Monday, August 02, 2010

Keith Olbermann, well rested from his vacation, calls the Republicans out on their ridiculous argument for keeping the Bush tax cuts from expiring.

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Okay somebody go shake Sarah Palin out of her Red Bull and diet pill induced coma.  If you press her face against the computer monitor and make her watch this she might actually learn something. Well it's worth a try anyhow.


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Rep. Mike McMahon (D-N.Y.) co-authored a letter with Rep. Bobby Bright (D-Ala.) in January asking Obama to include in his budget request to Congress an extension of all of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for two years. Obama did not honor their request, much to McMahon’s chagrin.

    “I think it is a political liability because it’s a [bad] policy right now for the economy and could have a bad impact on jobs,” said McMahon, adding, “I think it is something that is going to be a lively discussion.”

    The Joint Committee on Taxation expects half of the revenue raised by the tax increase to fall on businesses that are taxed as individuals, known as “flow through” organizations. The increase will definitely be felt in McMahon’s district, where the cost of living is among the country’s highest.

    “A working couple making $250,000 is barely making ends meet,” he said, adding, “If you have a partnership or an S. Corporation you are definitely affected… As professionals or shop owners or restaurant owners, you get hammered.”

  2. Pressing her face against a book or a newspaper or a tv monitor wouldn't help her learn anything. She's far beyond any learning curve, aptly demonstrated in yesterday morning's coarse, crass slovenly appearance on Fox News.

  3. Roger8:13 PM

    Is ANYBODY out there paying attention? Obama has said he wants to extend the parts that benefit the middle class, just not for the billionaires whose accountants find semi-legal ways to keep them from paying even the taxes they should, under the current set up.

    Of course, the Republican LIARS will just claim this is a tax HIKE on those people who invest the money so that jobs are created.

    And most people will only hear THAT side of the argument. Why is it that the TRUTH is so hard to get out there, to the common schlub?

  4. A working couple making $250,000 barely making ends meet needs to scale back their expectations about who they are and what they are doing in life.

  5. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck8:43 PM

    i would actually like to hear from some real millionaires and billionaires that have created jobs with the money they kept because of the Bush tax cuts.

    it would be nice to have numbers of all the jobs that were much the total tax cuts were...and the Dollars per job equivalency.

    similar things are done when a community gives incentives to a large corporation -- say exemption from ad valorem taxes, cheaper utility rates, access to vo-techs from training, etc....all with an equivalent dollar value then divide that by the number of jobs created.

    it can be a real eye-opener to find out that the new jobs cost the community considerably more than the actual worker earns.

  6. Anonymous8:58 PM

    This should answer Roger's question:

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM

    “A working couple making $250,000 is barely making ends meet,”

    Wow - the arrogance of the wealthy. Maybe there is an opportunity for those who live on $25,000 to teach these people how to manage money.

    One thing I find so fascinating and unbelievable about the wealthy that I've known is that they actually think they've EARNED it. As if they have 35 hours in each day?

  8. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "making $250,000 is barely making ends meet"

    McMahon is full of shit. Staten Island is comparable to the county I live in for cost of living, real estate, and property taxes. My husband and I live on considerably less than that. And we have three kids in college!

    It's Democrats like this that is the reason we can't make any progress in Congress, even with a democratic majority. Vote the damn bum out and get a real progressive in there.

  9. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I just did some calculating on 250k on a per hour basis. If only 1 worked and made that, it would be over $119. per hour, or 59.65 per hour for 2 people. UNBELIEVABLE!! That is based on 40 hr/week. And they can't make ends meet at $119 p/hr. If I made 250k a one year, I'd retire and live like a king.

  10. SME13110:45 PM

    Oh please, you are giving the crazy bitch WAY too much credit. She only reads the palm of her hand.

    She had to have notes just to know what her people are claiming about this crap. My 5 year granddaughter could tell you more about paying down the deficit than any of these fools.

  11. Roger1:05 AM

    GenieO: ooh, man, what a great article (and website) your "url" suggestion took me to.

    Not exactly the most "optomistic" thing I've ever read (that, essentially, providing a person with the correct information, will not only result in him ignoring it, but will actually STRENGTHEN his determination to clutch at the misinformation).

    I also liked the surprisingly intelligent comments from the blog's readers, that followed, including this:

    Interestingly, one antidote researchers have found to this is self-esteem. Respondents who felt good about themselves were consistently more willing to accept new information, whereas those who felt threatened or agitated – say, your average Rush Limbaugh listener – were not.

    The study shows the importance of getting your ideas and ideology out there first, because correcting is very difficult. Sadly, Republicans are much better at this, for a lot of reasons, but a chief one is willingness to blatantly lie and keep repeating it even when debunked, with no shame.

    They have created a false knowledge base that is now gospel among the faithful.

  12. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Agree with Roger.

  13. Anonymous3:58 AM

    We make considerably less than $250K and own a large farm, 4 cars, 2 tractors, have a kid in college, save over $1000 per month, eat out once a week, take in a movie every so often, and spend lots of free time outside enjoying our land (22.6 acres). If we made $250K most of it would end up in a CD or money market account saving away for our child when her parents pass on. ALL our stuff is 100% paid for except the mortgage, which gets paid off early due to shoving extra principle into it each month.
    I don't know what dopes McMahon talked to but he is dead wrong that you can't live on $250K. As others have suggested, anyone who can't needs to quite trying to compete with the neighbors and scale back BIG time.

  14. love it..nice article..


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