Thursday, August 05, 2010

Perhaps the only REAL victim in the Bristol/Levi saga is the little boy trapped in the middle.

Don't you hate it when you are watching a movie and you suddenly realize that you don't really like ANY of the main characters?  The storyline keeps trying to create drama by putting each of the actors in jeopardy, but you simply yawn and think "Hurry up and kill them off, so I can go to bed!"

That is about how I am feeling about this little soap opera.

My first instinct of course was to suspect that Sarah was behind the US Weekly engagement announcement, because it certainly seemed like something she would do.  But I sort of forgot that while Sarah's many advisers have been carefully orchestrating her media events, and putting a spin on the negative stories about her when she screws up, others have been paying close attention.

They have essentially been attending Palin Media Spin class 101.

You see I missed it at first because I had not heard ANYTHING from Tank Jones in a very long time, and I started to wonder if he were even involved with Levi anymore.  Especially since the last several statements from "Team Levi" had been issued by Rex Butler instead of Tank, who was usually the go to guy for those kinds of press releases in the past.

Now I know he is still in the mix, because nobody else could EVER have screwed this publicity stunt up as badly as Sherman "Tank" Jones just did!

Though he would never admit it, Tank has been carefully watching how Palin's team orchestrates her publicity, and trying to copy their methods for use with Levi.  However Palin has several very experienced media people to advise her, and Tank is simply an ex-pimp trying to figure out how to squeeze the last golden egg out of his goose before Levi's contract expires in the next six months or so. (By the way that ex-pimp statement is not an insult, it is a FACT.)

After the big revelation everybody was trying to figure out why Bristol and Levi went with US Weekly instead of People magazine to make their big announcement, especially since they both interviewed Bristol on the very same weekend. (Hell, one of People's reporters even called ME to try and to figure it out.)

Now, thanks to Bristol's tearful confession to People magazine we know that choosing US Weekly was Levi's idea. Of course Levi is only for show, and he does not "have ideas", which means it was Tank Jones who had this brain.....drizzle.

And do you know how I KNOW it was Tank Jones?  Because it completely blew up in their face! 

Now I don't believe that Tank orchestrated the reunion or anything quite that clever, but I am damn sure that the minute he found out about it he immediately smelled the possibility of money.  Tank had to have realized that he had blown it the first time in getting Levi any truly lucrative deals, and that this represented his second chance to get back on that gravy train before it rolled over the horizon and once again left them behind.

So before Levi and Bristol could even take their refurbished relationship out of a test drive, Tank had already made some phone calls and hyped the event enough to get US Weekly to crack open their wallets and hand over 100 grand for the exclusive on this very, very temporary engagement.

But just like the deals that I described in yesterday's post, this one was doomed from the start.  Surprisingly this couple had the opportunity to sign onto a reality show for 1.5  million dollars, but before any money could change hands, or any contracts get signed, Team Levi pulled a Houdini.

Now it MIGHT have been because Bristol is a crazy woman who is constantly consumed with jealousy, or it might have been because she is swelling up like Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Ben Barber's baby. (Still waiting for confirmation on that second one.) But whatever the reason it is just the latest in a string of opportunities that Tank Jones failed to make good on

Hearing about this last failed money making scheme kind of gave me an epiphany.

Now as you all know I think that Palin's lawyer Thomas Van Flein is a major league asshole.  However, he is a major league  asshole that gets things done for his client.

Whether we like it or not, Sarah has "written" one book and has another coming out later this year.

Levi has none.

She is also currently filming a reality show. 

Levi is facing the same un-televised realty as the rest of us.

She has not only made a substantial amount of money giving speeches, she was even able to wrangle her monosyllabic daughter a similar gig. 

At this point in time nobody seems interested in offering Levi any money to say ANYTHING.

Now this is no slam against Levi personally, I think he is at least as talented as Sarah Palin. (Just how low is that bar these days?) However his representation was so unbelievably bad that the boy had to actually take off his pants to earn any real spending cash. ("Hi, my name is Levi, here is my Johnston, hand me some money."), and now rumor has it that he is trying to sell his side of this latest episode of the ongoing soap opera for a measly $20,000 clams.

Like I said there is really nobody left in this situation who comes across as guilt free. 

Not Levi, it appears he agreed to this reality show before Bristol had even unwrapped her engagement ring. And he also allowed Sarah to completely discredit him by getting him to call the truths he told about her "youthful indiscretions."  And that by the way, will prove to be the phrase that ends any hope he ever might have had of being taken seriously in the future.

Not Bristol, she dumped all over poor Ben Barber and was clearly using Levi as well. 

Not Tank or Rex, they have demonstrated themselves to be nothing more than leeches in business suits. And for all of his tailored suits, and shirts with his  name embroidered on the cuffs, Tank has proven to be nothing more than a windbag who, despite his braggadocio, simply cannot provide the moneyshot.

And certainly not Sarah Palin herself, because I cannot think of a more deserving person to have this kind of damaging press happen to as she prepares to rally her intellectually challenged supporters to help her wage a doomed campaign designed to do nothing more than increase her marketability and keep that money flowing in.

Which brings me to Tripp.  He is the one innocent in this whole thing, and he deserves to have a life of relative normalcy (If such a thing exists around the Palins).  So I hope now that the reality show deals are off the table, and Bristol and Levi's failed courtship has run its course, that he will finally have his two parents putting HIS needs first instead of constantly arguing over him or using him as a pawn to manipulate the other.

If Levi and Bristol have learned nothing else from this whole thing, perhaps they learned that the whole world does NOT revolve around them.  But they should both be of the opinion that it does indeed revolve around their son.


  1. I still say that Levi should have long ago found a very experienced attorney in LA, NY, Seattle, or wherever, but NOT in Alaska, if he truly wanted to make the big score. He and his lawyer needed to be away from that three-ring circus to do business in any sort of level-headed manner. Just my two cents.

  2. US Weekly?4:51 PM

    Make that two innocent beings, Tripp and Nesia's unborn.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    You are right. The only person that seems to have walked through this mess with any dignity is Mercede.

  4. SME1315:00 PM

    Admittedly Tripp is the victim in all of this. That goes without saying.

    However, I still believe SP was behind all of this whether Levi and his team has a clue or not.

    SP wanted BP to give him a chance just long enough to get him to go public with an apology. No matter what he does or doesn't know about the Palin's no longer matters. Now that he has said it was all a lie SP no longer has to worry about anything he says.

    To ensure BP didn't look bad they went all the way with the getting back together story followed quickly by what a cad he is and the engagement is off. The Palins no longer have to worry about anything he says or does.

    Levi and his so called team may think they were behind it but that doesn't make it true.

    It's backfired anyway since the media was calling them both (Levi and Bristol) media whores this morning and I doubt anyone will pay BP or Levi a cent from now on. But SP doesn't care about that - she only cares about herself.

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    At this point, it is getting hard to have any sympathy for Bristol, Levi, Rex, Tank or anyone else involved in this silly soap opera.

    Bristol was used by her mother, and in trying to get back at Sarah, Bristol only tightened her mom's hold on her. Bristol cannot quit the Palin family.

    Levi was easily used by two very opportunistic guys, hoping to make a profit by marketing a good looking hunk of meat. Levi's 15 minutes has expired, and there is no refill. It's time for Levi to get a GED, get a job, make some money and get out of town.

    Let me add some more advice. Levi, if you are the father of Tripp, you are entitled to see him. The next time that you do, head for a clinic and get a paternity test. Make sure that the kid you are supporting with big monthly payments is really entitled to your support. Seriously, go to Anchorage, and like Sarah, go in the back door so no one sees you.

    Oh, and Levi, get some really good advice, get a new legal team, sue the last bunch for failing to represent your interests.

    I do not feel sorry for people who are selling their private life for shameful amounts of money. If Bristol and Levi really want to get together for the sake of their child, they should do it privately and without a magazine feature. My best advice to them: Grow Up!

  6. newmom5:12 PM

    GREAT post, Gryphen!

    Although, I hope that Levi will do the work it takes to regain his credibility - GED, real job, fight for son (show up in court with all his documents in order!).

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    How many times do you s'pose they can milk the "Bristol & Levi are back together" cash cow? I, personally, think part of the reason they "reconciled" was so they could pick up a cool $100K paycheck.

    Also, has anyone else thought about the fact that Bristol, like her mother, quit her job? Wonder who's making the payments on the condo?

    Geesh, I'm really sounding like a "mean girl" aren't I? Sorry...

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Here is a story from the blog Politico in which Bristol supposedly told the People editor that Levi set the whole Us thing up.

    Evidently the Palins like People, but Levi's team likes Us. Oy, what a family!

    I agree with you, Gryphen, there's nobody left to root for in this story besides Tripp and Mercede. I feel sorry for them all.

  9. There is no truth coming forth from anyone close enough to the Palin family to make any difference. These latests posts seem to be a fantastic story that sane minded folks cannot wrap themselves around.

    Levi and Mercede posed with a newborn baby in the Palin kitchen in April 2008. At least one of them knew where that baby came from. That baby had a slightly different appearance than the Trig that hit the campaign trail.

    The McCain camp took over the Johnston household and removed hard drives from their computers. Sherry Johnston sold Oxy and was sent up the river for a first time offense, presumably based on a cell phone that Bristol had given her being tracked by DEA. Meanwhile Mercede seems to be oblivious of everything, except wanting to spend time with her nephew.

    This plays well with the heartstring crowd but much of what has been written here lately and on Mercede's blog seems to be a crafted response to a situation in which the writers were not truly a part of.

    I hate to be negative but none of what has been written lately here, or on Mercede's blog passes the smell test.

    Jesse, you have the balls to have called Tank and Rex out much sooner than you did if what you are saying is true. If this author truly was up here wanting to write Levi's book you should have said so and other people could have intervened on his behalf.

    I don't know what's up but I'm beginning to think that more and more people are on the Palin payroll and throwing up red herrings. There is just no other way to spin this last few days of info.

  10. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Don't Levi and Bristol think thank US Weekly will come back and SUE them?

  11. the best interest6:26 PM

    AKPetMom said... Meanwhile Mercede seems to be oblivious of everything, except wanting to spend time with her nephew.

    Yeah, what is that about? I've read and shared many a Wasilla social network site with people who want to learn about the landscape and atmosphere that produces breeders and a few non breeders. Granted teens can be air heads but you can't be a cool central player and not notice anything. Good for Mercede and Sherry to have the freedom to blog and they were wise to not sign with the lawyers. It is best they well document and back up everything and get times, places and names like a forensic scientist. Why don't we see that part of Mercede?

    If they kept a lock of hair they have Tripp DNA. Is there a guarantee that Bristol will return Tripp to Alaska? She is only required to meet court obligations as they are now. A good attorney can do wonders if one is busy working and so on and can't make it to court. She is probably preparing for her speech at the end of September right now.

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I'm beginning to think they're all in on the take, funny a guy all the way over in Germany knows more about the Palins than the people right there in the neighborhood...seems the people in Alaska love this Alaskan Soap Opera going on and on because if they wanted too they could bring it to a halt. I love Mercede but sometimes I have my droughts there too.

  13. Mama Duck6:45 PM

    I think Bristol is pregnant. Why else would she be hiding and running off to the convent again?
    What story will they use this time? That mono story sure worked well last time.

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I'm guessing Levi is in full on denial. They may be allowed to text and keep his hopes up. As long as he is certain and he knows where Tripp is they can keep him where they want him and take Bristol far away.

    Escape from the Dark Side ~

  15. Anonymous7:11 PM

    LOL. Stewart just nailed Palin on his segment titled Californigaytion.

  16. Anonymous7:18 PM

    We are fortunate to have yet another personal story from a walkaway from Christian Dominionism. She is, not surprisingly, the same age as Alex. And she will also wisely protect herself by writing under a pseudonym just like Alex, Jubilant and others. The venom and uncontrolled anger from the Dominionist camps toward those who expose them – especially those who have emerged from their grasp – are to be taken seriously. In fact, they do not buy the “walkaway” description. Walkaway connotes independent directed action. They tell these brave and strong people that they have “fallen away”, in their attempt to insinuate that this is not of their own free will, but rather a weakness that has now created an opening for Satan to control their lives.
    Escape from the Dark Side ~

  17. emrysa7:20 PM

    well gryphen, I still suspect that bristol is pregnant and this entire thing was staged to cover for her pregnancy. of course I would like to see some pics as confirmation.

    it could be that levi agreed to go along with it for some money - maybe, maybe not. but why is bristol hauling ass out of alaska? if there were rumors flying that a person was pregnant, but that person wasn't, don't you think they'd walk down Main Street so a thousand pictures could be taken to shut everyone up? no, apparently they get on a plane and leave the state.

    still seems a likely scenario.

  18. I'm still rootin' for Levi. I think Tank & Rex were the best the boy could do at the time, especially since they donated their services for free at first when nobody would touch Levi.

    This blog entry reads like a really bad gossip magazine. Aim higher, Gryph. Remember the real target is Sarah. Eyes on the prize.

  19. Anonymous8:15 PM

    If the rumors are true that Bristol is pregnant, when do people think that she conceived and when would the baby be due?

    The reason that I'm asking is she is scheduled to give a speech in September. Either she is going to show up with a big round belly, and say that marriage doesn't matter as long as you choose life (or say that she believed Levi loved her and was going to marry her, twice, and he done her wrong).

    Other choices include the fact that Bristol will have just given birth, or someone is visiting a clinic and we won't tell Sarah about it. What's the Alaska gossip about this?

  20. Anon 7:20: Great point you made that if rumors are flying one would walk down Main Street so people see the rumors are false. It makes no sense to take off or disappear. The Palins will blame the lamestream media.

    I get the impression Levi needs assertiveness training to stand up for himself. Levi and Bristol need long term therapy and parenting classes to make any positive change in their relationships.

    Let us do all we can so the nonchristian dysfunctional Palin family never again has any position in politics. For our country's reputation we don't need a family with weekly scandals in Washington.

  21. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Eonline: Sarah Palin Has a Point: Get the Deets on Levi Johnston's Music Video Debut

    Here's the deal:

    Brittani Senser's "After Love" video basically tells the tale of a young couple torn apart by the woman's mother. A sample scene?
    "Levi has just been stopped by a police officer," the script reads. "He didn't do anything wrong. This doesn't seem to matter though as the cop basically harasses Levi and provokes him to react."
    Poor, unsuspecting Levi is then yanked from his car, searched and then, despite him being clean, is cuffed and tossed in the back of a patrol car. (Where he promptly makes a deal to drop trou for Playgirl—we kid, we kid.)
    Levi, the cop and the evil mother figure are later captured in an empty parking lot, setting up the blackmail portion of the video.
    "Levi starts to yell at Brittani's mother," the script reads. "She just throws a thick manila envelope on the hood of the car. She tells him to open it. He opens it and immediately his face goes pale."
    Cue the reluctant breakup scene and the mother playing comforting mama bear while Levi watches, distraught, from afar.

  22. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Why Bristol went to People.
    By PATRICK GAVIN | 8/4/10

    People reported on July 26 that Bristol was "taking Levi Back." Us followed up and advanced the story up with its "We're Getting Married!" cover and an interview with the couple.

    "The reason she came to me on Monday, when we spoke by phone, was because she felt like she could come to me," Westfall said. "She did tell me that announcing their engagement on the front page of a magazine [Us’s late July cover story] was Levi's idea, and she only found out about it two days before it happened."

    “In her own way,” she said, “she was trying to do the right thing."

    "This is one of the most contentious stories I've covered," Westfall continued. "These are very bitterly estranged people."

    Following this line of reasoning, it does seem that there's a clear line in the sand: The Palin camp prefers People while the Johnston camp goes for Us. (We’ve reached out to Us for comment, and will update if and when we hear back. UPDATE: Us declined to comment for our story.)

    Westfall recognizes the competition between the two magazines over the story, but says "I'm not sure that I've spent a whole lot of time on lobbying" for exclusive news bits and interviews.

    "I do feel like every interview that we've gotten with the Palins — whether it's Sarah or Bristol — has been because of our record of fair and dignified coverage," Westfall said. "Just [Tuesday] night, after we posted the Bristol breakup story online, I got an e-mail from someone in the Palin camp saying, 'Thank you. Once again you were fair and dignified.'"
    * * * * * *

    According to Westfall Bristol does not intend to go underground in any way. They are not labeling some speaking engagements as abstinent-only, she is advocating for teen moms and teen pregnancy prevention to a group at the end of September.

  23. Anonymous12:19 AM

    This entire soap-opera is a sad, pitiful story that's going to haunt Bristol, Levi, Mercede, Sherry and probably Tripp for the rest of their lives. No telling how many others are victimized by the negative attention that one foolish, egomaniac woman's antics brought on them. Thank you too John McCain.

    Mercede and Sherry stand the best chance of distancing themselves from the mess with the least amount of permanent damage. Lanesia hopefully will sue and will benefit financially from being publicly slandered.

    You know, no matter how she came about getting the condo, Bristol had to be ecstatic about having her own place. Now she's been jerked out of it in typical Palin fashion with public shame. Bristol possibly has been banished - Sarah's solution for any kid not "obeying" her. Or Bristol may be pregnant again and if she is, no matter whose baby it is, she's 19 years old and will have two kids. OMG. Either way, Bristol doesn't have her friends or siblings around her if she's been banished. Todd seems to be worthless as far as stepping up with any guidance for any of the kids. And Sarah, what. a. terrible. mother. Worthless.

    Maybe it's not a permanent banishment for Bristol. Maybe it's gotten too hot and heavy at home listening to Mommie Dearest rant about her own victimization and Bristol's just escaping the heat for awhile. Whatever, in spite of the viciousness B has shown to Mercede and Sherry...and Levi for that matter, she's in a position that I don't like to see any young person in. Everyone of Sarah's kids and grandkids have nothing but trouble ahead of them. Sad.

    I for one can't watch the Levi/Bristol portion of this soap any longer because of they are all just kids / grandkids, it is too sad.

    I want Sarah Palin shut down. Her reign of destruction has gone on too long and shows no signs of letting up. I wish that whoever knows whatever would just tell it like it happened and let the chips fall.

    I watched part of the Hannity tape. Sarah was clean, hair was done, she didn't have a problem keeping her eyes open. She was cleaned up for the appearance. The difference between that interview and the one she had done right before it, is proof to me that she has a drug problem. If I'm right, drugs may do her in. I'm putting my hopes on whatever it takes.

    On the other hand, Limbaugh had to go into rehab and came right back out vicious as ever.

  24. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Its very simple. Team Palin played Team Levi, knowing they were money grubbing pimps, by counting on their inexperience and greed, funneled money from the flea to the rex, by forcing a "I lied about Vanity Fair" confession from Levi (thereby rendering any future revelations moot) and then kicked him to the curb, again. 1.5 mil is a LOT of money to these kids with no prospects. Momma griz paid Bristol to say 'no' to a deal and then taught her to play the victim; just like momma. The only reality show worth watching would be one in which ALL of the players, from Team Palin on down, reveal their distorted "American" values for all of us to see. The real victims are the relatively newly born and ready-to-be-born kids of these narcissistic fruitcakes!

  25. Anonymous5:50 AM

    lecorsaire asks...

    The big question is would you rather do Bristol or Chelsea?

    Chelsea would be quicker, as it's only a small district of London, but Bristol has a lot more going for it culturally.

  26. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I agree with AkPetMom, & do not see any progress with finding the truth about Sarah Palin. Really could care less about Rex, Tank & Levi, that is none of my business.

    The truth about SP could have an effect on politics, that is what the real issue is. Does anyone in Alaska have the guts to print the truth?

  27. Anonymous @ 9:49pm posted this from

    "Westfall recognizes the competition between the two magazines over the story, but says "I'm not sure that I've spent a whole lot of time on lobbying" for exclusive news bits and interviews.

    "I do feel like every interview that we've gotten with the Palins — whether it's Sarah or Bristol — has been because of our record of fair and dignified coverage," Westfall said. "Just [Tuesday] night, after we posted the Bristol breakup story online, I got an e-mail from someone in the Palin camp saying, 'Thank you. Once again you were fair and dignified.'"

    Here's how it works...
    If you are, or want, to be a celebrity, you, or your agent, contact People, US, ET, etc... and pitch them your story. If they feel you are relevant and your story will engage their followers, they will run with your story and may pay you for it. There is no fact checking, period.
    The only influence to run, or not run with certain stories, is exerted by the owners/money behind these outlets. When Ms Westfall says,"...every interview that we've gotten with the Palins — whether it's Sarah or Bristol — has been because of our record of fair and dignified coverage..."
    Translation: We are happy to run with anything the Palin machine gives us, because it supports the owners' agenda, and we would never question one tiny bit of it.
    It's not news when it's a fictional story fed to these outlets to persuade public opinion.
    It sure sounds like the truth when these editors/contributors go on morning "news" shows and speak about the emotional state of the characters in the story. Here is how they know Bristol's emotional state, Bristol tells them. I believe everything that has transpired; back together, I'm sorry, We're engaged, I may have gotten someone pregnant, It's over, I've been played, and I feel trapped,...all of The person he may have gotten pregnant, something he probably never said, is Bristol. See how artfully the seed was planted? He is not the father of her latest baby in utero, can't be. She is too far along for "miscarrige," at this point, hence sending her into seclusion. Once the baby is born, few will question, discredited Levi's paternity. Remember the seed? It doesn't matter that it's impossible for him to be the baby-daddy again, All the carefully scripted statements team Palin/Levi has made, have thrown under, ran over, backed over, then ran over again any credibility he ever had in the public eye.

    God, I can't wait to hear about how unpleasant life behind bars is for these grifters!


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