Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sarah Palin's Top Ten "Mama Grizzlies."

(Old video replaced by new corrected video)

For those who are hesitant to play this video because they believe it is the new SarahPAC ad touting Sarah Palin and the Teabaggers, don't you worry.  This video is a factual, and quite hysterical, take down of Palin and the "Mama Grizzlies" by voice actor D.C. Douglas.  Believe me, you will love it!

That SarahPAC piece of garbage can be found here if you are feeling especially masochistic.


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Sarah, and those she endorses, constitute America's Taliban.

    The history of the Taliban is clear: when they felt that their people strayed too far from their strict interpretation of their religious book, the Taliban took over the government. They instituted Sharia Law and punished people accordingly, regardless of how inhumane those methods appear to ordinary people.

    How are TeaBaggers any different? It is their own interpretation of a religious text that they want imposed on everyone and would exact punishment for those who vary from that interpretation.

    You can call 'em Mama Grizzlies, Taliban, prohibitionists, whatever. What they are is anti-American.

    Not here, not in America. You can do that where thinking people don't reside, but not here!

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Christine O'Donnell isn't even a mama, because, apparently, she's too strong for any man to actually marry and procreate with her.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Holy Crap that was Awesome!!! Wow this should be run 24/7 so that everyone can see it. I'm a Vegan who is terrified Angle can possibly win. There is about another 25 crazy statements that can be added to Angle. I don't know if I want these women to lose, or let them win and watch the destruction begin and laugh my ass off as I move back to LA where I never should have left. Long Beach here I come.

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Hey G this video has been deleted and is in the process of being reposted. You'll want to catch the new one.

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It has already been removed.

  6. sewnup4:26 PM

    Anyone know where this can be seen? Boy, they only believe in free speech for themselves, huh? Never saw anything disappear so fast. Paranoid little buggers, what?


    This video has been removed by the user.

    Saw a bumper sticker at Wallmart and did not have my camera with me! It had O'Donnell's picture and the words;


  8. Anonymous4:32 PM

    What the heck? I clicked on the link and it said it had been removed. Darn!

  9. It works now.

    I promise.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Thank you! That was great.

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Ah, the Xhristian mafia (using X to distinguish from real Christians)!

    These people are anal retentive, repressed, and cruel. They cannot think beyond black and white, yes or no, and obviously have not read or understood the Constitution and basic American history. Good grief - what dolts!

    Dangerous dolts at that.

    Thanks ever so much Bill Crystal, John McCain and Karl Rove. Gosh, whatever did we do before ignorance made a resurgence?

  12. sewnup5:31 PM

    Thank you for putting it back up; should be mandatory watching, IMHO.

    And do I love that bumper sticker!
    Right on target.

    Who knew there were so many crazies in the world? I vote for reinstating institutionalization and placing them all together, since they have such similar interests; let em all get a good dose of each other. Now there's a war I'd pay to see!

  13. Anonymous5:44 PM

    This is one of the saddest, most maddening lists I've ever seen. I expect this from righteous White older Christian men, aka GOP, but for these aggressive conservative women to even try and say we object to them just because of one issue is the most insulting. Everything they stand for steps on the necks of normal, regular Americans.

  14. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Loved it and I usually get bored with political ads!

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Abortion rights goes both ways ladies. Your governing scare tactics fail to recognize the freedoms we have in choice.

    We live in a society that doesn't make a woman Sarah's age, with a determined DS fetus, abort (but we all know Sarah wasn't pregnant with Trig.)

    It is not mandatory that women after idil child-bearing age be sterilized by a Government sanctioned program.

    We don't have Death Panels that decide when a special needs individual is euthanized to control costly quality of life services.

    We do not regulate how many children a family can have, no matter how much the population exceeds the resources needed to sustain it, or how bad a mother is determined to be.

    You start regulating choice, you start to impede your own freedom. Go to an island somewhere and start your own sexual police state and baby farming.

    And when your peoples paranoia and witch hunting have you hiding in your basements, you can fully realize what your precious arbitrary and capricious governing has wrought.

  16. Anonymous5:54 PM

    You TeaBagging women, stay the hell out of my bedroom, my sex life and interfere with my family planning.

    You can't cherry pick my access to health care. If I, or my daughter, or you or your daughter gets raped, I expect justice, not lemonade.

    I'm a tax paying citizen. I pay my dues to make this country work, for me and my fellow man. I am a working mother, a wife, and I contribute to mine and the International community. I don't have to justify my legally protected rights to your moral brigade.

    I'm not worried about my soul or your approval, I am me, an American woman who objects to nearly EVERYTHING you stand for as American women.

  17. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Perfect. Five Stars.

  18. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Excellent! Why can't more voices stand up against these horrible people pushing their ridiculous agendas and show the country what a mockery they're making of politics?

    Why can't people wake up and see they are being led down a dark & destructive path, and where are the voices of reason from either side? I wish Obama's team would start doing regular positive media releases about what they're accomplishing to actually help people (like healthcare reform= no one turned down for pre-existing conditions) and demonstate how big insurance would get richer without this reform. Republicans can't even stop DADT because they're so afraid of the teabag voters being against it. It's like they are robots saying complete lies just to fit in with the craziest voters, what in hell is happening?

    Where are their souls when they fail to support hundreds of young, brave, talented troops by sending them home for admitting their sexuality, which has no impact on their work ethic, commitment, or contribution to the war efforts. Why don't they just adopt O'Donnell's views and make masturbation illegal, then let's see how strong our military force is. This is so F....g Unreal!

  19. Anonymous6:15 PM

    How does Sarah decide that English [only] is a living language, but that the constitution isn't malleable? Constitutionalists have always made me nervous.

    Do you Alaskans remember Jim Dore, that whack-job always ran for office as a constitutionalist and continually wrote unsettling letters to the editor. How is he written off as crazy by the establishment but Sarah and Joe Miller and all those freaks on the video are pushed and accepted by the mainstream conservatives as a refreshing, vibrant brand of American leadership?

    If their precious Bible is subject to such self-serving interpretation, how are they the deciders of our worthiness of American freedoms?

    I'm sick of these people, these righteous a$$holes who don't know what freedoms guaranteed and secured by the Constitution and Bill of Rights mean.

    Their hypocrisy and oxymoron policies they envision are no better than a police state. They don't see America the way you and I see America, and their willingness to abuse the second amendment to get their way make them treasonous in my book.

  20. GrainneKathleen6:32 PM

    that was hilarious!!!
    was that the former geico guy? if so, i think he has never done better work. i hear an emmy. or whatever award it is they give to the world of commercials.
    who thought the mama g's could get crazier than angle?!? no one beats our sarah, though.

  21. laprofesora6:44 PM

    Bravo! This should be shown everywhere.


    I'm sickened by the filibuster over DADT and the damned RepubliSCUMS. You all know that if we had the draft instead of a voulunreer army the RepubliSCUMS would be rounding up gay people and demanding they serve. Damned hypocrites.

  22. GrainneKathleen7:34 PM

    ot, but the rnc is still paying palin legal bills:
    wwarmgd? (what would a REAL mama grizzly do?)

  23. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I hate being a party pooper but the sad fact is that some of these people will be elected. If people think things in Washington DC are screwed up now, just wait until these whacko nut cases take office.

  24. With the overturn of DADT all the good gays in the military should step down and out and tell this country that they will not fight for a Nation that DOES NOT RESPECT THEM. It's bullshit, plain and simple. These people, men and women are willing to give their freaking' lives for this messed up democracy and it doesn't appreciated their sacrifice because of their sexuality.

    I hate, hate hate these repressed fucked up mama grizzlies and their warped world view.

    Their world must be so boring and so milquetoast; every day the same with the same stupid repressed assholes sharing their time.

    Go away Mama Grizzlies; you don't deserve the title.

  25. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Aw I like the SarahPac video. There's really nothing to refute. It's opinion and an opinion held by millions of Americans.

    o/t, what are your thoughts on the old Ivy Frye tweet where she discusses running into Andrea McCleod at the GOP convention (in March 08). She mentions Trigs birth being the following week I think which would be 3rd week of March if I remember.

    Honestly, evidence points to Trig being Bristol's biological child except when Levi plainly stated he is not. We all deep down know Levi is a liar but I don't think he wouldve made that retarded comment (as dishonest as it was) if Trig were BRistol's

  26. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Oh, Gryphen, Gryphen, Gryphen!

    You might have to include Bristol at some point. She now has an "official" FB page (she's learning so fast from Mommie Dearest, eh?):

    BTW, according to "Bob & Mark" Bristle and Mark Ballas will be appearing at "Rumrunners" (not a bar, a restaurant, thank you very much), annunced in a "surprise" phone call from The Two Grifters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myfNgCiPqoo&feature=player_embedded

  27. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:49 AM

    ROCK ON, GEICO GUY! Beautifully done with a bit of history, a smidgen of pseudo-respect, humor and a touch of "America's Top Forty". I'm sending this out to my address book this morning. I'm hoping the closet Baggerz on my list will actually listen because it caters so well to the sound byte mentality. Thanks, Gryph!

  28. Anonymous3:02 AM

    The fact that these types of women have progressed this far in politics says more about the electorate than anything else.

  29. Anonymous5:52 AM


  30. Linda Arizona8:25 AM

    Thank you so much for this, Gryphen!

    Sending it around, sharing it everywhere I can think of.

  31. Anonymous1:31 PM

    a few things I noticed in the SarahPac video: the comments have been blocked. the visuals are so evocative of those folks who wandered in the desert, following a leader who was in direct contact with the Almighty. then, that bright blue flag with a crescent (the symbol of the Islamic faith) and the word, Liberty. altogether, masterful piece of propaganda. Gryphen, you do such important work here...Thank You.

  32. Anonymous2:47 PM

    You can ride high atop your pony
    I know you won't fall...
    Cause the whole thing's phoney.

    You can fly swingin from your trapeze
    Scaring all the people
    But you'll never scare me,
    Bella Donna.
    And we fight for the Northern Star.

    (Extra points for whoever can guess who wrote that and on what album).

  33. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Sharon Angle doesn't think "autism," (her air quotes) should be covered by insurance. The bitch. My grandson has autism. These people have to be stopped.


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