Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Alright my fellow Alaskans it is time to wipe the sleep dust out of your eyes, slam back a pot of coffee or two, and exercise your constitutional right to help choose your next Republican/Democratic candidate for Senator/Governor/Lt. Governor today!  Can't you just FEEL the disappointing lack of excitement!

Okay so let's run down the list of the major and minor players in today's election day political dramedy.

In the running for Lt. Governor on the Republicans side are Mead Treadwell (Whose first name sounds like a frothy alcoholic beverage, so Alaskans should LOVE that!), Jay Ramras (Who got an early election day gift from APOC when they decided NOT to investigate his obvious violation of state election law until after the election), and rabid Palin-bot Eddie "Rascist" Burke who is running a distant, distant third.(Interestingly enough after being Sarah's major attack dog in Alaska for years Burke has received not one iota of support, or even acknowledgement, from his idol. Welcome to the undercarriage of the Palin bus Eddie!)

On the Democratic side we have the wonderful, and extremely qualified Diane Benson and....well who cares who else is running? Diane Benson in the only viable candidate in my mind. Go get'em Diane!

Next up is the Governor's race.  On the Republican side we have Bill Walker, Ralph Samuels, and Palin political bookmark Sean "The Phantom" Parnell. (Who was SO busy doing his very demanding job that he missed several recent debates, as well as a visit by President Obama last November, and the funeral of Senator Ted Stevens just last week.)

(Whoops! I stand corrected. Sean Parnell WAS at Ted Steven's funeral.  I apologize for that, I was relying on information sent to me by somebody who attended and did not double check.  I apologize to Governor Parnell for making that error.)

The Democrats have an embarrassment of riches as represented by Ethan Berkowitz and Hollis French.  In my humble opinion both of these gentlemen offer substantially better leadership than anything the Republicans have to offer, which makes the choice more about who can beat the Republican candidate in the general rather than who would do the best job as the Governor of our state.

I find both of them to be very intelligent and capable men, so you really cannot go wrong.  Berkowitz has better name recognition, while Hollis might be the more cerebral choice.

This brings us to the race that is getting the most national coverage.  Lisa "Daddy's girl" Murkowski VS Joe "Look, another antler!"  Miller.

Miller has been getting teabagged with hundreds of thousands of dollars from The Tea Party Express for months now, and Sarah "Ram" Palin has taken to Facebook to beg for money on his behalf as well, which means this guy is doomed!   Alaskans HATE for outside people to try and influence our elections, and LOVE to tell them to kiss our ass!  So today they will send a message to Joe Miller, Sarah "I quit, I quit, I quit!" Palin, and the outside agitators to KISS OUR ASS!

Lisa Murkowski is a far from perfect Senator, and I don't agree with hardly any of her choices, but dammit she is one of us!  And that still counts for something up here in the Last Frontier.

So get up, and get showered Alaskans!  We have a democracy to participate in today!

P.S. Don't forget to vote no on Ballot Measure 2 also. (And remember it is on the BACK of the ballot, so you have to flip it over.)


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Sean P was at teds funeral

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The Tea Bagger in Alaska will lose.

    $arah's most crushing defeat yet!


  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    What about Ballot Issue No.1?

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Correction as to Parnell, Gryph. He and his wife did attend the funeral of Senator Stevens. They were seated on the right side in the section with all the folks from D.C.

    I'm not pro Parnell and didn't vote for him.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Aww, you're so generous to Sean Parnell.
    No, the Parnell "administration" was represented - he got his orders. Sarah and Todd were there representing the Governor's Office.

    You've forgotten about Jack Powers:
    veteran and single-parent. Pro-choice, pro-subsistence, pro-small business, pro-health care. Not necessarily attractive to Alaskan's urban Elite, but good for us little people.
    Most important to me, he's not pandering and he's not afraid to say where he stands:
    "I am Pro-Choice and have been my whole life. I support a women’s control over her fertility...No one else has that right and no one else has the right to criticize the choice."
    "I believe and support the subsistence lifestyle that is so important for survival in rural Alaska. I am sympathetic to the needs of our citizens to be able to provide for their families and to maintain the traditional lifestyle. Subsistence is a cultural right, subsistence is a rural right..."
    "No one in Alaska should go without health insurance. I support bringing evidence-based and cost-effective health care to every citizen. It is a basic human right that everyone deserves. The stature of a nation and a state is how it treats its citizens ~ to do less only serves to marginalize the under privileged."
    "I served to underscore the principles that America was built on, to end discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and disability. These are the rights that we fought to preserve."

    Diane Benson is a terrific person and very popular amongst the greater Anchorage area progressive community. But you have no idea what the Native community thinks.
    Diane plays the Native card strategic and thoughtful, just the right combination to appeal to the white community and be acceptable to the urban Native Elite. She's an actress.
    She does a fantastic portrayal of Elizabeth Peratrovich (I love it). I just wish she actually did those things that characterized Peratrovich.
    Her spouse is a well-connected career oil industry man. It bothers me A LOT that they are deliberately secretive about that. Her position on issues is a complete mystery. We have no clue where she stands or what she thinks. On anything. They've overdone the neutrality thing.

    Personally, I've already wasted a vote of confidence on the grassroots homespun/Native Community/female, in 2006. I'm not going to do that again.

  6. Eunice10:51 AM

    Please be careful with those votes guys--send us another Sarah Palin and we'll secede from Alaska.

  7. $arah never said a word about her most loyal, racist ex-radio loud mouth??? Did anyone ask Burke how he felt being ignored by $arah after he "protected" her for all those years while she tried to ruin Alaska?

    The best part of this election will be the defeat of $arah's very own chosen candidate in her home state, especially since the 'bots still think she is extremely well-liked in AK despite the polls.

    Did she come out and also endorse and campaign for Parnell?

  8. Sarah Palins has not made any facebook entries since last Friday and Huffington Post doesn't have anything on Sarah on their front page.(For the first time in months) I didn't think she was capable of keeping her mouth shut for so long.

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    ***Lisa Murkowski is a far from perfect Senator, and I don't agree with hardly any of her choices, but dammit she is one of us! And that still counts for something up here in the Last Frontier.***

    That staement right there tells us all how Palin ended up on a national ticket. You all still don't care and have learned little if you can make that remark with a straight face. Ugh.

  10. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I just saw the poll results as of right now, I sure hope they change
    by wednesday. Really Miller!? Give Sarah more power! I hope you folks in Alaska have an alterior motive for this. Such as putting the worst person to run against the Democrat, I hope this is true! So Alaska can get some dignity back. If Miller wins UUUU LOSE because SARAH BRAGS, she was the winning decision!!! Shame on you all for not voting!!! As we speak I am looking for a picture of BITCHWEENA to put on my dart board, yes to throw darts at!!! UTAH SAYS grow some (Whatever she said) BALLS!!!


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