Saturday, August 28, 2010

Off to the Fair!

Well my daughter arrived late last night, finally, and immediately upended my world. So clearly nothing has changed.

She told me about her trip from hell (which would make a GREAT blog post by the way), and immediately made herself at home.

Right now we are headed out to make a few stops before making the drive to Palmer and the state fairgrounds, and then I will be indulging in artery clogging foods, and dizzying carnival rides, until my money is all spent.  Sounds like fun.

I will be checking my comments via my I-Phone so you all can treat this as an open thread and I will make sure that your comments are approved.

I have watched a little of Glenn Beck's very confusing "Restoring Honor" rally and have no idea what to make of it right now.  If you have information to share on that topic, or any others, please feel free to post them.

Have a great afternoon.  I know I will.

Namaste my friends.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    So far the rally seems like a white, Christian revival meeting. hallelujah and amen sisters and brothers. Suckers!

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Welcome to your daughter!

    Have a great time at the fair!

    I agree with your description of Beck's rally, "Confusing."

    It is difficult to understand exactly what he's up to other than pretending to be an evangelist. I am waiting for his plea to send money for his mission just to seal the deal.

    So glad the media essentially ignored Sister Sarah! Her comment about her son was really about her - so typical, so sad. Just reflects upon how shes lies and how sad she really is.

    But that's not what's important - your reunion is. Take care, laugh freely and come home tired but happy. Blessings to you and yours, Gryphen. You deserve them.

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I missed Sister Sarah, but let me tell you, Glenn Beck is crazy. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

  4. FEDUP!!!9:14 AM

    'Uncle' Gryphen: Have a fun-filled day, and a great visit with your daughter. Enjoy your time together, and don't worry about 'us' - at least not for today!

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Notice that Sarah is standing behind the minister saying a prayer and is twiddling with her hair at one point - wow, such an ability to focus. When minister says "Jesus," she pops her head halfway up and grins. Weird.

  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    typical comment by a teabagger at the Beck rally

    Ricky Thomas, 43, a SWAT team police officer from Chesapeake Beach, Md., brought his 10-year old son Chase to the Beck rally. "I wanted my son to see democracy in action," Thomas said.

    He said he wants government to stay out of people's lives. He acknowledged that he works for government, but said it's "a part of government that helps people when they are in trouble."

  7. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Fox News site's top headline is about Katrina recovery. Says "thousands" attend Beck rally - not 300,000 to 500,000 Beck himself quoted - actually, he said "if that's what the media are reporting (they are NOT doing that, BTW) then God only knows how many people are here.

    This is a Christian evangelical rally, nothing more. They are putting up on stage about a dozen of so African Americans (including several singers)at the end, but when the cameras on C-Span cover crowd, you see only white people. Typical. They must figure most media will only cover stage.

    I am so tired of hearing Jesus associated with this essentially hated movement, I could spit - and I am not even a Christian any longer. Beck is such a fraud and the people at the rally do not even realize they are being used.

  8. Forget the blog for awhile and just have a great time.

  9. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Deep fried Snicker bars are good... go for a couple.

    Not much missed at Million Moran march in DC.

    A black person there would have stood out like a flea on an albino lab...

    Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks in crowd could be counted on one hand.. even if you were missing fingers.

  10. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Have a great day at the fair! I wish I could be there with you!!
    If you can access any blogs from your phone, Politicussa has a great post up from Sarah Jones about Pathetic Palin's speech.
    Also, TalkingPointsMemo is live blogging (or vlogging, I'm not sure which). I put it on CSPAN, but there were no closed captions so I didn't bother.
    Can't wait til you see it all and write us a post about your views!! Your still my favourite Alaskan blogger!!

    Mary b

  11. Chenagrrl11:25 AM

    Boring and confusing is right. Did SP even make it? Tried to stream the nbc coverage and got the video equivalent of patriotic music and some mumbo jumbo. Reminded me of the days when things would happen in the Soviet Union and the airwaves would be full of good Russian music praising the state.

    CNN covered it with aerial shots of the crowd -- I have seen it more packed. For example the million man march.

  12. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I'm not watching the rally, but I'm sure they will be on their best behavior. However, I will not be fooled. I know what's under the hood. Hey, I just made a pun! haha!

  13. Pat in MA12:26 PM

    So Sarah is all for restoring American values, huh? This from someone who quits her job, gets a reality tv show, has a daughter who is an unwed mother who is going to appear on DWTS. Oh yeah, rill Amurkins my A$$.

  14. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Gryph, I hope you and your lovely daughter are having a marvelous time at the fair.

    In honor of the Beckapalooza, I am taking this day to remember my mom, whose birthday is today, enjoy the fresh air & sunshine, and completely ignore the inconvenience of Beck, Palin, and now Miller's existence. I hope you are doing the same.

  15. Another blogger [at Wonkette I think] described the "You've Been Becked" fest as something like being in Darwin's waiting room.

  16. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Yes, Beck is completely nuts. Did he cry at all?

    I personally was wondering the status of Track Palin's military service. Is he still in? Has he done multiple tours of duty? She made much of him being a combat soldier - surprise, more violent cred for her - but I am not clear on how much combat he has actually seen. Seems to me he had an abbreviated military career, but perhaps that is erroneous.

    Al Sharpton was very good at the other rally, as were others there. They seemed to be pressing the point home that it was ironic for the Teabaggers to be holding their rally in front of a statue of the man who saved the Union, all while essentially standing for States' rights and a smaller Federal government.

    I want to see how the coverage shakes out. Someone on another blog said they were prompted to check Hitler's speeches because Beck's words sounded eerily familiar.... Guess what, the text were scarily close! Not saying it was conscious or intentional, but certainly shows the connection between fascism and these nutjobs.

  17. Welcome home, beautiful Daughter Gryphen. Enjoy the fair!

    I'm too sad and disturbed after watching Beck's Christian circus to have any significantly rational insights. But here's one thought: Beck's discussion of truth -- that telling the truth is, at first, painful but absolutely necessary -- was the perfect setup for a Palin confession. Will she take advantage of this opportunity to set an example and spill some beans? (And, yes, I realize Beck was performing and didn't really mean anything he said; but it would be super cool if Sarah either took him seriously or if she presents a confessional as Act 2.)

  18. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Namaste Gryphen, and when you get back from the fair check out Floyd's blog where he has just put down the ear theory.

  19. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Damn. You´re daughter drove all the way up to Alaska to be with you.

    You must be a good father.

    My son and I work out together every weekday. We adhere to a pretty strict diet. On Saturdays, though, we pig out!

    Iḿ happy for you.

  20. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Speaking of fairs - Just got home from the Minnesota State Fair. Saw a great T-shirt on one of the attendees:
    "Friends don't let friends vote Republican."

    Told the 50 yr+, white lady that I loved her T-shirt. Her husband whispered to me: "You're not the first one to tell us that." And we all giggled.

  21. Crying ‘free speech’, armed Obama protester’s arrest at Alaska State Fair sparks outrage

  22. Anonymous1:42 PM

    When Sarah spoke, she said, "Here today, at the crossroads of our history, may this day be the change point ... " For most of us in the lower 48, "change point (or changepoint) sounds like a turning point, an important moment.

    However, Gryphen, when you have some free time, you might like to write a post about ChangePoint, the largest church in Alaska, Sarah's dog whistle word to good Christians. There are ChangePoint churches across the US in addition to the one in Anchorage.

    (There are other Change Points, too. There is a place in Portland, OR which offers cure for addition. It is also a term in computer use, but I doubt that Sarah means either of these.)

  23. Enjay in E MT1:50 PM

    Only watched a quick clip of Beck-kers - didn't look too "colorful" from the shots I saw.

  24. More details regarding the protester that got arrested at the Alaskan State Fair
    Court record of arrest:
    ADN coverage:
    Frontiersman coverage:
    Newsminer coverage:
    Alaska State Fair official statement:

  25. Anonymous3:15 PM

    As far as I know Track spent a year in the Army. I'd like to find out what kind of discharge he received.

  26. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I hope the rally participants aren't disappointed. Beck had promised them a miracle.

  27. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Oh that's so sweet that you're off w/ your daughter - have a great time!

    WTF is up w/ Beck and his followers? Sure his talking points make a bit of sense on paper (except the 'getting back to God' thing, HOW DARE YOU?) but the guy is a self described ENTERTAINER. You effing sheep are taking LIFE, FINANCIAL, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS advice from an entertainer that made $33 million last year?? losers. So sad, so sad.


  28. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I loved that Scary Palin had a most hated teleprompter - must be so hard to remember the talking points she's been using for the last two years...

  29. Anonymous4:09 PM The comments are, as always, priceless.

  30. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This is random and old, but hella funny

  31. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Cbs news estimated the crowd at 87,000+- 9,000.Not exactly earth shaking numbers but still a good turnout.What was Palins point? our military had no honor until Beck took it upon himself to restore it?Does this mean we have honor now?Very confusing.

  32. Anonymous 1:02:

    Maybe I have misunderstood your post, but I have not disagreed with Gryphen's ear theory. I am supporting Gryphen's statements that Ruffles is not Trig and that ear surgery has not been performed on Ruffles to present him as a second Trig. As for Tripp, that is a story that has yet been adequately explained.

  33. The best analysis I have read of just who Glenn Beck is and where he is headed --

  34. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Hey Gryphen, you gave me the fun bug! I decided to follow your lead and took my little one to Six Flags today. We had a great time! I know you did too!

  35. Aussie Blue Sky6:49 PM

    Looking forward to hearing all about Baby Girl's Big Adventure.

    "Dad" is such a nice word to hear in person and a great antidote to Beck and everything else that's wrong with the world.

  36. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Beck needs to go back on his meds. Yes, he appears to idolize Adolf Hitler and is making evey effort to emulate Hitler. And Scarah? She seemed like she was on meds, but not those prescribed by a doctor.

    Today's miracle seems to be that no one was killed. Or did I miss it.

  37. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Trig certainly looks like the baby Sarah was seen with all summer and even Ruffles as well.

  38. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Is it true that sarah will get her usual speaking fee for this speech?

  39. TanteF12:13 PM

    Gryph, Please have Beautiful Daughter write about her trip and post it on your blog. I am sure I am not the only reader who would be interested. I am also sure writing skills were in the gene transfer! Namaste


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