Thursday, August 05, 2010

The overturning of Proposition 8 is incredible news! And the ONLY person to turn to for an explanation of exactly what happened must be Rachel Maddow.

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I cannot tell you how much I wanted to write about this yesterday.  I saw news reports on it as I was writing my Team Levi post and I was frustrated that I could weigh in, but I just felt that post needed to be finished first since I had promised it over a week ago.

However as many of you know I am a huge supporter of equal rights and I could not have been happier at hearing this news.


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    This is a huge win. Vindication. If only this didn't further light the fire's of inhibited conservatives that feel that they are losing their grip on the 'direction' of this country. I'm sorry, I meant THEIR country. They got to take it back for the rill Americans. You know, the sacred iconic hetro love as exhibited by the virgin Mother Bristol and wayward Levi.

    At least they can count on Mayor Dan Sullivan of Anchorage to keep things dated and exclusionary.

    What is impressive to me is the Homer Chamber of Commerce's published apology to the PLAG community that was denied recognition by the fumbling disc jockey MC'ing this year.

  2. Mickey76:05 AM

    Newt Gingrich bemoans the judicial activism that overturned Prop 8 in violation of the 'will of the people.' Does he not realize that only 19% of 'the people' of California voted for this thing? If that counts as the 'will of the people' and is enough to change state and federal Constitutions, we are in trouble. Very sad that so few people could find it in themselves to get out to the polls, but that does not justify characterizing less than 20% as the 'will of the people.'

  3. Randall6:24 AM

    Conservatives have never understood that FREEDOM must be for EVERYBODY or it doesn't work.

    When a society deems it proper to oppress ANY faction then it oppresses EVERYONE.

    NO EXCEPTIONS. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Gays, Catholics, Mennonites, Native Americans, Christian Scientists, et. al. NO exceptions.

    ...well...except for the IRISH of course. THOSE guys are ASSHOLES.

  4. About time. Whoop!!

    Now stop DADT. Some of our good men and women have gotten dishonorable discharges from the military, just because they are gay. They took the same chance at being killed or maimed for life, for our country, and that is how they are treated?

    I don't care what anyone does in the bedroom. Two consenting adults not my business.

    Yet "some* Catholic priests have molested children and they are kept safe under the wing of the church. Now that I find repulsive.

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Oh, yeah, THAT's huge. The Mecca of liberalism played to form. Meanwhile in other news(FROM NOO):

    * Eighteen of the 21 states that could add or lose congressional seats have governors' races this fall. There also will be a lot more Republican legislators after November to help draw redistricting lines for the coming decade.

    *Republicans are poised to elect a new generation of leaders. After this fall's election, the GOP could have two Indian-American, two Hispanic, and as many as seven women governors. This would provide powerful evidence of the GOP's diversity and help refurbish the party's image.

    *Already, the GOP victors in last year's gubernatorial contests are providing powerful contrasts to Mr. Obama's policies. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell erased his state's nearly $2 billion deficit without raising taxes. Facing a $13 billion shortfall, a hostile Democratic legislature and more than $7 million in negative ads launched against him by labor unions, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie nonetheless balanced the budget while cutting taxes.

    *Governors also have far more electoral impact on their states than do distant, often-absent senators and congressmen. Since 1994, Republicans have won 26 Senate seats previously held by Democrats.

    *When George W. Bush won the White House in 2000, there were GOP chief executives in nearly every important battleground, helping move swing states like West Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas into his column. By comparison, the only major swing-state the GOP controlled in 2008 was Florida.

    The GOP wave is so strong right now that Republicans could simultaneously win the governorships in the critical Great Lake battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois. And the GOP is likely to win the governorship in other presidential battlegrounds like Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon.

    This one's for you, Rachel: you REALLY changed the game.

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    @Mickey7 - Agreed. Futhermore, since when does the will of (19%) of the people trump the Constitutional rights of everyone? Its really no different that having people complain about certain types of undesirable speech. Freedom of speech allows people to speak their mind (within certain limits) regardless if someone else likes/dislikes it.

    I'm glad to see that the Federal judge put a lot of thought into documenting his decision, and hopefully it is enough to make this to SCOTUS, and they can end this charade once and for all. Freedom for all, or freedom for none.

  7. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey Mayor Sullivan and Jerry Prevo:

    "Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples" -- from California's Prop 8 ruling

  8. Roger9:03 AM

    With the judges on the high courts deciding insane things such as how its okay now, for corporations and even foreign governments to buy whichever politician they wish in our system, it was such a refreshing breath, to hear at least ONE person in a position of authority, has a freaking SOUL.

    How sad is it that we are SURPRISED when a judge actually DEFENDS the Constitution, rather than mangle it to suit some crazy agenda?

    Do Republicans HEAR THEMSELVES when they utter such nonsense as how we should take one of the main aspects of the law of the land, and "improve on it?" (I'm refering to the latest evil move, to do a Texas Schoolbook number on the 14th Amendment).

    In the very next breath they bring their warped version of "god" into the mix, and claim they have divine authority to UPHOLD that Constitution.

    This would be that "god" who is a white, well to do, 50 plus Protestant, and who hates Jews, Mexicans, Blacks, gays, and everyone under 30.

  9. womanwithsardinecan9:13 AM

    As a Californian who was appalled and embarrassed that the prop even went on the ballot, much less passed, I am very happy that a sensible judge ruled in favor of the Constitution and the rights of minorities not to be discriminated against at the voting booth. Civil rights are not a matter of majority rules. They are fully protected in the 14th Amendment as long as our judicial system actually does its job. If this ends up at the US Supreme Court and they do not uphold this decision, there WILL be a major constitutional crisis in this country. It's time for ALL of us to stand up and insist that ALL citizens have equal protection under the Constitution. PERIOD.

  10. womanwithsardinecan9:16 AM

    "The will of the people" does not trump the Constitution, so shove it up your ass, Newt. "The will of the people" is a political construct not based on reality or rationality.

  11. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I watched Rachel's show regrading the Prop 8 overturn and was blown away by the Judge's thoroughness in addressing the issues/arguments and his straight shooting approach. I plan to read his 138 page ruling this weekend.

    In additional to the favorable ruling, the one item that jumped out at me was that the two lawyers were from opposite political camps who had worked together on the same team and achieved success! They made it known that their efforts did not transcend politics and that these fights to correct injustices was above politics and should ALWAYS be above politics. Their words struck straight to the heart of what is wrong with Congress today. I hope their words go viral for it's a big wake up call for all those who can't see the forest from the trees.

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Re: 19%

    Has it occurred to any of you to ask WHY only19% of Californians turned out to vote?

    Why didn't those opposed "exercise" it's "collective" will of the people?


    Nonsense. It's only further proof of the obvious: the left relies almost exclusively on the judiciary to usurp the demonstrable will of the people indifferent to whether the people are for against legislation as suggested by 9% of voters or 90%.

    A recent poll (by the guy who nailed the 2008 presidential election) suggests 57% of Americans are against Obamacare.

    THAT'S the will of the people and I'd bet my lungs that not one in ten of you find THAT exercise of the public conscience sacrosanct or to be validated by the courts.

    Vindication? Close but no cigar. It's "validation" that
    the moral conscience of the left can no longer find "true north".

    If Palin or Bachman--or any republican was pushing for political office for a guy who, as a banker, was proven to have financed mobsters and those who were involved with prostitution, I'd want them tar and feathered.

    And, not surprisingly, while gnashing your teeth over Palin's alleged misdemeanors you are curiously silent about President Obama stumping for Alexi Giannoulis--more than likely because you don't even know who or what he is.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I'm so glad to see this happening in my lifetime!

    (As far as the moaning from the fundies about overturning "the will of the people" - as if human rights are negotiable! - the Mormon church, headquartered in Utah, spent tens of millions of dollars and shook down their members with scare tactics to try and ban Prop 8. This was NOT grassroots, but from the top down management, and Mormon leadership got their wrist slapped and had to pay a fine for improper, out-of-state funding.)

  14. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Great news for human rights. I would like to see it become the law of the land.

    Opponents to gay marriage might not elect to bring the case forward to the US Supreme Court. If detractors lost their appeal then gay marriage could become legal across the U.S. They might want to cut their losses and just leave the right "limited" to California.

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    re: Alexi Giannoulias.

    So, you're saying that just because his family's bank made loans to Giorango, that they are also guilty of Giorango's crimes? Look at how the bank treated Rezco. They didn't let him off easy, which they might have done if they were a gangster bank. Your accusation just doesn't make sense.

    As with the Rezko dealings, just because a bank loans money it does not make it responsible for the criminal acts of its customers. Are you suggesting all those other banks were in bed with Rezko?

    From Wikipedia
    Loans made by Broadway Bank
    Broadway Bank made real estate development loans to Tony Rezko, a political fundraiser and real estate developer who was later convicted of fraud and money laundering. Broadway Bank made these loans before Rezko was investigated, indicted, or convicted for any crimes.[46] Before his conviction, Rezko also received loans from other Chicago banks, including Bank of Chicago, First Bank and Trust of Illinois, GE Capital, Harris Trust and Savings, LaSalle Bank, and Manufacturers Bank.[46]

    Giannoulias himself did not make the Rezko loans.[47]

    Rezko defaulted on loans made by Broadway, and, in 2006 Broadway was the first bank to foreclose on one of Rezko’s delinquent loans, forcing him to declare bankruptcy.[48] Broadway Bank also refused to cover nine bad checks written by Rezko for a total of $450,000 in early 2008[49]
    Giannoulias never accepted campaign contributions from Rezko, and when asked about the connection, noted that his opponent Mark Kirk had.[38]

    Broadway Bank also loaned money for real estate developments to Michael Giorango, who has been convicted for prostitution and bookmaking.[8] Giannoulias has stated that he was not part of the loan committee that approved the loans to Giorango.[50]

  16. Anonymous4:04 PM

    anon 7:23,

    the cpa in me is rilly, rilly curious at how mcdonnell "erased" the deficit and how christie "balanced" his budget. i have witnessed "creative" accounting conjured up by my "conservative" bosses, so my skepticism is way up there.

  17. Anonymous4:08 PM

    7:23, the GOP could elect an all-minority cast and STILL not erase the nasty racist underbelly uncovered by the election of the first black president.


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