Friday, September 10, 2010

Alaska Dispatch confirms motorcade from Wasilla to Anchorage on 9-11.

From the Alaska Dispatch:

Despite demonstrations and counter-demonstrations planned in conjunction with the Saturday arrival in Anchorage of Fox News celebrities Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Anchorage police say they anticipate no significant problems.

A grassroots group of Palin opponents are hoping hundreds if not thousands of people turn out on the Delaney Park Strip downtown from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for an anti-Beck, anti-Palin rally themed "Stop Spreading Hate," while the Conservative Patriots Group in Wasilla is planning a caravan to Anchorage to celebrate the evening's Beck-Palin hullabaloo.

The Conservative Patriots said Miller was expected to join the caravan from Wasilla to Anchorage.

(I remember the LAST time we saw a Joe Miller led caravan.)

As many of you know I often steer this blog like a surfer with my toes curled over the front edge, careening toward shore, and hoping I have chosen a path with no hidden outcroppings of rock to knock me into the water or snap my board in two.  In other words I am a risk taker.

My information about the motorcade, or caravan, from Joe Miller's event in Wasilla to Glenn Beck's 9-11 "beer bust" in Anchorage was from a single source.  Oh it was a very GOOD single source, but still it is always risky to post something that NOBODY else seems to know about based on the word of one well placed source. So I am glad to see this informatin confirmed by the Dispatch.

Sometimes in the interest of staying a few steps ahead of the regular news outlets I take the risk of revealing information that will NEVER be confirmed, or that might allude to things that will then be changed by the Palin camp to disprove my post. (THAT has happened more than a few times!)

However I keep right on plugging ahead, confident that my hits will outnumber my misses by enough of a margin that I will continue to earn your confidence and trust.

By the way, my source also said that Palin herself will attend the Joe Miller event in Wasilla.  So now I guess Sarah has to decide whether she wants to show up and prove me right, or skip it and allow her schedule to be changed by her least favorite blogger.  Oh decisions, decisions.

P.S. Please read the rest of the Dispatch's article by Craig Medred linked above. It has some other very interesting information about counter protests.


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    As I recall, Paylin is not very fond of Anchorage or Anchorage voters. THis is my vision of the parade to Anchorage....dozens of large 4-wheel drive trucks, giant SUVs and HMVs each with a FULL gun rack driven by armed men and women cruise two abreast down the hiway into Anchorage. A horde of Palinbots swarming the city of sin to see Beck bawl while preaching hate and violence. Herself....already crowned in a ceremony in Wassilla...will be riding at the center of the horde safely protected from all those disbelivers. That will teach you Anchorage non-believers!

  2. linda9:20 AM

    my question: will sp and gb be wearing bullet proof vests in anchorage? inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Please take signs saying...

    Tina, Tina... can I get your autograph?

  4. CGinWI9:24 AM

    OMG! They refer to her as "former half-term governor."

    Has the ADN come away from the dark side at last? Halleluja!

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Good to hear. I hope this clown train-wreck is an Epic spectacle of hate and ignorance. Let these people be free to show everyone who they really are.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The Brown Shirt Brigade, all there to protect their queen, WGE. She really is appealing to the same kind of people that Hitler did. Its as if....

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    9:24, it's the Alaska Dispatch, not the ADN.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM


    "Palin-Beck, Peddling Hate and Division on 9-11 is just what OBL wanted! STOP THE HATE STOP THE LIES!"

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    ADN = Anchorage Daily News.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Why is there not more emphasis on the fact that this woman who claims to be a conservative Christian is participating in a "Beer Bust"? That hypocrisy needs to be pointed out loudly and often.

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Last sign Idea


  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:02 AM

    Gryph, you pwn her! (Please excuse my evil grin).

  13. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I listened to Rick Rydell's radio show this a.m. and Glenn Beck called in to chat w/him about being on vacation and coming to Alaska for his presentation.

    He said one very interesting thing that caught my attention: "Sarah called HIM and asked if she could introduce him at tomorrow's event!"

    We are made to believe through the press that they are close - a team -

    I sincerely have my doubts! I suspect they USE each other.

  14. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:15 AM

    BTW, never this this footage before--just charming. Interesting if it ever got to the point where martial law was declared to protect the sane among us, and these pseudo-macho armed dickheads have to face heavily armored vehicles rolling down the street. Would Saint Sarah and Sir Beck rush out and shield their followers? Yeah, right...

  15. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Yesterday the TeaParty Stormtroopers were everywhere in Palmer and Wasilla putting up signs about the event in Menard.

  16. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I hope Joe Miller won't be driving one of the convoy vehicles. Or, if he is, I hope he'll pay attention this time.

  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Well, we all know what happened the last time he was at the BACK of a motorcade!

  18. Anonymous11:03 AM


    Scarah's Jugaloos and Jugaletts ride!

    Hope it all turns out safe- like that biker gang scene from Every Which Way But Loose LOL.

    Nutters with guns thinking they are on a mission from careful.

  19. Facebook Lurker11:06 AM

    Please bring a sign for all the brainwashed Beckerheads:


  20. Anonymous11:11 AM

    You guys need to line that parade route with 30 foot blue banners. Messages: "Worst Governor Ever" (Palin) "Worst Comedian Ever" (Beck)

    This one might require 40 feet:
    Beck and Palin, Stand Down!

  21. CGinWI11:14 AM

    My mistake (darn I should have known that would be too good to be true).

  22. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Now it's being billed as an event to commemorate the September 11 dead. Sounds like a Memorial Service to me. Good Christians wouldn't charge for a religious service. At the most, donations would be optional. So, Palin & Beck are really cashing in on 3000 props, the people who died on September 11. The people whose families just want the day to be a day of remembrance and service.

  23. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "They're on the road to nowhere...."

    Good comment I stole...

    Patriots for Profit.

  24. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Gad I wish i could be there. Please someone record this event and hold big bold signs. Is the event sold out? Who the heck would go to such a thing?

  25. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Democrats just don't protest very well. Palin has not been challenged in any city she has went. She even waltzed right into Eugene Oregon and not a sound. She has gone into the liberal den and they say nothing. Sad but true. Alaska please get out there and show her that you don't appreciate the hate she is preaching and especially her quitting as governor

  26. I too am an inquiring mind: in the parade, will Palin require a special bullet-proof bubble or will she appear in the open for all her Alaskan "fans" to see her and wave? Will she wear a bullet-proof vest? Will she be spirited backstage and onstage hurriedly? Now remember, Sarah, this is your home state where supposedly you are Queen. Why would you need protection from your own peoples who vary from falling prostrate before you in worship and quaking in their boots that you might harm them if they speak of you out-of-turn. Oh, is it that little directive to the Afghanistans to STAND DOWN? Does that have you quaking in your boots, or your designer heels?

  27. To have two events and a parade linking the two with her as the centerpiece ... it is so tacky. Again, as has been said so many times, so many times, so many times, on Mudflats, here, and Palingates, and everywhere ... she tries to assure that everything is all about Sarah! I hate her.

  28. I doubt Sarah and Glenn are close friends or even running buddies.

    Most likely, they respond to orders from the same boss, Rupert Murdoch.

    Neither of them is smart enough to organize these media events by themselves.

  29. Anonymous12:59 PM

    So if the Diva called Glen Beck and asked if she could open the show, she must be bristling with envy that he's the big name event and she's the presenter; so she must have made arrangements to have the streets all prettied up for her entrance into Anchorage in a big redneck monster-wheel truck with those mudflaps with the posing girls on them - complete with beer guzzlin' gangs awaiting them - you betcha!

  30. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I can see it now. Black SUV's, upfront, fender flags a flapping. A presidential seal of some sort on the door. And when they sight the convention center, Sarah and Lickspittie, will walk the remaining distance. Waving to adoring fans. Or maybe they'll be pelted with abuse. I hope for the latter.

  31. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Facebook Lurker @11:06 a.m.

    May I add something to your sign? The next line after "Welcome to Jonestown" should say: "Get your Kool-Aid right here! Only $225. Or whatever you got. We take VISA, too."

  32. womanwithsardinecan1:18 PM

    Please, PLEASE have a good turnout of sane Alaskans jeering Beavis and Butthead.

  33. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I hope the Alaskan government is not stupid enough to pay Sarah the Grifter per diem for staying at her compound and then going to Anchorage?


  34. Chenagrrl1:18 PM

    The reason there is so little info is that security doesn't want the route widely known. Yah never know when them wild-eyed, tree-huggin' peace types might arrange a little moose-nugget hail. Could get messy!

  35. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Is that supposed to be a faux "presidential" motorcade?

    Oh, the humanity...

    Gryphen, check the local limo shops.

  36. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Please bring "Worst Governor Ever" signs.

  37. GrainneKathleen2:13 PM

    hey gryph,
    louis ck explains his karmic tonight show experience and shares some insightful thoughts on our sarah:
    i have to say though, i have no idea why he likes her boobs so much.

  38. The people I know who follow the
    Mormon faith shun alcohol..."Beer Bust"?

  39. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Prop kid in tow for sure. And the tired handwritte palm note gag will get the dutiful roar of approval (especially from the "wet" section).

    Does Wayne Anthony Ross haul out his red hummer for Sarah's triumph entry into Anchorage?

  40. imnofred3:02 PM

    Just like little girls play with dolls and little boys play toy soldiers, Palin and beck are playing "I wish I were President" with this motorcade.

    The other explanation that I can think of is that Sarah thinks that she has been anointed by god as the next President and is making her grand entrance.

    Either way, it is disgusting to use 9/11 for political purposes.

  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    You've got to feel sorry for Beck.
    He gets all his ducks in a row for this event - the attendees, uninformed
    & easily led as they are, will be there to see/hear h.i.m. Then, WHAMOO!
    the usurping harpie call him & 'asks'
    to be part of it. She knows, & he
    well knows, too, that she-cannot-be-
    thwarted. If he refuses, there's every likelyhood she'd 'poison the
    waters' against him & get away with it. Now, Beck won't know who the
    ticket buyers came to see, him or
    her. Palin is desperate for every
    minute of public face time she can
    finagle. Beck is what he is, but
    she's far worse & deadlier.

    Sharon TN

  42. Facebook Lurker3:32 PM

    Yeah, anon 1:16... let me fix that:
    ADMISSION :$225*
    Check your intellect and cameras at the door
    *One way ticket includes free unlimited Kool-Aid

  43. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Would love to be there but on the east coast. Please, please, please make a sign for me. Suggestions:
    1.'Glen, vests are sooo passe'
    2.'Glen, tell us again how you hate the 9/11 families.'
    3.'Sarah, wear the Spanx that holds in all your hate.'
    4. 'Sarah - Got Hate today?'
    5. 'Sarah - Worst Christian Ever!'
    6. 'I love quitters!'
    7. 'Sarah & Glen, the UGLY Americans.'
    8. 'Sarah, been ducking lately?'
    9. 'Sarah, Queen of American Taliban'.
    10. 'Glen, King of American Taliban'
    11. 'Sarah, why aren't you in the kitchen?' (ask Glen)

  44. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Counting on
    alaska....we did a protest in Rochester ny during her book signing.

    Alaska make us proud...

  45. "The Skirts" are out in force today on every corner in Palmer and Wasilla holding their Joe Miller signs and advertising the rally at the Menard tomorrow.

    "The Skirts" are women that wear their hair long and must dress in skirts or dresses because of their fundamental christian beliefs. They tend to have incredible amounts of children who dress the same. The boys wear black pants and white shirts and the girls all have long hair and wear skirts or dresses. Needless to say, they are all homeskoold.

    They provide necessary comic relief to those of us that value education and think that religion is for the stupid.

    Every time I see them on the street corner with their passel of kids and signs supporting Joe Miller I laugh and then I remember that we will be supporting all these kids and their kids because they will have no education and end up on welfare.

    Then I become sad.

    Many of these families are just like the "Papa Pilgrim" family from McCarthy Alaska. Crazy fundies that turn a blind eye to patriarchal and sibling incest and insulate their family by homeschooling. Insulate them to such an extreme that the children raised in this environment are forever emotionally retarded that they cannot be part of the norm, ever.

    These are the people that love Sarah, and Beck and Joe Miller, and thankfully, they are very much the minority. Yet they still are very disturbing.

  46. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I hope Sarah and Beck eat a batch of some tainted eggs in the morning and have to spend the day on the toilet.

  47. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I listened to Rick Rydell's radio show this a.m. and Glenn Beck called in to chat w/him about being on vacation and coming to Alaska for his presentation.

    He said one very interesting thing that caught my attention: "Sarah called HIM and asked if she could introduce him at tomorrow's event!

    We are made to believe through the press that they are close - a team -

    I sincerely have my doubts! I suspect they USE each other."

    Like a pimp and a prostitute., they use each other.

  48. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I sure hope Beck doesn't wander too far away from his handlers, with all that meth up there, he could find himself in a heap of trouble.

  49. Randall6:48 AM

    Beaver and Butthead


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It just goes directly to their thighs.