.

    As far as the immigration issue goes… Republicans never made a big deal about immigration enforcement during Bush/Cheney but NOW all conservative hell is breaking loose… even though the Obama Administration is deporting MORE illegal’s than Bush ever did. Maybe we should adopt Ronald Wilson Reagan’s immigration policy (look it up morons)

    And funny how I didn’t hear NOT ONE WORD on the Cable News about AZ Gov. Jan Brewer’s connection with the Corrections Corp of America. Not to mention I could stop this immigration problem with one thing… ARREST ALL THOSE conservative business people WHO ARE HIRING THE ILLEGAL WORKERS! Republican Party = Hypocrisy

    On 7-28-10 I was watching Republicans on Morning Joe (MSNBC) preach about being ADULTS when it comes to our economic meltdown. I say BS! The real ADULTS are trying to demand accountability from those who got us in this financial mess. Republicans want to shift the burden of responsibility on
    American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants.

    I wonder if the spoiled Silver Spoons on Morning Joe knew how much they hurt Democrats, Progressives, Liberals when they didn’t challenge NJ Gov. Christie. NOW all over the internet the Conservative wacko groupies are swooning all over Christie like he was a rock star. Of course, because of these Republican low grade thought processes, the right wing monkeys now consider American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants the biggest threat to our economy

    What kind of Americans are stupid enough to believe that decent wages, decent working conditions, enforcing again regulation, reforming our broken financial system and broken healthcare are BAD THINGS! Especially letting all those tax breaks for the rich expire (ten years is enough!) so the rich can again pay their fair share. When the Republicans were running things they started two wars they did not want to finish, set us up for financial system failure and took tax dollars away from grade schools to give BP tax breaks/subsidies (Corporate Welfare). DON’T BELIEVE ME, you rightwing numbskulls, CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES!

  92. Anonymous2:36 PM

    And McCain still wonders why he lost the election?

  93. Anonymous6:29 PM

    What's really scary is that just this morning Joe Scarbough was interviewed on the Today show and said Palin was clearly the front runner of the tea party (which I wonder if it was a slip). He then went on to gush about her and I was shocked since the reality we know is so opposite of what these political commentators say.

  94. Anonymous5:18 AM

    i see comments such as that made by 5:34 and i'm stunned by the complete lack of information and stupidity of such people. please tell me you actually know you've made a dumb statement and you did it just because you hate obama and not because you actually think its true. sigh.


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