Thursday, August 05, 2010

Nothing says "Real Alaskan" like playing with discarded antlers in the woods.

Okay WTF?

Let me get this straight.  This Joe Vogler wannabe believes that if he wants to appear "Alaskan" he has to walk through the woods, while wearing a Pendleton shirt, and picking up moose antlers?  And after he picks them up he just throws them back down for some little kid to fall and impale himself on later!  How is that helping?

And what is he even trying to say with this ad?  That Lisa Murkowski is running around Washington without her antlers?  Gee how will anybody know SHE is from Alaska?

Look I am no Lisa Murkowski fan, but THIS guy is obviously a complete tool.

And isn't he the same idiot that had overweight men with assault rifles walking behind his, clearly compensating for something, Humvee in a local parade a month or so back?

Yep that was him.

Look Miller, Alaska is a melting pot of different ethnicities and personality types.  Sure we have the occasional assault rifle carrying, moose antler collecting, imbecile walking among us. But most Alaskans are a fairly level headed bunch who want their political leaders to be reasonable, cooperative people who treat us like adults and don't pander to us by dressing up all "Alaska like"to give us lectures on why our current Senator is not "teabaggy" enough all while leaning on a set of antlers in the woods behind the local Wal-Mart.

But to be honest I should have expected this kind of ridiculous campaigning to come from the likes of you.  After all you ARE Sarah Palin's kind of politician!


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    He also ISN'T Alaskan. He is a carpetbagger that always had delusions of grandeur being that he's a big brain from Outside - a big fish in a small pond right?

    We don't appreciate this obvious pandering to the image he's supposed to exude as a Frontier guy. Please. At least Halcro never went for that ploy.

    Miller is a tool. Go find another State to try and take over through your underachieving and lackluster law career.

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Joe the moose rack thrower.

    What is he gonna do next? Climb on top of his Hummer, with a mic and sing star spangle banner, while driving the Richardson Highway.

    Good grief, no one can top Halcrow for urban Alaskan looks.

    Give the "backwoods Alaskan" flava up Joe. Get a shave and pretend you care.

    What a blowhard.

  3. Forever Anonymous7:56 PM

    "all while leaning on a set of antlers in the woods behind the local Wal-Mart."

    hahaa, love it.

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Talk about a cheesy ad, going around the woods picking up moose antlers then throwing them down while jabbering ..Alaskans are probably laughing their asses off at him..yea Big frontier man!!

  5. Anonymous8:27 PM

    So, would you rather have a moderate who has proven she can work with others and lives on the same planet we do, or somebody who doesn't even get to Washington before he demonstrates he is truth-challenged and unable to construct a logical argument? I have yet to hear him tell us what he has done, or specifically what he will do that is any better.

  6. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for keeping us aware of all the latest! No way is this guy going to make any headway.

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Joe "the" Miller borrowed those antlers from Grandpa Chuckles....

  8. Anonymous8:55 PM


    WASHINGTON — The Senate agreed Thursday to add $600 million to the effort to stop the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. Mexican border.

    The money would be used for such purposes as adding 1,500 new enforcement agents and deploying unmanned aerial drones to improve border surveillance.

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I just ran Miller's bio, and if you look at his time on each job, he doesn't stay very long either. Three years, two years, a year plus, just never committed to one job. Much like the lady who is giving her seal of approval, Ms Palin. I certainly won't vote for someone like that. We don't need another quitter.

  10. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Hey, any guy that wears a Pendalton shirt, has a (fake) two day beard, finds Moose antlers in the woods is qualified to be our Senator as far as I am concerned. Besides, he has Sarahs blessing...what more could you want?

    What is sad is that people fall for this crap.

  11. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Barf! He just lost my vote. Does he think we are stupid idiots!!!!

  12. Ya know it just has always amazed me that moose can shed their antlers with half their skull attached and still find food in the dead of winter. Man that rut has got to be hard on a bull.

  13. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I'm voting for the guy! I figure he's the best chance for the Democrats to overthrow Lisa Murkowski. I'm sorry Anon @ 8:27, I just don't find Lisa "moderate" anymore.

    I'm also voting for Eddie Burke for Lt. Guv and I think Samuels for Guv because I think he's easier to beat than the others. Have to check the polls right before the election.

    You guys are missing the boat by not joining forces with the crazy Tea Partiers. Otherwise, Murkowski will be as entrenched as Daddy M., Stevens, and Young. bt

  14. SME13111:15 PM

    He was picked right out of Palin's ass. And like Palin he only attacks others, he has no platform of his own.

    I'm not a Lisa fan either, but I'd take Lisa AND Frank over this fool.

  15. AKjah - you made me laugh out loud at work. I nominate you for commenter of the week.

  16. Anonymous4:19 AM

    In Canada, we call that the Keswickian dinner jacket.

  17. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Stupid commercial, tossing that antler around. And the shirt, obviously unwrapped before the commercial was taped.

  18. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I hope he does as well as Sarah's Tennessee House pick, Cece Heil -She lost yesterday, FU Sarah Palin!

  19. Wow! Classic example of the extreme right teabaggers taking over what's left of the Republican party.

    That commercial is so stupid it looks like a parody!

  20. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Hmmmm....he's pretty hot! Suppose Sarah has an ulterior motive in endorsing him?

    Has she been spending any time "helping" him campaign?

  21. I am not from Alaska and he is not a relative. Having said that, I don't know what was funnier, the ad or your commentary, Gryphen. The ad was so filled with stereotypes.Now, tell me, are there that many antlers in the woods behind the WalMart ? Thank you for the laughs.

  22. Lynne6:39 AM

    "I give you my word." Hmmm, his words make me think Murkowski isn't so bad. I learned more positive things about her record in that two and a half minutes than I ever knew before. She should like it. He's keeping her in the race. The guy is obviously not too bright. (Of course, I still don't plan to vote Republican.)

  23. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Someone is Alaska has to do a parody video of this (yes, even though this is already a parody). What a tool!

    Hey, Joe, as you drive around Alaska with twenty people and their assault rifles parading behind you, I hope you won't pull that stunt if ever in DC!

  24. Heck tell him to send me the antlers I will pay postage, I am trying to learn how to carve in bone.

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Yep, Joe thinks he's a rill stud.

  26. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Two words: John Lindauer

    And we know how THAT turned out...


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