Friday, August 27, 2010

More talk of Lisa Murkowski running as a third party candidate, and more evidence that Joe Miller is surrogate for Sarah Palin.

(Picture borrowed from Progressive Alaska. Thanks Phil!)

The Alaskan Republicans are in a sort of frenzy right now trying to decide how best to deal with the fact that Palin endorsed upstart Joe Miller is currently leading Lisa Murkowski three days after the election.

So even though there are still over 20,000 ballots left to be counted, Andrew Halcro, Alaskan conservative blogger and Murkowski supporter, is looking into the possibility of a run  as a Libertarian if things don't go Lisa's way.

According to the Daily Beast:

The Daily Beast has learned exclusively that an individual independent of Lisa Murkowski’s campaign has commissioned a poll to see how she would fare if she ran as a third-party candidate under the Libertarian Party.

The poll is being commissioned by Andrew Halcro, a former Republican state legislator, Murkowski supporter, and Sarah Palin critic.

“I think [Murkowski’s] got to get out there because I think in a wider open field with a weak Democratic candidate and the other choice being Joe [Miller] on the extreme, I think Lisa has a shot and she has money in the bank and she has name-recognition,” Halcro said.

Okay personally I think that with 20,000 votes still left uncounted, and the GOP essentially still running the political machine up here in Alaska, that Murkowski still has a pretty good shot of coming out of this with the nomination. 

However if she does lose, and Joe the Teabagger is the nominee, than I cannot think of anything more entertaining than having this become a three way race.  I am not clairvoyant enough to determine if that helps or hurts the Democratic candidate Scott McAdams, but I KNOW it would destroy Miller's chances of winning this seat.

By the way did you catch this little tidbit form the Daily Beast report?

But the race is getting nasty. According to documentation received by The Daily Beast, Joe Miller’s legal counsel, Thomas Van Flein, has filed a formal protest with the Alaska Division of Elections against a Murkowski campaign absentee-ballot observer.

Thomas van Flein? Sarah and Bristol Palin's Thomas Van Flein?  Holy crap! Sister Sarah is in this thing up to her armpits!

I think it is clearer than ever that essentially Joe the Teabagger is a surrogate for Caribou Barbie, and that a win for him is actually a win for Sarah Palin. And I don't mean just a win because she endorsed him and it would increase her political gravitas, but an actual win meaning that he would represent her and her interests in the Senate.  Despite what he might say Miller would not be a representative for Alaskans, or even the Republicans, but instead a representative for Sarah Palin and the puppet masters in the shadows pulling her strings.

Hell, no wonder the GOP in Alaska is running around like chickens with their heads cut off!


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Popcorn time. Seriously, I think this is going to get even more interesting.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    A 3 way run would be fun to watch.

    But watching Sarah lose another one would be just finger licking good!

  3. angela9:58 AM

    I always thought Palin had bought herself a senator.

    I'm with you about the 20,000 votes. Miller is getting a little too scared about the outcome of the count. He so wants to stop it. Sarah really would love to stop it.

    Ah what fun! Popcorn time. Joe just needs to keep that constitutional loving facade in place until his cerebellum explodes in tea bagger induced panic.

  4. sewnup10:00 AM

    Seems likely The Evil One needs someone with power to keep up a line of defense for her, if nothing else. What do we think might happen if she and her doings were actually investigated? She needs somebody highly placed to prevent future 'slipups'. You know, just in case.....hah! No more certain fact could be found.

  5. Olivia10:00 AM

    So he is her Yale educated, carpetbagging, elitist alter ego?

  6. akbright10:06 AM

    they actually have filed "a formal protest with the Alaska Division of Elections against a Murkowski campaign absentee-ballot observer."

    -Are they afraid of something?

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    If Murkowski loses this race and tries to run again under a different party, she will NOT get my vote. If you lose, you lose! Obviously, Halcro did not help her in the primary. I won't vote for Miller, guess what direction I'm going?

  8. Ratfish10:19 AM

    "But the race is getting nasty. According to documentation received by The Daily Beast, Joe Miller’s legal counsel, Thomas Van Flein, has filed a formal protest with the Alaska Division of Elections against a Murkowski campaign absentee-ballot observer."

    But it was ok for Van Flein's patron the QUITTER to bring in a thug from New York City, Ed O'Callaghan, to take over state government while she was gallavanting around the country.

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    It's much better if Joe Miller wins the nomination and Murkowski concedes. Murkowski's supporters hate Palin and won't support Miller. The democrats would be better off with Tony Knowles running. IMO, Gryphen needs to start a "draft Tony Knowles movement". The other guy can't win. Without Murkowski's support, Miller is deat man walking. Gryphen. what do you say? Knowles for senate!

  10. ManxMamma10:23 AM

    I noticed the Van Flein reference. Your right, Sarah owns Miller.

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Do enough Alaskans still love Sarah to help Joe Miller win?

  12. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Lawyer here. Simply because Van Flein has an attorney/client relationship with Palin and an attorney/client relationship with Miller does not show anything beyond that they travel in the same circles. Miller may be a surrogate or may not, but the fact that they have the same lawyer doesn't indicate anything.

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Now here's a conspiracy theory for you:

    Joe the, teabagger wins...

    He decides his heart is just not in it, so he resigns...SP2.0 has to appoint someone....

    Crazy? You betcha!

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    She even sounds like him. The quotes coming out of his mouth are run-on nonsense.

    Are you sure this guy has those degrees he claims? Anybody ever checked up on him? Where are the Republican dirty tricksters?

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Palin wasn't watching Russia, 2 of Putins planes almost came into Northern Canadian airspace on tuesday, good thing the Canadian military was there, phew close one! I guess that ugly 14 ft fence is blocking screechies view of Russia.

  16. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I think Alaskans must have the minds of 13 year olds like their former governor. Elections for Senator are not entertainment venues. This is the kind of thing that gets morans elected to office. You only think it's entertaining because you think it gives the Dem a better chance at winning. Once a name is on the ballot, there is no predicting what might happen. Do you really want a teabagger who's in Palin's pocket as your Senator? Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with Alaskans, you would have thought you'd learned your lesson with Palin. I think you all, including you Alaska bloggers need to grow up.

  17. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Sister Scarah has Joe the Teabagger in her hip pocket. When he "lawyered up" with Van Flein that put the icing on the cake.

    Hopefully the absentee ballots missed the eleventh hour furor of Koch Brothers money and Sarah's "Robot" calls.

  18. Ever consider that if Miller was to win and for some reason cannot finish his term, that Parnell would then plck $arah to replace him?
    We all know that $arah does NOT do anything unless it benefits her directly.
    Maybe that's her plan all along.

  19. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I find it amusing that for all Sarh's ranting about elitist this and elitist that she would support Joe Miller. After all, here's a guy, a non-native Alaskan ( she does whine about the you're an outsider and not a "real" Alaskan stuff) with a law degree from ZOMG Yale! Bahahahaha. It just goes to prove what a phony POS Palin is. It's never been about Alaska for the mean girl. It's always been about her, her revenge, money and her own elevation which is little more than the Peter Principle in action. Sadly too many in Alaska have allowed her to go unchallenged for far too long.

  20. Anonymous11:17 AM

    What would Teabagger Joe do, were he to make it to the US Senate? As a junior Senator he would probably vote in lock step with the Republicans just as Murkowski did.

  21. After a while, thinking the running of this country is entertainment is going to come back and bite hard. It's not like we aren't in a terrible recession and need solutions instead of ping pong.

    I don't know who this guy is (just saw it from a link on Crooks and Liars), but it's worth reading:

  22. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Gryph, how many lawyers with any experience in political law do you think there are in Alaska? Of those, how many are Republican? I think Miller chose someone to represent him who in your words, "gets shit done for his clients", shares an ideological bent, and actually has some experience with this stuff.

  23. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "After a while, thinking the running of this country is entertainment is going to come back and bite hard."

    Yep, it's why England died as an empire. People watching government and playing games as opposed to actually governing. Stupid, stupid, people never learn.

  24. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Joe Miller channels his inner Palin and tweets calling Lisa a whore. Lovely. So much like his mentor(ly retarded friend).

  25. SME13112:26 PM

    Did you see this article on the voting issues in TN, seems they have some vote flipping going on there and I am fairly sure we do as well.

    At some point we have to demand a full investigation. I think we'd find Sarah never actually got the votes that got her elected and Joe didn't legitimately come by his votes either.

  26. Anonymous12:52 PM

    So Discovery paid for a trip around the state for Sarah to quietly campaign for Joe Miller. They said her show wasn't political, but it didn't stop her from campaigning on their dime...

  27. Anonymous1:09 PM

    If she does run as independent, let's hope it doesn't lead to a split vote that enables this Palin protege to win.
    M. from MD

  28. Methinks Joe protests too much! You'd think a freedom-loving, constitutional conservative would be happy to make sure every vote was counted correctly.

  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Joe thinks Lisa is a whore...

    Lisa.. don't take this laying down!

    unleash the hounds of hell on Sarah and Joe....

  30. Anonymous3:11 PM

    My $20 to your $5 that before the absentee and re-counts are over we get to accuse Sarah van Flein of filing frivolous compliments, law suits, and appeals.

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    "Palin wasn't watching Russia, 2 of Putins planes almost came into Northern Canadian airspace on tuesday, good thing the Canadian military was there, phew close one!"

    Sarah wasn't looks for planes she was watching for Putin's -ahem - head rising over the horizon.

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Did u read this, they are NUTs:

  33. Anonymous4:02 PM

    What??? Miller wears GLASSES and went to YALE???

    What happened to the rednecky guy decked out in red flannel and tossing around moose horns that I got to know and love via Wonkette?

  34. Anonymous4:49 PM

    This is going to get a LOT more interesting, and will go on forever.

    According to Miller's 8/18/2010 campaign finance report, an 11th hour 'donation' by the Washington Intelligence Bureau suggests a pre-planned Voter-Disenfranchisement tactic (WIB is a known 'vote cager'- look it up). . .should the election results be 'close.'

    This suggests not just a continued count of absentee ballots, but a more muscular challenge to the validity of each vote cast. A favorite tactic of the GOP in close elections.

    That's why Murkowski is calling in the dogs, methinks. She sees that Miller is already poised (and well monied) to try to invalidate as many of her votes as possible.

    She probably would have done this too, ahead of time, but she thought she was so far ahead of him. . .



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