Monday, August 23, 2010

Starting a new Immoral Minority tradition called "Gee I wish I had said that!"

From the Twitter account of Techweenie:

We wouldn't think of all Muslims as terrorists any more than we'd think all Alaskans are fraudulent media whores
7:15 PM Aug 13th via web


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Ha ha ha. Good one.

  2. Anonymous4:08 PM

    That. Is. Sooooo. GOOD!!

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM



  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    API reports that Bristol will speak in Louisville, Kentucky on Sept. 8 to benefit Lifehouse, a home for single mothers. She'll receive $14,000 to spin ala mommy dearest about abstinence.

    A commenter, BLking/Empire Juneau said, "This world is so weird. It’s surreal to have known her in highschool for partying, drinking and doing drugs and getting around with guys, and now to see her as a celebrity preaching to other teenagers what they shouldn’t do."

    Gee I wish I had said that.

  5. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Outstanding...will move onward to others!

  6. Earmark Ulu5:01 PM

    Can we buy this on a bumper sticker?

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Cool. Nice touch, 'cause you know, all us weirdos in the lower 48 judge every single Alaska by Sarah Palin's example - NOT.

    Sorry, I waited all these years to use that NOT phrase. Couldn't resist.

    Still, it is a funny feature. Keep it going.

  8. Lynne5:16 PM

    Wow! Love that one...Gee, I wish I had said that!

  9. OT but please please please be better than everyone else and NOT post that stupid Palin video from Valdez.

    It seems that "our side" is becoming just like "the other side" now with all of this crazy "Palin baiting" behavior.

    Just had to put my two cents in here and say that I hope you won't post this....

  10. Anonymous5:24 PM


  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I want to echo AKPetMom's remarks about the Valdez Airport video. I posted a comment on one of the prior threads but I'll repeat the gist here.

    I don't see the point of harassing the Palins this way. It's one thing when a local reporter with a cameraman follows a celebrity to try to get a story or a comment about one of many Palin public outcries. To have some lone stranger do it is just creepy.

    Yes, Todd overreacted a bit early, and he acted a bit meat handed after the camera was turned off, but still, a lot of people would be very irritated to have some stranger following them with a video camera.

    I think the relevant takeaway is in Palin's comments in the very beginning. Someone on CBS posted that Palin was talking about getting Federal pork for AK.

    Otherwise, harassing the Palins this way will only gin up sympathy for them.

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The Valdez video shows the Palins once again acting in a contradictory way: they get paranoid about someone with a camera pointed at them but the video shows Sarah herself crossing 8 or 10 feet to initiate a photo op with the airline employee.
    IMO, she was upset because there were no adoring crowds in her home state.

    Would they have objected to Hawk's video if it had shown a "cackle" of adoring fans clamoring for Sarah's attention? Since there was no "cackle" in evidence, was that their real objection?

    Sarah and Todd don't seem to like Alaskans much. First the teacher in Homer, now a Valdez resident. Stay behind your fence Sarah. It's safer.

  13. angela6:42 PM

    What's with people telling a blogger what not to put on their site? Disturbing . . . . .

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Just have to say, that video about the Valdez encounter is important because it shows the true character of Todd Palin.

    As much as I understand how annoying it might be to have someone video you, the Palins have chosen to be public figures and this kind of interest (photographs and videos) is par for the course.

    It is very important for people to see how Todd Palin acts under stress. If Sarah were to win the election, he would be representing America in circumstances just as our First Ladies do. If he cannot conduct himself in a civilized manner, we need to know it now.

  15. laprofesora6:58 PM


    Nobody was harassing the Paylins. If they had just smiled and let the man take his video nothing would have happened. But not these bullies, they had to make something out of nothing just like with Kathleen Gustafson. The person taking the video did not seek out the Paylins, but did record two very well known people in a public place. This new tactic of trying to elicit sympathy for Scarah and her thugs is creative, I'll give you that. But you can't spin this one, the video speaks for itself.

  16. Wow...I'm getting so tired of reading that "our side" shouldn't harass the Palins, that it makes us "look" bad and the Palins will get more sympathy. Sympathy? She has been playing the victim since she arrived on the scene. She needs a new shtick. Playing the victim is getting old.

  17. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I take issue with that. If they are insinuating Palin is a fraudulent media whore, I dispute it. She is a genuine media whore, not a fraudulent one.

  18. Anonymous8:21 PM

    6:03 here. Sorry, laprofesora, but I'm no lame Palinbot.

    I just don't see this video in the same light as the Homer video. Of course, I can see how bad it makes Todd look because I KNOW that Todd bullied Wooten. I can also see how this shows the lack of grace and class on the part of the Palins, but I already knew that about them.

    Valdez looks too much like Palin-baiting and that looks bad for US. This Hawk guy didn't just snap a pic/ video outside. Good grief, he FOLLOWED them INSIDE. He wasn't a reporter. That is just creepy. The beauty of the Kathleen G. video is that Kathleen made her point on her own property and Palin went out of her way to confront her. Not the same here.

    You are never going to convince the Palinbots about the truth and we here are already convinced. It's the 10 to 20% in the middle that are blowing in the wind. This kind of stuff will NOT sway them our way.

    Yes, Palin plays the professional victim... and this just plays right into her game.

  19. I do not believe ALL Alaskans are in league with the likes of SP!! On the contrary...I beleive that people will trust when no reason is apparrent to do otherwise. SP hoodwinked so many people with the clear and hefty help of the cloaked right wing political chessplayers. May you look more kindly upon the lower 48 dwellers. We feel your pain.

  20. Anonymous4:30 AM

    I'm afraid that's a weak argument for Muslims, then, 'cause it SURE SEEMS like all Alaskans are "fraudulent media whores." Especially with Levi and Bristol hopping on the bandwagon, following right in Sarah's footsteps. I fervently hope Mercede and Sherry stay out of that mess.

  21. Anonymous4:35 AM

    You've forgotten one important point about videotaping the Paylins at the airport: For someone who hides behind Facebook and Twitter and can say (lie) anything regarding her activities and whereabouts, it just provides a time-stamp and proof that they are where they say they are, with or without the family members, and doing what they themselves have professed to be doing. Keeps them honest, ya know? (snark.)

  22. Anonymous6:30 AM


    Your take on the incident is interesting. You call Hawk's video harassment and give the Palins confrontational behavior a pass.

    Todd's type of belligerent bullying--he deliberately tried to stir up trouble a second time after the camera was off and Hawk was waiting for his wife to board plane--must not be tolerated.

    Bullying of any sort must stopped and the Palins have a long substatiated record of bullying.

    I suggest you research bullying online. There are a lot of sites that define it and give info on how to deal witrh bullies.

    Most bullies stay just shy of breaking the law. In Todd Palin's case looks like may have broken the law by physically touching Hawk and the teacher Mrs. Gustafason.

    Some places have made laws against bullying in the workplace, akin to sexual harassment laws.

    Bullying is mainly psychological violence. And the damage from it is real.

  23. womanwithsardinecan6:52 AM

    This stuff about not baiting the Palins grates on me. Reminds me of when I was a kid and teachers would tell me that I should behave better because I was the principal's kid. The Palins, as a commenter pointed out, hide behind Facebook and Twitter, and used to hide behind press releases from the governor's office. They constantly bait the entire country. They say nasty personal insults about our president, about students and professors, about Muslims, and anybody else they disagree with. The victim thing is their entire schtick. They do it no matter what anybody else does or does not do. I say push them, get in their faces constantly, make public travel a living hell for them, hang banners everywhere. I will not behave because I was the principal's kid. That's just bullshit.

  24. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Bhahaha! Spot on!

  25. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I agree with Anon4:35am - every move and word out a Palin's mouth should be as documented as humanly (and civilly) as possible.

    We know SP lies about every little thing under the sun.

    Mr. Hawk did not get all up in her face, but kept his distance.

  26. I've been involved in the Democratic Party since I cast my first vote in 1972. The pattern of politicians and members of the DP has always been to try to reason with these nuts. I have never thought that this was a viable means of dealing with their craziness because the nuts only get bolder when they sense an aversion to confrontation. I think that had the dems come out loud and swinging against Palin in 2009, the public wouldn't have to put up with as much of her nonsense as it has been subjected to since then. Her azz needs to be exposed every time she goes on another one of her stupid rampages.

    Has anyone besides myself noticed how she backed away from any further combat with Politifact on the tax cut issue, and on Media Matters and Company who called her out for her defense of Dr. L?

    This shows that she can be made to sit down and STFU.

  27. Anonymous9:27 PM

    A commenter, BLking/Empire Juneau said, "This world is so weird. It’s surreal to have known her in highschool for partying, drinking and doing drugs and getting around with guys, and now to see her as a celebrity preaching to other teenagers what they shouldn’t do."

    Gee I wish I had said that.

    4:27 PM


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