Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Alaska, where the only thing wilder than our Grizzly Bears, is our politics.

While I have been distracted by a dabbler in witchcraft in Delaware, a Palin booty shaker in LA, and my favorite comedy duo's rally sized smack down of the Beckerheads, apparently there have been some earth shattering developments in our local politics. (And no I am NOT talking about that earthquake yesterday.)

Sarah Palin's "butt boy" gets Teabagged by farm subsidies.

So last week Alaska blogger extraordinaire AkMuckraker discovered that Joe "Federal dollars are destroying Alaska" Miller might just have taken a little taste from the federal teat himself in the form of farm subsidies

"What?"  You are undoubtedly saying. "A politician endorsed by Sarah Palin might be a hypocrite?  How can such a thing be possible?"  I know, right?

But don't worry because Joe "the antler collector" Miller's people TOTALLY said "nuh-uh" and claimed that it was a smear by a liberal doody-head who runs a communist, socialist style blog that makes stuff up. Here is the exact quote:

"This is a manufactured story from a Democratic blog. Joe has owned land near Delta Junction since 1999, but the land is not under production, and he's received no federal farm subsidies for it." (Obviously as you can see the "doody head" part was IMPLIED.)

But wait! Butt boy did not receive "federal farm subsidies for IT." Does "IT" mean there might be other parcels of land for which he MIGHT have received some of that sweet, sweet federal money? 

Alaska Dispatch wondered that too.

After Alaska Dispatch received Miller's farm subsidy records under the Freedom of Information Act and told the Miller campaign about them on Monday, Miller's staff confirmed he received federal payments for 140 acres of cropland he owned in Kansas between 1990 and 1998.

"Like the vast majority of farmers in that region, Joe received payment from the USDA in exchange for managing his crops according to government standards," said campaign spokesman Randy DeSoto in an e-mail Monday night.

Aha! Well that just about destroys my faith in anti-government wingnuts who want to give back federal dollars and tax Alaska residents into the poor house to make up for their loss to our economy. (That really IS the only way this works you know.)  The only thing that could disappoint me more about the Teabaggers was if they campaigned for Miller while traveling around Alaska in a luxury yacht.

Seriously?  I supposed next you will tell me that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren't real either!

Shit!  Okay what's next?

Lisa Murkwski's Write-In campaign may spell disaster for the candidate. 

As you probably know Lisa Murkowski's entire hope of winning this three way Senate race hangs on the ability of Alaskan's (many from rural villages with a less than stellar success rate for educating their inhabitants) to spell her name correctly. 

But Lisa is confident that people have seen her name around long enough that they should be able to spell it with no trouble.

Sadly the same cannot be said for her own campaign staff

Personally I do not believe all is lost.  All that Lisa has to do is change her name to "None of the above" before November and she should be a shoo in.

Tanks, but NO tanks.

Yesterday there was a gubernatorial debate between Ethan "I am going to keep running for something until I win" Berkowitz, Sean "Sarah Palin quit and all I got was this stupid job" Parnell, and some other guy whose name I don't even care enough about to type out.

(I was totally going to watch this debate, but then I got distracted by watching some paint drying on my living room wall.)

However the joke is on me because apparently Berkowitz did what until now nobody thought was possible.  He got Sean "listening to my speeches even puts ME to sleep" Parnell to show an emotion. No really!  An actual, human like emotion.  Here read it for yourself.

Now it was Berkowitz' turn to ask Parnell a question. He pulled a white propane tank from behind his chair, barbecue grill size, with an "Ethan Berkowitz for Governor" campaign sticker plastered on the front, and hefted it onto the speakers' table. "This is the only natural gas that's been brought down from the North Slope, and we had to do it ourselves," he said (watch for the new TV spot coming tomorrow), calling the governor out on what little has been done to to bring Alaska gas to market.

A somewhat red-faced Parnell angrily stood up and lugged the tank off the table, dumping it on the floor behind him before touting his efforts toward a gas line and helping encourage more Cook Inlet natural gas production.

Did you read that? "A somewhat red faced Parnell."  That could be actual anger.  Or embarrassment. Or I guess that tank might have been really heavy.  But anyhow it completely dispels the rumor that Parnell is in actuality a barely animated clothing store mannequin.

However I must caution Ethan on attempting any more antics designed to get under Parnell's skin.  After all Alaska IS still a predominantly red state, and if voters begin to believe that Parnell actually has a pulse he might just win this thing.


  1. "Well that just about destroys my faith in anti-government wingnuts who want to give back federal dollars and tax Alaska residents into the poor house to make up for their loss to our economy."

    It's a terrible thing to lose your faith, Gryphen. We who remain strong in our wingnut faith will be praying for you. Just repeat our prayer, "God helps those who help themselves to whatever they can lay their hands on."

    BTW, it's "shoo-in" not "shoe-in."

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I can't believe no one in Lisa's staff has thought to make a campaign commercial urging people to write her name on their palm -Palin Style- so it will be spelled correctly on the ballot.

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I got to thinking, maybe I approve of Lisa Murkowski's write-in campaign. She may win, or she may hand the election to the Democrat. But I doubt Joe Miller will win if she is running as a write-in, and that is a good thing for Alaska, and America. The worst of all worlds would be a Joe Miller win.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    miller is such a f**king farce. I'm gonna start loosing faith in humanity if this dirt bag gets elected.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Methinks Joke don't like those 'okay Uncle Sam i will take the $$$ and will farm according to your standards' anymore. He probably thought he could do the same in Alaska, so he bought land in Delta. But something went wrong. Perhaps Farmer Joke's Delta property required some actual farming evidence to be eligible for farm subdities he enjoyed in Kansas?

    Joke is a carpetbagger. The kind that is always looking for government funded handouts. That is why he ended up in Delta.

    In any case, my guess is Joke's campaign will promise to repeal the Freedom of Information Act.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Gives a new meaning to 'Butt boy' ...

    But, but, it wasn't MY fault I rear ended the driver in front of me.

    I know we don't need those Federal dollars, but, but, until we get back our land from the Fed Gov't, we'll just have to accept that money in order to fight the good fight against them.

    But, but, it wasn't my farm land in ALASKA that I took subsidies on...

    and the buts, buts, go on! So for twitter purposes the shorthand is Butt-boy!

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Yes, very nice. Now how about getting back to destroying Palin. If you people in Alaska can't do it then nobody can. How about some signs at the Stewart/Colbert rally? A sign with the pregnant Sarah and the faked pregnant Sarah side by side. If the story isn't being listened to on the blogs then how about a visual display of what we're trying to expose? A sign like that being shown on one of the big news networks could get the ball rolling. Stewart/Colbert can do it because of the credibility risk but people in the audience could.

    If something doesn't happen soon it's going to be too late!

  8. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Love how Berkowitz made his point and with gas tank! Hopefully this tactic would stay fresh with the voters.

    Our Governor, who was so fed up with the pork projects and all the fiscal irresponsibility of the Legislature, brought in a live piglet to House floor to make his point. He held it in his arm as he addressed the Legislatures. I always commended him on calling it as it was. Unfortunately, the good-old-boys in the Legislature, who were rarely made accountable even at the ballot box, displayed their righteous indignation for many years there after. Needless to say, the Gov'r was constantly embattled with these pork-i-ticans.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    And under the pictures on the sign. On one side where Palin is really pregnant reads: motherhood, beautiful! and on the othere side with Palin faking: motherhood, faked?

    This is the biggest chance at exposure you're going to get for a long time.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Murkowski should start giving out rubber stamp to everyone with her (correctly spelled) name on it.

  11. Anonymous10:01 AM

    According to my neighbor, who got some of the same kinds of subsidies, they are only good for 10 yeas. After that you must put the land into production for a few years, as my neighbor is doing, in order to re-qualify for the subsidy again.
    It is a slam against the GOP TeaBagger free market theory.

  12. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I assume that the misspelling of Murkowski in the subtitle (Lisa Murkwski's Write-In campaign) was intentional?

  13. I first thought that Murkowski should immediately launch a campaign such as the old Oscar Meyer ads with kids, saying you spell it L-I-S-A M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I, but the commenter who suggested that voters write the name on their hands prior to entering the voting booth deserves the gold star of the day!


  14. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Joe Miller is stealing from Michele Bachmann's playbook:


    Hypocrisy my name is Conservatism.

  15. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I think that screenshot was photo-shopped.

    Also, I thought the election folks said clear intent as to who the write in was for? Therefore completely correct spelling may not be necessary.

    I don't understand why folks think he name is so hard to spell. One--it's completely phonetic, and two, folks have been seeing it for over a long time.

  16. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Why hasn't this story gone national yet?

  17. Enjay in E MT11:51 AM

    Well, ya know there was a Dem in the WH during those plush years when the TeaParty wasn't complaining about those HIGH TAXES Clinton put in place, and robust economy with plenty of jobs .....

    Oh yea - then Bush stole the election, told us to go shopping after 9-11, gave tax cuts to the rich started 2 wars..... All while finishing up Reagans policy of no government oversite or regulation on Wall Street / Banking & Oil.

    Just wondering - can Murkowski create a sticker with the oval filled in & her name that voters can just put on the line on the ballot? Seems if she pays & mails them out ....

  18. GrainneKathleen12:07 PM

    hey hey hey, not to be outdone by her cha cha'in daughter, sarah has a new sarahpac/teaparty ad out. it's creepy. and it sure smells of running for the wh. sigh. if only she would stfu, and i don't really ask that of anyone.

  19. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I wonder if Sarah will come out directly against Lisa M now that she's again in direct competition with Joe for the big seat. That would make me smile since you just know that Lisa M either has or can get every little piece of dirt on Sarah.

  20. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Y'know, perhaps Murkowski's error was deliberate. I mean now that it's been all over the news and internet- EVERYONE knows how to spell her name. Kind of ingenious actually...

  21. Joe may not accept federal subsides for his Alaska land, but he did finance it through a loan from the State's agricultural revolving loan fund...


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