Monday, August 30, 2010

Libertarian Party unanimously votes to say "Thanks, but no thanks" to the idea of Lisa Murkowski running as their candidate.

From the Libertarian Republican blog:

The Executive Committee of the Alaska Libertarian Party held an emergency meeting yesterday to discuss the contested primary results in the Republican Senate primary. All 5 board members met in an undisclosed location in northeast Anchorage to hammer out a decision as to how to move forward.

Friends of Lisa Murkowski approached the ALP early Wednesday morning immediately after the Tuesday primaries, feeling out if there was any possibility that the Senator could appear on the Libertarian line for the fall election, as a third party candidate. Other supporters of the Senator, including at least two longstanding members of the Libertarian Party, also called to lobby ALP Chair Scott Kohlhaas to keep an "open mind," on the issue.

Kohlhaas was immediately innundated with Alaska and national media over the matter.

On Sunday morning, over coffee and donuts, the ExComm voted unanimously, 5 to 0 to deny the Senator the ballot line. There was no malice intended. ALP Chair Kohlhaas has repeatedly stated that she is a nice lady, and the ALP was flattered by the offer.

So it seems the die is cast.  If the votes that Murkowski needs to win this nomination do not materialize during the recount of the 23,472 ballots that are yet to counted then her Senatorial career is essentially over.

Which means that election comes down to a contest between the deeply flawed, wingnutty "Joe the Teabagger" and the little known Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams. Right now Miller is getting tons of both local and national media attention, while McAdams is receiving relatively little.  However if Miller continues to make statements like THIS the extra scrutiny might be his downfall.

It is very clear that the absolute WORST choice that Alaskans could make would be to send this idiot to represent our state in Washington.  He has NO idea how the Senate works, NO idea how to meet the needs of Alaskans, and NO hope of ever being re-elected after he fails the voters miserably during his first term.

Not that anybody should be surprised at his ignorance or lack of talent, I mean he WAS endorsed by Sarah Palin after all!


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    We need to seriously support McAdams because as far as the people up here in the North are concerned, they don't know him. Miller is a pig, but he's 'out there' and it's rather sad because its all outside money and idiots voting with no knowledge. McAdams needs to get a move on.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Good as to Murkowski not being allowed to move to another party should she lose. Didn't think it would be right in the first place. You lose, you lose!

    Time we get the 'party of no' out of Congress.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Why can't she run as an Independent?

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Alaska you are getting what you deserve. If you think the winters are long and dark now wait until Joe Miller gets in, it will be literally in the dark.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I understand the desire for Lisa to stay in the game considering the nightmare possibility of having Joe Miller as the next Senator, but her views do not represent the Libertarian Party (thank goodness). It would be a bad fit. I wonder how it would have gone had big money like the Koch brothers contributions to the Miller campaign were dangling in front of those five LP members. Probably wouldn't have made a difference.

    Too bad only five people can make such a difference considering Joe the Dope.

    I think Alaskan law does not allow her to run as an Independent at this point, that was why the LP was so important to her.

    I hope everyone gets behind McAdams.

    If Miller has his way, seniors won't have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and every Alaskan will be paying higher taxes because the federal funds would go away at his urging.

    Plus, the nightmare of having private companies control what is now federal land would mean further and faster devastation of the environment. Say goodbye to Bristol Bay and fisheries. Say goodbye to tourist money because no one will want to come if we ruin our wild areas and pollute our waters.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Lisa... Sarah screwed you over... get even.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Find out more about Scott McAdams at

  8. Roger1:38 PM

    Did I hear him correctly? It sounded as if he was advocating SECESSION from the United States, for Alaska!

    Based on how they have the "resources" to make it on their own.

    We all KNOW how that'd turn out: six or seven already filthy rich people, would drain Alaska of what wealth is in the hands of its citizens, sending the money to their offshore accounts, and disappearing when the 700,000 population, realizes they've been totally HOSED.

    Are any people in the category of "seniors" seriously considering voting for this charlatan? Boy, talk about rooting for causes against your own interests!

  9. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Lisa deserves to lose. She lost my vote years ago with all the Obama and Federal govt bashing. Her attitude towards climate change, supreme court nominees, and general "I'll do whatever Republican leadership tells me to say" killed her as a legitmate candidate. Glad the Libertarians turned their back on her. Now it's time to get McAdams elected.

  10. Shame on Face The Nation for providing a platform for Miller's erroneous and stupid statements without being prepared to ask follow-up questions.

  11. Time for a collection for McAdams and a whole lot of bloggers doing articles and getting thoughts out there.

    Here in TX we have our own fights to fight....and we do battle.

    I cannot understand how Alaska can let itself go down the drain without a fight. All good things come to an end Lisa but...I sure hope the absentee ballot counting will result in Miller making a horses ass of himself over and over again as he envolks Al Franken's name!

    BTW, since Miller(as well as others involved in accident) didn't get a ticket for failing to control his vehicle when he rear ended another vehicle WTF...vehicle laws are different in Alaska than in TX? Is anyone screaming discrimination?

  12. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anonymous@12:39: What taxes, besides property tax and puny sales tax, do Alaskans now pay? Nada! If Miller gets in, you can bet that we'll soon see aggressively higher property tax, statewide sales tax, AND revival of the state income tax. That needs to get out, loud and clear to the "we don't need no gummint messing in our lives" folks.

    also, Anonymous@12:23: GOP is the party of He**, remember? As in, he**, no, we won't pass any o' Dem's legislation.

  13. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This is funny, and perfectly depicts Levi as the liar he is and Sarah as the, um, person she is.

  14. Anonymous5:17 PM

    History repeats itself. Anyone remember Mike Gravel.

  15. Miller may get all of the press and money from out of State but, it's the voters in Alaska that counts in this race.
    I suspect that Lisa's supporters got complacent and many didn't bother to vote.
    If Alaskans don't want Palin's puppy to become Senator, they need to get voters to get involved.

  16. Incredibly OT,

    Witeout works! "Bristol Hollywood" to star on Hoofin With The Hoars

  17. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Are there really no other alternatives in Alaska than these three? They all seem wanting.

    Frankly, I wouldn't vote for any of them.

    Other states allow someone to run as an Independent, even after primary elections.

    Alaska doesn't?


  18. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Yet that little tool goes running to the 'Government' via State Troopers to oversee any funny stuff (Sarah and Joe love them inuendo) in the recount. He wants minders to mind the minders.

    The guy is a sleezy little prick and a know-nothing coward.

  19. Anne In DC7:17 PM

    I hope, and believe, fervently that Alaskans are too intelligent to vote for someone like Miller who is blatantly against their interests. I don't know why or how Murkowski lost the nomination, but Miller is infinitely worse. The past 19 months have underscored just how important a vote for a senator or representative is. We don't need an even worse member of the Party of No being in a position to do even more damage.

  20. Enjay in E MT7:26 PM

    Ok - as an outsider, I confess - donated $50. to McAdams - just couldn't force myself to give it to Joe.

    Rachel Maddow discussed the Non-Unity of the Unity events from the primary. The loosers didn't show up, or when they did.... was mocked from stage. Might be interesting in Nov.....

  21. Sounds bad (this choice that Alaskans have). But in CT we have to choose between a lunatic wrestling mogul and a guy who fabricated service in Vietnam......It seems that there are bad choices all around.

  22. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Har... Har.... Har... Murkowski bites the dust... Has the whining started yet???

    I DO NOT want any misery to come to Alaska but this has got to be a mixed blessing if Miller actually pulls this off. Is the Dem got enough support locally to win against this guy in November??

  23. Anonymous9:41 PM

    To Anne in D.C. - Murkowski lost (at this point - ballot count has not been completed)due to being part of the "Party of No". We would see her on TV often (Newcasts) w/the leaders of the Republican Party (even though the guys didn't actually give her a voice)as they countered everything that President Obama tried to do. Plus, she has been bought by the oil companies.

    She didn't get my vote and won't should she win the primary.


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