Monday, August 02, 2010

Palin tweets her excitement during an air show at Elmendorf Air Force base, and a reader comments on their Palin sighting that same day.

All this weekend Elmendorf was putting on their air show, which meant there were multiple sightings of screaming jets and parachutes in the Anchorage skies.

I have attended the air show many times in the past and I have to say it is a pretty impressive experience. 

This year I decided to give it a pass and spend the weekend climbing Flattop (That was my view as I started my descent.), and working around my house.

However there were several people who made it out to the air show, including a certain infamous failed politician that we all know.  And boy was SHE excited!

Watching Blue Angels about to fly at the Alaska Air Show, Elmendorf AF Base. No better place to be! USA! USA!

Okay lady, no more Red Bulls and cotton candy for you!  Gee if she was that worked up on Twitter it makes you kind of wonder what it would have been like to see her in person at that show.

Well do you know what? We don't have to wonder anymore because J, one of our visitors, actually DID see her there.

I saw SP this afternoon at the Arctic Thunder show. At first I was not really sure it was her because she looked, uh ... fake and scary.... and anorexic. She was wearing a SILVER trench coat thingy .. does not dress her age.

I saw her when before anybody recognized her and she was alone... Piper was with her for a bit, but chose to back off and hangout with Todd who was off a distance behind her. The whole duo of Todd/Sarah is freaky and scary ..

but it all made sense later when they went to the restricted area for media whore time with the blue angels.

the womam, Gryphen, is truly a scary case. She clearly turns on only when the cameras are on her, or if people recognize her and then she starts shaking hands and gesticulating wildly.
She is her own PUPPET... very weird.

By the way .. no other family members were there. No sign of Trig at all, or any of the older kids. She is her OWN puppet and Piper and her husband are HER puppets. She only pays attention to them when the cameras are rolling or fans are introducing themselves.

She looks like Michael Jackson .. .like she belongs in a wax museum.. no question that she's had extensive plastic surgery.


Wow! Gee now I kind of wish I had gone.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    And tell us, Gryphen, how exactly did Sarah recognize the four airmen who died earlier in a crash?

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Where are the pictures?

    We want fucking pictures to analyze !

  3. Anonymous7:12 AM

    No mention of the four airmen killed in the C-17 crash Sarah?

  4. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I'm glad you posted J's comments for everyone to read. I read it on a previous post and was glad to have her/his description of the Sarah sighting. The people who are backing her (SarahPAC, etc.) do not care about her. Her ego carried her this far, and unfortunately she has lost the important things in life. I am appalled that her own parents are involved in this gig/sham of hers.

    Of course, she is one of the reasons McCain did so bad in the elections. Serves him right. He runs on ego too.

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    According to the ADN the memorial for the airmen killed in the crash is today, 08/02. The ADN reports the memorial is only open to military personnel and families.

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I don't know about anybody else, but my children, when they were younger, went everywhere with us.
    When is the last time anybody saw sarah with Trig? Other then a political event?
    When we had those days at our local AFB it really was a family day.
    Can understand the teenagers, but Trig?

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    i'm an air force brat and my dad ALWAYS took us with him to the air show.

    he didn't just bring the cute little one.

    $carah took trigg the premie out in the winter to an office full of probably sniffly adults, then out as an infant to loud conventions and campaign stops, some in very cold places. she trotted him out to every book signing wearing nothing but his special-needs button, so what's the big deal with not taking him to see the planes?

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    at least kate gosselin is improving her looks.

    don't expect sarah fans to notice the stick body. i suspect all the overweight sarah mom-fans will drool approvingly over sarah's anorexic frame. and their hubbies will wish their wives looked just like sarah!

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    She probably didn't bring Tri-G because she can't control him. He is getting bigger and heavier. Remember several times on videos when he actually hit out at her. I think it happened more than once but the only one I recall was in NC at the airport when she went to visit the Grahams.
    And, maybe because she just doesn't want to be bothered with hauling him around like a sack of potatoes or loaf of bread anymore.
    WHAT a mother she is.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM
    Very well written...must read!

  11. It is puzzling that Trig is never with Sarah when they are just doing everyday stuff. I guess the poor kid only see's his "mother" when it's useful for HER. Guess she doesn't think that a special needs toddler might actually enjoy a day out in the sunshine seeing great big planes and lots of people. Just because he has Down Syndrome does not mean he wouldn't enjoy an outing with his family. His usefulness to Sarah must be over.

  12. deebee8:24 AM

    Honestly, the incredibly loud noise of the jets during their low-flying passes wouldn't be so good for the Trig.

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    To Anony@7:15.
    quote:"I am appalled that her own parents are involved in this gig/sham of hers"

    I, am not! She learned at the feet of her father how to cheat, in life situations. Starting in how to skip out on school responsibilty,by lying, with her Fathers approval and consent.

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    OT - but still important - Fox News has been given the Helen Thomas seat for the White House Press corps.

    If you wish to express your outrage that Faux News is now going to have a front row seat to spread its lies, go to the following link and tell them what you think of legitimizing Fox News.

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Do we really want her capitalizing on those Alaskan airmen deaths though? I'm sure she'll crash the memorial just as she had for her duped mentor Walter J. Hickel.

  16. deebee, by all indications Trig has a fairly substantial hearing loss. Doubtful the planes would have bothered his ears very much.

    And do you really think THAT is why Sarah did not bring him?

  17. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Can you imagine living for how you appear on television?

    Sarah is obsessed with that lens adding 10 pounds to her short frame, so she wears 4 inch heels and starves herself (for Jesus and those brave patriots who sacrifice their lives to protect our porous border - if anyone is asking) ignoring her unappealing gauntness in living color.

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Why is Trig hidden away all of a sudden? Where is he and who cares for him? Certainly not his mother, whichever one that is.

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Sorry - posted this under the wrong entry. Putting it where it belongs

    Darn, wish your witness to the event had been able to take a photo. Sarah just sounds so delightful - waxed silver.

    That's about the only way she could shine.

    Gosh, when will that woman dress appropriately? She can afford consultants and better clothes.

    Of course, someone must have given her advice (bad advice though) about plastic surgery. It is almost sad that she's abandoned her own natural looks - though all that hate and bitterness was ruining things. Trouble is, it's coming through the new face as well. What a waste of money. Better that she'd spent money on a personality makeover and taken a few speech and civics classes (not with Beck, though).

  20. "OT - but still important - Fox News has been given the Helen Thomas seat for the White House Press corps."

    Well, not exactly.

    The front row, center seat that Helen used to occupy is now filled by the AP.

    Fox got the AP's old front row seat.

  21. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I wish J would maybe come back and tell us more about what she meant by "scary". What was Palin doing that brought "scary" to mind? What were Sarah and Todd doing that struck her as scary? Why did it all make sense when they went to the VIP area. Definitely piques my curiosity!

  22. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Please make a correction. FoxNews DID NOT get the Helen Thomas seat in the briefing room. The Helen Thomas seat was given to AP. FoxNews was given AP's old seat that is also in the front row. The only news is FoxNews moved to the front row and Bloomberg and NPR have to stay in the back with the other socialist, communist, muslin-loving lamestream media.

  23. GrainneKathleen9:16 AM

    sarah's weight loss and food issues are worrisome for the future health and self esteem of her daughters. my older sister was anorexic and it deeply affected me and my other sisters, so i can't imagine what it's like to have a mother with such issues. was she always like this?

    i understand the connection with too much plastic surgery and michael jackson, but hey, give the guy a break - don't speak poorly of the dead. (can you tell i am a fan?)

    poor trig to be left at home. couldn't they have put him in a stroller?

  24. London Bridges9:24 AM

    Maybe Trig is away at Grifter Summer Camp where they teach vandalism, B & E, signing tabloid contracts, and lying. Can't start 'em too early, ya know!

  25. Anonymous9:27 AM

    TriG went back to wherever SP borrowed him from. She did not birth him. She did not adopt him. He was only a prop and is not necessary since Eargate was published.

  26. Wonder if the silver trench coat was the same one in Audrey's picture that Palin wore and did not remove inside at a luncheon when she was preg-not?

  27. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Sarah on Larry King

  28. May I just say I've read your headline wrong each I've come to your page this morning? I've read "Palin tweets her excrement..." instead of
    Palin tweets her excitement..."

    I guess either can work..? (lol)

  29. deebee9:34 AM

    "doubt ears bothered"- Purely speculative on your part. Nevertheless, I fail to see the benefit of bringing a 2 yr old to an air show, which in fact is mainly a recruiting tool for the military, a total waste of petro-fuel, and a brazen display of the U.S. power to destroy the planet.

  30. USA? Did she realize that the Canadian Snowbirds were part of the show?

  31. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I saw Piper in downtown Anchorage late Sunday morning. She was in front of the AK Mint store on 4th Avenue. A camera crew was there filming her playing in the wooden photo cutouts. There were a few other kids there also, being filmed. BTW, Piper has highlights now.

  32. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "She is her own puppet." Damn, that's borderline brilliant. All the words wasted by her and about her and this one sentence just about says all that ever need be said about her. Well, I would add "and she's just awful" but I'm overly verbose.

  33. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Anon@7:01 you beat me to the question.

  34. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Another Air Force brat here. Air shows were family events at my house.

    I'm thinking Piper is the child that SP has most control over.

    (I had always hoped Willow would wake up, and demand to live with a relative with a more normal life.)

    Well, we always knew Quittypants had an phenomenal ability to switch on the "charm" to a pretty high level, but it sounds like her mojo has been seriously depleted, even with her millions and Fox "commentator" status. Hmmm...

    Over at Palingates, Patrick has put up a number of screen shots of her latest rant, and he says it is apparent that the plastic surgery has really affected how she can move her mouth. (She still has those "mean" lips though.)

    I would feel kind of petty bringing up "appearance" issues, except both she and her bots put ENORMOUS stock in "image" not substance.

    Oh, and thanks to our "boots on the ground" person who sent their impressions of SP at the event.

  35. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I for one was enraged when Palin paraded Trig at the RNC, booktour, etc. I certainly can't complain now when she keeps him out of the public eye. But she is so far a complete failure for the cause of leading, educating, and sharing with the public about life with a special needs child.

  36. DeeBee, while Trig has extensive hearing loss and will not be able to hear the jets that well, the problem lies with the fact that $arah is rarely seen with him unless it is beneficial to her. When they are with a group of people, she's never holding him. When I watch her with him, I don't see a loving Mother and I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. The way she used to carry him, facing outwards, rather than curled into her body with her arms wrapped around him as almost all Mothers do, speaks volumes about her inability to deal with him. There were several pics that showed him on the book tour, improperly dressed, no jacket or shoes, while the adults in her group were outfitted properly with jackets, and in some cases, scarfs and gloves for the weather. I don't think Sarah is capable of loving anyone else. She's still seeking her father's approval from childhood and if she doesn't have it by now, she's never going to get it.

  37. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Where's Trig? is the developing Palin scandal. Any of 'em, All of 'em. It looks like Sarah quit being mother to her special needs child two years into it job. Here's a great piece by a man who has a 30 year old Downs syndrome son.

    There are so many great lines from that piece including this one. When Tryg is 17 and she’s fighting the same battles she fought when he was four, .......She’ll just be plain weary.

    She won't be weary because she has quit and left the hard work to whomever she foisted him off on. It would be interesting to know who is being paid to or has volunteered to clean up the damage she did to the child by neglecting his special needs for the first couple of years of life.

  38. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Fact check!! Fox did NOT get Helen Thomas' seat - even though it's being reported as such. AP got Thomas' seat front & center, Fox got AP's seat front row aisle.

  39. Anonymous11:58 AM

    There's just one simple reason that Trig wasn't there - you cannot manage a BIG special needs two/three year-old for a day in public, wearing 4-inch heels and high-maintenance "couture" clothing.
    (Oh, and Trig would cramp her style and blow her action with the Blue Angel pilots.)

    I speculate that Trig is a child of one of Todd's Bristol Bay cousins (which is why Todd likes him and Sarah doesn't). I think maybe Todd and Sarah stopped off at the Native hospital in between the airport and Wasilla during the night of the Wild Ride.

    The ex brothers-in-law (ALL of 'em!) know what happened. Jack McCann and Howie Peterson know. That's why Trooper Howie Peterson was banished to Girdwood.

  40. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Anon 11:58, you seem to mean that Howie Peterson is an ex-brother-in-law of Palin? All I find on him is that he's on Alaska State Troopers (and is in Girdwood). What's his connection to Palin??

  41. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Silly Gryphen! Of course you were on the banned list for the air show. It's only Sarah Palin's graciousness that permits you to breathe the same Alaskan air as her treasured self.

    (snark off)

    PS I wear glasses. When I carry a baby that is at the "grab the glasses" stage, I carry the baby facing OUTWARD. Or I take off my glasses. Sometimes that is not an option. I completely agree that Sarah Palin does not interact in a motherly fashion with Trig. But I just want to re-iterate that an outward-facing baby is NOT necessarily the sign of an indifferent adult.

  42. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Somewhat off topic,,
    I think it’s only a matter of time Sarah starts taking responsibility for the good things Obama does. Like her ‘dare’ for him to visit the border.
    He will visit and she will claim that he is listening to her, because she would be the better president and he knows it.
    Every day he checks her facebook page to gather insight to how he should be doing his job.
    And soon Fox will verify it all. Obama looks to Sarah for advice on tough decisions.

    bill in belize

  43. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Well, I guess I am the "boots on the ground" person, and some people want to hear more.

    I did not bring a camera, and I would not have taken photos anyway ... I am not into invading even SP's "privacy" (though it seems quite clear she is not interested in privacy ... she seeks attention and then complains about it/media whore is a perfect term for her).

    Someone asked why she appeared "scary" to me. Gryphen is correct in describing her as a "stick figure." There is something haunting and wrong about how thin she is. There is something haunting and wrong about the way she dresses ... it looks unprofessional and cheap and too tight (pants, especially).

    There are several other things that I found scary. She was with Piper only for a short while ... and she was either glued to her blackberry (perhaps twittering that juvenile tweet/as if she were at a HS sports event) or ignoring the girl. Piper left her side very quickly and went to join her dad who was around 25 feet behind his wife. He too was on his phone though it appeared to me that he is close to Piper/more attentive.

    I was trying to figure out why she was overdressed and over-made up for this event which was so casual ... why she bothered going with her family when she was not near them.

    At the end of the show I headed to the Blue Angel planes because I was so amazed at the performance (yes, it is an unabashed recruiting even, nonetheless amazing) and wanted to get a closer look at the people and planes that work so precisely, professionally, flawlessly.

    Lo and behold, who is approaching the pilots in a restricted area? SP and crowd and big cameras. She was a different person with those cameras rolling and those pilots' hands to shake. She frequently put her hand behind Piper and Todd to get them to engage and to show her family values in public. Her speed increased and she frequently jogged forward, She gesticulates in exaggerated ways.

    In fact, when I first saw her alone I was SO unsure it was her until some white folks introduced themselves and clearly stated their support for her. It was not until she started smiling, shaking hands, and putting on all the mannerisms (palinisms?) that I was absolutely sure it was her. This is why I call her her own puppet. She turns herself on when she gets attentions and starts pulling her own strings (which we've all seen ad nauseum).

    The event was well attended by people of all colors, yet the only people I saw interact with SP were white.

    Even though she was surrounded by many people when she was standing alone, I think most people did not recognize her or did not care about her. She looks so different in person: smaller in body and face. Her face looked pinched and fake. Her hair so SO overdone and colored.

    Finally, I believe that the camera crews that were filming her were likely part of that Alaska show she is filming and not any news organization. The news and even the paparazzi seem really uninterested in her.

  44. Anonymous12:44 PM

    part two

    and yes, it's true, Piper has highlights in her hair and looks like she needs to spend some time like the lucky Alaskan kids who are running, playing, camping, biking, fishing with no cameras rolling behind them.

    SP and family should seriously look at the children of Obama, Clinton, Carter and even Bush to see how to raise children out of the spotlight so that they grow up to be intelligent and thoughtful people.

    Oh, and now finally ... in some ways I believe that the mainstream media has wisely chosen to leave that family be. SP is clearly going to self destruct and needs no help from anyone.. if you see her you can see that she will self destruct in a way, perhaps similar to Michael Jackson: sad, lonely, disfigured.

    More than anything, I really felt very sad for her because she appears to be an empty shell of a human .. you cannot but help see that when she stands alone in a crowd.

    One last thing: I cannot understand why the military allowed her to have special privileges to enter the restricted area and to talk to the pilots and other Blue Angel brass. She holds no government position.


  45. Oh, sure, she was ALL excited to be there, but Sarah, I have a question. Since you are so PRO military, and you LOVE to tweet. Why no tweet of condolences on the airmen we lost last Wednesday as they prepared for that show you so loved?

  46. Molly1:00 PM

    So, Anon at 12:32pm,

    Sounds to me like she was just kinda "pretending" to be there, like it was all an act for the TLC show to capture, so she was only "on" for the purpose of the cameras.

    What a poor pathetic life that woman has now. I'd hate to be her, but then again, I'd never have gotten myself into that position of her own choosing.

    Thx for the extra report!

  47. Anonymous1:29 PM

    This is so not like me, but, boo freakin' hoo. The witch can't self destruct fast enough.

  48. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Thanks J for excellent boots on the ground reporting. What an insightful observation that she is her own puppetmaster and "operates" herself when it's time for a performance. OK, mental health peeps, have you seen that before? Geez, I feel really sorry for Piper if Sarah ignores her until the cameras are on. Maybe that's why the other kids weren't there.

  49. First, thanks J for the insightful, detailed "sighting" report of SP. And I concur with the commenter who said it sounds like the appearance at this event was just for the publicity/photo op she could get out of it, especially if she ignored Piper (because if you have a child at an event like this, you are sharing and pointing at things, and oohing and ahhing over the planes, etc. together, clapping and interacting) and if she was on the infamous Blackberry. She tries to look so important and she is not.

    Second, Gryphen, it is better that you went instead on your climb. I love the picture you took and posted as you began your descent. Thank you.

  50. honestyinGov2:33 PM

    gryphen... since your source mentioned the ' silver trench coat ' thingy... you might ask them to compare it to the one she wore to Wally Hickels funeral.
    Same attire for BOTH occasions..? I guess she considers the 2 events the same in her eyes.

    And if TMZ can capture Bristol in a Target parking lot... but they can't get shots of Grifter Granny out at a public event..?
    TMZ... you have to pretend to try harder. Didn't van Fleabag tell you where she was going for the photo-op?

  51. Anonymous2:38 PM

    You can't have it both ways. They were obviously filming for her show - hence why she was alone). First you get pissed that trigs at the rnc and treated like a prop, saying he needs to be home. Now you wish to see him.

    Ill be honest. Taking a toddler (sp needs specifically) to an airshow is like taking him to a shuttle launch. Pointless

  52. Anonymous2:38 PM

    You never saw my side-by-side shot of SP and MJ, did you.

    It was posted on Bree's site a while ago.

    If ya want it, just let me know!

    STILL cannot log in.


  53. Anonymous2:39 PM

    All those questions about Where's Trig, and 8:11 AM had the answer. He is too big to carry around, and now, he is not very easily controlled. We have seen him hit people on the face (or whatever he can reach). It was fine to use him as a prop when he was little, but he is no longer little, cute and manageable.

    I don't know enough about DS therapy to know whether intervention therapy early in his life would have changed his behavior. I have had the experience of watching a neighbor raise a DS boy when there was little help and no therapy available to her. The common thinking then was to warehouse the child. (Cruel term). She had the patience of a saint, and worked in such a loving way with him. He was a sweet child, whom she taught to speak well, read and write at a basic level, and her greatest triumph was when he could ride his two wheel bicycle. She phoned everyone in the neighborhood, and we were on alert when he came riding by, but he didn't need anyone's help.

    I will say that if Trig has serious hearing (and seeing) problems, therapy is going to be much more difficult. Remember the comment made that it was so cute when Tripp played with Trig. Trig could make a sign that indicated "stop." That kid really does need therapy from a more caring individual that Sarah.

    I do have a question about Sarah's $1.2 million dollar deal with TLC for 8 programs with the theme I Love Alaska. Was the 1.2 for Sarah and does family get extra, or was 1.2 for the whole family as a package deal? Just how did they divide up the money when Chuck came along fishing or Piper gets her own cute little hair highlights segment?

    Legally, Piper's salary belongs in her own bank account (Jackie Coogan law about protecting child actors' funds. Sarah should have a good talk with her new BFF Kate of Kate and Jon, now just Kate and eight. And, if no one has established a special account for Piper, the state can appoint a guardian ad litem to look after Piper's legal interests, regardless of what Sarah and Todd say or do. Ya hate to see Sarah busted over cheatin' her own kid).

    Speaking of a guardian ad litem, if Trig is not receiving the proper care and therapy, can the State of Alaska intervene? It would be interesting to contact agencies that are concerned with Child Abuse, and failing to provide proper child care is abuse. Just thinking out loud.

  54. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Howie Peterson is another alum of Wasilla High School. His parents also live in Wasilla. He's Diana's first husband and part of the whole Palin narrative, politically and personally.
    He's a bit rough and a little mean. Domestic violence issues. But of course, it makes him a great cop, where those qualities are an asset and job skill set, rather than frowned upon.
    He commutes from Wasilla to Hippie Land, enforcing law at the ski resort and seeing to the betterment of the dreadlocks/Rasta/artist/alternative-lifestyle community.

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Nice to know that our assessments (guesstimates) of who the real Sarah is - is pretty much on target.

    She is the fictional character she has made up for her ego needs. Nothing else really exists for her.

    You are right she is a puppet, as well as the puppet master. How long can anybody keep that up without a string breaking?

  56. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Speaking of Todd, and this is OT but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
    There seems a fairly high degree of certainty that Track is not Todd's son.
    Did the Palins claim indigenous free medical care for Track?
    If Todd is neither the biological father or legal father, legalized by adoption, then the Palins have defrauded the state of Alaska and the US Gov., if any federal moneys support the indigenous health care system.

    Just asking.

  57. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Speaking of Sarah Palin's blasting of President Obama's lack of cajones....... Where are hers when it comes to facing her detractors? Why does she hide behind fake interviews and those hand fed and scripted to her? Why won't she face real questions from real reporters? Why does she have those who call her out removed from events she is part of? Why didn't she have the cajones to finish the term she was elected to serve? Why doesn't she have the cojones to make her kids pay the piper when they break the law? Why does she hide behind a lawyer all the time?

    Where are Sarah Palin's cajones?

  58. Anonymous3:27 PM

    thx for the extra report!

    As for the photo op at the air show, I think the military display teams advance workers are always looking for the local angle to get more free press coverage. (It's a volunteer force after all.)

    My dad was plucked from a crowd because of his airborne emblems and ushered over to meet the Golden Knights parachute team. The young paratroopers were actually delighted to meet my dad. It did make the local evening news.

    (My dad made my day by saying the only difference between him and them is 60 years and a German prison camp!)

  59. Anonymous3:58 PM


    In most of the US, a child born during a marriage is presumed to be the offspring of the husband. The husband, the wife or in some states, the "other man" can challenge paternity.

    See Malia Litman's Blog for the difference between "cajones" and "cojones".

  60. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Thanks for the great report, J.

    For myself, I've moved past feeling any compassion for Sarah Palin. Her latest inflammatory attack on our President as having no balls was just too over-the-top racist and sexist.

    She deserves whatever hell she has created for herself in this life.

  61. Anonymous4:40 PM

    PRIOR: There seems a fairly high degree of certainty that Track is not Todd's son.
    Did the Palins claim indigenous free medical care for Track?

    Track is Todd's son and entitled to all the legal benefits that come with it. Legally, the default option is that the husband of the woman is the child's father. There are ways to prove otherwise, but unless someone does, the husband is the dad. It doesn't require any more proof than a birth certificate for the child and marriage license for the dad - and that isn't usually asked for.

  62. Anonymous4:47 PM

    anon @ 11:34, i for one would love to see her take trig out for normal family events, not just when he's on duty.

  63. Anonymous5:05 PM

    2:38, no one is trying to have it both ways. you are either being disingenuous or not thinking clearly.w

    hy should scary be alone even if she is filming for tlc? presumably her audience is aware that she's a mom (aren't we all?), so wouldn't the viewers be expecting her to at least pretend to be a mom? oh, yeah, she actually was pretending to be a mom and wife WHEN THE CAMERAS WERE ROLLING. when not, the family is scarce. if scary were sincere and real, she'd be with her family the whole time, with maybe a few solitary moments (which normal people do enjoy), but with her, that's the exception, not the rule. she plays at being a wife and mother for the cameras only.

    second, we'd all love to see more of trig when he's not on duty.

  64. Aussie Blue Sky5:26 PM

    My 2 cents:
    As a former pilot I have to admit I love air shows and flyovers. There is no drug that could give me the rush that precision flying and aerobatics do. I always take ear defenders and as a mother I wouldn't consider bringing a toddler.

    And as the wife of a former naval officer I would like to point out that the Blue Angels are *US Navy* pilots.

  65. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Maybe she had some liposcution or body work done along with the face stuff, it would explain the tight pants and her desire to show off her new figure. She's also probably on speed or Meth or something that's leaving her so gaunt and leading to the wild gestures.

    I can only imagine what Todd thinks of her and how miserable his life must be stuck in this "reality". He's probably told her to give it all up since they have plenty of money, but she's probably up all night pacing, thinking of her next money making scheme, and reading all the blogs about her, stuck in her paranoid thoughts with delusions of granduer.

  66. Anonymous6:25 PM

    has anyone asked scary about AGIA?

  67. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Did her coat look like the one she wore when she ordered that cheesesteak in Philly? It's difficult to tell if it is white or silver in the clip.

  68. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Palin will have to keep undergoing more plastic surgery to maintain the procedures that she has had. However, as she is finding out, it can come with complications. No amount of plastic surgery can cover up the darkness in her heart, I do not know how she can even call herself a Christian at this point.

  69. Anonymous7:44 PM

    She probably just flat out couldn't think of anything to say. Yeah, USA!

    And Sarah, it's called 'Arctic Thunder', not the "Alaska Air Show". Has been for years.
    You're going to want to write that on your hand for editing the Discovery Channel episode.

  70. LisanTX8:22 PM

    Here is a picture of Sarah's shiny silver coat:

    Here is the tiny url:

  71. Are there no pictures? Somebody has to have taken a picture!

  72. Anonymous5:18 AM

    She has such an odd style when left to her own devices, and not a cushy credit line with the RNC.

    Why hasn't TLC or Murdoch coughed up for a wardrobe and stylist budget?

    Did she crash the memorial yesterday? She was the commander of the Alaska Air National Guard after all.

    My condolences and sympathies to the airmen families and Air Force / National Guard community.

  73. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Anonymous - you sure you've got the right Trooper Howie Peterson? There are two you know. You give the impression the one who appears on AST is the one who married DP in 1994. If that's the case he was quite young then 15 or 16?

  74. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Actually Howie is 42. So he was in his 20's when he married Diana. He's now currently married to Coila Peterson though.

  75. Anonymous5:57 PM

    when did diana and howie get divorce. what year and when did he married coila


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It just goes directly to their thighs.