Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An audience member reveals the truth about why the DWTS audience was booing last night.

From Sarah Palin is a Phony (Boy I LOVE that blog name!):

Having been an audience member on DWTS when Sarah Palin was there, people have been asking me if the audience was actually booing at Sarah. The answer is absolutely yes. It pretty much stopped though when the production assistants were encouraging the audience to cheer. But there's no doubt we were booing at her once it became clear that she was about to be interviewed by Tom Bergeron. While you can hear it before they pan the camera to Sarah Palin, they didn't capture her on television during the booing. Suffice to say, she was looking back at everyone in the audience rather incredulously (just up to the point where the camera focus goes to her and you see her shaking her head in disgust).

First of all, keep in mind, this is a Hollywood television production. I've never been to such an event before. It's not quite like what's seen on TV at all. Actually, much of the time you can't even hear what the hosts are even saying, since the mic is often tapped purely into the television feed and not the room speakers. It's most certainly a made-for-television show. The audience is actually a lot smaller than it seems on TV too, and a good 80% of them were booing, loud and clear.

I don't usually keep a blog, but I want to get the truth out there. There are some articles out there where a producer from ABC is reporting to have said that the booing was because the audience was disappointed about Jennifer Grey's score. Total TV production BS. Going to this kind of event was quite an experience, but in a way, it's actually increased my cynicism about Hollywood.

So there you have it.  The Palin-bots and ABC executives can try to alter reality all they want, but WE know what really happened, and it is time that people started to call bullshit on Sarah Palin's attempts to obfuscate everything that shows her in a less than flattering light.

As many of you remember this was not the first time that Sarah was embarrassed on national television. Remember this guy from back when Sarah did her "stand up routine" on the Tonight Show?

In his report on Daily Kos earlier this week, Stinson said: "After sitting through the taping of the show in the studio I can recount many portions where there was little or no laughter or response, but at the later broadcast they are smoothed over with applause and laughter that WERE NOT THERE at the taping. Groans, hoots, grumbling, or just dead silence - all missing."

Perhaps it was the embarrassment from THAT appearance that had the Palin-bots perched over their keyboards ready to do damage control as their fragile queen was exposed to he harsh light of reality?


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    On topic: I wish the DNC would grow some balls and do a national anti-Sarah advertising campaign. They could call it: The War on Sanity.

    Off topic: Thought the immoral minority would find this funny. We know more about religion than the religious:


  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:40 AM

    Yes, and wasn't she booed loudly at a hockey game in PA while she was running for VP as well? I also noticed SP shaking her head when the camera cut to her on one of the videos. Grow up, Bots, and deal with it.

    Forget "Mamma Grizzly." Sarah's new nickname (to add to the endless list) is "Boo-Boo Bear".

    Apologies to Hanna-Barbera, Yogi, and even Mr. Ranger.

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Is that Menard's son sitting behind Piper?

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Palinbots, Murdoch, Koch Bros. - it's over. America does not like her. $P's poll #s are in the toilet. You have propped her up with fake, minimal support--& lies about her true support level. But your game of smoke & mirrors is a joke and so is she. Real people are not afraid & are speaking out. $arah Palin is a fool. When did we know? From her national appearances since 2008: "any of 'em, all of 'em."

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    In their comment section, "USA Today" says it was Willow with SP and the "People" online article has Piper at 6. Are facts optional these days? I see more and more cases of people saying anything these days, true or not.

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    So she thinks she can tell us urban coastal folk that we aren't "Rill 'Muricans (TM)" and we'll still fall all over ourselves in adoration of the Shining Queen Esther of the North?

    Sorry Granny, you can't pull the polyester over our eyes.

  7. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I'm sure the bots will say this person is lying, but considering that one of the hosts and even Jennifer Gray and her partner were wondering about the booing, not to mention the look on Sarah Palin's face, the account rings completely true.

    It's a good thing Todd wasn't in the audience. He'd have to bump threateningly into each and every person there. That could take all night.

    Sarah has been so insulated, she doesn't realize how much people think she's horrid. I doubt her handlers even let her read the blogs anymore and she won't appear before anyone but adoring fans.

    You have to just bet that Sarah is planning her strategy for when babygate is revealed and I'm sure she's counting on the good will of the people to give her sympathy. Wake up, Sarah! Things are only going to get worse when everyone knows exactly what kind of a lying, cheating, completely offensive hypocrite you are.

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    ABC was embarrassed that their fans could be so classless. Did you see the post show interviews where insider ed interviewed everyone about Sarah? Everyone with a moral compass is appalled that people cannot simply let go of political standings and just let a mother lovingly suppoty her daughter. Shame

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    At least Wasilla stands by her and refuses to engage MSM reporters who come up for dirt. I'm sure theyre *overjoyed with people like Gross stalking everyone and peeping into shop windows desperate to find Sarah. Keep backing her up Wasilla. Thats your girl

  10. Molly6:20 AM

    "Damn it, we're DOING IT LIVE!"


  11. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I'll bet she was completely thrown, incredulous that perhaps, there are some people out there across this great country, that don't actually like her?

    She's entrenched herself in her Real America bubble, convinced she was appealing and representative of the masses - I mean, look at the turnout at ALL her events full of patriots who love their freedom! Because she fights (how?) for that and our Constitution and commonsense solutions (what now?)

    She got a cold bitch slap of reality from real Americans, regular folk who think this country is doing better than what we have endured since when the NeoCons took over in the 90's and then Bush finished the job of Free Market reign of power in two terms.

    She was so obviously unsettled, she couldn't even throw in what passes for charm in the fundy / Fox News audience sense.

    But then, she'll report to her bots that that audience was lamestream Hollywood Americans that don't see this country the way she or their troglodytes do. They'd prefer a show called "Shooting from a Helicopter."

    I never thought I'd see the day, The Barracuda, outside her cocoon - Sarah finally sat down and shut up.

  12. Anonymous6:23 AM

    And don't forget when she the "hockey mom" was booed loudly and clearly at a Flyers game in Philly.

    I was hoping someone in the audience would give a first hand account of what happened at the show last night. I suspected bullshit when the host of the show went on late night to "refudiate" that SP was booed.

    She sucks!! And, once again, her human shield did not stop the audience from showing their contempt for the piece of human excrement that she is.

    Clearly, it will be a long time before she appears before a non-Fox News audience. Hahahahahahahaha.

  13. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I just saw Bristol's "performance" from last night. She sucked! I'm not kidding. Her footwork was slow and out of sync, even the easy stuff. She was stiff and looked clunky and uncoordinated.

    On the other hand, Jennifer Grey was absolutely amazing! Sure, she's had dance training, but she's 50 years old! That's 30 years older than Bristol.

    And yet, the judges gave Bristol an overall score of only 2 points lower.

    Bristol didn't even improve. In fact, she looked WORSE last night than the week before.

    It's obvious she isn't practicing enough. Maybe she needs TWO nannies for Tripp.

  14. Anonymous6:30 AM

    O/T - You know that weird thing that $P does with her face - always scrunching her cheeks & rolling her tongue around, so that it looks like a facial tic she can't control? (Lots of photos of it when she speaks or appears now). AKers, did she do this before the national election? Do you remember? Or is it a response to the deadening of the nerves in her face since she's had so much plastic surgery? Like this one, for example: http://x17online.com/gallery/view_gallery.php?gallery=BPalinTripp092610_X17&index=18

  15. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Wandered over to the peezoo (it's been a long time) and noticed that the replies section is way down from what it was. I think that is pretty telling. Maybe some of the bots are finally waking up & seeing her for what she is.

    Funny that they are still collecting for her defense fund. Why? Didn't the republicans just pay a pretty big bill to her lawyers. Wonder where that money goes?

  16. Anonymous6:58 AM

    @anon 6:30 AM, Yes, Sarah does funny things with her face. She reminds me of a Joan Rivers joke, "Am I smiling? I can't feel my face."

    In the picture that anon posted, and in this one:
    Bristol has some serious fat issues in her midsection. Please, Gryphen, what's the latest on whether Bristol was pregnant, or still might be pregnant. Five months after Tripp was born, Bristol posed for a Candies picture and she looked very trim. Sorry to write about a teen aged girl's weight problems, but if they are trying to cover up another pregnancy, it is an issue regarding that family's credibility.

  17. Anonymous6:59 AM

    They keep mentioning Bristol is a teen activist. What is a teen activist anyway? A sexually active teenager?

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    ABC embarassed? Ha!

    ABC is getting free, free, free, free publicity for DWTS thanks to Sarah Palin being boo'ed.

    ABC couldn't have done better if they'd planned the booing themselves... hmm.

  19. Taibbi nails it here. Great article.

  20. Anonymous7:10 AM

    BP's performance last night: a cow dressed up like a 6 year old lumbering across the stage. I was afraid she would fall on her partner and hurt him. Mama's presence must have earned her a score of 22, because the only person worse then PB was Michael Bolton. Jennifer Grey, however, was excellent. She deserved a musch higher score. I hope the rest of America voted for her.

  21. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Did the judges compensate for the booing by giving the daughter an outrageously high score for her lame "walkabout" dance routine?

  22. emrysa7:18 AM

    well now I see this show is clearly rigged. the scores were all over the map.

    cho was robbed. she did much better than bristol. to see jennifer grey's score and then bristols score - what a joke. grey should have gotten a 30. kyle did a great job too and should have scored much better than he did.

    they cover up bristol from head to toe so you can't see her shitty footwork. and shitty it was. mark basically pulled her along - I cannot believe her score.

    I don't see how the people involved with the making of this show don't hang their heads in shame. they should be embarrassed. after seeing these scores last night, I won't be watching anymore. this show has nothing to do with talent, effort, and performance.

  23. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Did anyone else notice that when they "visited" Bristol's home, the ONLY one they showed from her family was Grizzly Momma herself? Where was her child, I thought she was famous for being a "single mom" and an "activist"? Last night showed that she's really only famous for her mama. In truth, I am starting to feel a little sorry for Bristol, and hoping that this whole experience on the show helps her grow up and out from under momma's thumb. Though I would suspect that after the booing last night, Sarah will NEVER show up there again, and Bristol will suddenly drop from the show due to injury or "other commitments" like child care or something.

  24. Kathy Lee and Hoda just showed the clip of when Grey and her partner received their scores. The crowd cheered wildly. After a pause there was booing head. Then cut to low level applause introducing Sarah Palin.

    It is cleaer to me the booing was NOT about the scores of Jennifer Grey.

    Anon 6:29- I agree in part with your estimation of B's performance. The technical difficulty of Grey's routine was far more difficult. Bristol was unable to also do the cute playful head movements with Mark and forgot a few times. At the beginning of the routine with the hip movements to establish the beat with their back to the audience Bristol's lack of musicality shows off beat with Mark. Mark Ballas demonstrates the sharp quick movements the judges spoke of when giving corrections.I thought Cho and Henderson danced with more poised and elegant upper body carriage then Bristol. Each dancer has their merits and improved which is the goal.

    I am curious to learn if those who booed did so for the show was stopped to feature SP in the audience and for a video departing from highlighting the dancers (two couples had their post critique interviews cut) and footage of Bristol and Mark practicing. Or just because SP is a liar, ignorant and phony.

    I honestly believe Miss Bristol deserves her time without being required to share it with the grizzly or the competition derailed to feature and hail the queen.

    I am thinking DWTS misjudged their viewers and screwed up necessitating damage control.

    Bristol's DWTS experience, her achievement is being used for political advantage. Even the Bob and Mark audio when SP and BP called in is posted on one of Palin's political websties. I have empathy for Bristol and the opportunism to use her for political gain.

    The audience may have opinions that it was inappropriate to focus on Palin. They have a right to make their feelings known as people do at other spectator events.

    My take is the audience protested featuring the mama grizzly TWICE(and perhaps any mama regardless of whom).

    Didn't DWTS before cutting to a commercial break show a teaser of meeting mama grizzly and then subject the viewers to the additional audience interview? I made noises at home of disgust not once but twice Sasrah Palin is put up their with the performers. I call BS on "she's just another mom supporting her kid". When the cameras panned SP and Piper once I thought "good..she is a family member like other people in the audience". Then a big f'ing deal to get the BS'ers opinion compounded by the video. Geesh!

  25. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Bristol, too, is a set up and an insult to the dancers, the audience and real competion everywhere. This is an example of the worst sportsmanship in the world, yet that is what they say is so wonderful. People need to be free to boo like at any other event. This is a another fake reality show and so they are free to lie and cover up these things, I suppose. There really should be more reporting about scam shows like Dancing with the Stars. I liked Tom Bergeron until this, now I've lost all respect for him. (Kimmel sucks if he allows this, let them all know how you feel!) Who are the sponsors?

    Sarah was there to perpetuate the lie that Bristol is an activist and that helping teens bull. Both of them are brand products that need to be exposed for what they are. We do not need to settle for allowing them to get by with selling us defective merchandise.

  26. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "What is a teen activist anyway?"

    Ans- Someone who wants to grow up and be a rill hero getting paid to private jet to hoedowns.(But- this is already happening!)

    And also too they hope to be interviewed on TV live just like the booee in this story. Having people explain that those weren't boos heard from the crowd shows you can be at a hoedown anyplace, anytime, and any channel.

    See Taibbi's latest for details.

  27. I wonder if Sarah's boss, Rupert Murdoch, is afraid of losing control of his maverick.

    Maybe the only way he can keep her in line is to keep her believing she's adored by gazillions of fans.

    Maybe the intent is not to keep the public fooled, but to keep Sarah herself fooled so she'll continue to be his cash cow.

  28. Palins are bad sports8:19 AM

    What an unusual coincidence that the Wasilla "hockey mom" is boasting those Mama Grizzly creds on the same day that her long time dear friend and another Wasilla "hockey mom" must be in pain as her Wasilla hockey son is starting his case. Not saying it is due to Wasilla hockey that someone participated in the souvenir finger trophies and sportsman kills. However, it does look like more censorship and cover up since they do not want the photos released and the serial murders of innocent citizens to be compared to Abu Ghraib. It is time someone does a deep and thorough examination of the connections and what the heck is going on. I am all for sports and sportsmanship but not when something goes this far wrong. I don't blame Palin for knowing the Morlocks, I do think she is irresponsible and it shows what a fraud she is when it comes to the military. She claims she cares for Combat Vets and the military but not a peep about the horrors that happens to these young men that are trained to kill. She needs to get real and address some of the issues like PTSD. Stop the distractions and stop using the military, Sarah. And your son as a prop. If she can't speak truth than it is better she goes away and hides in shame. She is irritating beyond belief when she hides behind "sports." Lying is not good sportsmanship.

  29. mommom8:37 AM

    What I found telling in the video of Bristol taking Mark to meet $ara was-In an almost inaudible moment Bristol asks $ara if she expected Bristol to mess up. $ara looked mortified as though she could not believe Bristol would say this on video.It let me understand that maybe Bristol has spent her life under $ara's thumb,being not as pretty,not as outgoing,not good enough for anything more than a mothers helper.

  30. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Well, I have been to quite a few tapings of different TV shows ("Jeopardy" is the most classy one) and they carefully lead the audience on when to clap and then when to cheer, etc. I can just imagine how quickly the "Applause" lights began flashing and the production assistants jumped up to encourage positive noises when the audience stated to boo!!!

    Anonymous 7:38 AM said he/she thought that "after the booing last night, Sarah will NEVER show up there again." I would have agreed -- except for the quick clean-up on the late night TV. Because of that, I think that they will have Sarah on again. They'll just warn the audience and ask them to only be positive.

    Back in my younger years, I danced with an accomplished dancer a few times. He was so skilled that when he held me, he could guide me through the steps even though I didn't have a clue what I was doing. All I had to do was hang on for the ride. It was exhilarating! That was what I saw Bristol doing last night.

  31. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It has been months since there was any actual news on this blog.

  32. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Bristol is doing this to show us her work ethics. Looking at the way she danced, I don't see she cared enough to work and rehearse like say Cho and others who were putting themselves whole hearted into improvement and winning because they earn it. They have more real emotions. Bristol, poor thing, has all the emotional depth of a prozac type user. We already know that Bristol will win as long as the show wants her to win. She doesn't have to show any genuine work ethics because that is just a script. They are totally ripping everyone off. If the other dancers and judges are going along with that because they are all acting like good sports, they are all scum. The show is so proud of their high ratings but look at how low they have to go to get that status.

  33. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Maybe DWTS will provide BS Bristol with a stand-in. That way she won't have to 'exhaust' herself with all that hard work.

    Anyway, what's with Saint Sarah continuing with the gun meme? Now we have 'pistol bristol'. Is that from being outed about not being a hunter? Gotta keep that ruff-n-tuff huntress persona going in her la-la-land.

  34. Anonymous8:51 AM

    "What is a teen activist anyway?"

    There may be a lose interpretation of the term that includes money grubbing speech gigs. Nothing that Bristol has done so far is by any stretch of the imagination a true activist. The term needs to be discerned and the public educated. If they are calling her greed for money "teen activist" it should be made clear that that is the kind of "activist" she does. It should also be clear that no one knows of any genuine grassroot activism that can be attributed to Palin. She works a speech circuit that is all about a political agenda.

  35. SME1319:01 AM

    The boo'ing pretty much had to be for her, there was no booing after the initial scores and no one will boo on a delay. I think as the audience realized she was going to speak they boo'd.

    What really made my day was the look of SHOCK Bristol had on her face when Sarah was praising her and saying how proud she was of her ( in the tape from their visit to Palin's house). It was evident that Bristol is not used to hearing kind words from SP.

    I think it is killing Sarah that her daughter is in the limelight.

  36. Anonymous9:22 AM

    To Anonymous at 6:17--

    Yes, it would be nice if people would make their opinions known in the appropriate context.

    However, when are people allowed to let Sarah know they aren't happy with her message? When was the last unscripted interview, one where journalists were allowed to ask questions about her questionable behavior as governor? When was the last time she appeared before a crowd that wasn't required to PAY money to see her? When was the last challenging comment allowed to remain on any of the sites that purport to represent Sarah?

    No, Sarah has laid the rules for these encounters. Americans must make the most of their opportunities to communicate directly with the Girl in the Golden Bubble. No one is allowed to challenge her in an open and direct forum, therefore we are reduced to hanging banners in front of our businesses and "booing" in the few public appearances she makes gratis.

  37. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:17-- they don't interview other contestants' moms, do they? SP got the attention because she is SP. BP is there because she is the daughter of SP. SP wasn't paying attention to the other dancers as evidenced by her bubbleheaded comments. She got boo'd because she lacks substance, not because she was there to support her daughter who really can't dance very well and who should be taking college classes or working instead of playing.

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What ever happened to freedom of speech. I have been on The View msgg boards and they continue to delete my posts along with other posts talking about the booooing. ABC is really getting scummy. I have posted several times and everything is gone. How does that happen? What is wrong with them? Can I get some help over there folks?

  39. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The ONLY reason the Swag-Hag was IN Hollywood was to replenish her stock of SWAG !!!

    Get a clue folks... the reason everyone was booing was because her hoards probably picked the place barren... not a cup or a window cover left... everything was scavenged... then she got in her private, Billy- Graham-o-jet and scurried back to her realm..

  40. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1315793/Dancing-With-The-Stars-2010-Sarah-Palin-booed-supports-Bristol.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

    not sure if you saw this from one of rupie's UK papers .. they just love to dish the palin's .... :)

  41. Anonymous9:58 AM

    @6:17, "ABC was embarrassed"? Ha ha, I think what you meant to say was that ABC is shameless. Network TV executives are immune to embarrassment, which is why they produce crap like this show.

  42. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'm sorry, but in that white shirt, the girl looks preggers.

  43. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I noticed that she couldn't go very far backward on the dip. You know, it is unsafe to do backbends while preggers--hmmmm....

  44. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I have a question... Bristol will be 20 in a couple of weeks, so she can no longer be called a teen activist. What will her new title be?

  45. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I knew someone would come forward today w/what actually happened last night regarding Sister Sarah. I despise the fact that everything is covered up for her. She is the biggest fraud - other than some members of Congress - in the U.S.

    She must have hated not having control of the audience!

  46. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Looks like Track was sitting behind Mama Boo-Boo Bear!



  47. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I know this is snarky, but did anybody else think it looked like Bristol was going in for a kiss instead of that weird (would have been cute) head bop thingy?

    It's like she was getting her head in position to do a kiss and then remembered a split second later she was supposed to do the head bop.

    I don't know what that means, but it screams that they didn't practice it enough that it was in her muscle memory.

  48. Read on Zap2It's recap that the booing as for Jennifer Grey's scores, not for Palin, saying:

    "That was booing you heard after Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough got their scores, and though Internet conspiracy theorists would have you believe it was directed at Sarah Palin (Really, Internet? Really?), it was definitely aimed at the judges. We understand it's too early to dole out the really high numbers, but a 24 for that incredible jive didn't make sense to anyone in the studio."

    So the revisionists were hard at work immediately.

  49. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Thanks, I was looking for the opinion of an audience member last night.

    I didn't buy into the quotes given on The View this a.m. at all.

    One was from a former contestant and the other from Tom B. There is something in it for people who are/were associated with the show to make things look good.

  50. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Of course she was boo'd!

  51. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Has anyone posted this link to Jimmy Kimmel's view of the event? Funny!

  52. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Bristol looks pregnant. Even though her dress does a pretty good job of hiding her baby bump, you can get glimpses of it, especially when she twirls.

    The story will be...Bristol got pregnant when she tried to reconcile with Levi. And she didn't even know she was pregnant while doing DWTS. Blah, Blah, Blah.

  53. To Anonymous @ 8:39 AM,

    I had exactly the same experience as you, being a not-very-adept and untrained dancer, asked to dance by a fellow who obviously had ballroom-dancing training. It was the first and only time in my life I "danced like a pro", and I loved it! That was 50 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

    As for Bristol, I hope for whatever reason -- rigged votes, Palinbot votes flooding ABC, actual improvement from Bristol -- she continues on through at least 8 more weeks/episodes, and shows us that the potbelly in this picture -- http://tinyurl.com/234pdjv -- ISN'T a ~4+ month pregnancy, which would render her Candies abstinence advocacy another Palin hypocrisy.

  54. The home visit was surreal! Is Trig really still taking a bottle? What's up with that??

    Sarah's behavior was just bizarre; her voice could have shattered glass and her odd behavior when going to hug Bristol looked drug induced and completely insincere. If my mother came at me like that I would be calling the men in the white coats!

  55. Walking with the family:


    Everyone else is half naked and Bristol is all in black w/layers and pulling her sweatshirt around herself. Hmmm....

  56. Anonymous1:54 PM

    She got booed because the libtards have NO CLASS

  57. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I went to a Tonight Show taping decades ago.
    Florence Henderson, Anthony Newely and somebody.
    Honestly the biggest laugh was for the Energizer Bunny ad.
    The guests discussed baby poop for pretty much the whole show and incontinence of the elderly.
    The audience was mostly elderly and college chorus groups like my own.

    Totally not worth it.

  58. O M G! have you taken a good look at these pics of bristol, yet? As soon as I looked at this pic of her in the red tee-shirt, I also fell off my chair-this girl is yet again with child,for sure! And, if you google other pics of bristol that are in this publication you can clearly see she is and trying to hide it! Wow, talk about "hiding in plain sight" -


  59. Anonymous2:29 PM

    That can't be Track. Like other soldiers he is on his second or third tour of duty. Track is in Iraq or Afghanistan he can't be in Hollywood at the same time.

    Thanks for the picture gallery.

  60. Anonymous2:42 PM

    ------ dmoreno56 ------
    Corporate capitalists do not have to care about freedom of speech. They worry if sponsors leave or they do not get ratings. If no one talked about their program and no one would tune in, that is their concern. It's business. This means nothing to them and they will continue to control whatever they can by any means. This will blow over and they will have better ratings than ever.

    Remember reading about the $64,000 Question? That mattered because they were caught in lies and payola. Today an entertainment show with competitive dancing does not have to be true competition. It is a show, they only need to entertain and not get caught doing anything wrong. The public tolerates lies and censorship because we love our style of capitalism. Money is what matters and ratings that translate to money are important.

  61. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Wow, Plain's flying monkeys are pretty silly. "peeping into shop windows?" Duh, isn't that why shops HAVE windows so you can see if they have what you want?

    AS for booing $carah Palin, if she'd declined the interview, maybe, just for a second we could have believed the "parent there to see her daughter dance." But nope she had to give an interview.

    ANd then, realize that Bristol is despicable in her own right. The ONLY reason she's on the show is because she's proved she can dance - horizontally. Abstinence education = oh please - after the only honest thing she's every said in her life - "abstinence isn't realistic." Then $carah told her to shut up - it was ruining mommy's rightwing cred - and then $carah had to pony up with some paying gigs for Bristol. Fake, Phony, hypocrite, liar, sell out, oh, and she dances like her so obvious idol - Miss Piggy.

  62. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "Producers plan to show about 45 seconds of uncut footage from another camera angle during Tuesday's episode to clarify for whom the boos were intended." Uncut my ass. The audience was cheering when the scores were given and after. Then it went quite, and then the boos started. Supposedly the judges were arguing with the audience over the scores. It doesn't make sense that the whole audience would applaud then suddenly change their minds and start booing. I think we'll see some very creative editing done tonight.

  63. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Bristol has her own continuum of pregnancy. She's basically been pregnant constantly since summer 2006. Some babies she aborts, others she passes off to family members. This latest one she was considering having if she could pull it together with the "instant fix" of Levi pretending to be the dad. (Ben was.) Ultimately that didn't work out, she had a little White-Out in Washington (clinic that does second trimester abortions), but she is still massively chunky because she has subjected her body to so many pregnancies within a few years and also has resorted to pills and extreme dieting like Mama Grizzly.

    All pretty sad, but mostly, sad for the many abandoned babies (and I count Tripp as one since she never spends any time with him and gets very angry when people point out that she should be spending time with him - especially if she's going to continue to attack Levi for NOT spending time with him, and prevent Levi from spending any time with him at all.

    At this point, she has gone against almost everything in the court custody orders, so she could be put in jail anytime Levi wants her to be. It would be nice if he would make a fuss, but he probably won't because he's trying to stay on her good side for publicity's sake.

    Lindsay Lohan, for all her faults and addictions, is much brighter person, talented performer, and nicer soul than the black void of deadness that is Bristol Palin. Anybody can see that. No soul, no life at home behind the eyes, absolute viciousness of spirit. Just like her mom.

  64. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Why did Bristol want to show the black spandex? They look like granny pants on her. Bringing Miss Piggy dress style into this is a shame. But when Bristol proudly displays her arms she begs for the physical comparison. Miss Piggy carries herself better.

  65. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Speaking of speculation about Track -- Gryphen, is there anyone you can speak with who could figure out why his "military service" was so short? That would be a HUGE story!

  66. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I just saw the footage that "proves" they weren't booing Sarah. I'm not buying it. Everyone was still cheering after the 8's, then Tom ran across the stage to sit next to her and all heads turned that way. That's when the booing started. I heard one voice (probably a producer) yelling "9! 9!".

    Nice try, ABC. You're not Fox. You don't have to kiss her ass.

  67. Anonymous5:34 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:38 PM
    "45 seconds of uncut footage from another camera angle during Tuesday's episode to clarify for whom the boos were intended"

    They need to also have statements from other audience members. There were participants and witnesses. I betcha the participants knew who they were booing.

    It is doubtful that ABC or Kimmel would have the blogger and DWTS audience member on. They would need protection from the crazy PeeBots. Even Sarah and her dear friend and fund artist, Kristan Cole, needs protection from her own PeeBots.

    Palin testified that she has not had a sexual relationship with petitioner, the filing stated.

    Attorney Thomas Van Flein, who represented Palin and Cole at the hearing Monday, also provided evidence that the Secret Service investigate Christy alleging that he had threatened or said he want to sexually assault Gov. Palin.

    Shawn R. Christy

    There must be a way to get written sworn statements from the booing crowd without exposing them to the PeeBots. ABC and 45 seconds of uncut footage is moosecrap.

  68. Sorry guys. As much as you strangely wanted for the audience to have booed Sarah Palin, they did not.

    The camera shot shown tonite from inside on the judges makes very clear that the audience was booing the low scores for Grey, and were actually heckling the judges about it. They were yelling "nine, nine, nine".

    Then the host introduced Sarah to instant cheers.

    You can watch it if you haven't I'm sure on ABC somewhere, that is if you're actually interested in the truth.

    The real question is ..... how in the world could anyone actually think that booing Sarah Palin in this situation could possibly reflect anything but badly on the segment of society as a whole that is against her?

    I mean .... if Obama was in her place and his daughter was dancing ..... and the audience booed him ..... I would be ashamed as all get-out that my side would act that way.

  69. Anonymous9:32 PM

    @anon 5:25

    The audience member who posted earlier is calling BS on the ABC "rebuttal" too:


    I can see how the argument looks in ABC's favor, but I can see how it could go the other way too. Certainly not an air-tight case.

  70. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gary ~ DWTS is the equivalent to WWW. Booing is part of the culture. Even if it wasn't and it was just rude, it is not as rude or horrendous as ABC and a cover up. It is important to get to the truth. That will take more than one rebuttal tape. That will take more than many excellent rebuttal tapes because tapes are easily manipulated. Now there are many more questions that must be answered. I don't think this is so much about whether or not someone got boos. It is growing into something more. It's not so much about Sarah or Bristol now. Or liking, loving or hating. We all want our questions answered and we want more than rebuttal tapes. If they want to give access to all the tape and time stamps from the show that would be better.


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