Monday, August 16, 2010

Mercede Johnston speaks out concerning Levi's custody agreement.

Sadie has a new post up this morning.

Despite Bristol and the Palin family's continuing attempts to silence her, Mercede is still speaking her mind and telling it like it is. Thank God somebody in Wasilla is not too afraid to stand up for themselves!

P.S. Sadie also discusses the deposition she gave a couple of months ago.  I have heard some shocking things about this incredibly unprofessional attack by Sarah Palin's attack dog Thomas Van Flein and I hope that Sadie can get her copy soon so that we can have an actual court document that illustrates the kind of bullying tactics used against Mercede.


  1. Ratfish6:45 AM

    Start a collection for her so the Palins can't hide her deposition.

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    The problem is you all think Levi got the shaft here. He didn't. He doesn't want to see his son more than that. He doesn't want the responsibility. You all have given him way to much credit as a father. He signed the agreement because those are his wishes.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    to: Anon @ 6:48am

    And, just what proof do you have for your statements and/or all the knowledge you have for Levi?

    Do you live in Alaska, or do you know Levi personally, so you actually know just exactly what he knows, thinks, wants, feels, etc.?

    Or maybe you might be some sort of 'mind-reader-know-it-all' who has visions into other peoples minds?

    Just wonderin' - hmm?

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Since the people aren't releasing the court filings anymore, we can't know how the court made its decision. With that said, either there is something very wrong with Levi or he didn't want joint custody, otherwise, the court would have awarded it. I haven't heard anything that would disqualify him, so he must have wanted it this way.

    It's not a giant leap.

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Such a lovely photo of Mercede.

  6. Anonymous8:18 AM

    In Texas family law, there is a commonly known insert in many SAPCRS and Divorce Decrees specifically pertaining to the 'children's bill of rights". It does mention much of what is listed in their new order regarding each parent's conduct regarding the other.
    *However*, with that being, said, the court cannot find the parties to the suit *in contempt* for another person's actions- a person who IS NOT A PARTY TO THE SUIT.

    Hearsay? Perhaps. But the court cannot prevent a third party from anything. Period. I'd like to see them try that precedent.

    Well. I suppose, unless that's Palin-in-my-ass Alaskan law.

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I assume Bristol believes she can say whatever she wants about Sadie, since Sadie isn't the parent. I also assume that given her new blog, Sadie won't be seeing Tripp for quite some time. Very unfortunate.

    One might think a single mother would have better things to do with her time than to troll on Facebook.

  8. Anonymous8:23 AM

    It seems strange that she wasn't given a copy of her deposition to check for errors. This is standard procedure. Very curious!

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    There is no doubt in my mind that Mercede will become Tripp´s favorite adult. She is the most level headed and certainly is the best looking.

    Also, too, Tripp and Mercede appear to share a lot of the same Johnston genes.

    I bet that burns Bristol´s arsehole.

  10. I wonder if Mercede was able to review her testimony and make any changes...she doesn't speak to that.

    According to this website re Federal rules civil procedure deposition: here
    she should have gotten a copy...

  11. Anonymous8:46 AM

    it could all be false info planted by Palin's attorney to get public sympathy.

    The court custody hearings were not scheduled until September. Did they call another hearing and not notify anyone?

    I don't believe any of it.

  12. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The more I hear about the decisions that 'Team Levi' have made on behalf of their client, the more I suspect that their true loyalties do NOT lie with Levi. I don't know if they are tied to, and somehow beholden to, the Palin family, if they are more interested in being in the spotlight themselves, or if they are merely extraordinarily incompetent.

    They are clearly not, however, focused on making decisions that protect and benefit Levi. And, unfortunately, he is too young, too uneducated, and too naive to realize it.

    It's a very sad situation for Levi, Tripp and the entire Johnston family .

  13. Bear Woman8:51 AM

    Federal court rules don't apply, state of Alaska rules do.

    Ordinarily she would have been sent a copy of her deposition through (probably) Rex Butler for "correction." Correction does not mean further clarifying or changing the record because what you said was incorrect; it means correcting a name or spelling, or other word that was heard incorrectly when the court reporter transcribed the deposition.

    Rex apparently didn't pass it on to Mercede for this correction procedure and you know Van Flein wouldn't.

    All court reporters charge a fee for a copy. Some charge more than others. Why they usually charge a minimum of $1/page to $10/page is beyond me when all you do is hit print again.....

  14. Bear Woman8:57 AM

    You can agree to a custody and visitation schedule at any time once court proceedings are started. This was either ironed out directly by the attorneys (while consulting the clients) to help stop the bleeding of needed funds to attorneys. Alaska has a mandatory mediator conference that must happen before a child custody/visitation case goes to trial. The mediator will listen to both sides, including reading their written submission of what they want, and then help to negotiate an agreement. In the end, the mediator will frequently have a "come to Jesus" talk with each side if they are sticking to principles rather than being realistic.

    The agreement is always subject to court approval. Often when a child becomes school age, the agreement is changed to reflect more visitation time (whole weekend and overnights as well as school holidays and summer vacation).

    Who knows why Levi agreed to this. One problem has clearly been that Rex and Tank are not child custody/visitation specialists.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It may be that right now, if he is trying to get a show deal, he really can't be there much more for Tripp. But one day he will know if he will get any show or not and then another hearing can reset things.

    Nothing is permanent in custody hearings, when things change, there is a new hearing.

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    As I recall Mercede was subpoenaed. There should be a record of the procedure. Someone in Alaska could verify. It shouldn't take long to receive a transcript once the bill is paid. It costs about the same as a day at the mall. I hope she gets some help and she is able to get as much as she is entitled to.

    Very interesting about why VF is pressuring the Aunt. I doubt they like the recent post. The little wheels in their heads are spinning. They won't give up trying to stop Mercede's blog.

  17. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I don't know about Rex, but Tank gave no signs that he's a Palin ally. On Kathy Gs show, his sentiments directly to Sarah show no bond whatsoever. I feel G is correct in stating that Levi was desperately for representation and got himself involved with money hungry, fame seeking dipshits. and given Levi's intelligence and neediness, they were his only hope.

    Though im sure he has brotherly love for Sadie and motherly love with Sherry, Ive never gotten the impression he feels very close to them.

    I also got the impression that the relationship drama back when Tripp was born had nothing to do with Sarah and Todd, but everything to do with Bristol and her controlling ways. A parents sole wish is for their children to be happy. They made her happy by allowing her to stay in Anchorage/Wasilla when they moved to Juneau. They made her happy when they allowed Levi to live with them prior to Tripp's birth (as many other parents I know have done).

    Any frustration with Levi from Sarah's end I bet you has to do more with his propensity to hurt her daughter and see her daughter unhappy than to make Levi's life hell or trash talk him. Why would a woman trash talk her daughter's ex for any other reason than out of protection? and by trash talk, I mean call him ricky hollywood and a porn star. that was the extent of what she said.


    Private matters don't matter.

    Sadie had no right to openly discuss intimate details of Bristol's life. and that is why she has lost friends. because she's crazy

    Both Sadie and Levi have milked their 15 min for all its worth and now it's time to move on.

  18. Anonymous10:13 AM

    open Levi court case

  19. WHAT?!! No Arbor Day?10:51 AM

    I am surprised that Bristol didn't let Levi have holidays so she could be more "in your face!" on him-- she could exchange Trinket for Arbor Day, Canadian Thanksgiving, Boxing Day, that sort of thing. But NEVER St. Patrick's Day-- that is to important to her and too wide spread!

  20. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sarah´s instincts, though twisted, must be telling her Mercede´s blog is damaging her ¨decent human, taking abuse from all sides¨ image.

    It is, Sarah, far more than you can imagine.

  21. I am wondering if Mercede's civil rights have been violated by not giving her a review copy of her testimony.

    Is it possible to find the case # for this custody hearing and find out the name of the court recorder...
    Get a phone # and give a call.

    I know I have seen this case info on IM...

  22. London Bridges11:23 AM

    Levi, Mercede, Bristol. and Gryphen:
    This is important! Levi has a legal agreement to take and visit with the Tripper 2 daze each week. Under no circumstances should you let Sarah, Todd or Bristol refuse your right to take Tripp those 2 days. Only the court has the right to judge whether you or your family have made any violations of the agreement. Take Tripp twice a week until a judge says otherwise, and make this clear with the Palins right now! Anything less would be uncivilized!

  23. Anon 10:13 followed your link and heading is: 3PA-10-02412CI Capital One Bank (USA) NA vs. Johnston, Levi K

    So Capital One Bank?????

  24. Perhaps someone local could call and ask... I don't think they can give out info on the case but you can sure ask a question about being subpeoned...and what happens next!

    Alaska Court System
    IS Help Desk

  25. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Every time I see Levi speak or hear anything from him, I realize that what I learned in medical school was wrong:

    There is NO minimum number of brain cells necessary to sustain life. This boy has about three: one infected, one infarcted and one inhibitory.

    God what's wrong with this kid?

  26. Pat in MA11:53 AM

    Levi thinks he has good people around him (he said this when he was on Kimmel last week talking about his run for mayor). I have my doubts. Only two days/week? Why no overnight stays, no weekends? Yikes. Either he doesn't want to step up or his "people" told him that's the best deal he could get and he believed them. Bristol needs to get a life and stop being a vindictive little you-know-what. But then again her mother is still stuck in a middle school mean girl time warp. Unless any of them escape from the clutches of Sarah they're doomed. There is so much more to life than all their petty bullcrap.

  27. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Levi would have been better off hiring officer Wooten's lawyer i.e. someone with first hand experience dealing with these awful, money-grubbing, ungodly right-wing "family values" hillbillies.

  28. Anonymous11:58 AM

    10:12 said:

    They have no need. What the Palins are doing to Levi, Sherry, and Mercede is unimaginably, inconceivably worse: The Palins are using Tripp as an instrument of torture against the Johnstons.

  29. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Somebody who talks to Mercede should ask her if she still love Sarah's baby Trig as much as she used to love him. Mercede is so honest and of course on our side isn't she?

    Isn't she?

  30. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Unless Levi joins a strict order of monks & heads off to some far flung
    foreign monastery, & Mercede becomes a nun, takes a vow of silence & lives
    in a walled nuns' convent, Bristol
    will continue to freely snark about them both. What else does she have going in her life? The males she has a history with don't offer much. If
    Bristol & Sarah can't take Mercede's
    gentle chiding, they must have a whole lot to hide & are seriously
    paranoid. Mercede should just ignore them both.

    Sharon TN

  31. FEDUP!!!12:37 PM

    Maybe O/T, maybe not: Remember, Levi is making a music video with someone *not* about the Palins (yeah, right...). In it, supposedly, the mother of the bride-to be shows him a manila envelope in a parking lot. Upon opening it, he supposedly turns white as snow and walks away.

  32. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Our newspaper use to have a court reporter, an excellent court reporter. Anything to do with a court case was made clear. The facts and details were laid out and legal interpretations were made. Both sides of an issue or anything else had equal opportunity to have a say. I guess those days are gone.

    This is so old world it is hard to believe. Alaska is looking more like the Lost Frontier with all Palin is bringing to light about her state.

  33. Anonymous said...

    10:12 said:

    No? Sarah view of Levi's playgirl pictures were called porn. They may have upset her but the naked body is far from porn.

    Bristol said she was a single Mom with NO HELP. Most single mothers would be grateful to get close to $2000 a month child support. Dead beat Dad? hmm

    When Diane Todd's sister? was arrested with her child while doing a burglary she was still allowed around Trig and Trip. But Sadie's mom can not see her grandchild because Bristol deems them to be people with no title? What that means I have no clue. Those are 3 things I can think of that off the top of my head that trashed Levi and his family.

  34. Anonymous1:23 PM

    So how does Levi get to see Tripp two days a week when Bristol is hiding in Washington State for a few months before popping out her latest loaf? If she has Tripp with her, he really SHOULD make a big legal fuss about not getting visitation if she withholds it, and perhaps a little birdie should notify radaronline, TMZ, perezhilton and the like that Bristol is denying legally designated visitation. That might even flush out a whole can of worms regarding her latest pregnancy, which would be cool.

  35. Anonymous2:14 PM


    "All court reporters charge a fee for a copy. Some charge more than others. Why they usually charge a minimum of $1/page to $10/page is beyond me when all you do is hit print again....."

    As a lawyer, I can tell you it is a scam and a racket for court reporters to make money. Many if not most of them make well over $100,000 a year. (Without the pressures of being a lawyer -- I don't sound bitter do I? However, in my next life, I'm coming back as a court reporter).

  36. Anonymous2:23 PM

    "Sadie had no right to openly discuss intimate details of Bristol's life. and that is why she has lost friends. because she's crazy"

    Okay, this must be about the pregnancy before Tripp.

    Personally, I don't think Sadie will ever reveal the truth, but she does seem to be playing hardball in order to get time with Tripp. For that I congratulate her. Be a Barracuda, just like the Saracuda.

  37. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Bristol is not in WA - at least anymore. There was a family event everyone attended about a week ago there. Is Levi still in LA

  38. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I have given depos. The person taking the depo is suppose to send a copy, in this case Mercede, for any corrections and a signature. This is not the property of Bristol's attorney. Something stinks.

  39. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Remember, Sarah is nothing if not modest

  40. Anonymous4:10 PM

    **** Personally, I don't think Sadie will ever reveal the truth, but she does seem to be playing hardball in order to get time with Tripp. For that I congratulate her. Be a Barracuda, just like the Saracuda.
    2:23 PM ****

    What am I missing? How does what Sadie is doing going to get her time with Tripp?

  41. 3:35 PM

    Something does stink. It is hard to know where all that smell is coming from. Is it the court reporter? Why is there no mention of their name? Did Rex accompany Mercede? Some Alaskans never talk about details. They are always vague. When they tell their experiences they leave out all kinds of pertinent names, places and times. It is all like a giant fantasy game. How can any of them be trusted? They may just be naive and following how their parents do things. They come off as shady because they are so careless and goofy.

    I am shocked if I don't hear how they love their family. I swear all of the Bristol crowd have the same family value rhetoric. The church ones are the worst and they party like the worst of them. The reasons they can't speak truth to power is because they all have things to hide or they are hiding things about friends or family. They make the whole State of Alaska seem like a dark pit of evil. It is jaded and getting boring. If this continues, no one in this scene will have any sympathy for their misery.

  42. O/T but O'Biden will be speaking at Ted's funeral on Weds at prevo's place. Article now on ADN.

  43. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Omak, Washington is 3 hours 43 mins from Aunt Katie's if she lives in Richland.

    Her cousin married a Chandler?

  44. Anonymous5:27 PM


    Did you see Levi on the Nancy Grace Show? He wasn't a guest. I only caught a part of it and not exactly clear if it was a promo for another show or what. She said something about she didn't like him and there was a brief video clip. Why is Nancy Grace taking up Levi's video? She showed Levi with a girl, the Christian singer I assume, on top of him. It looked like they were on a bed, it was alluring, sexual. Weird.

  45. Anonymous5:30 PM

    AKPetMom, That is rich. Sarah will have an opportunity to act like a statesman/woman.

  46. Anonymous5:54 PM

    OT, but I love it - at Andrew Sullivan's blog, there is an post called "Depressing Because It is So Persuasive" about knocked up high school girls with a picture of Bristol in her basketball jersey (maybe she should have exercised a little self-control and kept the jersey on).

    It got started with an a prior post by an inner city schoolteacher lamenting that she couldn't do much for her charges and that it was considered perfectly normal in the African-American and Hispanic communities for the girls to be knocked up in high school.

    I think the point of the follow-up post with the pic of Bristol in her basketball jersey is that in parts of white America -- like Wasilla, Alaska, for example, it is also considered perfectly normal (and even glamorous - get your own spread in Harper's Bazaar) for unwed teenage girls to get knocked up.

    I would love to see an in-depth article about the MatSu Valley that explores what kind of culture produces so many unwed teenage mothers. Are they from broken homes? (Well not Bristol). Are they from poverty or lower middle class backgrounds? (Well not Bristol). Are they from uneducated families? (Well, we know Todd didn't go to college -- not even sure if he graduated from high school -- and it took Sarah 5 or 6 schools to collect a college degree). Perhaps it is related to all the underage drinking and drug abuse.

    Exactly how many FAS babies has Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnston delivered? Are there actually any high-achieving kids in the Matsu Valley? Or is it considered elitist to do well in school and go to a good college?

    What accounts for a teenager like Willow with such poor impulse control that she would, with a gang of friends, break into an unoccupied house and trash it? What accounts for a teenager like Track with such poor impulse control that he would vandalize a school bus? I guess they were possessed by the devil (or too much booze).

  47. Anonymous10:21 PM

    One thought keeps nagging at me. Maybe Levi's limited visitation schedule is because he's not really Tripp's dad. Maybe Tripp is just everyone's meal ticket...including Bristol's. And where is Levi's dad? Inquiring minds want to know.

  48. Anonymous4:14 AM

    However it was done, Levi has been neutered. Was there a payoff to Levi? Tank? Rex? Levi has lost credibility for saying he lied about Palin & apologizing & he lost public sympathy when he agreed not to have joint custody & left his son with the Palins. (still needs a DNA test UNLESS ---well if he's not really daddy, limited visitation + a big payoff would make sense. Levi who knows Palin secrets is effectively NEUTERED. So Mercede is left with a few realities the Palins would like to hide. They'll try anything to get her out of public sight & hearing. Her hope to get rid of their efforts would be to go public with a book, diary, memoir, interviews esp with credible authors now writing books about Palin. She could get help from Gryphen or maybe Joe Mcginnis or Geoffrey Dunn. Mercede will have to make that decision. It's obvious that Tripp time is NOT in her near future. Doesn't look like much Levi time either. Her real help now seems to be in helping those who are intent on exposing Palin. However, Mercede must tell the truth & be able to document in some way what she claims. The best defense is, of course, a really strong & smart offense. It's up to Mercede to help herself & the rest of us by exposing Sarah Palin. Palins think of Mercede as a bug to be squashed. If they see her as a serious threat however, they may try to pay her off . If she gets to that point hell, go for a million!!!! Couldn't blame her. Just don't go cheap. But if she can't be bought -- she should tell her story -- just make sure it's the truth. What she says will be scrutinized. Good luck to all.

  49. Dear Anonymous-- 8-17-10 11:50am

    I agree with your last post on this page. I am trying to get an answer to my question, which is, why can't I all of a sudden access Mercede's Blog. It was up yesterday, she posted about the custody, I commented and was the first to do so and then now the post is gone??????? Her whole site is GONE. I am worried--can some one fill me in?

  50. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Eliza---just came from Mercede's blog, it's still there.......

    All I have to say is once Tripp grows up and sees for himself what a twat his mother is, he'll have nothing to do with her, nothing.

  51. Thanks so much for getting back to me, Anonymous. I can't get to it. Could it be that I have been blocked? I don't how these things work. I get a msgg about Fedora??? Not sure what that is and how it works. My whole point to Mercede in my post was, why does she care about the custody of Tripp concerning LEVI when Bristol admitted to LEVI in a txt msgg after the second breakup according to mercede's post-----THAT Bristol was hoping that LEVI was not the father. My point was.....until a DNA test is done, LEVI should just move on. I was also wondering why NO ONE has picked up on this TXT MSGG from Bristol and why NO ONE is pursuing the story--Is there something I am missing? I don't get the feeling that Mercede would make this up. The fact that Tripp could have yet another daddy would be a HUGE problem for SP. Anybody have any opinions??

  52. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Re, Anonymous at 8:54 a.m.: "All I have to say is once Tripp grows up and sees for himself what a twat his mother is, he'll have nothing to do with her, nothing."

    You are assuming that the apple will fall far from the tree. That is quite unlikely. Studies show that children form their values and world view from their parents.

    I predict that Tripp (1) will not go on to higher education; (2) will have poor impulse control like his parents and aunts and uncles; and (3) that Levi and Bristol will be grandparents by about age 36 or 37.

  53. Anonymous9:45 PM

    elizabitsch, many of us have been getting the "Fedora Test Page" or "Forbidden" for quite a while. I've asked Gryphen to ask Mercede to ask her webmaster -- but no answer from Gryphen.

    To work around it, I do a Google search for "Mercede Johnston." Then, I can read the cached version of the page.


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