Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Would you like to see Fox News playing on fewer television sets?

From the Color of Change.org:

When you sign the petition below, you use your power as a consumer to encourage businesses and other public places to become Fox Free.

Businesses know that every person who signs represents another customer or potential customer. Volunteers like you will approach establishments in neighborhoods across the country, and when they ask businesses to turn off Fox, they'll be acting on behalf of all of us who've signed the petition with them.

I signed the petition and I encourage all of you to do so as well.

I for one am beyond fed up with Fox News and their fear mongering, racism, and complete lack of journalistic integrity.  I absolutely hate to walk into a business and see Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Reilly vomiting forth their garbage from the television screen. Perhaps this is the first step toward making our country a Fox News free zone within the next five years or so.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Wouldn't that be divine? I cannot stand that they prey on the sheep - hmm, sounds like someone else...

    Thanks for the link!


  2. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I signed the petition. It's time to put an end to the propaganda and racist network.

  3. I like what Jon said! There is a campaign for them to lose their front row seat in the WH briefing room for donating 1 million to Republican Governors when they are supposed to be impartial. Fair and balance yeah!

  4. Buffalo, NY3:21 PM

    Was in a store shopping one day, and ran in to a couple of friends, and we got to talking, and somehow the subject of Fox News came up. I immediately said "I wouldn't watch Fox News if you paid me", to which one of my friends, a well-respected local businessman said, "But they're the only network that tells the truth".

    Not wanting to get into a major argument, because I knew that no matter what I said, or what specific facts I brought up about the lies and obfuscations that occur on Fox News daily, it would do no good. I just shook my head and walked away to continue shopping, all the rest of the night thinking to myself, Oh my God, how many more people like my friend are out there, and think this same way ?


  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I'd like to see fox and msnbc learn how to objectively report facts. But this country needs fox to unravel the current administrations plans of pursuing a nazi form of govt (meaning complete take over not the extermination of a minority)

    Its sad. Liberals prove everyday they are ignorant of american history and tea partiers prove the only ones with balls to fight injustices.

    Fact: the term taliban was coined in 1994

    Fact: separation of church and state was in t jeffersons diaries not in the original document.

  6. Anonymous3:24 PM

    You Libs believe whatever idle, opinionated bloggers report which is why they've been unable to put forth any real solutions. California is failing because dems are ridiculous. New york is declining because no one has the balls or WILL to really change wall streets ways.

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I walked into my car dealership's waiting area while my car was being serviced and the shiny new big screen TV was turned to FAUX NEWS. I glanced around, about a dozen people doing everything they could to NOT look at the TV. There was no way for a customer to change the channel. I asked the group of ppl there if anyone was watching it. Most laughed and shook their heads NO. I found the Mgr. and asked him to turn the channel to something WE wanted to watch. (there WAS a major golf tourney on.....) He refused. HE likes Fox News. I reminded him that between my husband and myself, we have purchased 8 new cars within the previous 12 years. He changed the channel.

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I signed the petition earlier today and I've had Faux blocked on my TV for about a month. I can't stand the lies and the stupidity. If they have to lie, then they've already lost the argument but their listeners can't figure that out.

  9. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Well I see the bots are all over the place today. Nice try 3:21 p.m.

    You have NO fucking idea what Nazism is. How old are you?

    My father saw what the Nazis are capable of. As a medical and he took care of many GIs in France during WWII.

    Horror of you and your bot friends is you don't know what misery, death and devastation was wrought on many countries because the Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews, gypsies, mentally incapacitated people and homosexuals.

    Which category do you fall in?

    You are really a piece of work. Sickening. Fuck off.


  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Anon 3:21 You are joking..right? Seriously... you are joking? Wow, just wow. Talk about brainwashed.

    Spare me that crap.. You idiots sat around for 8 years while the Bush Administration spat on our our Constitution and didn't say shit. Now a black man is in the White House and you lemmings with the help of Fake News are running with your heads cut off. Snap out of it!! I feel sorry for you.

  11. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My husband and I live in Vegas and we will not stay or return to any casino or restaraunt that is playing Fox. We even tell the bartender or wait staff why we are leaving. It is beyond us how anyone can listen to this crap.

  12. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "But this country needs fox to unravel the current administrations plans of pursuing a nazi form of govt (meaning complete take over not the extermination of a minority)"

    You are so ill informed it would take a full-page of commentary to refute your remarks. I suggest you start by educating yourself in American and European history, current affairs, and political science for starters.

    You are representative of the type of citizens I expect will show up at Glenn Beck's 8-28 rally.

    Our founding fathers would be ashamed of you!

  13. Here is another great "Turn off Fox News" website, where you can print out a pdf handout to give to businesses who balk at turning off that reprehensible channel. This fellow who began this particular website is from Missoula, Montana (hardly a blue state!).


  14. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Everyone should read anon 3:21 for a good look at the issue of reality-deficit disorder.

  15. FEDUP!!!4:15 PM


    Thanks for the link, Gryphen - I have been waiting for something to finally come up!

  16. Seriously this post is a joke right?

    "I'd like to see fox and msnbc learn how to objectively report facts. But this country needs fox to unravel the current administrations plans of pursuing a nazi form of govt (meaning complete take over not the extermination of a minority)

    Its sad. Liberals prove everyday they are ignorant of american history and tea partiers prove the only ones with balls to fight injustices.

    Fact: the term taliban was coined in 1994

    Fact: separation of church and state was in t jeffersons diaries not in the original document."

    If this person really believes this then we are in more trouble than I can even imagine in this country.

    The only thing Fox news can unravel are all of the ravers off of their meds. imho

  17. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I was recently in a waiting area to have my oil changed and FOX was on in the room. I went up to the counter and asked them to change the channel to another station which they immediately did...I didn't have to say anything but make the request.

    It was easy and doable!!!

  18. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Happened to be in a Doctor's waiting room yesterday with my elderly parent's and the Nazi news was on the TV. Made a beeline for the remote and quickly changed the channel without asking the others who were there. Made a comment about this hateful and trashy news channel in a loud tone since my mother since is hard of hearing and at the same time I wanted to convey my stance to the captive audience. In the recent past I would have acted as a polite, mannered adult and asked others about changing it, but now my motto is "don't ask for permission, just ask for forgiveness"... and screw Nazi news.

  19. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Last year I wrote a letter to the County Clerks office asking them to turn off Fox News in the waiting area.

    My husband and I renew our license plates in two consecutive months.
    Last year I went to the clerks office both times and both times Fox was on the TV.

    In my letter, I let them know that I thought it was inappropriate for a government office to show such a partisan program. I also let them know that I thought Fox news promoted very inflammatory and inaccurate information. They wrote me back and said that it is their policy to rotate the TV channels. When I went there in July, they were not showing Fox. I have not been there yet in August.

    I make it a point to let hotels, auto shops and other businesses where I spend my money that not all their customers wish to be exposed to Fox. I don't attempt to
    discuss the issues with these businesses, only to express that I do not wish to watch the crap on Fox. I let them know that I find it insulting.

  20. Roger5:02 PM

    I'm not big on censorship of ANYthing, but we really deserve a WARNING to be given, along the lines of what is on cigarette packs:

    WARNING: watching the unbridled propaganda on this network, can be severely hazardous to your mental well being, and will result in your being totally misinformed.

    (Shown every five minutes or so)

  21. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Dear 3:21, where did you get your information about the phrase "separation between church and state?"

    President Jefferson wrote about the First Amendment in a letter to the Danbury Ct. Baptist Assn. in 1802 explaining that the adoption of the First Amendment created "a wall of separation between church and state." It was not in his diaries that the phrase came to be attached to him.

    However, he was not the first or the only founding father to believe in separation of church and state. Jefferson was responding to strong opposition from sectarian religious leaders who were angry that he believed so strongly in religious freedom.

    James Madison, widely regarded as the father of the Constitution discussed his firm belief that a "strongly guarded" separation between church and state benefited the church itself as much as the government.

    In 1879, the Supreme Court in a case called Reynolds v. US cited Jefferson's 1802 letter as the authoritative declaration of the scope of the First Amendment. Later decisions, even as late at 1947, supported this decision. This means this is settled law.
    The primary job of the Supreme Court is to determine what is and what is not constitutional.

    The Treaty of Tripoli of 1797 which was approved unanimously by the US Senate in session at the time, specifically stated that the United States was not a Christian nation.

    The Constitutional Convention in 1787 would not allow prayers to be said even though Benjamin Franklin suggested it.

    Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution ends with the following words: " . . .no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." This means that a person with no religious affiliation is as entitled to hold public office as a person of a religious faith - any religious faith.

    Our Constitution does not mention God. It is not that God may or may not be important to individual citizens, but God is not written into our government because to do so would raise questions of "which God," "whose God," "any God?" thereby implying that citizens must believe in God. Our founding fathers wanted a country that allowed every one to follow his private conscience but not mandate those personal views onto others. Religious persecution was one of the primary reasons people left their countries of origin to start anew in colonial America.

    Similar phrases meaning the same thing were used 150 years before Jefferson wrote the letter to the Danbury Baptist Assn. It was a commonly held belief amongst many of those who attended the Constitutional Convention, hence the denial of prayer during the convened sessions.

  22. Anonymous5:51 PM

    My doctor's office at least turned the audio to mute at my request. Two other patients thanked me; I hope the staff gets the message.

    CO Almost Native

  23. imnofred5:54 PM

    I have had Fox News blocked on my TV for years now. This has saved me money because I probably would end up throwing something at the TV if I were to watch Fox News.

  24. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Thanks for the link. Made a nice donation and looking forward to my stickers. Fux is banned in our house already but nice to know I will have messaging that confirms this!

  25. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Thanks for link. Both my husband and I signed the petition!

    I am going to take advantage of that site's offer to follow-up on businesses I identify as playing Fox as a default station. I am so very, very tired of being bombarded with that nonsense.

  26. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Thanks for the link, Kirstie. Every thing helps get the message across that the American people are tiring of Fox's lies.

  27. One of our local tire stores plays Fox non-stop. I called the other day and asked if they had a particular size tire in stock. They did, so I asked, "Is Fox News on in your waiting room?" "Yes, the woman said, why?" I told her because it's propaganda and I'd be buying my tires somewhere else.

  28. Anonymous7:00 PM

    @Buffalo, NY said: "..one of my friends, a well-respected local businessman said, "But they're the only network that tells the truth". (Fox News)..I just shook my head and walked away to continue shopping, all the rest of the night thinking to myself, Oh my God, how many more people like my friend are out there, and think this same way ?"
    Makes your heart sink, and its hard to know what to say!? I had two friends who were against the healthcare bill, but after gaining composure, I was able to impart information that sounded reasonable to them, and they thanked me for changing their minds. My profession is in sales- lol! Sometimes asking questions, and saying "oh" "hmm" to each one of their answers, then you will be able to find a weak spot or common ground to ask a real thought provoker!

  29. Anonymous7:04 PM

    would somebody please get out the can of Raid. i see some roaches.

  30. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Nonemore Black- Hey that's a good one!!

  31. It has been a long time Gryphen ... no babygate post. What is up? Will you ever do another one? I would like to think you are still on that as you once indicated.

  32. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I live in Fort Worth, Texas and, as one might suspect, FOX is popular here. I'm actually surprised when it's NOT on. But, when I go to the Joe's Pasta and Pizza on Hulen, it's CNN. That's gratifying. BBC would be even better, but that's too much to hope for.

  33. Enjay in E MT7:22 PM

    Almost every major airport seems to have Faux news on at every gate. Unless of course there is a major weather problem somewhere -- then it gets switched to weather channel.

  34. Anonymous8:39 PM

    The gym! It's on at the gym! It's like they want me to die of an aneurysm when I'm working out. I live in a conservative suburb. Lots of old, white rich people who need their fairy tales. I do my part. I get as many TVs switched to the Food Network as possible. Hey, at least it's entertaining and informative. And watching Paula Deen make cheese grits is better motivation for a workout than watching Creepy McVillainFace read Fox' version of news.

  35. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Check the election results.

    Pretty bad night to be a Democrat Palin-hater.

  36. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I think there is a phone app (not sure which phone) that can search for the tv code and turn it off. We should all have an app for Fox. I was once severely questioned by airport security for turning off Fox in Mississippi. I severely questioned the cop right back about his moral center.

  37. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anon 3:21, you are so incredibly ignorant, it isn't really worth responding to. If you actually believe what you wrote, you are an uneducated and misinformed. If you just enjoy riling people up, you have serious psychiatric issues.
    " the libs are ridiculous?" WTF does that even mean. It's void of any substance.

    One more thing, my grandparents were in concentration camps in Germany. Screw you for even making such a frankly idiotic comparison. Name one fucking thing about the Obama administration that even remotely is like Nazi Germany! You can't because it isn't true. You moron, the Nazis exterminated 12 million people. Do yo and your fellow Republican or tea party fools know how stupid you sound? Clearly you don't.

    I don't honestly know if you are racist, misinformed, retarded or all 3. But I do know that you and those like you are an embarrassment to our country. It's pathetic that you are so uneducated and/or stupid. And your irresponsibility is pathetic. You don't care who you offend do you? You certainly don't care enough about America to make the effort to open up your thick skull enough to learn about history. You don't even get how inaccurate you sound. You are spreading lies about the president based on false nonsense. If you have kids, I feel sorry for them because you are a despicable person to bring up the Nazis. What is wrong with you???

  38. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Anon 4:48 PLEASE I hate Fox!! But please do NOT call them the Nazi news station!! What is with this Nazi language from both sides?? Stop it!!! The Nazis were mass murderers!!!! Neither Fox or the current administration are Nazi like!!! Stop it !! It isn't even accurate!!

  39. Anonymous11:17 PM

    A bad night for Democrats?? ROFL !! Another brilliant (NOT) statement from a palinbot. These are PRIMARIES idiot! Did you graduate from high school? The elections today say nothing about Democrats Vs Republicans! Hahahaha!!!! Palin supporters strike again! The biggest group of uneducated morons in the country!

    PS Remember juju? I think that was her name. She would come post such inaccurate little tidbits. Are u back??

  40. Anonymous11:43 PM

    How interesting...the left wanting to do away with free speech. They don't like the message, so they work to censor it, ban it. You sound like Ahmadinajad, banning his opponents. Wow, just listen to yourselves.

    Can you imagine if the right was suggesting doing this?

  41. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Bad night to be a Democrat Palin hater? Why? Because of Miller and Parnell? Who cares!! I the scheme of the entire country, it's meaningless.

    Plus what about all of US Republican and independent plain haters. Guess you haven't seen her sad and dropping połes. Palin is toast politically, sorry, but it's true.

  42. Anonymous7:35 AM

    PLEASE I hate Fox!! But please do NOT call them the Nazi news station!! What is with this Nazi language from both sides?? Stop it!!! The Nazis were mass murderers!!!! Neither Fox or the current administration are Nazi like!!! Stop it !! It isn't even accurate!!

    When intelligent people compare current policies to Nazis, they are referencing how Nazis took over government and attempted to take over everyone's lives because their way was ideal. This administration now controls how much of once was private sector? It's sad.

    Remember, before mass genocide began, it was ALL about government control. That doesn't mean genocide will happen in America as the rest of today's world but these current policies are KILLING us. California drowning. New york, though businesses are opening in my neighborhood, is floundering. Politicians in power don't understand anything about business.

  43. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I believe the comment equating Fox New as the Nazi News was drawing parallels between the two regarding the 'propaganda' tactics, the 'scare' tactics, incitement, purposeful misinformation,
    supremacy stance without any middle ground, race intolerance, religion intolerance and from the genocide/murder aspect.

  44. Anonymous8:43 AM

    11:43, this has nothing to do with taking others' freedom of speech. It DOES have to do with choosing not to frequent businesses that choose to play Fox News on their tvs. Some of the people here have had experiences in which the businesses acquiesced to a customer's request to watch a different station; others have not had that experience. The consumer has the ability to choose whether to patronize a certain business or not.

    By the way, it's AhmadinEjad

  45. Randall5:06 PM

    Fox News is the carnival barker selling snake-oil to the rubes who think it's medicine.

    They're not nazies - they're charlatans, grifters, cheats, frauds.

    Glenn Beck made 32 million dollars last year and the white trash crowd somehow thinks that's a victory for them!

    Beck spent his college years drunk, only taking his face away from his bong long enough to snort a couple rails - and these hicks listen to what he says like he's a college professor.

    FOX NEWS GAVE A MILLION DOLLARS TO THE REPUBLICANS - ZERO to the Democrats - and still have "Fair and Balanced" as their motto.

    No, they're not nazies - they're hucksters, flim-flam meisters, in two words "professional liars." (Very well paid liars, too.)

    ...and their loyal viewers are marks, suckers, chumps for these heartless hucksters.

    You can't help but feel sorry for the sad bastards, really.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.