Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sarah Palin takes her victory lap on Fox Business channel.

Palin's remarks about Alaskans "waking up" and wanting smaller government are a clear indication that she has NO idea how our small state was able to build our infrastructure and provide safe roads and airports for its citizens.  The fact that she was elected Governor of this state is going to confound historians for generations to come. She knows NOTHING about how Alaska has manged to survive and thrive in the 50 years of its existence.

When she brings up Senators "going along to get along" or adopting a "herd mentality" essentially she is saying that when they cooperate to get legislation passed, and hopefully get construction projects okayed and  for their state, that they should then be "fired" and that somebody else should be hired it shows an incredible lack of understanding as to how the Senate works.  If she is suggesting that Joe Miller will sit in the Senate for his entire term, refusing to cooperate, and essentially playing with his dick for six years, than I have little doubt that Alaskans will quickly fire HIM when his term is up and hire somebody who understands the damn job!

And THEN unbelievably she goes on to condemn Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, a man she once giddily endorsed, for actually understanding how to do the job he was elected to do!

That an idiot!

Update:  I almost forgot to add that little miss anti-big government took 27 million dollars in federal money when she was the mayor of Wasilla, a town of only 6,700 residents at the time. Fifteen million of that was for a rail project to connect Wasilla to Girdwood.  A project by the way that NEVER GOT PAST THE PLANNING STAGE!  Yet that money seems to have simply disappeared, and is, as far as I know, still unaccounted for.

Yes she is definitely an idiot, but she is also a crook and a hypocrite!


  1. TNbluedot3:41 PM

    I listened to 2 minutes - couldn't stand any more. Yes, that woman is an idiot! She is clueless about how government functions, or even should function.

    Someone just make her STFU and go away!!!

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    She is the female 'turd-blossom'.

  3. WalterNeff3:57 PM

    Levi has taken back his apology per The Early Show.

    Did too! Did not! Did too! Neener!

    Everyone within the gravitational pull of Sarah Palin is a complete moran.

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM

    OT, but Uncle G. did you see this nonsense?

    Levi's taking back his fake 'apology.' Hmm, a blind man in California saw this coming...

  5. I'm pleased to hear that Sarah continues to turn on people, like a rabid pitbull. Pity Sen. Brown.

  6. Chenagrrl4:03 PM

    Has anyone checked Joe Miller's amazing list of accomplishments. It is not unheard of for stateside types to come north and inflate for the sake of the hicks in the sticks. I recommend calling Yale and West Point. I recommend checking with the military. Where did he serve that judgeship? He has a masters in economics from the U of A? Anyone check that?

  7. Chenagrrl4:04 PM

    He's a little too fab for my taste, Especially after that tasteful gun parade in Fairbanks.

  8. Pat in MA4:18 PM

    She is a woman of absolutely NO substance. And Bristol on DWTS? Levi as Mayor? Well, it's not only cream that can rise to the top now, is it?

  9. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I'm a little confused. I thought the Miller/Murkowski votes were still being counted. Why are these people acting like it's all over?

  10. Levi would be wise to get his GED and maybe attend a trade school. Perhaps he could offer to do a "trials and tribulations of a single, unwed father" type of reality show before his 2 leaching pimps turn him out as a "MIDNIGHT COWBOY".

    Someone needs to make a sign to hang around his neck reminding him the next time any Palin wants to hook up with him to just say no and go find a private place and take care of "IT" by hand!

    Now if he would just apologize to his family........

  11. Anonymous4:49 PM

    ... ON Tuesday when Joe Miller hits the wall of Alaskan political pragmatism, still desperately clutching his Todd and Sarah Palin endorsement in his fist, he will become a symbol of Sister Sarah's crumbling political influence in this country. And Sarah Palin KNOWS it! ...

    Jeez, what brilliant political analyst wrote that?

  12. Enjoying your blog. Shared on FB and Twitter. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on the Gorilla from Wasilla!

  13. nswfm4:56 PM

    I hope all in AK come clean. This $P thing has gone on way too long. Unfortunately, 30K of you gave her the opportunity to get that victory lap.

  14. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I'm so tired of reading the daily things in the lives of Palin family members. Nothing changes. Palin just seems to get more popular and I just get more worried about what is going to happen to the U.S. And, now she is getting the credit for Murkowski's losing! (Even though I am happy about it - would not vote for either Murkowski or Miller.)

    Alaska is the laughing stock of the nation mainly because of Palin. What is wrong w/our media?

    We currently have (nationwide) Republican and Tea Party candidates that do not answer questions when asked by the media because it is obviously something they learned from Palin's actions. I even saw McCain do it last night on TV - he is another one that makes me want to barf everytime I see him. He has the shame of bringing Palin on the national scene and I suspect he has no love for her either. (I'd love to see his wife and daughter give their true feelings about Palin!)

    Eventually the majority of the people will get tired of Palin and stop printing things about her, Toad and Bristol. Do you think I'm right? It's only been two years + we've been going through this!

  15. Here we go again with Levi. I say Prove IT! Cough up the documentation and in a big hurry! Then my boy I will believe you...but you have to show me!

  16. Anonymous5:18 PM

    'palins winning touch'???

    isn't this the one and only endorsement of hers that has won???

    bill in belize

  17. laprofesora5:30 PM

    Looking at her face turns my stomach.

  18. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I wondered when she would go after Scott Brown for snubbing her when he won the election. Remember he said he hadn't talked to her and denied he was not a teabagger. Plus he is too pretty, he might be better looking than her. Watch out Scott!

  19. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I hate to say it but the end of American "land of the free and home of the brave" is near. The tea baggers and rethugs are going to take over because liberals and democrats don't get out and vote. Look at what happened to my home state of NJ. It's going to be scary. All of our jobs will be overseas, the rich will be getting richer. And they'll blame it all on Obama. I've completely lost hope.

  20. Anonymous5:53 PM


    I used to be a supporter of yours. Not anymore once I saw the ads for Meg Whitman running on your site. Do you want California to have an idiot for governor too?! I guess Meg's money is too sweet for you to refuse. That's too bad.

  21. Anonymous6:01 PM

    The only reason I tend to gave politicians a pass for past legislation and ideas is the simple fact that people grow and change. Sarah was in her 30s as a mayor. Also had really never been outside Alaska for too long. She's got more life experience and I trust is more knowledgeable on the screwiness that is national politics. If someone strong doesn't step in and put a stop to current legislation, this country will fall.

  22. Anon 5:53 - Gryphen has Google ads but he doesn't pick the ones you see. Big Brother Google does based on data they track.

    I live in CA, too. Today I'm seeing a "Get Rid of Meg" ad from Jerry Brown which unfortunately has a photo of Meg and Dick Cheney. I click on the ads I like so it's less likely Meg's ads will start showing up again. Plus, I think Gryphen gets a cent or two when we click the ads.

  23. Anonymous6:49 PM


    He can't control the ads on his site. Your browser cookies (I think that's what they're called) determine what ad pops up when you come on his site.

  24. Palin says whatever she thinks will get attention and earn her the affection of the Tea Partiers. She knows nothing of government, and she's fooling herself if she believes her own propaganda.

  25. Anonymous7:14 PM

    uh-oh Granny Grifter won't like this..she just got slammed..big time..

    The president of the AFL-CIO will lambaste Sarah Palin on her home turf Thursday and is set to call the former Alaska governor a "crazy magnet that's pulling people to the right."

    "She used to have a job, your governor. You knew her–or thought you did, I know I thought I did," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka will say during a speech in Anchorage according to his prepared remarks. "She seemed like a decent person, an outdoorswoman. Her husband's a steelworker. She seemed to take some OK stands for working families."

    "And then things got weird. After she tied herself to John McCain and they lost, she blew off Alaska. I guess she figured she'd trade up-shoot for a national stage. Alaska was too far from the FOX TV spotlight," Trumka will say. "I bet most of you, on a clear day, can see her hypocrisy from your house."

  26. Anonymous8:02 PM

    So tell us more about this rail project, Gryphen. This is the first I've heard of it. Is THAT how she managed to buy all that property and build that house?

  27. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Yet she has gotten away with everything. Ever single thing including babygate, housgate and numerous other gates.

    Did Alaskans learn? No. They voted for Miller who is just as extreme. And your dems are so naive!! To promote Miller thinking it would help the Dem candidate was naive, idealistic and irresponsible. Look at the Alaskan demographics- do they honestly think the Dem has a chance. Talk about short sited.

    Are all Alaskans so myopic. Palin and hers are unethical crooks who believe all Americans think like them. And no offense but the AK progressives are the most naive bunch I've seen. Even calling those who have the canines to call out babygate as nutcakes. Why they build their PC reputations and pretend their blogging will bring a Dem to win a senate campaign. No I'm not including you Gryphen.

    I'm not too impresses with Alskans. I would think that people in that "frontier" would be brave enough to tell the truth about Sarah and would certainly not advocate or vote for clone Miller. Sorry Gryphen to say this all here. But Dems pushing Miller?? Stupid!!! B

  28. Enjay in E MT8:10 PM

    Certainly raising herself up on the stool again. She neglected to put on her dunce cap tho.

    And poor Levi, attempting to clear his name AND cash in on it at the same time now he's fallen out with Bristol again. Who will be dancing with a new partner --- sorry THAT is so funny. Not being a fan of DWTS - I believe they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for Bristol.

    This family is just pure entertainment! We have SP on Discovery & Faux. Bristol on whatever station happens to be carrying DWTS.

    Am sure some XXX film company can make a few "special" DVD's about the Wasilla Bump-it Hillbillys so everyone on Pay per View can also enjoy them!

  29. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Anon 5:53 !!! Gryphen doesn't pick the ads! The ads shown to you are based on YOUR google searches!! I've never gotten Meg Whirman ads. I get ads about furniture and bedding because I'm remodeling my house and have spent time looking for those. Why would Gryphen have Whitman ads lol. You probably read about CA politics!!!

  30. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Interesting - I had not heard anything about the 15 million in Wasilla that is unaccounted for. This could make for another very interesting post, with a little research.

  31. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Gah! I must be dull. I get ads for T-Mobile and AAA.

  32. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Who is responsible for accounting for the 27 million federal monies $p received as mayor for a tiny town with less than 7,000 population? You say 15 million is not accounted for, and the rail project never got past the planning stage. Who in your state can investigate? Much smaller towns than the one she had to hire a city manager to run, have audits. Who audits for that town. Was the money spent buying gov. position?

  33. "Do-over time"??? Who is she talking to, elementary school children?

    Oh, wait, that's about right - the average intellectual age of The Palin Klan, and of those who actually believe she has anything of substance to say.

  34. Ratfish9:20 PM

    And don't forget she supported huge tax increases on oil companies and grew the state operating budget by 35% in just 2 years!

  35. At first, I'd say she was lying about her attacks on "big government," what with AK getting back a return of what? five to one, on tax money sent to the Feds?

    But I think she has succeeded in deluding herself, to the point she really believes it--Just like when she denounced the "Bridge to Nowhere" at the GOP convention, saying "If we want a bridge, we'll build it ourselves!" So--no bridge was built (but of course, none of the federal money earmarked for the bridge was returned....)

    Frankly, I have to agree with the G-Man's earlier point: I think Joe Miller's election to the Senate will be a net gain to the rest of America, and a clear loss to Alaskans. Say what you want about Ted Stevens (and I have--long, loud, and often), but he sure brought home the bacon for Alaska.

    Do you think Joe Miller has the wherewithal to match Uncle Ted's skills?

    I remain:
    Snickering at Alaskans shooting themselves in the footies.
    Bill Abendroth
    Samsara Samizdat

  36. Oh my god....I just watched the entire clip.

    The GOP is going to eat itself up. George W Bush smashed the party, and now whatever's left is going to be crushed by the fratricide policies of Boehner, Cantor, Demint, McConnell, Kyle, Thune...the usual gang of idiots.

    Those RINO hunts are the weirdest kind of witch hunts I've ever seen. If there's any gain of seats by GOP in the House or Senate, they're just going to run themselves into the ground.

    You want a small federal gov't that doesn't spend much, Alaska? Sure--why not. While you're at it, how about changing your state motto to "Be Careful What You Wish For"?

  37. I tried to listen but the hypocrisy is just too much. I was glad he at least called her on McCain, especially when she was talking about term limits and you have a 74 year old going for another six year term.

    I had to laugh when the moderator is going on about Miller's impressive resume'. Palin doesn't like those elite graduates, why didn't she speak up there? Instead, she's agreeing with him about how impressive it is. Her hypocrisy is unlimited.

    What is going to happen in Alaska when the federal government "shrinks" as she wants it to and there's no more money coming into Alaska? Will the people wise up and see how good they had it or will they go along with state taxes increased across the board and in some cases, possibly initiated statewide for the first time ever in order to make up the difference in funding.

    Does she honestly believe the people voted for Miller because of her endorsement? We've seen her poll #'s there and I think she'd have a tough time getting elected in the state to any position.

    I really would love to hear your thoughts on this, Gryphen, as you seem to have your ear to the ground in the state. Thanks!

  38. When I woke up yesterday (Wed) morning, the first thing I heard on TV (yeah, I wake up to the TV news) was that Lisa had been beaten

    My first thought was: Oh shit, now Palin gets bragging rights.

    My second thought was, who won the Democratic primary, because now it's a whole new ballgame!

    So, I checked on that, then looked him up -- Scott McAdams --- and the IRONY of someone like Scott taking on Joe Miller hit me as HILARIOUS !

    There IS a god!

    So, let Sarah have her temporary bragging rights; McAdams has a good shot at beating Miller, and if he does, then SARAH will have handed the Dems a Senate seat in AK.

    How's that Karma thing working for ya, Sarah?

  39. Anon@5:53pm - Who's Meg Whitman? lol

    I live in Cape Town and all my ads are South African, the latest being Mercedes-Benz South Africa.

  40. Buffalo,NY3:55 AM

    27 million disappeared? ??

    No investigation?

  41. FJ Dandy5:43 AM

    Gryphen: The fact Quittypants took 27 million from the federal gov't, which was NEVER used for the identified PROJECT, should be shouted from the roof tops! This is the hypocrisy which must be pointed out time and time again.
    Every time she says anything the people in Alaska know is false, or underhanded, it should be loudly rebutted by those in the know.
    Quittypants is a grifter of the highest order and she is given way too much credit for the success of others.

  42. majii6:46 AM

    Anon @6:01 PM, there is never an excuse for any politician to not learn about the job for which he/she has been elected. I'm highly educated, and I scrutinize everything Palin says. None of it is logical, true, or a viable method of governing. Where are her solutions to our problems? She doesn't have any. Her only skill is in criticizing solutions offered by others.

    When Palin quit as governor, she hurt her credibility. Even republicans think she would be unelectable if she ran for POTUS. Steve Schmidt worked with her during the presidential campaign, and he says she's not ready for prime time.

    I fail to understand how any of the legislation you're talking about puts the country in peril. Had some of the legislation NOT been passed, we'd be in the throes of a second Great Depression.

    You may not like how the presidential election results came out in November 2008, but none of the legislation that has been passed has taken anything away from any citizen. That's a lie that was created and spread by rw losers to win elections.

    I hope you've noticed that, except for Congressman Ryan, not one of the republicans in Congress has said what he/she'll do if republicans control Congress in January 2011. All Michelle Bachmann has offered is the they will issue "lots and lots of subpoenas."

    Cue a repeat of the 1990s when Gingrich brought the government to a standstill.


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