Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Dancing with the Stars" needs to change their name to "Dancing with the MOST untalented people we could find!"

Okay so the blogosphere is all a twitter over the news that Bristol Palin will milk even more out of her fifteen minutes of reflected fame by appearing on the ironically named "Dancing with the Stars."

So far this is unofficial and the official announcement will not be until August 30th (Can't you just feel the excitement?)

According to sources for E Online the other untalented media whores, desperate for attention, to appear this season will be Brandy, Audrina Partridge,  the "Hoff", the "Situation", and of course our very own, "The Bristle." 

Sadly rumors of Kirstie Alley joining the show have proven false, so there is literally nobody left in the cast who may prove to have less talent than Bristol.  But hey, if she has learned nothing else from her mother it is that a paycheck is a paycheck no matter how much you have to humiliate yourself to earn it.

So obviously the question that all of you must be thinking is "How can Bristol appear on DWTS if she is preggers?"  And the answer is, "She can't!"  So despite numerous e-mails and comments I have received, and what we all though we saw in the US Weekly spread and the above photograph, it appears that Bristol is not pregnant.  At least not now. 

I had already pretty much reached that conclusion myself when Dennis Zaki and Mercede both assured me that the girl in this famous video with Sarah in Homer was indeed Bristol, and not Willow as I, and many others, had thought.

As you can imagine there are plenty of rumors swirling around about whether or not Bristol was ever pregnant, and if she was what happened to the baby, but I certainly do not have any definitive information on the topic, so all I can say is that there were a WHOLE lot of people that were absolutely convinced that she was "with child" and leave it at that.

And of course if Bristol IS going to make this appearance on DWTS how does THAT coincide with her plans, as stated on Facebook, of taking Tripp and going traveling for a couple of months?  And if she is going to be too busy to properly care for little Tripp while filming this program does that mean that Levi gets more time with him?  Or is she selfishly going to drag him along with her and have a nanny watch him while she rehearses for her big moment network television debut?

So, so many questions still left unanswered.

Update: Popeater has a little bit more to add:

Although she has never danced before, Palin is looking forward to living in LA while the show tapes and is bringing her son, Tripp, with her, sources at ABC tell PopEater's Naughty But Nice Rob. Her proud mama plans to be sitting in the front row cheering her daughter on

So it looks like Bristol will continue to deny Levi access to his son, even though he now supposedly has a custody agreement, and that Sister Sarah is going to make sure to get a little camera time by sitting in the front row as well. At this point how does ANYBODY take this woman seriously as a potential future President?


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    My husband and I have date nights each week to watch the episodes of DWTS. Last year, I was sick-to-death that Tom DeLay was on the show, so when he got kicked to the curb, it was none-too-soon.

    Now, to see that the bar was dropped even lower to let in a girl whose only claim to fame was being knocked up as a teenager, I'm really disappointed.

    Gryph, you mentioned the traveling for two months thing...maybe that was the Bristle implying that she'd be traveling to California for the filming of this show?

    Anyway, it seems that Palin women don't really do too much mothering of their own babies, doesn't it? They are just about the sorriest excuses for moms EVER.

    And, I expect Bristle's nasty temper and clumsy lack of social skills to come through loud and clear. Let's hope that she's the very first to get voted off, so we can enjoy what's left of the season.

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The producers had Rachel Maddow lined up but dropped her when they found out she wanted to lead.

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Bristol has to be a better dancer than Kate +8... or maybe not... time will tell.

    Will Bristol get a "star" on the sidewalk in Hollywood?

    Maybe if we are lucky, Sarah will be on Wipeout at the same time.

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Do u think granny grifter will sit on the sidelines and scream "dance right Bristol damn it, don't dance left."

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Kate Gosslin got 500,000 for DWTS. She must have told Sarah, and Sarah could not wait to get her girls on there. Maybe they can have a whole season of just Palin's. Can you imagine the cash that will bring in!

  6. That family goes through a lot of witeout.

  7. Anonymous12:07 PM

    They would get a lot more viewers if they had both Bristol and Levi on .

    I think Mrs PAYlin's producer may have set this up.

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'm certainly glad that Bristol hasn't one Hollywood, as Levi has been accused of doing.
    Could this be a diversion ? Think back to 2008 when we were told that Bristol couldn't possibly be the mother of Trig because - Look, she's so very pregnant now. What if someone was putting out this story so that observers would say, She can't be pregnant if she is going on DWTS. It will be interesting if this actually happens. Skeptical Texan

  9. angela12:15 PM

    Just when you think it's safe--- Bristol (all Levi wants is to be a star) Palin appears to suck some more stupid out of the atmosphere.

    Is there nothing these Palins will not accuse others of that they have not already done, will do, want to do, or have done till it's almost blinded them?

    The Palin's are the bad junk food of the human race.

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I, for one, think this is GREAT news! The late-night jokes, they are a-coming. Can't you hear them now?

    I see another Letterman feud in her future. And Conan's coming back soon, too, isn't he? Sarah's going to be doing some serious petty sparring soon, which will destroy her credibility just a little bit more. Whoring out yourself and your family for reality TV also tends to do that, too.

    I'm already getting chills. This is gonna be awesome!

  11. Anonymous12:23 PM

    When I saw her at the end of July at the SeaTac airport,she looked extremely bloated. And cameras make it worse! She had on a baggy coat too.
    If that is a recent pic then the BIG A was the cure and then living off Red Bull and not eating like her home. Of course there are a whole bunch of pills that can take care of bloat too...

  12. Anonymous12:28 PM

    So... when will Bristol have time to be hard at work on her job at the dermatologist's office and givin' Tripper his half a dozen baths a day if she's rehearsing for DWTS?

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding it harder and harder to believe she really has such a hard life as a strugglin' single mahhhm. If this is what strugglin' looks like, where the hell do I sign up?

  13. i'm beginning to regret sending my daughter to college so she could become a teacher and make $30,000 a year, going into her 3rd year of teaching. had we been thinking ahead, she could have gotten knocked up in high school and, with a little marketing, we could have turned that event into a cash cow!

  14. Anonymous12:31 PM

    If she's going to be in CA for an extended period of time, what happens to the custody agreement? I know Levi got a very limited amount of visitation to begin with, and how is he supposed to see Tripp if he's in Alaska and Tripp is in CA?

  15. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Must be a run on whiteout in Alaska, pip.

  16. Let's start a new show name contest..."Dancing with.........."

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Am I glad I never got hooked into watching DWTS.Now I know for sure that will never, be the option.

    As for Bristol, not being preg now, well she sure has had time to fix that situation, now hasn't she?
    The trip to Calf. was the fix, just like the trip to NY was. before..Sarah's is not beyond an abortion and don't let her ever convice you otherwise.
    Proof? the white out miscarriage on her medical report. No hospital or Clinic would ever, white out something as crucial as that. I believe that was Sarah's sorry little hand.
    Now my question: when is some brave intelligent, strong alaskian going to reveal all, about this pox on America? Surely, there must be one person willing to stand against this manufactured image.

  18. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I still think that her trip to Washington State this summer was for "medical reasons" ie abortion whiteout /miscarraige. Totally my first thought when she has been seen in Seattle....hmmmmm

  19. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Wow, if it was really Bristol at Homer with Scarah, it is even more shocking how childish and ignorant that girl was in the video. "She represents the UNITED STATES!", with the hand gesture. It belongs to a 13-year-old, not a 19-year-old mother.

  20. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Hold on here....she is her mother's daughter. I won't believe it until she is actually seen on the show. She could still very well be preggers and just being a Paylin. I am betting that something will come up at the last minute....

  21. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Since we already know she can't POSSIBLY be worse than Kate Gosselin, and that SHE managed to stay for at least three weeks longer than she should have, I predict the same Christian groups who bolstered Gosselin's votes will vote en masse for Palin until the end! "Making lemonade out of lemons" must be the mantra in the Palin household, because if any other 19-or-20 year old single mother thinks HER life could be just like Bristols, she'd be sadly mistaken. This is out of our hands, folks. We can only give the Palin family just enough rope, and then hope they hang themselves (figuratively speaking).

  22. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I'm just surprised Mama Grlzzly didn't jump on that opportunity herself!

    We went for a few years without cable TV...looks like we need to consider that option again.

  23. Hey, lots of ex-Governor's kids go on TV shows like this!

    There's... wait, lemme think... umm..

  24. Um, I try not to follow her activities too closely, but couldn't she just have In all the pictures I've seen of the engagement/not she looked pretty chunky. If it's just fat, then DWTS will help that problem. Ballroom dancing is hard work. I've done it. Oh wait, hard work, not a strong suit of the Palin clan.

  25. Anonymous1:17 PM

    That's an older picture, taken earlier this year.

  26. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I don't watch this show, but it does seem to require a lot of hard work. I don't think she realizes that and if she shows her true face, she's going to find Hollywood more unforgiving than her mother.
    M from MD

  27. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Just another reason I'm glad I don't watch DWTS!

  28. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Well you can take my word on this Gryphen. Bristol won't be dancing with any stars very soon because she is now 4 months pregnant. Just wait and see. Nice diversion you Palin whackos but it isn't going to fly.

  29. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Gee more double standards, Bristol can do reality tv but she doesn't think Levi should. How very Palin of her.

  30. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Bristol Palin 'Excited' for 'Dancing With the Stars' Gig

    Although she has never danced before, Palin is looking forward to living in LA while the show tapes and is bringing her son, Tripp, with her, sources at ABC tell PopEater's Naughty But Nice Rob. Her proud mama plans to be sitting in the front row cheering her daughter on.

    "Bristol is excited and scared and hopes she gets Maksim Chmerkovskiy as her partner," the source adds.

  31. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:52 PM

    And I'm sure that the Bristle (love it) had her choice of the best docs in America to take care of her pesky little problem. Too bad that Mommie Dearest doesn't want to allow that option for us peasants whom she hopes will be under her wrinkled, decaying thumb in the future.

    And BTW...Kirstie Alley is a fabulous comedienne/diva who doesn't take any shit--it would be great to see her wipe the floor with Da Bristle!

  32. Anonymous1:58 PM

    We've discussed this as a family this morning, and decided that DWTS is out if Bristol gets on. We even fired off an email to ABC/DWTS expressing dismay and promised to let sponsors know how we feel.

  33. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Didn't Bristol say in some interviews she was going to stay in Alaska and focus on her day job, while studying and looking after Tripp? This girl is all over the place, changing her mind day in and day out.

    Not the responsible person that mom Sarah portrays her to be. Tripp is the one who suffers in all this. Traveling, heavy work schedules, lack of routine for the child, distance from his mother if she decides to leave him home for weeks, strangers, absence from familiar faces. What grandmother wouldn't worry about this scenario? Even Gryphen was worried about his grown adult daughter traveling, like we all would be. A nineteen year-old single mother on her own in LA?

    The fake family values' Palin thing is not working out for Sarah.

    Irresponsible, immature, fickle, and looks like another Palin will be stuck in high school the rest of her life.

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Wanna bet she quits during practice?

  35. Grinding With Grifters

    Dancing With Dingbats

    Stumbling With Stooges

    Hoofing With the Hard-Hearted

    Tripping the Light Fantastic with Trash

  36. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Levi should see if he can compete on DWTS.

    I betcha momma Palin is taking money from the books she sold to hire a proffesional dance teacher for Bristol.

  37. I used to love DWTS .... quit watching when they had DeLay on ... now that they have stooped to Bristol I know I made the right choice.

    Bristol probably wants to be like Scott Brown's daughter who was on American Idol.

    I suppose the next thing for Bristol will be spokesperson for Jenny Craig.

  38. Facebook Lurker2:39 PM

    Jeez Gryphen , what you don't want to post my comment ? If info is on Facebook it is out there for public consumption . Way to censor Dude, u are as bad as C4P

  39. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Dancing with the STARS???? WTF? This is yet another example of the extreme hypocracy of the Palin family. Accusing Levi of being a fame whore while all the while grabbing at the spotlight trying to be famous for being a knocked-up teen!
    This show has now become even more of a joke than it was when they cast Kate Gosselin. Calling untalented, unremarkable people as "stars" doesn't make it so.

  40. Facebook Lurker I don't believe I DID reject one of your comments. At least I don't remember doing so.

    Usually the reason for a rejected comment is an attack on one of my friends(They visit here and I don't want to have them see something that makes them feel bad in my little part of the blogosphere), comments that hijack a thread (Say I make an observation about Palin and somebody wants to change the subject to Obama for instance), spam, or for simply being too big of an asshole to fit in with my usual visitors.

    Other than that I usually let most comments through. Even the ones that disagree with me.

  41. Anonymoose3:00 PM

    Hollywood life points out Bristol is a hypocrite. Another photo with suspicious-looking rounded belly

  42. I wonder if Bristol has an ounce of rhythm in her body. None demonstrated so far.

  43. London Bridges3:07 PM

    The kids in Wasilla are sharp as pistol when they do "The Bristol Stomp!"

  44. London Bridges3:15 PM

    Bristol will be doing her Salome impression dance trying to get King Herrod to bring her the head of Levi on a plate. Hence, she will be wearing a burka, just to keep us all in suspense as to whether we are really watching Bristol or watching Willow.

  45. Facebook Lurker3:20 PM

    Ok here's the condensed version:

    Since someone mentioned seeing Bristol at the Dea-Tac airport:
    Bristol was in Seattle earlier this summer attending a family wedding, pics were posted. No ulterior motive, even Willow, Piper, and Trig were there. Bristol basically has to take her little money maker with her to LA since her younger siblings live with Aunt Heather who's got her hands full with her own brood including an autistic son.

  46. Anonymous3:25 PM

    That photo is just too funny.

  47. Anonymous3:27 PM

    You know if he has visitation rights he can get a court order to prevent Mommy Dudest from removing the child from his access.

  48. Anonymous3:30 PM

    What a nasty comment about Maddow, Anon 1157. Is Maddow not femme enough for you?

    What is the definition of feminine class...Bristol dressed like a slob, a hoodie over her head, yelling at a schoolteacher while waving her hands in her face?

    Bristol has zero class. I was surprised that Gryphen revealed just now that it was her, not Willow in that video, because I assumed Bristol had more dignity than that with a child to look after. But that's obviously wrong. I was a fool to give these girls the benefit of a doubt. I certainly feel foolish, anyway. I even defended them at some point using the kids are off limits theory of political discussion. But this is just insane. The way these people behave is just classless, hurtful and selfish, and I hate to say it, but white trashy too.

    What in the world is this single barely out of high school mother thinking going on DWTS and carousing around LA????? And Sarah is going to waste her time sitting in the front row? I thought she was too busy fishing, or working or tweeting or teabagging or whatever it is she does these days. She must have all the time in the world to hang around LA. That really says a lot, actually. These people have NOTHING better to do.

    All I can say to Bristol is, lose some of that fat before you show up for rehearsal, so you don't embarrass yourself. Or maybe, this is just another crappy ruse and she'll change her mind just like she did about her townhouse, and her re-engagement.

    And another thing...after all of this, the Palins better just hush up about calling other people on their ricky hollywoodishness and famewhoring, because they cannot stay away from Hollywood or New York for more than 5 minutes without finding an excuse to go back.

    By the way, Sarah, LA is not "real america" but while you're down there you might as well stop over in Arizona to help out with border patrol duty, since you ran your mouth about that for so long.

  49. They really do need to change the name of the show. This is hilarious.

    Thank you ABC for joining in the historic effort to shove the Palins in our faces 24/7. And thank you, also too, for helping Sarah keep her kids razzle-dazzled and compliant. Poor Bristol probably thinks she got the job because she's a real celebrity...being an Ambassador and all...with a real title.

    I'll probably be inclined to tune in at least once, which is more than I'll do for Sarah's show. As an aside, I do wonder if/how this will effect ABC News coverage of Sarah.

    Surely Bristol will have Tripp available in Wasilla for Levi's visitation time or she'll pay to fly Levi to LA on those days if Levi's willing...or risk violating the custody agreement. No doubt Rex is on top of the situation to protect his client's time with his son.

    I'm feeling obnoxiously pleased with myself for recognizing Bristol in the Homer video and it's great to have confirmation. It makes the Homer video even more delicious. I hope all the DWTS viewers will be able to catch a peak of the real Bristol.

  50. Alas, poor Bristle, cannot act, lousy speaker, lies like her mama, nasty mouth and the personality of a wet diaper with the learning disability of her mama.

    The only thing she has ever done successfully and on her own is...THE HORIZONTAL TANGO!

    Of course old Sarah will be there hoping some real "star", "Celeb" will rub off and she can get on TWTS too and/or make new contacts she can make money on.

    Personally I am suffering from palinoverkill!!!

    I have never been a fan of DWTS.

    I suppose the fewer brain cells one has, the longer they can tolerate excessive stupidity and Palinositries.

  51. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Pseudo-celebrity. And people say Paris Hilton has no substance. At least Hilton is moderately interesting to look at (if not for her looks, then at least in terms of fashion). Bristol takes the term "hollow celebrity" to its purest form. There's literally nothing there! Dull in every way.

  52. Jennifer3:47 PM

    I wouldn't worry too much about $arah getting tons of free publicity in the audience. I think Bristol will be voted off pretty quickly unless she gets a popular partner like Maksim. I don't think they'll pair her with Maksim because she's a total dud in the personality department and they always pair him with someone with a strong personality. He needs someone who will stand up to him. Bristol's wilted lettuce personality isn't that.

    Unless she's a shockingly good dancer, I think she'll get voted off in the first few weeks. She doesn't have a built in fan base (like an athlete or actor), she's not exceptionally good looking (eye-candy votes), and she has the personality of a dishrag. Unless she creates some controversy or is a shockingly good dancer, she'll be gone very early.

    Some of the male dancers have little patience for their female partners who aren't good natural dancers. It would be funny if she got one of those as a partner because some of those male dancers are poor at hiding their disdain. I think that might take her down a peg.

    DWTS has a way of bringing out people's real personalities. I'm not sure Bristol is really ready for that. It can be very unflattering.

  53. Anonymous3:52 PM


    1. Bristol is going home in tears, humiliated with all the criticism and negative comments about her weight problem.

    2. Mama grizzly is going to defend her and cry out against the 'librul' media, complaining that Bristol's first amendment rights are being taken away.

    3. DWTS will drop in ratings by the massive number of fans protesting the presence of such bad role models.

  54. Anonymous3:53 PM

    @3:00 PM:

    thats the thing with these goobers: they ALWAYS have a different agenda.
    NOTHING is as it appears.

    they are like the smoke-monstor on LOST.

  55. Anonymous4:13 PM

    She always looked so stiff. Anyway you can date that picture?

  56. Aussie Blue Sky4:20 PM

    She's a star of what? Spreading her legs?

  57. Anonymous4:29 PM

    That is NOT Bristol in the is Willow. For some reason Mercede is not being truthful. She is in on the scheme.

  58. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Aussie Blue Sky@ 4:20 with the win!

  59. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Meredithp has a good point about DWTS. If Bristol thinks it is about putting on a glamorous dress and twirling around a few times, she is in for a rude shock.

    Dancers are athletes. They work HARD at their discipline. If Bristol tries to whine and make excuses to avoid the work, her partner will not be forgiving.

    As for Kirstie Alley, I think she is always willing to laugh at herself and make the best of every situation. I think she has too much class for DWTS.

  60. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I'm sure this will go over big at Bristol's upcoming abstinence speaking gig, for which she's being paid $14,000.

    "Hey kids: Don't abort. . .look what can happen when you have a baby. . . TV! Magazine covers! Dancing shows! six-figure peaking fees!"

    Fabulous role models. Is this their definition of a Commonsense Conservative?

  61. Anonymous5:10 PM

    In our state, one parent cannot take the child out of state without the consent of the other parent. I can't believe that Levi is allowing Bristol to take Tripp out of state for a couple of months. And,who will be the care giver while Bristol is busy dancing, speaking and signing autographs?

  62. Jennifer5:12 PM

    Being a contestant on DWTS is hard work. Every contestant who has been on the show has talked about how hard it is and how much harder work it was than they expected.

    The Palins don't do work. Sarah has modeled not working for her kids and from all accounts Bristol and has been following in her footsteps. What ever happened to her "job" in Anchorage?

    If Bristol tries to get away with her usual work ethic on DWTS she'll be in for a rude awakening. I can only hope she goes the route of Master P of many seasons ago and incurs the wrath of DWTS fans with her laziness and terrible dancing.

  63. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Remembering the Bristol & Levi Soap Opera, they were going to pitch a reality series, promote their engagement, child and marriage in a season series. Nobody bought it, especially Sarah. Then, Bristol had a hissy fit and claimed that "she got played."

    Looks like it is Levi who is getting "played." Bristol made up with Levi with the hopes of getting that show. When the show was a no show, she (and Sarah) shopped out Bristol to see what they could get.

    Bristol is famous for being an unwed mother; that really doesn't require much talent. She has the charisma of a rock. If DWS wants to keep their fans and ratings, I suggest that as a surprise, they bring out Levi as another DWS contestant. Then, let the fun begin!

    Oh, and as a final thought, good parenting regarding Tripp!

  64. Anonymous5:29 PM

    CBS is now reporting that Levi has taken back his apology. Big surprise here.

  65. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I am hoping she gets impregnated by The Situation..because then they can call the baby The Refudiation..

  66. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Does Levi not realize that by going on the record that he wasn't lying about his past sentiments on Sarah, he is calling his sister a liar due to her contradictory info. Plus, we know not everything was factual in his articles.

  67. to: Anon @ 4:13 --

    I am guessing that picture of 'Bristle' (sic - lol), was when she was at the Candies deal/interview, which was (I think) in March?

    If that is indeed a 'baby-bump', she would be pretty far along by now -- taking into account, there were no 'wite-out' remedies.

    Just sayin' -- :o)

  68. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Why can't any media source realize we don't want to see another second of the Palins? It is so sickening to see Scarah in the news 24/7 with her FB postings, tweet rants, Fox appearances, Teabagging support and now a reality show about Alaska? Are media sources so desperate for ratings that they'll show every minute of this train-wreck/ media whore family?

    When I turn on the Today show and hear Matt Lauer discussing Bristol's engagement or Sarah's teabagger buddies winning primaries, I could almost puke! Why is anything about them news and why is it shoved down our throats constantly? Bristol is merely the daughter of a 1/2 term govenor, who got knocked up in high school, so why in hell do we want to see her in magazines or on TV?

    BUT MAYBE...This is Sarah's way to keep Bristol happy (quite) after all the secrets and lies she's had to deal with!!!

  69. I kind of hope that Bristol's first dance number will be choreographed to Monty Python's "Every Sperm is Sacred" (from "The Meaning of Life")

    She can recreate the scene where Michael Palin comes home and his wife, Terry Jones in drag, drops a baby out from under her skirts while cooking supper in the kitchen. Then the singing commences with children everywhere....

    Bristol can dance and spin, and voila! a "real baby" will fall out on the floor from under her dress.

    That's what I wanna see :-)

  70. nswfm6:32 PM

    Between the Aussie Blue Sky Spreading Legs comment and AKPetMom's Palin Sperm Dance, I think this is the funniest stuff I've seen all month.

  71. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Didn't we notice a few weeks ago, that Sarah looked like she was pregnant, guess she pulled out the old fake baby bump to cover for the 3rd bastard child.

  72. Anonymous6:43 PM

    That girl looks so pregnant in that picture. What did they do? Whaaatt?
    Did they remedy the situation and then Bristol got some liposuction too? Will she appear svelte and brand new for the show?

  73. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Just think at some point this fall we can see palin on fox, palin on tlc, and pain on abc, I think I'm going to be sick now

  74. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I have lost all respect for this family. I saw the Homer video and couldn't get over the hand gesture either, and the gum chewing as well. It's all about the money, and Sarah quit her governor job because of financial opportunities and that's it. No one who intends to run for president would allow their extended family to do things like DWTS.

  75. Anonymous7:14 PM

    meredithp: It is hard work to participate in the contest. We all saw Bristol's hard work in the American Teen show and how that paid off.

    Hmm..I wonder why Meghan McCain has not been offered jobs e.g. DWTS? Let me guess: the Palin's have an agent!

    The gaul of Bristol to speak ill of Levi saying he wants the lime light is appalling. I have found that narcissists believe only they are entitled and superior due things and will bad mouth anyone who dares to have what they believe is all and only for them.

    Let us not forget mama grizzly is protecting her cub from the public and evil media yet again. REality shows are only for the Palins, not to include Levi. As Sherri Johnston wrote they are the "do as I say, not as I do" type. It's different for the Palin's..they are just going through doors God opened..doing god's work and it is all for the good of AK and our nation..BS

  76. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Anon@4:29 said "That is NOT Bristol in the is Willow. For some reason Mercede is not being truthful. She is in on the scheme."

    BINGO!! It IS Willow, not Bristol in the video. And Mercede is not being truthful about this or about past events.

    Levi and Mercede both know the truth about the birth of Trig. They know Sarah did not give birth to Trig.

    My guess is that Bristol did, and Levi is probably the father, which would explain why he was wearing a hospital braclet. Trig was probably born premature and with DS. The photos in the Palin kitchen were taken when tiny, ruffled-ear Trig came home from the hospital, well before April 18. The baby shower also happened during this time, not in May as was reported. Sarah decided to fake being pregnant and raise Trig as her own. But by April 18, Trig was several months old (or older) and didn't look like a premie newborn anymore, which is apparent in the hospital photo with the Heaths. So the baby shower pictures showing a much smaller Trig were released, and the baby was hidden away again. During this time, he could of had his ear surgically repaired. So by the time we see Trig again at the RNC, he is bigger and has round ears.

    Meanwhile, Bristol has gotten pregnant again. Sarah uses Bristol's second pregnancy to "prove" Bristol could not have been pregnant before. Bristol gives birth to Tripp in late Dec. or early Jan.

    There are people who know what happened. Too bad everyone lets the Palins get away with this deception.

  77. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Gryphen - has anyone ever checked the birth records in Anchorage and the valley during the first few months of 2008? If Bristol was being hidden away at her aunt's, the baby may have been born nearby.

  78. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Things must be going reasonably well in rehearsals. DWTS has said many times through all the seasons that by the time the first show airs, the stars have been in rehearsal for 6 weeks. If the new season starts on 20 Sep, that means they've been in rehearsal since about 09 Aug - 2½ weeks. This would be immediately after the Homer incident.

    Two weeks is enough time for Bristol to find out how hard this is and quit or get fired, so I'm thinking she must be holding her own.

  79. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Kudos to the Anon poster who figured out Bristol's title is "ambassador" for Candies. I could not understand what Bristol could have meant writing the pst slamming Mercedes she did not "have a title".

    It seems Bristol Palin suffers a delusion that a title is proof she is entitled and above others. That is what we witnessed in the Homer video. Sarah and Bristol have "titles", Sarah intends to keep hers calling herself Govenor and Bristol is superior she is an "ambassador" for knocked up teens and GED lying through her teeth habitually like her mother. Content of character as MLK stated is not a Palin family value.

    Mike Wooten, in case you read this blog my sympathy to you for being targeted by the Palins.

    Anon 11:57 I think we've had enough of snarkiness, hatred about some aspect of people who really have good character, are ethical, responsible like Rachel Maddow.

  80. Shadowfever7:59 PM

    I think it is hilarious. You'll have Bristol Palin and David Hasselhoff on the same show. The same show that last season had Tom Delay and Kate whats her name.
    It's like the Love Boat of the 2010.

  81. Anonymous8:42 PM

    If I could be bothered to watch the show, I'd be curious to see if she could ever look polished. Even dressed up, as in that pic, she looks frumpy.

  82. Anonymous8:56 PM

    5:39, actually, I remember reading on Mercede's blog that the things Levi had said were TRUE. Mercede said she remembers how Levi would come home after being with the Palins and he would recount the same things he suddenly claimed didn't happen. So now, by refudiating his apology, he is SUPPORTING her blog statements.

    Anybody else remember this too?

  83. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I think Sarah is behind this gig for her daughter. It's just another one of Sarah's lame attempts to keep her Matanuska Maid dairy cow working. And, if the judges don't particularly care for how well Bristol produces, Sarah will try to replace the judges with her own high school cow friends. Yep, Sarah will milk this one 'till it's dry.

  84. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Somebody better explain to Retawd that the cameras on DWTS are legit and that he should not go upto them and ask them why are they putting the camera in Bristol's face and why are they shaking? Sarah don't go up to the camera person and ask them what do they do and roll her eyes at their response.

  85. Anonymous11:00 PM

    If Bristol can get all the Alaskan underage pregnant high school girls to vote for her, she may have a chance of winning DWTS.

  86. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You know, the network approaches people to be on their shows (as far as stars go). What did the ratings do when she was on Secret Life? If they skyrocketed, of course ABC is going to bring her back. All tv networks are in this for the same reasons. She was in LA for some work in mid July via FB.

  87. Molly6:49 AM

    Well, thanks for confirming that that was BRISTOL being the turd in the Homer video. I thought that all along, even after you and Patrick at Palingates, and lots of others said it was Willow.

    Doesn't preclude the possibility that she was pregnant with Ben's baby and had an unfortunate miscarriage. If so, my condolences to Bristol.

  88. emrysa9:45 AM

    gryphen it is willow in that video. for one thing, if it was bristol, she would be holding tripp. I don't think she would leave that kid with someone else, she would have brought him along so he could "learn early" how to mock and confront people. secondly, look at bristols face in the "we're getting married" pics and video. her face is super chunked out. the face in this video is not chunked out. thirdly, willow has been with them during the tv show filming. this is willow.

    if we could see the hair in this video I think it would be obvious that it's willow. it's the no visible hair that's throwing people off.

  89. Anonymoose10:37 AM

    I always thought it was Bristol in the video (though you would expect it was Willow from her childish behavior). Bristol has that long flatter nose, Willow's nose is shorter and more pointy and she has bigger cheekbones. Look at this side on pic of Willow and compare it to the video - it's Bristol

  90. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Gryphen, who actually gives a shit what this 'twit, twat, whore' does? She has as much appeal as watching squash grow! I NEVER watch any of those shows [unreality], so count me out, but especially knowing the Paylins are anywhere on TV, makes me all the more determined to dispense with turning TV on at all. They are positively disgusting people.

  91. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I would bet money that it is Bristol in that video. I recognize the voice and the body language. Yes,the sisters look a lot alike, but the attitude shown? Bristol all the way. Her not having Tripp nearby means nothing. The Heath's probably had him- why would you bring a toddler halibut fishing? You wouldn't. AND, if she IS getting the DWTS gig, then showing up on mommy's AK show is good publicity for her.

  92. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I would bet money that it is Bristol in that video. I recognize the voice and the body language. Yes,the sisters look a lot alike, but the attitude shown? Bristol all the way. Her not having Tripp nearby means nothing. The Heath's probably had him- why would you bring a toddler halibut fishing? You wouldn't. AND, if she IS getting the DWTS gig, then showing up on mommy's AK show is good publicity for her.

  93. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Conceit is the quicksand of success.

    Al-Azhar University

  94. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".



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