Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hey Alaskans! Tonight is YOUR opportunity to thank Joe McGinniss for driving Sarah Palin just a little bit crazier during his book signing at Metro Books in Anchorage. You don't want to miss it!

Tonight at 6:30, Joe McGinniss will be giving a talk and signing copies of his newly reissued book "Going to Extremes"at Metro Music and Books at 530 E. Bensen blvd, in Anchorage.

If you have not had a chance to meet Joe and thank him for bravely standing his ground against Sarah Palin and her horde of Palin-bots this is your chance.

Oh and you can also purchase a pretty incredible book about our wonderful state as well, AND get it autographed by the author.  Not a bad deal I am sure you will agree.

And who knows, you might just see an Alaskan blogger or two in line to get THEIR books autographed as well.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Gryphen... please give Joe a standing ovation... he is the "real American" Sarah only hopes to be.

    Hope your daughter makes it in time to go hear him.

  2. junasie148:33 AM

    Any reports on his appearance with Shannyn last night?

  3. Doot Diddy Doot8:33 AM

    Sorry Gryph, OT but wanted to give it to you asap.

    Bristol to dance with the stars. Geesh these people are disgusting.

  4. laprofesora8:49 AM

    GRYPH! HuffPo says Brystil is going to be on Dancing with the Stars! I was so surprised I forgot to get the link!

  5. laprofesora8:55 AM


  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    More importantly:

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Holy shit! Is the rumor that Bristols going to be on DWTS true? We'll find out aug 30

  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I like how that hideous 14 foot fence is in the background

  9. GrainneKathleen9:26 AM

    hey gryph, have you seen this one yet?

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I wish I was in Alaska to join you, it sounds like a fun evening!

  11. WalterNeff9:36 AM

    It's being reported that Bristol Palin is going to be on Dancing With the Stars.

    Shoot me. Shoot me now.

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Just read over on Huff, that Bristol will be on Dancing with the Stars this fall.

    Hmmm. Is this a Mommy approved step, one wonders? I'm to the point where I think the Palins believe any press, any at all, is good press - even crazy antics like the recent Valdez airport bullying schtick.

  13. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Does Joe have any grandchildren he can bring along as props and human shields? Oh. Wrong book signing.

  14. I hope this isn't your first opportunity to meet Joe. Anyway, have a great time!

    I'm sooo jealous.

  15. Anonymous9:49 AM

    For a celeb, any press is good press

  16. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Bristol Palin...Dancing with the Stars! LMAO!!

  17. Facebook Lurker10:15 AM

    Hey OT, but who told you that Bristol was going to be travelling for a few months!

  18. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Too bad Levi didn't vie for DWTS instead of trying to become Mayor of Wasilla. Could have been his ticket out.

    OT - Just want to personally congratulate Sarah Palin and her Fox News cronies on their successful attempt at inciting hatred and violence here in NYC. How ironic and hypocritical that the Murdoch-owned newspaper NY Post and Fox cable stations can be "shocked" by the violent hate crime committed against a muslim taxi driver. I hope it was an isolated incident, but this was bound to happen, given the racism and hatred they continue to incite, no less from afar. And of course, behind Facebook and Twitter.

  19. The comments at Huffpo, regarding Bristol Hollywood are priceless, especially the alternative show names...

  20. laprofesora10:40 AM

    I think Brystil's news is great...there is NO WAY her mother can be taken seriously now. I'm just surprised they're not doing a mother/daughter thingy.

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    well shot my letter off to ABC that I will be boycotting the show, the network and all advertisers WHAT A JOKE.....

    When is Shannons interview with Joe going to be on? Were you there Gryph?

  22. Anonymous11:14 AM

    to 10:15, Bristol wrote on FB that she was taking a few months off work to travel with her baby. (who's no longer a baby btw Bristol - yet I think he still uses a bottle.)

    By travel, she probably means her speaking engagement etc and chillin in between

    I'm a little proud of Bristol. You know that because her mother desires to remain an influential public person no one was going to forget the unwed teenage daughter - esp freaks in blogs. so she's owning it now. She seems to be in complete control and I don't believe for one second that she ever wanted to marry Levi. Not when she was never faithful to him and would make his friends ditch him. Reading Sadie's myspace comments is fascinating. Apparently in May 08 Levi and Johnny had problems.

    No, BRistol was your average popular teen girl, too much booze, smokes and sex lead to Tripp and her unfortunate baby daddy.

    a teen girl's mind changes constantly, esp when she rebells.

  23. Have fun at the booksigning and give Joe a big thank you from me (Lady Rose [pen name], blogger from NJ).

    Did you see the news - Bristol will be on Dancing with the Stars -- when will this family and their stupid stunts just go away!

  24. Anonymous11:37 AM


    Dancing with the Czars.

  25. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Joe, be careful. I know there are Palinistas who are planning to rough you up when you get back to the east coast. They plan to take you out before the book comes out.

  26. Anonymous12:36 PM

    DWTS is shot in LA so that is probably where Bristol meant she will be traveling with her son for the next few months. She has to spend time (learning to dance) and practicing and it's unlikely the dance partner will want to stay at the motel 8 or whatever it is next to the Palin compound. Wonder if she'll be able to practice her abstinence if her dance partner is a straight hottie. Lots of hookups on that show, I hear.

  27. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Freakin' jealous! WISHED I lived in AK for this.



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