Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Learning to live with obesity or "You mean Cheetos are NOT diet food?"

As I have shared a few times in the past I get quite a lot of ugly, insulting remarks that come in to me through e-mails or in the comments section.

Some of them are insulting my intelligence, my lack of credibility, simply the fact that I am a "Palin hater" (Actually I am not.  I don't really "hate" her I just want her exposed.), or any number of other potentially hurtful verbal attacks. (By the way one of my favorites arrived in my e-mail box around the time that I wrote the "Splitsville" post, and it referred to me as a "Nazi-Ni**er-Faggot." To be honest it was such a bizarre combination of insults that I was at a complete loss for words and simply found myself laughing hysterically.)

And occasionally the insults are about my appearance.

Since I am kind of camera shy there are not a whole lot of pictures of me on the internet, but the one that the Palin-bots love to use is the one that the principal of the school I worked at took of me and used on the school website.  It is extremely unflattering and definitely suggests that I am not at my most svelte. (I was always secretly pleased that most of the attacks which included a  picture of me used the one from my Hawaiian vacation which they found on my old MySpace account.  I was in great shape for that vacation!)

Anyhow recently I have received quite a few more of these attacks on my physique, so I thought "Gee maybe they are on to something."  Anyhow yesterday I weighed myself, and then checked the Body Mass Index calculator online,  to see if I should be worried.  According to the BMI, at 5 foot eight inches tall and a whopping 210 pounds, I am in fact obese.  Well that sucks.

The BMI is what doctors use to determine if a person is too fat or not, and science does not lie, so I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that I am one of the 26.7 percent of Americans in this country who are obese.

Gee I eat right, I get plenty of exercise, and I am an ex-personal trainer.  You would think I would not have too much to worry about. But you know I AM fifty years old now, and the first step toward recovery is admitting that you have a problem, so I guess I better start getting serious about taking better care of myself.

So starting today I will add at least fifteen more minutes to my cardiovascular workouts, spend less time sitting on my ass at ths computer, and get outdoors more often to ride my bike and go hiking (By the way THIS is the view that greeted me as I started my descent back down Flattop mountain on Sunday.)

Gee, I guess I have the Palin-bots who sent me those insults to thank for finally getting me motivated enough to get off of my obese ass and start taking better care of myself.  Thank you intellectually challenged Palin worshippers!  You have really made me see the light! If ever I can return the favor, just let me know.

I took this picture yesterday just to give myself some idea as to how much work I still have in front of me.  Here is hoping that in the next several weeks I will see a new and improved Gryphen staring back at me from the mirror.


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    You are, in fact, not "obese". Because you are physically fit and clearly muscular, the Body Mass Index will give you a false indicator of obesity. You probably still have excess body fat, but your body composition is such that you have a high amount of lean body mass with that extra fat. So rest assured, while you might have some fat to lose, you are not technically obese. BMI do not apply to certain populations, including those who are physically fit who always weigh heavier on the scale than their level of body fat-to-lean body mass would reflect. But you should do less weight lifting and more cardio, the current recommendation is 60 to 90 minutes per day of moderate to intense activity for most days of the week--to manage body weight.

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Heck---you look pretty good to me, Gryphen.

    Don't worry about it!


  3. Lower 49er11:55 AM

    BMI is a very blunt instrument. It does not take into account things like body fat percentage, and bone structure.

    I'm a tad taller than you, and a smidgen lighter. (5'-8 1/2", 206 lbs.) Also 20 years older. I've been losing weight lately, thanks to whey protein shakes that seem to boost my metabolism and reduce my cravings for carbs.

    Next, I plan to go on the Palin Pregnancy/Miscarriage Diet -- eating no solids, and drinking Red Bull.

  4. I will assume that most of you realized that this post was tongue in cheek.

    But it also gave me the opportunity to once again express my frustration that doctor's and nurses are still using the BMI to decide who is, or isn't overweight.

    When I was working at the elementary school I introduced a program to determine bodyfat using calipers, which are a much more accurate method than the BMI, and when we did identify children at risk we sent nutritional information home and made sure that child had more time in the gym and engaged in more active play at recess.

    Number one, using the calipers we found that there were actually far fewer children that could be considered obese. And number two, using those very subtle and unobtrusive methods to increase their activity levels we saw a pretty dramatic change in their physiology.

    Just for the record according to the calipers I am at 12% body fat, which puts me in the "excellent" category for my age as well as for a 25 year old.

    Like anybody I would like to lose a few pounds of fat, but I think I am doing alright for an old fart. Don't you?

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    This might be totally inappropriate Gryphen...but I think you are a hunk of hotness! I hate that BMI is used as a measure, it really is not the best indicator.

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Two years ago I would have said I was a kook if I wrote this. But I have come to believe, based on personal experience, that refined sugar is as evil as tobacco. That heart disease as well as diabetes is largely affected by insulin levels, which respond to carb intake.

    For reasons totally unrelated to weight loss, I cut out all sugar in my diet temporarily (one month) and when the month was over I never went back (although the first two weeks were not pretty).

    For those who are doubtful (and I would be if I had not had this unintended experience) I highly recommend Good Calories/Bad Calories, a book by an award winning science journalist. My take on his message is that current guidelines (and that includes the Fed Govt, Am Heart Assoc, Am Cancer Society, etc) are the result of egos and politics, and do not accurately represent the findings of research (which he outlines for you as well as how the egos and politics influenced things).

    On the plus side, once I got used to no sugar I found the diet easier to live on than when I tried to consume sugar "in moderation." For me, there is no such thing. It would be like consuming crack "in moderation."

    Further on the plus side, my cholesterol levels are better, my sugar levels down, my teeth cleanings WAY WAY better (no small trick for me), my blood pressure is way down, gas is virtually gone, and weight is way down. In fact, losing weight wasn't my intention and it just melted off and I wasn't hungry (although the first two weeks were VERY difficult) BTW - I'm about your age - 50-something
    Good luck.

  7. Rationalist12:02 PM

    This is so cute. Talk about holding yourself accountable: publishing your intentions to lose weight on a blog!

    Good luck! I found Weight Watchers to be pretty realistic and doable, FYI.

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    You are nowhere near old and you are adorable! If you really want to drop a few pounds, do what I did and cut out breads and pasta (basically, wheat). It's not a nocarb diet, since rice, veggies, fruit, etc. are ok, but it will stop you from eating too much bread, crackers, cookies, cake, and so on. I was finally able to drop the pesky post-baby pounds by doing that (I had been working out religiously and watching what I ate, but could not make the scale go down). When I hit 40, my metabolism definitely changed and I had the hardest time losing any weight.

    Come to think of it, maybe I should have done the Sarah Palin post-baby-weight diet...fake the pregnancy. BAM! No weight to lose.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    What she/he said. U r hot.

  10. emrysa12:11 PM

    50? ya look great gryphen.

    my problem is beer - good beer. I wish I didn't like it.

  11. You look good. With those muscles you should be able to take care of yourself for sure. I wish I were in such good shape.

    Here's a good diet for anyone wanting to lose weight. It's called the Red Bull and Adkins Bar Diet. In no time you'll be as skinny as you ever wanted to be. Bwahahaha

    Seriously though, I could benefit from losing a few pounds but mostly I want to feel better, not so tired and sluggish all the time so I'm considering this one.

    The Gluten Free Diet

    I've done a similar one and had good results in pounds lost as well as feeling better.

    It's just a matter of getting started.

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Here's some key food eating tips that not many people realize. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible. They are loaded with sugar, fat and salt. Be careful what kind of "light" items you eat. Many of them contain chemicals such as aspartamine which is a neuro-toxin. MSG was actually created in the lab to make lab rats universally fat. It is addictive and has absolutley no nutritional value. It is added purely to get people addicted to its flavor and make them want more. Some people are very alergic to MSG -I am one of them, I get migranes if I injest it. And finally, stay away as much as possible from High Fructose Corn Syrup. This is extremely fattening and also contains mercury (created in the process of making the HFC). Also timing of when you eat is a must. No just before bed high carb munching! That one can be one of the toughest to overcome.

  13. So that's what you look like! :-)

    As someone already posted, BMI is not a good tool for someone like you who obviously has a lot of muscle mass.

    Once a month I get a full body composition testing done on a fancy scale with additional nodes for each hand. It measures body water, dry lean mass, muscle mass and fat separately via impedance with a small electronic current. It's an "InBody" brand by Biospace, there are others, and most of the big gyms have them.

    I wouldn't worry about being "overweight" according to the BMI charts.

  14. Gryphen,

    While it's always good to be healthy by eating right and exercising, the BMI measurement scale has been heavily debated because it does not take into account the weight of muscle.

    That said, am I reading this right? Are you really listening to what brain-dead Palin followers are telling you? There's something wrong with this picture.

  15. Gah! Ya' got me! I commented before I read the comments.

    That'll learn me. ; )

  16. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Gryph, although a very happily married woman, I'd take your shoes under my bed before I'd take Todd Palins!

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    you cutey patootie..

  18. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Not bad, Gryphen. You have some hunky looking arms there. 50 is looking good on you.

  19. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Lookin' good Gryphen! Good muscle mass. Sounds like losing weight will make *you* feel more comfortable in your own skin. Go for it! I am 5'10,65 year old gal with a lean frame and a muscled body. Been that way forever it seems. I am also a gym rat 4 days a week, walk almost every day, do yoga and am happy with myself.

    That is the key. Knowing our self with an honest appraisal, a reality-based look at who we are, what we are doing, what is it that we want -or need- in our life to feel secure with our self.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen!


  20. I can understand that you want to make some changes because it's a personal desire, but you look fine to me.

    I didn't know about the hate mail. Sorry to hear about it, but it does confirm that some of the tea partiers are racists and bigots.

    Just remember, you wear a full-time protective vest made of truth, and we've got your back.

    Thanks for all you do. I make sure I come to IM several times a day and at night, too.

  21. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Yeah, the BMI does not take into account muscle. But good on ya for trying to trim down and get more healthy. And you do indeed look good for 50.

  22. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Congratulations Gryphen for making a committment to yourself to improve your health. I put on 12 pounds this winter from lack of physical activity because of following all things Palin. Luckily they re all off now that summer is here. (But there are still those 20 extra residual from the kids.....). I eat nothing after dinner and that really works for me . Good luck!!

  23. Lordy you've got some muscles!!!
    No wonder you are so tenacious! Never let them see you sweat.

  24. Anonymous1:13 PM

    You're only as old as you feel. But it never hurts to get outside more...good for both body and soul.

  25. Wow! You don't look at all like I pictured you.

  26. johnie2xs1:21 PM

    Gee Gryph, if Sarah didn't dislike you as much as I'm sure she must, you might rate with her as being a hottie that she may want to do, some time in the futu....Gryph!!! Control yourself,Gryph,...oh shiit,...did you just puke, hell I didn....oh hell, that's gonna show,...Oh hell Gryph,I'm sorry. Never mind. I didn't mean it. Hell! She thinks you're shiit and would never, never, ever, give you a tumble.....

    S'that better? okay, good.

    Fhewwww!!! Glad that's over with.

  27. eat your children before they die1:26 PM

    That is the title of Sarah's next book. I know you thought she didn't actually cook but she knows a few good recipes and is going to launch her family values cook book. It is way more healthy to eat live food. It's a little tough but the secret is in the preparation. You say you don't want to look into their big beautiful innocent eyes as you digest? Sarah is a magician with a scarf and she knows how to solve that problem. Being the fiscal conservative that she is we are talking about a line of multi-use scarves. She can give you many more clever ways to utilize her product and all for only $19.95 plus shipping and handling. If you call immediately she will send you two, TWO, TWO for the price of one. Only pay shipping and handling on both.

    Gryphen, I love you the way you are but fully support better health.

  28. honestyinGov1:32 PM

    Totally OT..
    Up on the Huffpo and linked to People.
    Bristol says.." I got played "

    "Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Split Confirmed, Bristol Says 'I Got Played' "


  29. Anonymous1:36 PM

    : )

  30. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The insanity with this family never ends.


  31. nswfm1:46 PM

    OT, but relevant to this blog from Google News:

    Levi Johnston »
    Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston: 'It's Over'
    People Magazine - Sandra Sobieraj Westfall - ‎1 hour ago‎
    And just like that, they were off again. "It's over. I broke up with him," Bristol Palin tells PEOPLE exclusively of her second try at an engagement to Levi Johnston, father of her 19-month-old son Tripp.
    It's over ...again! Bristol Palin dumps fiance Levi Johnston amidst claims he ... New York Daily News
    Bristol Palin Breaks Up With Levi Johnston: 'I Got Played' ABC News
    USA Today - TIME - Entertainment Weekly - Daily Mail
    all 274 news articles »

    Can't stay out of the tabloids....
    Trying to distract from the real issues.

    Use those muscles and stay tenacious!

  32. Anonymous2:19 PM

    i realize this was a bit tongue in cheek but if there is any honesty in here.. I think doing a few posts here and there for motivation is a great idear!
    For all the time you spend sharing your insights into the ugly world of S.P... you deserve to get a little back. We can help motivate :D

    You do what works for you, but I have never been a fan of BMI/weighing myself..counting calories. To me it all seems too scientific. Our bodies are meant to be healthy naturally.

    Rather than do all of the above my little secret is to feel good nekkid.
    In the complete buff.
    When you sit down does your flop around? Is it hard to get up? Do the thighs (if you are a girl) spread when you sit? Does anything at all flop around that shouldn't?

    In regards to exercise.. just move a lot. Don't be sedentary for more than an hour or so at one time.
    Because I am part of the work force and my "movement" is dictated by my job most of the day.. I eat my biggest meal early in the day, walk at least 1 hour nonstop every day (even if I am just clumping along at a slow pace), and stretch for at least one hour a day (done whilst on my 'puter or watching TV)
    AND!!! eat slowly! Wine is great with food as 1. your food choices are better because Wine just doesn't jive with a McDonald's hamburger 2. A sip between bites helps you sloooow down and chew longer 3. Wine makes you calm and mellow and all those good things so you aren't eating "rushed" "stressed" or any of those things

    and fyi .. I peeped at your photo :D .. you are solid and strong (not one of those waif dudes) so you got a good thing going for you. And dare I say there's a little muscle action going on! I thought for sure I'd see a tubby little thing staring back at me.. you are far from the dumpy, lumpy, sickly looking dudes that lick S.P.'s naughty monkey shoes!

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    You look fine, Gryphen. Great hair by the way!

  34. OMG! You are so cute! You don't even vaguely resemble what I thought you might look like. Not that a "Gryphen" is easily imagined. . .

  35. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Short answer: You eat more than you should and you don't get enough exercise.

    you need to change that now. It only gets worse when you get older, especially when injuries curtail your workouts.

  36. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "I took this picture yesterday just to give myself some idea as to how much work I still have in front of me" ... I just knew it would be an ugly pic of Saint Sarah as a play on words... as motivation knowing that since she's still in the spotlight, more work is indeed needed. Haha on me!

  37. You look fine to me. I wouldn't let bots get to you. From the pictures I see they need to get out and walk more. I am being polite. All that aside looks are only skin deep as they saying goes. It really is what is inside that counts.

    I do understand that words can hurt. I would look at it this way. Their the ones with a problem. They have nothing of substance to say so they insult you.

  38. Lower said...Next, I plan to go on the Palin Pregnancy/Miscarriage Diet

    Yes and you can put a pillow underneath your shirt then a week later remove it. It will impress us with your quick weight loss. :-)

  39. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Your guns look great (even though I'm not a fan of tat's I guess I'll forgive you :-)

    At any rate, I've met you once and seen you in person a few times and I think you are adorbs!

    You don't have the height thing going for you, and neither do I but well, we tend to be a bit more solid than the taller folks; I know with me the harder I work the more muscle I get and the more I weigh. I stopped worrying about weight long ago; I'm 44, 5'6" and carry 165 comfortably and still wear size 12.

    You are kind of the male version of my body type and I think you look great! I always joke that I'd never be skinny without having some sort of debilitating illness...kind of grim to say but just making the point that certain bodies are happy even if we're not anorexic looking.

    Good luck with your new regimen; I'm lucky to have an outdoor job that keeps me fit in the summer. If only I didn't undo most of that in the winter I'd be fine....time for a winter gym membership!

    Take care and be happy with who you are; you have a good soul as well.

  40. Facebook Lurker4:40 PM

    Dude if I wasn't married, I'd do you in a heartbeat (no worries, I'm a girl)

    Awesome guns, and I like your ink ;) Bonus points for the hair

  41. Oh, and BTW, Gryphen... I'd totally do you.

  42. I pictured you to be a skinny middle aged nerdy school teacher with black plastic rimmed glasses from the 1950's. So are you single or what?


  43. Lynne9:21 PM

    Well,Gryphen, it appears that we were all curious about what you look like. It also appears that we weren't disappointed. I vote with the rest of the ladies. You are a very good looking guy.

  44. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I concur, and your research and writing skills aren't too bad either :)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.