Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New York is not the only place that Muslim Americans are facing discrimination and intolerance in this country.

If we are going to hold the whole of the American Muslim community accountable for the sins of the 9-11 terrorists than who shoulders the burden for the hate spewed by "Christians" toward Islamic children and their parents?

Look I don't think we can avoid the obvious any longer. It seems pretty clear to me that certain individuals in the Republican party are attempting to start either a race war, or a religious war, in this country.

In other words I believe that there are people in the GOP who are willing to frighten their constituents so thoroughly that they may actually do bodily harm, or even kill, another human being so long as it gets them elected to office.

And if such a thing were to happen I wonder if Fox News could be charged as an accessory?


  1. imnofred6:59 PM

    I live in Jacksonville and this was not a big story on the local news.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Temecula mosque plan sparks protest

    A plan to build a mosque in Temecula has divided the southwest Riverside County city where conservative values and freedom of religion are both cherished.

    Vocal opponents of the 25,000-square-foot mosque proposed for 4 acres in the city's northeastern corner describe Islam not as a religion, but as a political movement bent on taking over the world and squelching freedom in favor of strict religious law.


  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I am sorry to say there are people in this country who are all too willing to find a handy scapegoat to project all their fears and anger upon.

    The rhetoric on some of the posts over at haraSmaeT is simply over the top, particularly about the "victory mosque at ground zero". Sheer ignorance on display.

    I have faith that the majority of citizens of America recognize the right of freedom of religion; and when informed about the proposed COMMUNITY CENTER will see that it is a project fostering good will between all faiths.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    What's Karl Rove cooking up in his Devil's lair? This approach has his name all over it, though GW took pains to ask for calm from anyone thinking about seeking 9/11 retribution from Muslims in general. I never thought I'd have anything good to say about that guy. Karl is another story entirely. There were some other guys who pushed that Willie Horton stuff back for Bush Sr, also, don't remember their names. They stayed in the background. This is what the GOP does, they stir racists up. They are all closet racists as far as I am concerned.

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Yes, there are veiled hints for violence on haraSmaeT, but I think this is because they know they are losing credibility. There are lots of complaints that they are "being called names" because of their political opinions.

    I see that the most inflammatory remarks are made by elderly, white, southern males.

  6. Has no one given any thought to how much the idea of freedom of religion in the U.S. changes, has changed and will change religious practice in every faith community? It has certainly affected the Catholic Church. American Jews aren't anything like Israelis. Americans who are Sikhs, Buddhists and Hindus certainly know how different their practice is here compared with their countries of origin.
    Muslims who are born here can attest to the difference between their contemporary lives as Americans and the lives of their immigrant grandparents or parents.

    Freedom of religion is a powerful agent of change for all religious communities.

  7. Anonymous8:13 PM

    pssst! I think it should be "discrimination".

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    What is happening to our country? I can't imagine what others around the world are thinking of us. There is nothing Exceptional about this country when racism still exist.

    The catalyst of all of this is SARAH PALIN. It started during the campaign with her "palling around with terrorist" BS. Bigots came out of the woodwork.

    I'm so sick of Palin, Rethugs, and the Media dividing this country!!!

    Vote in November people, otherwise our beloved country will go down in flames if we allow the rethugs to take over again. Mark my words.

  9. newmom9:17 PM

    I agree that with all this hate-mongering from the Right, it can look bleak.

    Just remember that old saying, the wheels of Justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

    We shall overcome.

  10. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Last summer, Sarah and her Republican cronies stirred everyone up with threats of Death Panels and "They're going to kill grandma and grandpa." The GOP and the Tea Party function best when they stir up unreasonable hatred, based on lies. Their followers are stupid enough to take up the chant, and sadly, the media is more than happy to cover it because "if it bleeds, it leads."

    It smells like Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. They use Frank Luntz to focus-group and test phrases, tossing out the old "inheritance tax" and calling it a "death tax."
    Last night, Jon Stewart did a wonderful comedy piece with John Oliver, who suggested that there shouldn't be Roman Catholic churches next to playgrounds. (Don't make me remind you of what priests did to little children!)

  11. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Yeah, first, a few months back, we were supposed to hate, and maybe wipe out, all the gay people.

    Then it was the Mexicans...easier to spot, and even though they are often seen on the run, they still make good targets.

    Now, its the Muslims we need to obliterate. With only a billion and a half of them, that shouldn't make too much of a mess.

    Then we can finally be FREE again.

    Oh, wait: there's the KOREANS to deal with. And I heard Obama's stirring up the Cubans once again. A bigot's work is never done.

  12. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Yes, and Sarah Palin tops the billing. She shares the honor with Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Army, Rove, DeMint, and others. But Sarah is special in her vitriol. She is the face of it.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if Cheney weren't also involved in his crazed quest for power.

  13. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Newt Gingrich is calling for another Crusade.
    If we declare War on Islam, you might be looking at a draft if the GOP takes over, since our troops are stretched thin as it is.
    The draft would affect the poor and the middle class. Do you think the Rich are going to give up their kids. They'll find exemptions for them, just as was done during the Viet Nam War just as Newt, Cheney and Rush did because of his anal cyst.

  14. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:15 said...

    What is happening to our country? I can't imagine what others around the world are thinking of us. There is nothing Exceptional about this country when racism still exist.


    The perception of America as the bastion of freedom has been seriously compromised by the fear-mongering lunatic fringe. For some reason this group of misfits have been allowed to hijack the moral compass of your country and are now being given credence and legitimacy. A sad & tragic thing for those of us in other countries to witness.

  15. London Bridges4:49 AM

    Democracy Now has an excellent discussion on the right wing fabricated "mosque" controversy. Watch, listen or read after approx. 9:30AM at

    Letting hate mongers run our national debate is wrong and should not be permitted.

    This wouldn't be happening if the media was objective and not owned by right wingers with a political agenda.

  16. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I want to relay a personal, interesting but somewhat unsettling story concerning 9/11. I was working in Queens, NY on that terrible day and despite being miles away I was able to see the distant rising smoke from my office window. Several weeks later a co-worker of mine, a Chinese-American, told me about a few elderly ladies he knew living in Chinatown who refused to venture out anywhere near the vicinity of the World Trade Center. It seems that the first time they went out to visit that area after the attack they had been freaked out by what they called the wandering spirits of the deceased victims whose bodies were never recovered. In other words the area was reputed to be,at that time at least, a haunted graveyard because of the pulverized bodies. Personally, I did not know what to make of this story but I do know that because of the horrific nature of an attack on a civilian target there is the possiblity that there is bad karma, bad vibes, bad luck, etc.,etc. still lingering in that area. Irrespective of the controversies involved,the planners of the Islamic center should maybe take this possibility into account because after all, who wants to tempt fate? Just sayin'.

  17. Randall5:55 AM

    Make sure you VOTE in November.

    Don't just whine - get out and VOTE.

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The GOP has a long history of killing or harming it's own constituents.
    9/11 anyone?
    All allowed, contived, part of the plan.

  19. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Anon 5:54am, I think your Chinese ladies are right. I have read several books that say in sudden, accidental deaths the souls of the victims can not quite process that they are dead. I hope the prayers of those visiting the site will help with this situation.

    RG: Regarding the Temecula mosque, these are the same points I see on the SP site. "Is Islam a REAL religion - or a diabolical political plot??" Idiots.

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I agree that this is primarily coming from the right, but think we need to be holding the cowards on the left accountable, as well. It is simply unconscionable that the Democratic leadership is going on record rejecting the protections of the first amendment to a specific group of Americans. We expect this sort of vile nonsense from the right. It is the actions of the left on this issue that have me worried for our democracy.

    The Founding Fathers didn't feel the need to put freedom of religion in writing as the first of the freedoms in the New World for the people the majority agree with. They did it exactly for situations like this where majority mob mentality would threaten the rights of an unpopular minority. Will none of our leaders stand up for the Constitution they have vowed to protect? If not, we are in big trouble.

  21. Roger8:58 AM

    A viral email that many of you may have seen, was written well enough that it came close to affecting my opinion on Muslims.

    For those who did not see it, it was about some guy whose best pal is a Muslim, but no longer is--because after many years, it finally became clear that in the HUMOR of those of that faith, is hidden a lot of anti-American feelings.

    It went on to peel away the "peace" rhetoric from Islam, and show how the running theme is one of pure hatred and blind adherance to strange "laws" handed down by the original prophets of the movement.

    The echo of Bill Maher saying that any "religion" that promises PUSSY in the afterlife, for committing acts of murder in this one, cannot possible sink any lower in terms of utter depravity...wafted over me.

    I managed to find a book that sort of interpreted the "Qu-ran" into normal English. While it no doubt was tainted by the personal ideas of the interpreter, I was left with the overall impression that it was no worse than the Bible, in terms of including some real WHACKY stuff, but in the main, promoting peace among men.

    So, I guess it all boils down to how each person applies their religious upbringing to their own actions. Some "christians" claim to follow the Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ, but spew out obvious hatred and bigotry, with every action and word out of their mouths.

    Before we take that as a sign to stop allowing churches of all types to be built in America, I'd say we need to consider how an entire religion should not be cast as a terrorist training camp, going only by the actions of some of its crazier followers.

  22. Anonymous9:51 AM

    IMHO, all religions have been, still are and forever will be political plots to keep the so-called unwashed masses from rising up against their "above the crowd" rulers.
    That is why I prefer my own thought processes as: fromthediagonal...
    and believe me, as one birthed into WWII on the german side, I know all about the suffering of those misled by the power hungry, so please bear with me when I send out warnings...

  23. Anne In DC12:39 PM

    One of the most disgusting aspects of this whole sorry mess is that a large number of Muslims were among those who either lost their lives or lost loved ones on 9-11. Palin and her ilk seem to forget that although most 9-11 victims were Americans, not everyone was. There were Muslims who were Americans and others from foreign countries like Bangledesh. So, it's disingenuous of them to suggest that those who want to build this mosque are being insensitive to Americans. What she and fools like her fail to realize is that if they had their way, we would be playing right into the hands of Al Queda. They would like nothing better than to see a rift among Muslims and non-Muslims. In fact, it's worth remembering that they wanted McCain to win, because they felt he would be just the kind of warmonger who would play into their hands.

  24. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Don't we also have to hold all white Christian Americans responsible for McVeigh?

    For the white guys that are shooting up cops these days?

    I was not aware of the real depth of stupidity of some many in this country until, and since the summer and fall of 2008.

  25. aj weishar7:18 PM

    We need to turn this around. The first site is Oklahoma City. No Christian churches near the Federal Building that was bombed by Christian Tim McVey. The same is true in Austin, TX where Andrew Stack flew a plane into the IRS building. One exception is any Catholic church. Mr. Stack called the Catholic church vulgar and corrupt. Columbine, Co will remove all Jewish houses of worship near the attack site. The lads who shot up the school were Jewish.


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