Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Levi Johnston is "Jon Gosselin with abs". Hollywood gives reality show idea cool reception.

From Hollywood Reporter:

“I’m just incredibly uninterested,” said one network’s executive in charge of unscripted programming. “We’ve seen him naked. We’ve heard him bash the Palins. What more is there that we need to know? He’s a cute kid but not the most interesting person to watch.”

Johnston, one cable network insider said snarkily, is like “Jon Gosselin with abs.”

“I don’t think he’s a reality TV star,” another executive said. “He just doesn’t pop; he’s not an interesting character. He doesn’t have a lot to say, no matter what his name is.”

“When Johnston was aggressively shopping a series about raising his child with Bristol, there may have been something there — dramatic and relatable authenticity,” said a third executive. “But in this case, I’d probably give him my vote for mayor before I’d give him his own show.”

Insiders said cable networks are the most likely pitch target, with MTV, Oxygen, Bravo, A&E, VH1, E! and TLC topping the first-blush list.

TLC picking up the show is unlikely, however, because Sarah Palin’s upcoming Alaska travelogue is on the same channel and “there’s not a chance in hell” of the network risking alienating Palin.

As one industry insider put it, “They already picked their Palin.”

Another aspect that turned off some executives is that Johnston admitted that producers brainstormed the idea of the mayoral run. Although producer-fueled setups get greenlighted all the time by networks, that backstory usually isn’t made public.

“It’s such a made-for-TV fake situation,” one executive said. “It needs to be something he is really doing.”

When the news about Levi's new reality show first hit the gossip pages I received numerous e-mails from people who had once been interested in working with Levi, and they all expressed absolute confidence that THIS show would never see the light of day.  Much like the insides quoted above, these people just felt the concept was too ridiculous and obviously artificial to be taken seriously by the viewing audience. 

However what may be even more of a hindrance to this concept is the reaction to Levi Johnston in Wasilla itself.

I went out to Wasilla yesterday to help a friend, and while I was there we asked a number of the locals what they thought about Levi Johnston running for mayor of their town.  Of the twenty or so people we interviewed only ONE thought it was not the stupidest idea they had ever heard. And he was an ex-classmate of Levi's.

However what was somewhat surprising to me is the amount of hostility directed at Levi.  These people REALLY did not like him at all!  Even the ones who had little nice to say about Sarah Palin, saved their most vicious comments for young Levi. "Jerk", "parasite", "little prick", were just SOME of the pejoratives directed at him, with one man even suggesting that he suffer physical harm for what he had done to the Palin family.

In other words Levi would probably find a warmer group of potential constituents in almost ANY other town in America than in his hometown right now.  These people have been embarrassed by the antics of Sarah Palin, and they very frustrated that they might be embarrassed once again when Levi Johnston invites cameras into their lives to make a mockery of their political process.

In my opinion the best thing for Levi in the long run would be to stop attempting to be the male version of Sarah Palin, and to simply step out of the limelight and discover just WHO he really is, and then try to make THAT person somebody that his son can grow up to admire.

But if Levi somehow DOES find a cable station willing to film a reality show with him in Wasilla I suggest he find much more capable security than the slow moving Tank Jones, because I think that he really might find himself in physical danger from some of these individuals.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    “there’s not a chance in hell” of the network risking alienating Palin." Too bad - TLC could do a lot to save whatever remains of its credibility if it had the balls to do just that.

  2. Aussie Blue Sky6:59 AM

    I refuse to believe there is anything under the sun too stupid or too banal for reality TV.

  3. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I have some more ideas for a Levi Reality Show:
    1. He teams up with Jon, formerly of Kate & Jon. Levi can take Jon hunting, shooting, fishing in Alaska where Jon will be as comfortable with the outdoors and camping as Kate was. Then, Jon will take Levi to the New York club scene where Levi will pretend to be Crocodile Dundee in the Big City.
    2. Levi could team up with Tiger Woods. Tiger's game is off and his ratings are slipping. He needs the Palin bump.
    3. Levi and Kato Kalin host a reality show featuring all of the other wannabe's who crave celebrity and money in return for....they really don't have any talent other than wanting to be famous.
    4. Levi should seriously consider getting a GED and a decent job, new lawyers and some good adult advice. He should also visit McGinniss and Dunn. If Levi actually does have any inside info about the Palin family, the best thing for Levi is to shut them up, once and for all time. Instead of thinking about how much money he could make, he should think about buy freedom for himself, his mother and his sister.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I also am among the not interested in Levi. I would like to hear about Ben Barber, his work, fishing or hockey. How is Johnny Chandler enjoying his trip to Hawaii? Has he ever worked and who is paying to keep up his life style?

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Of course the people of Wasilla are humiliated by their own home grown. Many are spineless and can't write their own stories. They are stuck with the Palin/Johnston representation. Sad to say Levi is the best they have to give the world. You would think Palin and Johnston were freaks and the worst of that place. Levi is not the worst of Wasilla. Why do you think they want to be left alone? They don't want the world to know about the other nuts.

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Levi has nothing to base a reality show on.

    Fake running for office is a joke.. no reality here... maybe a bad comedy.

    My dog has more charisma than Levi... even when the dog is sleeping.

    The only thing Levi may have to make money with a "tell all" book on Sarah ..or a good sex tape.

  7. Enjay in E MT7:33 AM

    Is that how Sharron Angle got into politics?

    Levi should quit prostituting himself for money - get an education and get a job and grow up.

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I hate to paint the entire town of Wasilla with a broad brush, but until I can understand how many people actually voted for Sarah, it's tough not to do so.

    Does anyone have the actual statistic and voting results from Sarah's race for Mayor of Wasilla?

    How many registered voters were there in Wasilla that year? How many voted for her? How many against?

    We live in a middle-class suburb with great high school graduation rates and low crime yet we have lousy voter turnout for local races.

    So, I am interested, just how many people were responsible for launching the terror that is Sarah?

  9. Sordid, sordid, sordid. Everything connected with "Sad Sack Sarah" is absolutely, unadulteratedly, sordid.
    All because an even sadder old man who could not face up to his own inadequacy, and in a flippant decision, pissed into the Wheaties of an entire nation.

    May History bury the name of John McCain in the dung heap of failed political hacks.

  10. Anjaak7:48 AM

    "These people have been embarrassed by the antics of Sarah Palin, and they very frustrated that they might be embarrassed once again when Levi Johnston invites cameras into their lives to make a mockery of their political process."

    These people are just as guilty as she is. What "political process" does Wasilla have? They let Sarah run around like a whore in Babylon. She won her elections with less than a thousand votes each time. She did whatever she wanted as mayor & no one stopped her. Wasilla is a joke & I would love to see it onscreen in full light.

    Levi may be young & uneducated, but with a good manager, he would be 100% better than Sarah any day.

    He needs to man-up to his real family, come clean, & get an education.

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    And Palin is like Kate Gosselin with brown bumpit hair. A lot of interest there. Yessiree. lol Not.


  12. "What he did to the Palins"

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Gryphen - I seriously hope you corrected the person who spouted this bullshit.

    We all know Levi was used and thrown under the bus not once but twice.

    That whole town makes me sick. They deserve Palin.

  13. Anonymous8:10 AM

    “It’s such a made-for-TV fake situation,” one executive said. “It needs to be something he is really doing.” ..... they must have just implemented that rule for Levi, for Uneducated and UnAlaska Sarah gets a pass.

  14. Anonymous8:17 AM

    COMING THIS FALL ON ESPN OCHO: "Levi Johnston, Real-life Caribbean Pirate!" Travel with our intrepid young Alaskan GED candidate as he shirtlessly plunders the blue tropical waters between trendy South Beach and the steamy hotspots of French Guiana aboard the stylishly deadly pirate catamaran The Kathy Griffin. Bloody terror and side-splitting laughter abounds as Levi swashbuckles from one luxury yacht to the next seeking pirate booty while still finding time to seek the other booty from willing lasses in every friendly port. ESPN OCHO!!!! THIS FALL!!! DON'T YOU MISS IT!!

  15. Show pitch----"Wasilla Wilderness" (ala "Jersey Shores") Seems as though the party atmosphere would lend well to such a genre AND a little ice fihing, snowmobiling, hockey matches thrown maybe America would tune least those Alaskan children could teach us lower 48ers something positive and new that "Jersey Shore" goofs have no clue to share.

    .....and then again, if no one enjoys being with Levi, it may not work.

  16. Lives in Wasilla8:22 AM

    How is Wasilla a joke? We are a growing community with a growing economy. There is no property taxes (there is for the Mat-Su Borough, but Wasilla doesn't add to that like Palmer does) and a low (2%) sales tax.
    Our crime is low. I know the media has reported as the meth capital of the world, but I don't see it.
    We don't have gangs. You don't see vandalism or graffiti. I feel 100 times safer in Wasilla than I do in Anchorage.
    We have incredible scenery, surrounded by majestic mountains.
    So how are we a joke? Because we once had a mayor that went on to be a controversial figure in the national spotlight? Thanks for judging a who community by the actions of one person...

  17. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Does anyone have the actual statistic and voting results from Sarah's race for Mayor of Wasilla?

    The total votes don't amount to much, I have no idea how many actually voted for her. They did support her with signs, deals and protection. They also are locked up about how Republicans parent in the area. Levi and Bristol are not the only a-hole kids and Sarah and Todd not the only a-hole parents. Kids were left alone to party. No one is talking about the dope, sex or the parents that left their kids on their own. Remember Sarah is like real Americans? In Wasilla that means Sarah is like other Wasilla parents. If you notice Sarah's parenting style, her disdain for education, abandoning kids to the mysterious extended family, neglecting health and proper dress but buying expensive designer duds and so on. Many in Wasilla have her "family values." It is very important what truck or vehicle you drive. VERY IMPORTANT how cool your dirt bike or how many snow toys you have. You must have the right snow or camo wear. Go to the right tanning salon. Sugar is a dietary staple and Red-Bull is cool. If you are health conscious, you drink light beer and only Captian Morgan for a big rager. Designer handbags or what ever is current, it is the land of the bump-it. Many support Sarah "family values" but not everyone. Religion is a big part of the ruling culture, also, too.

    I would like to know the statistics on infant deaths. While researching Wasilla teens that gave birth there were several babies discussed on the internet that died after a few months. There is poor record keeping in the area and official documentation may not exist.

  18. Anonymous8:41 AM

    How about a reality show about Levi getting his diploma and maybe going to college? Might show some kids out there that it CAN be done and the good that can grow from it. While he's studying he might do some volunteer work for the senior/needy natives (and at the same time show the world how the natives live in Alaska).

  19. Anonymous8:43 AM

    How about this? A "day-in-the-life" of commercial fisherman Eskimo snowboarder Callan from the Wood-Tikchik, a glimpse of what it takes to train and compete out of Alaska.
    A vignette of the unique overlapping circle of Alaskans who actually DO better, cooler, more interesting things than the stereotypical cliche that TLC is producing:
    - fishermen taking their Exxon Valdez oil spill experience, working in Louisiana this summer. While Sarah was complaining that President Obama didn't call her, they were busy tapping Alaskans to work.
    - friends who actually DID climb Denali. And Foraker. And St. Elias.
    - friends and family whose business is providing the heli-skiing, white water experiences, jet boat tours and halibut charters. In our show, we'd see the drama of the behind-the-scenes back story.
    Kind of reality show meets "Northern Exposure".

    We'd see our hero go from a World Cup race in Korea and U.S. Ski Team training facility in Utah, to driving up to George Attla's house with Grandpa, to a Girl Scout event in Bethel with the little girls flown in from villages by air taxi (because there isn't a road, ya know), and hang out at the team camp at the Arctic Man.
    OUR show would have the qualifiers in New Zealand leading to an extreme freeride competition in Sochi, Russia, where we would get a glimpse of the massive construction in progress for the 2014 Olympics. While Russia burns to the ground around them.

    In OUR show, we'd have Levi and Bristol and Tank do a cameo appearance. They'd take a limo down to the Double Musky and do a meet and greet with our Olympic athlete. She could chat them up while she busses their table and pours water for them, while her Denali mountain climber boss takes their dinner order.

    That's something I'd watch. Pitch THAT, Griffen!

  20. emrysa8:43 AM

    anon @ 7:39 asks:

    "Does anyone have the actual statistic and voting results from Sarah's race for Mayor of Wasilla?"

    palin: 651
    stein: 440
    silvers: 36

    palin: 909
    stein: 292
    silvers: 32

    that's how few people are responsible for this psycho.

    sorta OT:

    georgia said no to palin's candidate handel. not that her opponent is any better, he's not. but it's good to see palin's endorsement didn't mean much in the end. both of these candidates ran the most insulting ads, and handel made sure to highlight the palin endorsement. one of her ads was titled 'lipstick.' I shit you not.

  21. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Loved Anonymous 7:03 a.m. comments.

  22. Anonymous8:50 AM

    BTW, just have to say: Gryphen, the photo of you just a bit older than Levi is much hotter than his Playgirl photos. Just saying.

  23. Anonymous9:18 AM

    These TV execs have proven for decades that they have no imagination. Levi would make a great reality star. Yes, he is a loser, of course he is, that's the whole point. He's the quintessential loser. America loves mindless half-witted failures. Case in point: Jersey Shore. I'd put our loser up against any loser in the country; Snooki ain't got nothing on Levi.

    This would be a great show if the right person were producing it, all it needs is a little imagination, a few fights, lots of swearing, and some seedy hookups in the alley behind the bar.

    As for making a mockery of the Wasilla political process? Oh please...

  24. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I think the whole Johnston jig is up. Let the Johnston family have some peace. Did that family want global world attention? Were they seeking fame and fortune prior to RNC? NO! It would be nice if Mercede could earn a little money but please don't transfer Levi expectations to the kid sister. Mercede and Sherry can't add much more to what they've already said about the drug bust and informants. They are clueless and want to stay uninformed about the Babygate data that has been collected. There can only be thoughts and opinions and little actual data. Please don't put them through any more. It is time to move on from all the Johnstons. Leave all of Wasilla alone. They want to keep their secrets and no one will ever get any place trying to open that can of worms. Forget the jerk Levi and face the fact that Sarah is Presidential material in large part due to the well kept secrets of Wasilla. That is the way it is. You don't want to open Pandora's box anyway!

  25. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Levi - in the REAL WORLD, people finish high school, get a job and support themselves. You are living a fantasy world where only the very smart, very talented, or very crooked (like Sarah) are able to live.

    Trust me, you have none of those attributes.

    You also are not a teenager it's time to grow up, get your diploma and get a job!

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Maybe Levi should pitch a show where they DNA test all the babies in the Wasilla area to see if Levi, Todd Palin, or Chucko are the fathers??? That might be interesting. :-)

    Seriously - Bristol keeps talking to the tabloids

    but, no new PHOTOS???
    She's PREGGERS! Right, Gryphen?

  27. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I bet the porn industry would be happy to make Levi a reality star. You know, "Ricky Does Hollywood" or "Levi's Johnston."

    That might be his only option.

  28. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I don't see any difference between Levi's pitch and Sarah's pitch to manufacture a fictional reality and then pretend it is authentic. I do see one exception, that Levi is not a pathalogical liar for he's honest to a point revealing what he is actually pursuing..or up to. Whereas Sarah is constantly putting smoke out there e.g. she's busting her ass in Homer for the family business and then she'll spew lies playing her role she is a "victim" how dare the lame stream and bloggers lie she was filing a relaity show...for she does feel good and get off on keeping thigs wee weed she orchestrates never ending drama and chaos.

    IMO Levi is a piece of shit..a real shit...Sarah Palin is a piece of shit able to con people other people are shit, conniving and practiced liar. Each of them are opportunists, exploit one another for money yet don't care about one another. They are users and abusers who will pretend and fake anything void of regard of anyone..not even little children. I can give Levi an A for effort to do as Sarah has done and she is a mastser of deception. these characteristics, personality traits are never ending drama.

    Let us disagree...Sarah Palin does not represent the entire United States. I hope more people get wise to the games, and stop rescuing Sarah from the drams she orchestrates, her lying ways, pretenses, pandering BS talking points and. Heh...the real Palin family values have been exposed time and again.

    It's time for the people of Wasilla to take a stand or let these people drag them into the gutter of our country for money. blame shifting. PS I think I hate John McCain..I'll remember him until I die for this travesty and he could not man up to their error in judgment and do the right thing. Hats off to Steve Schmidt, Colin Powell and others.

  29. Anonymous9:43 AM

    " man even suggesting that he suffer physical harm for what he had done to the Palin family..."

    Wow, I'm surprised Todd agreed to talk to you!

  30. Erica from Texas9:56 AM

    I used to see Levi as the kid next door that got sucked into the Sarahworld cartoon but I see him as being willing part of Sarahworld.
    he now irritates me as much as Sarah does.
    I guess what I am saying is he has really screwed up his image.I was so hoping he would proudly stand up and write a great book about his life in the spotlight make tons of money,go to school and show his integrity.
    Guess that's not going to happen.
    I would never watch his or Sarah's silliness on television.
    Now hopefully we can keep Mercedes head in the right direction

  31. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Sadly, Levi has joined the likes of Joey Buttafuoco and John Wayne Bobbitt as "freak show" celebrities. His name will be used in stand-up comedy routines as a recurring punchline. As a last resort for fame and fortune, I fear Rex and Tank will convince and manipulate Levi into entering the adult film industry. I hope I'm wrong. This won't have a happy ending for Levi.

  32. You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again10:18 AM

    If I was McCain or Palin I would not want anything I could not control 100% that features life in Wasilla. NOTHING, NADA, ZIP ABOUT UNCONTROLED WASILLA! Levi being an idiot has little to do with why he is sabotaged in Hollywood and any other media. He could have been talented and with great representation and he would still have been destroyed. We know who Levi's competition is and John McCain loves it! Why does Levi need to be more talented or charming?

    Whistleblower breaks 15-year silence
    Salon ~ Washington Post

    There is a down side to writing books about certain people in positions of power. "Fortunate Son" James Howard Hatfield, 43.

  33. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I almost think bristol did sadie and sherry a favor by making levi cut them out of his life. Now at least they won't be dragged into his failures as a media personality or his wasilla blacklisted self. Hopefully sadie can maintain a positive image in wasilla and alaska - at least with people not on the palins side. Because several of sadies past friends left her for bristol.

  34. Anonymous10:23 AM

    God, they don't want to tick off Sarah Palin! Amazing! As I've said before, I hope Levi can gain some success in whatever he decides to do. I'm sick all this negative stuff about him. He is only trying to make his way IN THE WORLD OF THE PALINS!

  35. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Bristol was under the age of 16 when impregnated. Levi was threatened with legal action - that's why he won't say anything about Ruffles - his and Bristol 1st born

  36. Re: Scott Brown who, like Levi, is good - looking and took his clothes off for a magazine spread: Brown also completed law school at Boston University. That means high school graduation, college graduation, law school graduation. Even if Levi 'Dumber Than a Rock' Johnston somehow managed to acquire a GED, looking good and being naked aren't enough to get elected.

  37. BAustin10:35 AM

    yep...I'm sure he's a nice kid. But he IS dull, uneducated, and unable/unwilling to spill Palin dirt. Why would a reality show pay him any $$$. I would think Mercede would get a show first!

  38. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No one ever mentions teen promiscuity anymore. This is how the whole deal started with Levi and Bristol. Kids who aren't taught to respect themselves and others ultimatly reap what they sow.

    Levi and Bristol are a product of doing what feels good and damn the consequences. Levi is on an out-of-control spiral downward, grasping at celebrity, money, fame, fortune in all the wrong places. Where were their guardians to steer them in the right direction? Regardless of Wasilla's bad reputation, it's the parents that should have the rule over them.

    The Palins are partly to blame, using Levi, then discarding him. The media is partly to blame too, as they use him for profit. Bristol Palin, who also doesn't respect herself, goes along using the media to profit for herself with Levi. This whole greek tragedy destroys lives.

    I hate reality tv for the reason it just destroys one's identity. The "used" celebrity must perform like a circus animal. I just wish that these people would find fulfillment in other ways before they self-destruct. These teenagers, Levi, Bristol, the Bens, Lanesia's, Mercedes' have been swept into this dark spiral of quick undeserved celebrity, shamelessly celebrating their irresponsible behaviors.

  39. Nellcote10:54 AM

    Levi should star on "The Bachelor" set in Wasilla. Watch Bristol loose her shit!

  40. mommom10:56 AM

    You know how all of the stories from the Right saying negative things about President Obama are taken as Gospel by those who don't think for them selves?Maybe we should not add to Levi's problems with a bunch of negativity.After all,had PAYlin not dragged him onto the stage,he would probably be working on the slope and raising his child.It seems like we are spending more and more time being anti-Levi lately.I am Anti-Palin,to the max,but I still hold out hope for Levi.Why try so hard to help paint him into a corner.

  41. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'd watch his show. Ah come on, you know you would too.

  42. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Thanks, emrysa, for the info on Sarah's Wasilla mayoral races!

    Goodness, sure says a lot about the importance of having moderates and progressives out to vote! Imagine, Sarah's career could have easily been nipped in the bud if more people came out to vote.

    That is particularly interesting considering the comment here by someone living in Wasilla arguing about how sensible and safe a place it is. Then why aren't more people with moderate views getting out to vote against dingbats such as Sarah. I can understand how she won the first election, but the second?

  43. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Anon 8:43 from Anon 8:41- Ok, you got me. Yours is much better!!!

  44. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I hope Levi doesn't do anything on camera that would jepordize his custody. I can see a Palin-ized judge using it against him.

    Wasilla has become a "joke" despite how wonderful it may be to live there or how many new box stores pop up. Thanks to the Palins & their antics, the world may never know how beautiful the view is.

    You can thank Sarah for that & the people that voted for her.

  45. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Gryphen/anyone: what's this about???? This poster appears to differentiate between Ruffles and Trig. So...where is Ruffles and how did Trig come to be his substitute?

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol was under the age of 16 when impregnated. Levi was threatened with legal action - that's why he won't say anything about Ruffles - his and Bristol 1st born
    10:30 AM

  46. Irishgirl11:39 AM

    I'm sick to death of Levi. He needs to grow up.

  47. research11:49 AM

    Lives in Wasilla,

    You make Wasilla a joke by your blindness. Why is it you didn't see the $30,000 vandalism on the Morlock house? Was that in Palmer? The Colony Girls may not be a Wasilla gang to you. That does not mean that some don't live in Wasilla and go to school in Palmer. They do talk like a gang and they do signs. Adults in the area neglect these kids and they don't get it. What adult neglect and abuse did to the kids up there is not what you will want to know when you wake up and learn you have a responsibilities.
    You have no idea about the drug parties and the alcohol consumption. You would have to pay more attention to know what is covered up. The same goes for the teens that have babies. Some are set up by their families and some do marry. It is so ordinary why would you see it as anything but normal? I don't think it is only Wasilla. We are researching the life style in places like Chugiak, Eagle River et al and they have their share of the crazies and Palin like life style and support.

    Why doesn't someone post the photos and screen captures of the Wasilla (Bristol and Willow friends) teens that are now over 18 in action? No one will get it if they don't see it for themselves.

  48. Anonymous12:04 PM

    A reader from Florida here, too lazy to set up an account:
    My humble opinion is that somebody needs to get hold of Levi, drag him down to the recruiting office in Anchorage, and get him to sign up for, say, four years in the US Navy, and get...the...hell...out of there! Go get three hots and a cot, and some technical training, a paycheck, a GED and all the other stuff you can get with a hitch in a service that will get you far far away from the rut that is your home town.

  49. emrysa12:04 PM

    anon @ 10:30 am sez:

    "Bristol was under the age of 16 when impregnated. Levi was threatened with legal action - that's why he won't say anything about Ruffles - his and Bristol 1st born"

    that would make sense if levi was 18 at the time, but he was still a minor as well. unless the legal action threat didn't have anything to do with the kid.

  50. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Levi needs to start thinking about his life from his son's perspective. Fifteen years from now, will Tripp be embarassed by Levi's desperate, yet unsuccessful, attempts to acquire fame and fortune, or will he be proud that his father escaped the lure of the spotlight, got an education and became a man who could support his family in a reponsible and respectable way?

    Levi was an impressionable teen when he and Bristol conceived their child. He is now a man, and a father, and he needs to grow up and start acting like one.

  51. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Now hopefully we can keep Mercedes head in the right direction

    Mercedes could be a saint and going in the right direction and they will chew her up and spit her out the same as is happening to Levi. It is not about who is a more quality person. It is whether or not Levi and Mercedes could open up others and get more of the truth about the secrets of Wasilla out. There are pictures of Mercedes still available on google where she is young and drinking. The older pictures show her in a worse light. To this day she is proud to show her pictures with the Palin crowd. She is a kid and she wants to have friends where she lives like any other kid. She is not going to tell on her friends or those she wants to have as a friend.

    She has a problem with Bristol, not all of Valley. Levi was always a jerk, Mercedes loves her brother and has tried to protect him. She does not want to unload on what all his being a jerk was about. Who would you date if you were that age and home grown? You have the same gene pool as Bristol and Mercedes to chose from and you like jocks. You have 10-20 of the same hockey-sporty types that your brother knows. Who would you date? Bristol and Mercedes have pretty much the same opportunities when it comes to a boyfriend. Please, be sure to forget about Johnny Chandler. It is only a coincidence the one Trig baby looks like a Chandler.

  52. Forever Anonymous12:18 PM

    Is there any way to know for how long Levi signed a contract with Rex/Tank?

    Sherry refused to get into a 3 years contract with them, granted Rex offered his services pro bono and at the time seem like a God send to the Sherry looking for another lawyer? .....Did Levi pay her legal bills?.......Any chance that levi reads/listens about the shoddy characters and bad representation is getting from Rex Buttler?......What can Levi do?

  53. Anonymous12:21 PM

    9:40 AM~~~~Levi may be a piece of shit but he is not mentally deranged enough to take pictures of a neighbor when paranoid parents give orders. Wait until we learn about Track Palin to see who is the bigger shit. Team Palin are masters of distraction. They want you to look at Levi the jerk.

  54. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'm really, really tired of the whole lot of them, reality shows, 15 minute-famers, etc.

    All of them need to be educated far beyond what they already know. Not one decent bit of talent, knowledge or skill among the lot.

    Everything else is just gossip, homemade drama, and petty lives.

    Even $arah Palin.

  55. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I hear ya, Lives in Wasilla.

    Too late, though.

    Damage done.

  56. Anonymous1:16 PM

    In Alaska sex with anyone under 16 is a crime. He was 16 - Bristol was 15.

  57. Lives in Wasilla asks:

    How is Wasilla a joke? We are a growing community with a growing economy. There is no property taxes (there is for the Mat-Su Borough, but Wasilla doesn't add to that like Palmer does) and a low (2%) sales tax.
    Our crime is low. I know the media has reported as the meth capital of the world, but I don't see it.
    We don't have gangs. You don't see vandalism or graffiti. I feel 100 times safer in Wasilla than I do in Anchorage.
    We have incredible scenery, surrounded by majestic mountains.
    So how are we a joke? Because we once had a mayor that went on to be a controversial figure in the national spotlight? Thanks for judging a who community by the actions of one person...

    Awww, are you widdle hillbilly feelings hurt?

    Yes, Wasilla IS a joke in the lower 48. Maybe it's beautiful with its 'majestic mountains' (LMAO do people in Wasilla really talk like that? ) And maybe your sales tax is low, big deal, nobody cares about that other than you. The world is full of beautiful towns, where people feel safe.

    Wasilla is a joke because its citizens either idolize the Palins or are too afraid of them to speak out.
    It's a joke because she has made it a joke, by making a fool of herself and giving credit to her 'small town upbringing' for her lack of education, intellectual curiosity and trailer trash parenting. (just look to Bristol's arrogant comment to the teacher in Homer, as one example)

    Wasilla is a joke because of Willow's special status as a sheltered vandal, and the town allowed it to happen.

    Finally, if Gryphen's description of the feelings of people in Wasilla is accurate, Wasilla is a joke because people are turning against a kid who is caught in a struggle with the Palins, (mostly through no fault of his own other than being young/inexperienced and used by Sarah as a prop in 2008) ... people in Wasilla should be looking at Levi as one of Sarah's many 'victims' and ask themselves which of them will be NEXT?

  58. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Any person who is 16 years old or older who has sexual intercourse with a minor who is 13-, 14-, or 15-years-old will be charged with sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree. Again, this charge is also a felony.

  59. Anonymous2:34 PM

    This was so funny I had to copy here. From and areyousaying...

    In tomorrow's episode of Soap Opera Sarah, she freaks out when her on-again-off-again-son-in-law-to-be Levi is elected dog catcher of Wasilla on a reality show. Sarah hires a body guard to protect Daisy and to watch little grandson Ribbit so he won't wander off in a hot air balloon again to Russia, which she can see from her house.

    In a secret meeting at Fox News, Sarah conspires with Rove and Gringrinch to start new rumors Obama is gay.

    The evil liberal neighbor records her fight with Todd over who will take out the garbage. Finally, she agrees to do it with a poncho covering her face and head so the neighbor doesn't have a photo op of her in green face cream and curlers.

    Bristol pines for Levi, who, when not dog catching, is off to Hollywood to star in some soft porno only showing his red neck and white behind.

  60. Anonymous3:30 PM

    1:16 PM

    I don't have all the dates and ages. Where is the documentation on all this? I have heard that Bristol was possibly pregnant in 2006 and another time before Tripp was born. No one knows how many abortions, if any. It is documented someplace that her boy friend was Johnny Chandler. I think more than one person mentioned that Levi and Bristol were off and on. They were both with other people when they were not together. I don't know how you can know who was with Bristol between her affairs with Levi. I don't know who she was with before Johnny Chandler. I betcha half of the kids in Wasilla know who popped her cherry.

    Wasilla is a joke in most of the world. Wasilla is a joke due to all the denial fools.

  61. Anonymous3:50 PM

    After Levi realizes he is screwed when it comes to Tripp and visitation he can get out of that hell hole. Wasilla has never been his friend, he just wants to fit in. He does love the hunting. He thinks he has a few friends but that is doubtful. He does have family and those that do love him. Others in his own family are back stabbers.

    When the time comes he can come stay with us, we aren't in an area where he could do much hunting. We can only offer him sometime to chill and forget those creeps he leaves behind. Sorry about Tripp. I don't know what can be done for him if he turns out like Track, Bristol or Willow.

  62. Anonymous4:10 PM

    When Palin prostituted Bristol into getting Levi to say that everything derogatory Levi said about Palin was a lie - well, Levi's credibility for integrity and truthfulness was flushed down the toilet. By saying that he was a liar, he pretty much cooked his own goose, and his attorney and handler should know that there is no more golden eggs coming from Levi. He blew it. Advise the kid to get an education and a job and make something other than a "laughing stock" out of his life. My advice to Levi - get a new attorney who is interested in the outcome of his custody battle, and an attorney who is not only interested in how much money Levi could put in the lining of the attorney's pockets.

  63. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I would love to think it is possible that Levi can have the joint custody he wants. He may need to settle for visits based on Bristol's whims. If he has a chance for a better arrangement with Tripp it will be with an attorney that knows family law in Alaska. However it goes I hope he can see Tripp around his birthday and special holidays.

  64. Anonymous6:23 PM

    People are talking about Levi getting an education, getting a job, supporting his son.

    I ask ya all what planet do you live on?

    I think we can all agree that Levi does not have the intellect to become a white-collar professional.

    The days when America provided decent blue-collar jobs are long gone, at least in the lower 48. Maybe Alaska is a little different because of the blue collar jobs on the slope, but I would say that in most of America, Levi's prospects, even with a GED, would be slipping burgers for minimum wage.

    Of course Levi sees the Palin gravy train and wants on. He can get his GED or 20 GEDS and unless someone gets him a job on the slope, he has no future.

    By the way, the statutory rape queries don't hold water. From what I can tell, the law in Alaska is the following:

    First-degree sexual abuse of a minor for someone age 16 or older to engage in sexual penetration with someone under age 13.

    Second-degree sexual abuse of a minor for someone age 16 or older to engage in sexual penetration with someone who is age 13, 14, or 15 and at least three years younger than the offender.

    Fourth-degree sexual abuse of a minor for someone under age 16 to engage in sexual penetration with someone under age 13 and at least three years younger.

    Bristol was not three years younger than Levi.

    Personally, I think they are hiding a FAS baby.

  65. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Aussie Blue Sky @ 6:59am, I fear you are correct.

  66. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This may be why SIDS babies aren't registered deaths.
    Sovereign Citizens Spin History, Reject Government

    What happened to the smaller first Trig and is there any record of his birth, death or condition?


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