Thursday, August 05, 2010

Well I just HAD to post this. Bristol Palin's Homecoming.

This is awesome!


  1. Anonymous3:07 AM

    It's a good thing Bristol didn't need any more consolation -- not much room left!

  2. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Bristol wishes she was as skinny as girl in video...

    Palin spin machine is winning.. Levi was portrayed as total loser on every show that discussed breakup.

    Levi.. time to show you have cojones!

    Get a GOOD lawyer, get visitation set by court.

    Talk with Gryphen and get book deal set up.

  3. ManxMamma3:48 AM

    Love it.

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    That's great- I've had my chuckle for the day. They're so clever...

    Co Almost Native

  5. angela4:32 AM


  6. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Like Sarah loves anyone but herself. Right.

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Very witty, thanks!

  8. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sarah never would have been able to deliver that speech even with her body notes.

    Bristol would be emaciated by the end of Sarah's tirade - since she'd be fasting by Mama Grizzly's orders.

  9. Randall6:34 AM

    Sarah needs to be careful sitting down that quickly - she's going to squish her testicles.


  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I've long suspected that we are in fact, living in the age of moral absurdity and absolute stupidity. The posts on this thread reaffirm that belief.

    My take: Less than 20 years and we will be a Communist State because the majority of our citizens are stupid beyond belief yet think they are brilliant.

    God help us...

  11. Good one!! It is probably closer to reality then we think.

  12. Anonymous8:16 AM

    That was hilarious!

    And the comment at @6:41 is almost as funny. THE COMMIES ARE COMING. THE COMMIES ARE COMING.

  13. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Too funny! Thanks!

  14. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Other than for the drama, why did Bristol run home to mamma? She was living in Ankorage working, going to school and being the pluperfect mother.

    What happened to the job?

    Could it be that having people know where her apartment was and her knowing that they know and feeling spied on (kind of like her buddies do in fact spy on Bristol's assumed enemies actually do)was enough to spooker her to run.
    Haters and evil doers tend to assume everybody thinks and acts like they do. And can never figure out that they live in a delusional reality.

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Levi needs to take Sarah's words to heart. That mamma grizzeled has already mauled him, eaten him whole, chucked him up, mauled him, again, eaten him, again, a painful chomp at a time and is vomiting him up again.
    Learn the lesson this time, Levi the Palins do not want you for any purpose than to abuse you. Stay away from the Palins.

    I knew a lady who had 8 children by an abuser. One day she just left. She remarried and had a successful career. On reaching adult age they each came to live with her, even the youngest, who was only two when mom left.
    She made sure that they knew they were loved and wanted, when the time came to be freed from dad they knew where their home really was.

  16. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "And the comment at @6:41 is almost as funny. THE COMMIES ARE COMING. THE COMMIES ARE COMING."

    I have been cowering from the commie takeover promised by the Republicans and Berchers all my life.
    Even if they were walking and crossing the ocean by seal skin canoes, they are awful damn slow.

    I'm 65 and it looks like I may die of old age before they even show up or radar. Just as well I'm a librul, huh?

  17. Oh my goodness, that's so funny. I got to repost it..


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