Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Let's take a trip in the wayback machine to a time when Sarah Palin, was still big haired little Sarah Heath perhaps one of the worst sportscasters in Alaska history.

Wow! Is there NO job that this woman can do with any competence?

If you listen close you can hear that she was dropping her "g's' even back in 1989. Just imagine how different our world might have been if she had just shown the tiniest inkling of talent as a sportscaster.

By the way, for you Alaska trivia fans, the woman who introduces her on camera is none other than Mark Begich's spokesperson Julie Hasquet.


  1. ManxMamma3:18 AM

    Wow. %arah with no screech. But still annoying.

  2. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Is it just me, or is SP cross-eyed in this clip?

  3. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Gosh, I still can't bear to hear that voice for long, though I was surprised that there was no twang in it. There was, however, the seed of the screech.

    At least over the years, she's slowed down a bit. It was so difficult to understand what she was saying. Perhaps it was just newbie nerves, but I understand why she wasn't able to continue in that career - though, as you say, how different things might be had she done so.

  4. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Voice still annoying-talked way too fast. And I love how the male newscaster asks her a question about Syracuse and Pitt at the end, and she has no idea what he's talking about....nothing different there.....

  5. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Definitely droppin' those g's. If I didn't know better, I'd think that Sarah came from Oklahoma or Texas. Have been continually surprised that someone from AK would sound as if she were from that part of the country. Does everyone in the Wasilla area have the same accent as Sarah?

    I would expect a communications major to have worked on bad habits like dropped g's. But maybe not journalism majors?

  6. wakeUpAmerica4:24 AM

    Hahahahahaha!! She can't even read the teleprompter correctly. Well, to be fair, it wasn't too bad for someone who doesn't actually have a degree in journalism.

  7. Thanks! Now I'll be plagued by that voice all day. THANKS A LOT! LOL

  8. Rick Hill5:04 AM

    This is obviously before she perfected her "get out of the kitchen" voice. (National Lampoon's lampoon of Dune reference...)

  9. Anonymous5:19 AM

    That was horrible!
    Notice at the 1:23 mark, she corrected herself, she tried to say "undernith" and said "underNEATH" correctly. (Deal vs dill)

    She really has a verbal disability. She cannot speak correctly. She never, in all these years, corrected her speech patterns to correctly say words with "ea" in them. ie, Deal, Real.

    She looks absolutely terrified in this video. I will only give her a bit of a break because she was so young and inexperienced, especially with a teleprompter.

    But, that was then... this is now.

    The more I watch her speak, the more I'm convinced she certainly has some sort of learning disability and delayed cognitive reflex abilities.

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    She couldn't even handle the little joke at the end of the segment, total incompetence

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sometimes I wonder if she has some physical impairment that would interfere with her hearing or speech.

    That would explain why she doesn't have the same accent as her family & other Alaskans.

  12. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Heather and her share similar qualities of speaking. Bristol also shares similar traits and natural phrases. Listen to how Bristol says "ya know". I have a feeling in 20 years Bristol will STRONGLY resemble her mother in every way. They share so much. even Willow, while obviously having received Todd's hair line, chin, and eyes is beginning to look like her mother. and Piper is starting to look like her sisters.

  13. laprofesora8:07 AM

    Thanks, Gryph, I needed a laugh. Geez, she was pathetic. She had that deer-in-the-headlights look. Does anyone know how long she managed to hold on to this job? This seems to be the only clip we've seen. Did she follow her MO and quit, or did someone have a brain and fire her?

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    You would think a "basketball star" with five years of college under her belt and a degree in broadcast journalism could do better, even out of the gate. But, as usual, Sarah Palin is underwhelming.

  15. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I can't believe she worked for KTUU as they normally have quality people on board. I even liked Meg Stapleton when she worked for them.

    KTUU recently did a review of people that use to work for them and one was Julie Hasquet. She was and is sharp and educated. I think she does a terrific job for our 'almost' senior Senator in Washington.

    It was interesting to note that KTUU did not review either Meg or Palin! Meg ruined her prior good reputation in Anchorage by working for Palin...there is no doubt! And, what would they have said about Palin as their employee?

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Yes, communications majors do need to take at least one semester of public speaking classes.

    Anon 7:03, an auditory impairment would account not only for her different accent... it would also explain why she never answers the questions asked of her.

  17. Anonymous6:19 AM

    The audio quality i eiher pretty bad or she mumbbles so badly as tto be unintelligible. She did her weird jaw mouth thrust at beginning of tape

    Some hockey team beat somehockey team BAD. I think she meant to use the ADVERB BADLY. Adverbs modify verbs. Beat is a verb, needs to be modfied by an Adverb badly, not adjective Bad.
    And she probably did write her own copy back then..
    Also, too, see how she squirmed when the other anchors went off script and asked a ??? at the end.

    But boy, how I wish she had stayed as a sportscaster and not switched to a politician. Shit.

  18. I would suggest that Sarah has Auditory Processing Disorder. This affects language skills, processing of instructions, and in many cases, the person guesses at what is said and responds to the guess rather than to the actual question/comment. This would explain a whole range of issues that Sarah exhibits consistently.

  19. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Didja notice that she is pregnant here? This IS what she looks like pregnant. And also that she has some serious strabismus (eye crossing) issues when she doesn't wear glasses. We noticed that when she played flute on the "talent" portion of her beauty pageant.

  20. She's cross-eyed, she's monotone, oddly flat emotionally and disconnected from what she's saying, constantly putting the emphasis on the wrong words as though she doesn't understand the language. People say she's hard to understand because she mumbles, but I think it's something else - she's just not "with" the things she is saying and it comes out wrong.


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