Thursday, August 26, 2010

Glenn Beck is NOT Martin Luther King Jr!

On August 28th, I will stand with Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a just, diverse and equal society. I do not stand with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and their attempt to destroy and distort King’s vision.

You can sign a petition agreeing with the above statement by clicking here.


  1. It's alright. Really. Glenn-boy has a right to say anything he wants.

    Just like Dr. Laura and Sarah.

    And he may experience the same fate... Unemployment.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Glen Beck and $arah Payme... The right representatives of racists!

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I will literally be standing with Martin Luther King 111 on August 28th. My husband and I plan on attending rally that Al Sharpton is having starting at Dunbar High School. I originally thought that we would protest the Beck/Palin but we decided not to give them our time. We decided to join the ranks of the peaceful instead of the haters.

  4. TNbluedot3:37 PM

    Are they going to do anything with this petition or is it just to make us feel better. I looked around a bit but couldn't find anything else except the donate button.

  5. Roger3:45 PM

    It would be SO cool if no one showed up for this Festival of the Feebleminded!

    The problem is, there is so much COMMERCE to conduct, whenever you manage to gather sheep into a pen, like this...all the Teabanger events so far have included grifters selling t-shirts of Obama looking like Hitler, and other crap, which its hard to believe people shell out real money to get, but its true.

  6. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Earlier this year Beck did an interview with Forbes magazine. It was about his company raking in $38 million last year. In the interview he said "I could give a flying crap about the political process. We're an entertainment company."

    Glenn Beck is a freaking fraud, in this game for the money and the his ego. He's a former shock jock with an almost life ending dependence on drugs and alcohol.

    He spews hate and fear to rile up people who are easily moved by both emotions.

    This event Saturday sickens me.

  7. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Wow, I had just posted that we are going to be in DC on Saturday when my hubby called and said that we are also going to protest the Hershey SP appearance tomorrow night also too. What a great husband, he knows what his wife enjoys doing for the week-end! Will be definitely making some signs. Any ideas?

  8. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Signs suggestions:
    1. Sarah P, U of Idaho graduate - Quit making things up!.

    2. Sarah, has the IRS called?

    3. Sarah - the Ugly American.

    4. Sarah, do you know where your kids are?

    5. Sarah Palin - America's Grifting Queen.

    6. Pennsylvania/DC loves Quitters.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.