Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Teabaggers are warned to avoid going into neighborhoods with scary black people on their way to the conservative "Take back Civil Rights" rally.

You know it seems to me that if you are hell bent on starting a race war that you are already at a distinct disadvantage if you are already terrified of the other race.

If I were Al Sharpton, or another African American leader in the community, I would send hundreds of black Washington D.C. residents out onto the streets on August 28th with badges that say "Welcome Tea Party".  And I would instruct them to wear big smiles on their faces and be as welcoming and helpful to the panicky visiting white people as they could possibly be.

You know offer to help them get to the Lincoln Memorial on time, offer them a cool beverage if they look thirsty, and just go out of their way to kill them with kindness.

Why not?  All most of them know about black people is what they see on reruns of "Cops' and Fox News.  Why not be proactive and refuse to let the racists define the African American community in Washington?

That's what I would do.


  1. angela3:45 AM

    lol Gryphen.
    Half of them would have a heart attack if neighborhood people came up to them. Luckily they aren't allowed weapons in DC.

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Dumbass Teabaggers.

  3. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I like that a lot. Imagine the media hitting that story! Pictures, headlines...haters met with kindness from the very people they fear and hate.

    The very thing that can turn the tide of events. Brilliant.

  4. Jazzy Jan4:51 AM

    Why my dear little ole Gryphen - I do declare, you sound just like one of us South'rn ladies. That's just exactly how we deal with them rascally ole Yankees - we just polite 'em to death. (To be read with a nasally, back of the throat, elongated vowel tone of voice, while fluttering your eyelashes and fannin' your fan.)

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Now this is rather PATHETIC. Oooooh scary, scary...

    Tea Party Primer On D.C.: Dangerous, Scary And Full Of Arabs

    Tea partiers preparing to pour into DC for Glenn Beck's March on the capitol Saturday needn't worry about where to eat or how to get around -- thanks to a tea party leader in Maine, they have all the info they'll need about how to operate in the nation's capital.

    But D.C. is a scary place, Maine tea partier Bruce Majors writes, full of "immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries." (They are most often found driving cabs and working in restaurants, Majors says, and "do not like for you to assume they are African Americans and especially do not like for you to guess they are from a neighboring country (e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) with whom they may have political or military tensions."

    Good to know.

    Majors doesn't specify whether visiting DC is any scarier than being a tea party leader in Maine -- a job where being confronted by angry, threatening mobs seems to be the general order of things. He does say, however, that there are places tea party visitors to the city just shouldn't go:

    Many parts of DC are safe beyond the areas I will list here, but why chance it if you don't know where you are?

    If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.

    Don't feel like traveling underground? It's best to stay out of the city entirely, lest you run into undesirables:


  6. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Hall marks of FASCISM:

    *** Nationalism and super-patriotism with a sense of historic mission. “We need to take our country back…” a popular line among the Christian fascist.

    *** Aggressive militarism even to the extent of glorifying war as good for the national or individual spirit. “Christian fascist undying support for 2 useless wars that has cost the lives and mental health of a generation of Americans.”

    *** Use of violence or threats of violence to impose views on others (fascism and Nazism both employed street violence and state violence at different moments in their development). “Second amendment remedies should sound familiar.”

    *** Authoritarian reliance on a leader or elite not constitutionally responsible to an electorate. Tea-baggers and corporations

    *** Cult of personality around a charismatic leader. “Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Laura, etc”

    *** Reaction against the values of Modernism, usually with emotional attacks against both liberalism and communism. “Texas school board attempts to change history and do away with evolution.”

    *** Exhortations for the homogeneous masses of common folk (Volkish in German, Populist in the U.S.) to join voluntarily in a heroic mission_often metaphysical and romanticized in character. “When the Tea-party needs to hold a Unity rally to deflect from its racism, something is wrong.”

    *** Dehumanization and scapegoating of the enemy_seeing the enemy as an inferior or subhuman force, perhaps involved in a conspiracy that justifies eradicating them. “Muslims are the enemy du jour.”

    *** The self image of being a superior form of social organization beyond socialism, capitalism and democracy. “Taking American exceptionalism to the point it glorifies stupidity”.

    *** Elements of national socialist ideological roots, for example, ostensible support for the industrial working class or farmers; but ultimately, the forging of an alliance with an elite sector of society. “Think demonizing wall street and big corporations for bailouts yet were the main supporters for it.

    *** Abandonment of any consistent ideology in a drive for state power. “See the above and news.”

  7. GrainneKathleen5:05 AM

    as a mainer, i was really disappointed to see that even a group like our state's tea party would be so ignorant and racist as to tell the teabaggers who are sullying the hallowed ground of mlk's speech on its anniversary that they should paradoxically avoid all the potentially "black" areas of dc. perhaps i am insulated by a fairly progressive community, but i don't know any mainer teabaggers, so i don't really know what our state's group is like. judging by their craven stupidity, i think we have every reason to think that they are like most other teabaggers. i would so love to go down to dc to counter-protest, especially since *sister sarah the celebrity* will most likely be there, but i am still recovering from a nerve injury that has for a long time limited how much walking and standing around i can do. i am there in spirit, though. and i surely would have loved to ride the green and yellow lines so i could let any mainer teabaggers i might meet in future know exactly what it was that they were missing.
    as for african americans going out of there way to be especially nice to the teabaggers, i think it's one of those ideas that look better on paper than in practice. i see no reason why they should be any more welcoming to teabaggers than they would be to any other tourist, even though such a gesture might make the heads of quite a few baggers explode with cognitive dissonance.
    (sigh)these last few days/weeks/years... have really made me not so happy with this country. there's always canada (lol!), and lucky for my family, it's not too far!

  8. Rick Hill5:05 AM

    Glenn is probably trying to cover his ass since he encouraged folks to wear their President Obama in black face shirt or the one with a bone through his nose. Not that he WANTS anyone to get hurt but if it happens and he has material for his show....

  9. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Glenn Beck Rally Attendees Warned Of Dangers Of DC Metro

    A blogger at Maine Refounders has taken it upon himself to offer repost a DC visitors guide to anyone coming to the Rally For Glenn Beck's Material Wealth, scheduled for August 28th. So, if you want some not-half bad restaurant recommendations or are interested in learning how you can avoid Nancy Pelosi's house, get thee hence. That said, I find this take on the DC Metro system to be sort of comical:

    If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them....


  10. :: shakes head ::

    The Tea Party has no concept of irony.

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    The right-wing, blinded by its own hysteria


    When did the loudmouths of the American right become such a bunch of fraidy-cats and professional victims? Or is it all just an act?

  12. sunnyjane5:54 AM

    Hmpf! The Teabaggers are a LOT scarier than the black people in D.C.

  13. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Gryphen, please put up last night's Jon Stewart clip....it's BRILLIANT!

  14. ". . .wear big smiles on their faces and be as welcoming and helpful to the panicky visiting white people as they could possibly be." While at the same time making sure they get to Union Station with appropriate directions to find the exact right train that will take them to Silver Spring or Frederick or, oh, just about anywhere far away from D.C., wasting as much of their time and money as possible.

  15. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Teabaggers aren't the only white people afraid of black people. Many tense up the moment black people enter a restaurant, theater, or other venue. (Don't pretend that they don't.) If we're going to have a race debate, we should at least be genuine.

    The variety of black folks that live in D.C. who may come into contact with teabaggers should behave the way they normally would. D.C. is a Southern town after all, so people know how to be hospitable. They don't have to do anything different.

    Too bad these folks are so racist and homophobic. They should at least visit Ben's Chili Bowl, Howard University, Dupont Circle, the African American museum, the Native American museum, and historic Anacostia.

  16. Anonymous7:08 AM

    The other option would be to have them carry assault rifles and handguns, similar to the tea partiers and gun nuts do at their rallies and parades and watch the baggers scramble to lesson second amendment rights for everyone who isn't white. Didn't the gun lobby have a second amendment rally near the capitol where they proudly displayed their guns? Turn around is fair play.

  17. Nah... I say F 'em. If they hate black folks so much, they can just stay home with the trailer door latched.

  18. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Is it just me, or does that graphic make it look like the Tea Party zone is giving a digital rectal exam to the District?

  19. Anonymous7:44 AM

    TERRORIST ALERT! Fox News is funding terrorism:


  20. phoebes in santa fe9:57 AM

    I would almost feel sorry for these poor, deluded, scared fools if they weren't so damn odious. Their world is changing around them - the great American Melting Pot has finally boiled over - and they're not the majority anymore. It must be scary, and they're too stupid to do anything about it except yearn for the "good old days" of "OUR America".

  21. Enjay in E MT3:00 PM

    Sure pray those T-party ppl leave their arms at home, however - this may be a Beck-Palin rally so 2nd Amendment attendee's may be required.

    I do hope they are permitted & registered with the local law enforcement & capitol police while visiting DC

  22. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Hi there.

    Al Sharpton is leading a march/rally on August 28th, but in a different part of DC (lol actually off of the Yellow line).

    I'm assuming that rally is being held in a different part of DC so they won't mix with Glenn Beck's teabagger rally. I'm sure Beck & Fox would LOVE it if teabaggers and black people got to fighting on the Mall Saturday, and that would probably energize teabaggers around the country even more to "take their country back."

  23. Anonymous10:05 PM

    OMG...you said "kill them with kindness". What do you really mean? Kill them? OMG, you are fanning the flames of violence!

    (what you would say if Palin said that, lol)


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