Monday, September 27, 2010

Sarah Palin gets booed on Dancing with the Stars.

Here it is on YouTube!

From Gawker:

Sarah Palin is in tonight's DWTS audience to support her daughter, Bristol (watch Bristol's grody routine from last week here). Tom Bergeron interviewed Palin a bit ago, and—just beforehand—the audience booed. Loudly! What gives?

Sorry it took me a little bit to regain my composure after I was doubled over laughing at that clip. So good.

Oh that just made my night.  You see Sarah?  Once you leave the safety of Fox News THIS is what America really thinks of you!  Still want to run for President?

Update: The Daily Beast has a write up on this as well and a video with MUCH better audio!

By the way the Palin-bots are VERY upset about this and have launched a coordinated effort here, and all over the blogosphere, to minimize the embarrassment for Sarah.  It almost seems like they were prepared for something like this to happen.

Update 2: Here is a link to watch Bristol's dance.  After watching you can ask yourself if she REALLY deserved a score of 22, or whether or not the judges are a bunch of pussies who are too intimidated by the prospect of having their e-mail in-boxes overflowing with threats from Palin-bots to give out the score the dance actually deserved.


  1. Lawrence O'Donnell has a new show on MSNBC. LEVI JOHNSTON TO APPEAR.

    "He plans to rely on guests, perhaps more so than other colleagues, and one week's lineup makes O'Donnell tough to pigeonhole. After Biden, the show has scheduled New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, White House adviser David Axelrod, Meghan McCain and Levi Johnston for opening week."

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Who is your favorite dancer so far, any of em, all of em

    loved the booing and she was rattled!

  3. I've listened twice and I don't hear a boo anywhere.

  4. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Is she wearing that hideous biker jacket? Eek!

  5. Molly Most Jolly7:04 PM

    And the expression on her face is that they couldn't possibly be booing HER. HA!!!

    Hey guess what Sarah Palin; people ALL OVER THE COUNTRY think you are pathetic.

    How's that pregnancy thing workin' out for your daughter?

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Sorry, as much as I would have liked to seen or heard it,.... I heard no booing. Maybe someone edited the clip already.

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Yes, BUT - they played right into her victimhood requirements. Now I'm half wondering if this was choreographed by bots and Bristol will have her excuse to quit this boring show. Someone said earlier Bristol is not dancing 6 hours per day, her trainer is dancing circles around her. I'm tired of looking at his back while the cameras use his body to cover her wooden dancing. She's probably tired of the whole thing too. Collect paycheck, quit. Momma told me momma told me...

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Hilarious! "All of 'em, any of 'em." Just like the list of what she reads in 2008. What a TOTAL MORON. And the woman in back of her really didn't care for her. Ha ha.

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    AH,... in the embedded clip, the booing does not sound as loud as on this site.

    Check it here. It's louder !

  10. Yes, Sarah got booed! Best moment of the entire show!

    Bristol dressed like Miss Piggy with a long, flouncy dress, couldn't see her legs moving at all, long formal gloves, all purple and lavender like a big ole fuschia flower. Ugh.

  11. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Sorry, I watched it twice and can't pick up the booing. I can't stand the Tundra Turd, but honestly all I heard was clapping and "woo hoo".

  12. Anonymous7:13 PM

    After seeing the scores tonight, the fix is in on DWTS...Bristol will stay a while regardless of her clear lack of skill.

  13. nswfm7:14 PM

    The NEWEST reality show: "America Hates the Palins."

    Go back to Wasilla, Wasillabillies!

    Everyone is on to your fame whore grifting ways. We see why the RNC had to buy you clothes but that packaging still won't help cover up all your lying bullshit ways.

  14. Anonymous7:15 PM

    It was a great moment for TV. She was rattled and I felt for Tom, but he is soooo good at his job. You are right, Gryphen, out of the protective arms of Faux news. I sure wish I could have seen her face right when it was happening. I bet it was a mixture of "who, me???? but I am LOVED by my people, why are they booing????? She is that dumb. Poor little piper. That little one is going to be a hand full. She has no inhibitions at all, No I am not surprised, don't ask.

  15. Anonymous7:18 PM

    You see Gryphen, America will not have her. She is NOT the threat that some make her out to be. She is the wacko that you've been telling us about. She is the liar pretending to have a real marriage-as you told us a while ago Gryphen. So please stop riding the wave of fear and keep exposing her-- because her walls are now tumbling down.

  16. kdusmdd7:19 PM

    Hard to believe...Bristol was stiff as a was so so, but got 8 7 8 scores. Wonder how much judges were paid for that. If I were any of the other dancers, I'd be furious.

  17. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Lots of interesting photos ofi the Palins walking the streets of Beverly can move the arrow left and right to see them all.

    Let's start with this one.... oh, and Trig shows up in a couple of them, as well.

    There is even one of a gal holding a napkin? over her nose. Was she sending us all a msg about her feeling of being in the vicinity of $P? Just sayin' (grin)

  18. Anonymous7:22 PM

    How could she not bother to try to remember just SOMEBODY's name? Awesome-amazing- two thumbs up-- she is a wind up doll, or maybe she has a string that can be pulled?

    I didn't hear the booing.

  19. Ivy Frye looked very unhappy sittin' there behind Sarah. I think she took the booing harder than Sarah did. Poor baby-sitter.

  20. It is hard to hear the booing but it was very loud, enough for Brooke to wonder what was happening. You can see the dancers in the back looking around. When they cut to palin she was just turning around. I like how she brings her kid as a shield, just like the hockey game. What an idiot, jeez.

  21. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Are we sure they were booing SP? Don't get my hopes up.

  22. Anonymous7:25 PM

    LMAO!!! Good! Palin should have stayed in Alaska, instead of trying to steal the spotlight from her daughter. Plus, we in L.A. can't stand this woman. Great Job Angelinos!!

  23. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Bristol isn't bad, but her performance was so insipid and uninspired. She absolutely did not deserve such high marks. Besides her zero personality, her steps are measured and lack sizzle. The last bit of life in her was delivered in December 2008, I'm afraid. She's a lovely looking girl though. Her beautiful face shines with joy when she dances and I'm glad for her.

    My suspicion is that Bristol/Sarah only agreed to go on the show if the judges were soft her her. The only other explanation is that ABC management thinks it will be good for ratings to pump Bristol up.

    I know these shows are staged, but this is the worst display of falseness. I feel sorry for the other dancers. The show is all Bristol/Sarah all the time. The other dancers, actual stars, are getting shafted.

    I rarely watched before, as the costumes are not family-friendly, but I doubt I'll keep watching because the fake display is almost too embarrassing.

    I like a real contest and this isn't it. Oxygen's Dance Your Ass Off is such a better show. And those gals, even though they are 4x to 5x Bristol's size, show much more dancing ability and LIFE!

    About Sarah...

    Can the woman be more FAKE? That scene in her house in Wasilla was so awkward! Why does Sarah talk like that? That screeching made my ears hurt. Way over-done enthusiasm... or something. Gah! Has that woman ever given her daughter any support? It sure didn't seem as if she knew how to do it. Very staged and awkward.

    The nicest thing I can say about Sarah is that at least she had the decency to keep her thighs covered and her legs together. We were spared what that poor audience at the 2009 Memorial Day ceremony was not.

    I wonder if Mark has a crush on Bristol? Sure looks like it. He can't stop caressing her. He is such a sweetie!

  24. Um I don't hear boos, could just as well be cheers but you must be able to detect a different frequency than me. Love the standard dim bulb response, "All of 'em!" though!

  25. In my living room I groaned. I felt sorry for Bristol who can't get off the leash of famous mommy for SP must be featured. I wanted to barf that SP just had to remind people she's a hockey mom.

    There is some nastiness going on at the DWTS discussion board including calling people foul names. SP got in this is Pistol Bristol. There is a thread @ DWTS of 507 posts for the pistol. Posts sound like Peebots and alot of anger Bristol and Mark did not get higher scores.

    They must have watched a different show than I did:)

  26. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Hahhahahahahaha...knew it wouldn't take long for you to get this whopper up. "Ohohoh, all of 'em" the biker bitch replied in her singsong chant. The f@#$ing retard thinks she's gonna be POTUS. Too GD funny.

    Booooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! LOL!

  27. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Word from the show is they were boring the low score that was given to Jennifer Grey, not Sarah Palin.

  28. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Good on the booing. Woo Hoo for all those who booooooed!

    I do feel bad for Piper. Why does Sarah keep exposing that poor little girl to this shit? Also, too....gag on her appearance and the totally staged trip home to Alaaaaska. DWTS is so staging this crap and it became obvious tonight that they will be keeping her on for ratings. Pee bots at urine pool are voting 12 times each on numerous accounts. Lol! You can't make this stuff up.

  29. Ok now I realize that Brooke says "There's booing in the ballroom right now, we don't know why..." but still I don't believe it's booing.

  30. If you are having trouble hearing the boo's on the You Tube clip, just click the Gawker link and you will hear it much better.

    And in case you doubt it happened remember Jennifer Grey, Derek Hough, and Brooke Burke also heard it.

  31. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Booed...LOVE IT! Put expensive clothes on her...tons of plastic surgery...and she's still a hillbilly.

    ps...maybe bristol is bigger (as you can clearly see) because she had liposuction and she never kept the weight off. She is not a good dancer...the show is keeping her on for ratings.

  32. Anonymous7:37 PM

    While Jennifer and Derek were back stage there clearly was booking in the ballroom. Then they pan back to Tom and we see why: he is sitting with Sarah. The booing we heard was for her. Those booing were probably approached by security or otherwise silenced. When the cameras panned back to Tom introducing Palin, the audience behaved and cheered.

  33. Even Piper the Human Shield couldn't protect her this time.

  34. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Someone named Topsy's got the best comment on Gawker:

    11:29 PM

    She called her 'Bristol the Pistol'; how cute is that. It's much better than my pet name for her which is 'Bristol the Chinless Loose-Booty Ho'.

  35. DetroitSam7:43 PM

    Ok Alaskans, please explain some thing to me.

    I have come to accept that I am not as smart as I have always thought. This probably explains why I simply cannot grasp that AK voters will vote in droves for Miller in Nov.

    Miller and republican candidate are telling seniors, many of whom would not be alive today without Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, that they will "transation" away from these programs. And yet they will vote republican?

    And the idea that a group of the unemployed (the 99ers) are planning to sit out the Nov. election or not vote for the Democrats when it the republicans who have voted against every extension of unemployment benefits and everythins else is truly astounding.

    I don't get it.

    Please explain this to me.

  36. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I know what happened. The boos must have occurred when she started walking down from the audience to sit in those chairs by the stage.

    Get a clue ABC. People don't like the woman. Also, was the dancing rigged? I thought Bristol did poorly, but the judge's gave her good marks. Is ABC trying to drag the Palin spectacle out in the hopes of ratings? My guess is Sarah will not be back.

  37. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I heard the boos loud and clear when I watched! And a friend who knows how much I hate Palin called me right afterwards and asked me if I'd heard it. Sarah was most definitely booed and it made my day!

  38. I don't hear any booing when Palin was introduced. I did her the booing as the program aired after Jennifer Grey's scores were given. I figured the crowd was booing for they gave the best technical and polished performance receiving a 24.

    I think it's a stretch to claim the boos were due to Palin for the crowd clapped and did the woo thing too.

    Glad my phone rang so I did not watch the ohmygosh..golly...set up meet the mom in Wasilly feature.

  39. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Good try, 7:29, but I doubt it. Jennifer was already back talking to Brooke.

    The booing was for what was happening in the spotlight in the ballroom. Tom was introducing Sarah.

  40. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The booing is at the BEGINNING--clearly when she has walked in and sits down about to be can see and hear it better on the link that 7:08 provided---and the hosts even say--why is everybody booing?

    It's LOUD! And then cut to Palin being interviewed.

    And Piper is pulling at her dress to straighten it out since she obviously just sat down. And from SPs expression you can tell she's trying to look good while being upset/pissed/annoyed--weird half-eyes there. Priceless!

  41. Anjaak7:49 PM

    It was truly a terrible dance by Bristol, you can tell she didn't rehearse that much. I expected that because they were traveling so much.

    I am surprised that Sarah hasn't freaked out about Mark being so touchy feely with her re-virginized daughter.

    The Miss Piggy dress was definitely a response to the coments about Bristol being "sexy" last week. Legs, then no legs. It looks like they added material to the bottom of the dress.

    The bolstered boobs may be a response to the Star article that says she had a boob reduction.

    A lot going on here.

  42. I call bullshit that they were booing the scores. They just got straight 8's for a score of 24. The booing was in the ballroom where palin must have just been seated. Listen to the Gawker video, you can hear the booing and shouting and when they cut to Sarah she is turning around, so something was happening behind her. The show is just covering up.

  43. OK, I relistened on the Gawker clip and heard it clear enough. However, I am not convinced the booing was for Sarah, and once she was introduced she got clapping and general good noises. Piper was pleased.

    It's possible they were booing the low scores of the couple who just danced. Were they very good?

  44. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The 1st couple - the basketball player
    & his partner were wonderful, as were
    Jennifer Grey & hers. Never watched before, so don't know all the names.
    Audrina (sp?) & partner were teriffic,
    I thought Michael Bolton did well, as
    did that that other couple in the pink & black costumes & deserved better scores than they got. Mark, of course was excellent,Bristol I guess was 'adaquate' if you lower the bar. I could not believe the complimentary nonsense the judges were spouting to her afterwards - she wasn't that good. The British gentleman gave her an 8!!! Mark, yes, Bristol nnnnooo!
    Now tell me that Mrs. Facebook
    sitting staring at the judges didn't
    play a part in her numbers. Bristol's
    dress was beyond unflattering, it looked grandmotherly. I guess Sarah
    owns the world now, & Bristol is a star. Also, they kept playing the clip
    showing Mark meeting screechy Sarah.

    Sharon TN

  45. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Booing aside, her enthusiasm was a hackneyed as her speeches. Weird emphasis on random words. All that was missing was her asking the audience if they love their freedom?

    And also so appreciating all the hard work the dancers and the judges put in to entertain the real Americans voting for Bristol from their kitchen tables on Main Street USA.

    Bristol and I are such hard workin mama's that love their chosen babies and perhaps it is so obvious we are not Hollywood insiders, just Palin women from grounded Wasilla.

    Any if em, all of em. I don't do homework on how the economy works or just what exactly what it is that the Vice President is, so don't expect me, like Bristol, to put any effort into knowing your show or your dancers. Just be glad we are here to boost your ratings. Now where's that 100 grand for my appearance? Piper only gets $5,000 these days, give it time for her to excell at nothing, just like all Palin women.

  46. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Re: Rene, you have got to be kidding me although I know you are not. It is extremely difficult to believe peebots are upset that Bristol, er Mark, didn't get higher scores. They really are that deluded? Did they not watch her dance or could they not see her behind Mark?

  47. Anonymous8:00 PM

    The audio on that YouTube clip is terrible. Go to Gawker's page where there is a much better version. You can clearly hear the booing start at around 00:08

  48. scarlet/oregon8:11 PM

    First of all...the video of Sarah, Bristol, Nanny & kids on LA sidewalks shows Bristol with a sweatshirt in 100+ weather and Piper carrying Tripp with Sarah empty-handed of her son.
    ...and no Dude as usual.

    As for DWTS which I could not watch except for this clip which shows a very idiot $arah in a leather jacket unable to communicate outside of her screechy stumbling words.
    Again where's her husband?

    In the last several weeks, my opinion is $arah looks haggard, with bad hair and just plain boring.

  49. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Tough Love for the President, but disdain for Sarah Palin.

    "I spent a fascinating evening recently listening via video hookup to focus groups, 30 women in all, in three battleground states: Pennsylvania, Missouri and Colorado. These were, literally, Wal-Mart shoppers -- the retail giant sponsored the discussions -- screened to exclude committed partisans of the left or right and split evenly between 2008 supporters of Obama and John McCain."

    "Reactions to Sarah Palin were equally strong. "Joke," one woman said. Another rolled her eyes."

  50. Anonymous8:11 PM

    When Bristol did a twirls you could see her spanx.

  51. Palinbots are SO trying to tamp down this story.

  52. OK, I just watched it on TV also and my conclusion is that Jennifer Grey had just gotten a great score of 24 and the audience cheered and clapped and then quieted down for the interview. During the interview palin must have walked in and the booing started, I also heard sounds like people were trying to quiet the booing, it was quite loud and disruptive.By the time they cut to palin, she was turning around because she was looking behind her.

  53. Anonymous8:22 PM

    They were booing Sarah. Listen to the applause when she's done, it's very light for a TV audience. And they have those "applaud" signs lighting up and guys running on the side trying to rally up the applause. That was pretty light applause for Sarah. The audience was not amused.

  54. Enjay in E MT8:36 PM

    For those that didn't hear the boo-ing going on .... it wasn't happening "on camera" - you could hear it from the other room

    WAPO has a write up on it ...

    snip]"Well," Brooke said, turning to talk to viewers at home, "if you don't want them to meet the same shock that ended David Hasselhoff's ballroom dreams, then you need to support them right now" -- just as boos began to be erupt from the audience.

    "There's booing in the ballroom -- we don't know why," a perplexed Brooke reported as the booing grew louder.

    "Why is there booing?" Grey asked.
    [ end snip

    read more @

  55. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Man the judges are so weird this season. They choose the one good, polite star to be hardest on (Bolton), they give Sitch and BRandy way too high scores considering he was inept and she was boring/rude, Kurt's awesome, disney kid Kyle was weak to me tonight and a little boringand underrehearsed, Margaret's still a bit all over the place and unpolished but the girls got natural talent. I was even shocked Jennifer scored that low. I actually think the booing was to their scores because you hear applauding when Ryan starts to talk to Sarah and when I first heard it, I thought I agree, their scores should be higher.

    I still dont think the show is rigged. The best dancer always wins, the worst dancer never leaves early

  56. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The rill DWTS regular audience will hopefully boycott the show because surely, they see through this nonsense.

  57. WakeUpAmerica8:59 PM

    Oh wow, I just saw Bristol's dance. It was very mediocre. The little sassy head movements were really bad and out of sync with her partner. Who paid off the judges? They embarrassed themselves. Did Carrie just give foreshadowing by saying, "I can't wait for you to come back week after week..." So it's predestined for her to come back again. Her facial expressions were her best part? Oy vey. and WTF? What is she wearing under her dress that has those little pokey bumps?

  58. Anonymous9:00 PM


    Yes!! That skank really got booed!!

    The booing is much clearer at the Daily Beast:

    And. please, take a moment to watch Sarah's face after the audience stops booing. It's priceless. She shakes her empty head in shock.

    Yes, you SKANK, they HATE YOU!!

  59. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Oops. KABC news (channel 7) at 11 to hear about the booing. That's the same channel that shows DWTS here in CA. Should be interesting.

    Tom Bergeron (DWTS host) shot over to late night on ABC to clarify the booing was due to the scores and not Palin. He chatted for 5 minutes then left.

    That clears up why the booing occured.

    However it is a sad commentary so many people would understand if Palin was booed for she speaks nonsense, acts like a silly teen and poses as a biker chick.
    Sarah, if you must do leather wear the red one donors paid for.

  61. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anon 7:18:

    You are spot on!!

  62. Anonymous9:13 PM

    As much as I would love to believe the booing was for her I think the booing came before Palin was introduced and had to do with the 8-8-7 scoring the audience thought should have been higher.

  63. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I didn't hear any booing when I watched the show.

    However, I will say that I thought Palin's performance was mediocre. She basically fast walked all over the floor with a few leg lifts thrown in, along with the turtle head nods. How the judges can compare that performance with other competitors fast steps, jumps, bumps, arm twirls is beyond me. They need to keep the competition to one style of dancing.

  64. Okay there was no booing for Sarah. When she was pregnant she did not show until well into her seventh month due to "tight abs". NONE of the ethics complaints filed against her ever found that she had done anything wrong. There is no racism in the teabagger movement. And Track enlisted in the military because he is a SUPER patriot.

    Never trust what your eyes and ears tell you. You have to wait for Sarah Palin and her people to clarify things for you before you will understand what really happened.

    And do you know the really sad thing? That whitewashing of reality has worked over, and over again on people who you think would know better.

  65. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Gryphen, when Bristol went in the Palin house with her dance partner, sarah goes how do you do this and shrugged her shoulders, Todd was behind her with a baby and I don't think it was baby Trigg.This baby looked 4-5 months old. What baby was Todd holding?

  66. Anon 8:00pm- There truly are loads of comments that BP and MarkB should have gotten a score of 27! I can't testify they are Peebots but they sound like the black and white extreme followers.

    Frankly folks, I'd prefer if Bristol, Levi and Piper had attended respective schools and SP did not lead her fringe upholding ignorance is cool, encouraging dropping out of school thereby not facing consequences of pregnancy and whipping people up to hate educated persons.

    Let us not forget the public shaming of Levi by Bristol that it is only Levi seeking the "limelight" and it is not for her. Next thing we know it's DWTS and hoping for her own reality show and the Palin clan pretending to be outdoorsmen extraordinaire.
    Wasilla Hillbillies fits.

  67. Anonymous9:42 PM

    It is sad & pathetic that the only thing going for Bristol according to ABC seems to be her mom. All other contestants had footage of their intense rehearsals, struggles, etc. but w/ Bristol, once again it's all about mom.

  68. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Yes, the audience were booing Sarah. It isn't plausible that they were booing that score of 24 out of 30, plus the booing came several seconds after the judges gave their scores. Usually people boo right as each judge holds up the sign giving the score, if they're unhappy with it.

    I think that having Tom go over to Late Night to give a story why the audience was booing just confirms that the audience was booing Sarah. I think she should let Bristol enjoy the limelight without stealing it for herself.

  69. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Bristol danced MUCH better the first time and got a low score. She dances horribly the second time and gets a higher rating! Sorry, but something ain't right in L.A.

  70. Does anyone know how the prediction site DialIdol (busy signal indicates heavy voting) works?

    Under raw numbers-Votes, it looks like Bristol is last for votes but 2nd for busy signals. The DialIdol Score places her first.

    I wonder if David Duke has a daughter or granddaughter that could compete on DWTS next season.

  71. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Usually at the end of the show they give all the rankings for the evening. They had plenty of time. Were the scores rigided? and they might have gotten more booing?

  72. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Now we know the REAL reason Sarah Palin only does interviews with FOX from her Wasilla studio, or speeches in front of fans!!

    The rest of the lamestream country can't stand her. Booooo!!

    The audience booed HER, not Jennifer Grey who got the highest scores of the night.

  73. I saw the show and SHE WAS BOOED. Of course they are doing all kinds of damage control.

  74. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Delayed booing of Jennifer Grey's scores?

    I don't think so.

    Some audiences just don't acknowledge the "Piper Shield". bt

  75. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Some booing from the “Dancing With the Stars” studio audience could be heard on television before Ms. Palin’s appearance, but the show’s emcees carefully tiptoed around it.

    At the end of her interview with the contestant Jennifer Grey, the co-host Brooke Burke said, “There’s booing in the ballroom, we don’t know why.”

  76. Anonymous10:27 PM

    OK, Gryph..........can I steal that and post it at DWTS, tomorrow, after things quiet down a bit over there. hee-hee-hee

  77. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hey Sarah how's that does of reality workin' out there for ya?

  78. "
    I think that having Tom go over to Late Night to give a story why the audience was booing just confirms that the audience was booing Sarah."

    Good point. And if they were booing the scores it would be a relatively common occurrence on the show, not an event to be discussed on TV, Huffington Post and other media.

  79. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I've not read all the responses as yet on this subject of Palin being booooed tonight. Did you see where Tom tried to cover it up toward the end of the show? He said something like the crowd was booing the show.

    I'm dying to hear what people say about the incident that were actually in attendance.

  80. Anonymous10:55 PM

    This crap is ABC's doing and it will go on and on. No one is organizing and writing them and their sponsors. The fix works for them and it won't stop with the Palins. All the reality shows are fixed, I suppose this one doesn't matter either. I do like dance and am profoundly disappointed that they defile such a beautiful art form. What an insult to the dancers that are working their butts off and the ones that are really gifted. Margaret Cho did a wonderful job and she looked more trim. Bristol is just packing it on for some reason. Could be birth control pills?

    Sure, the audience had a delayed boo about Jennifer Grey's score, or maybe it was Kate Gosselins scores they just got around to booing.

    I don't see that Bristol is trying and rehearsing so hard. It does not show at all that she is a serious contender either. I have a thousand times more respect for the Situation, not because he is that good but he has more heart and soul. Bristol is like a ghost or not quiet there. She does not turn on the extreme phoniness like Mommy Dearest but she is learning and it is not attractive at all. I don't want to disparage Miss Piggy but it did look like that was who the costume designers were trying to emulate. Bristol is not aware of herself and she believes whatever the fools she listens to say. It is one big fake mess. It would be terrific if the sponsors and ABC were boycotted.

    Thrusting a fake abstinence liar on our nation and setting her up to expand her lies is an atrocity.

  81. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Maybe it's the lawyer in me but THAT clip is evidence that the sound coming off camera was catcalls for Palin?

    Here's a bit more on the "debacle":

    "While Jennifer Grey -- last week's winner of the show -- was receiving her scores, audible jeers could be heard in the auditorium. "There's booing in the ballroom," said host Brooke Burke. "We don't know why." "... Why is there booing?" Grey asked. The camera then moved over to to Ms. Palin, who was sitting next to co-host Tom Bergeron. Sarah shook her head in bemusement. At this point, the boos stopped. Once Sarah showed up on the screen, the crowd began to applaud."

    A personal aside: My God, how you hapless dupes have lowered the bar: you've gone from regaling in Sarah Palin's (inconsequential) appearances to answer ethic charges, to orgiastic delight in your pitiful prophet's promise that Levi Johnston would destroy Palin to chortling over presumed off-camera booing of Palin that immediately turns into applause when she has a close up.

    Can you get more pathetic?

    Dumb question.

  82. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Awe, isn't it cute how Grizzly Mama is teaching Pipette not to value school....I mean just look at what Pipette can accomplish when all she has to do is open her legs like big sis Bristle.

  83. Ivy Frye struggles after the booing while Palin spews her witless prattle. I enjoyed this.

  84. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Hmm, interesting. Apparently an audience member from tonight's show knows the real story.

  85. AHA! This is what I was waiting for.
    Someone who was in the audience speaks out!

    Sarah WAS BOOED - the cover-up is in place, to ensure Bristol returns.

  86. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Another segment of our world got to see what it is like having the likes of Sister Sarah in their atmosphere. Now I hear they are trying to cover the booing saying it was directed against the show. Wonder how much more they paid Tom to lie for Palin and the show?

    My hope is that someone there tonight leaks the correct info to the press tomorrow. I wonder if any type of security check was done on those in attendance. Could they possibly have the names and addresses of all in attendance? If so, no wonder there was booing!

    The woman always creates havoc - just ask those of us that live in Alaska.

  87. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Well, gliding around the floor isn't that hard when your partner covers for you.

    And yes, Twitler WAS booed; Walshe is an apologist for Twitler and it shows in her article.

    See here:

  88. honestyinGov12:39 AM

    Some guy was IN the audience and He created a 1 post blog just to report the FACTS. She was boooed.. he was there. Saw the link over on PG and just Tweeted the blog link to sarahpalinusa.

  89. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Oh, look! It's Piper. Out of school. Again.

    If it were anyone else, DHS would have been called pretty damned quick.

  90. Anonymous12:52 AM

    How can anyone forget that Walshe is a former Fox alumnus? You know she's in the tank for Twitler.

    (This is at the end of her valentine on the Daily Beast).

    Shushannah Walshe covers politics for The Daily Beast. She is the co-author of Sarah From Alaska: The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education of a New Conservative Superstar. She was a reporter and producer at the Fox News Channel from August 2001 until the end of the 2008 presidential campaign.

  91. Anonymous12:55 AM

    To those of you who can't hear the booing -- what speakers are you using? If you use headphones, you can hear it LOUD and CLEAR.

    A good friend of mine taught me the joys of excellent headphones connected to my computer when he showed me the huge difference they make in hearing the noises when playing computer games. But, this "booing" was so clear that I had no trouble hearing it with just my cheapo headphone. On the other hand, if I was using the speaker on my laptop, it would sound fainter.

  92. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:59 AM

    I don't watch the DWTS, but from the timing, it seems the audience was booing America's Favorite Dance Critic as she and her assistant named Piper sat down (I understand that they were seated right before the interview?) From the surprised reaction of the contestants and interviewer backstage, booing doesn't happen often on the show. Then watch SP's face just as the camera cuts to her. She looks visibly rattled and recovers quickly. Her voice is high, tight and manic (uh, more than usual). The interviewer instinctively leans in towards her to "shield" her, and the audience applause that follows ain't what I'd call enthusiastic.

    IMHO, SP's handlers will just double down and spin this episode as well (they've already started). We don't need any further proof that the warm welcome was reserved just for Sarah. Good to see that the Bots are having hissy fits over this, though...more proof!

  93. Anonymous3:07 AM

    LOL...are you kidding? The booing was so obvious, Helen Keller would notice it! And it was funny that Jennifer Grey kept pointing it out and laughing, trying to say between the lines what was going on, and the female host also laughed.

    Jennifer must not be much of a SP fan for that bit of innocent, and mama Jamie Lee in the audience no doubt was proud. I wonder if she ran into Palin later at all. I doubt it, I'm sure Palin high-tailed it out of there immediately after the show because of the hostile atmosphere.

    I feel like such a fool though, because I thought while Bristol's DWTS gig was opportunistic, I assumed it was mostly for Bristol. After last night's show, with Palin clearly being the star and sitting with the host, doing an interview, fielding SEVERAL questions (ABC was really milking it), along with the spot in Wasilla, it was so clear that this was just another SP gig. In fact, I might even speculate that ABC preferred Sarah to dance, and Sarah told them to take Bristol instead. Bristol is so shy there is no way she would have pursued the job herself.

    So that's sad. But, in the end, it will be good for Bristol. This will help her emotionally.

  94. MC30313:11 AM

    I am NOT a Bristle fan (for reals) but I thought she did fine. Hell, I couldn't do that on my best dancing day. So, props to her for a good effort. (Is she a natural dancer? No. He makes her look good.)

    That said, OMFG with the interview in the Paylin compound. That damn Sarah is so fake. Jeebus. I dislike her beyond measure on ANY scale. FEH.

  95. Anonymous3:14 AM

    It seems the booin has been replaced wih clapping n the video??
    Awesome, amazing, awesome, hockey mom shit statement...she sounds retarded. My apolody to Tri_gs everywhere.

  96. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I see Piper is out of school AGAIN! Ooops, I forgot, she doesn't need an education. Sarah is teaching her the art of grifting, and that will get her through life until she's old enough to be an unwed teenage mother and can start cashing in like big sister Bristol. As soon as the camera was on her, she was smoothing her dress and smiling, getting ready for her turn on DWTS. Obviously, school is just a big waste of Piper's time!

  97. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I do believe the judges coward out on truly judging BS Bristol performance. BS was not even at the same level as Jennifer Grey and the others. But since her 'workout' video consisted of their trip to Alaska where as the others were just practicing in the studio, you knew who was going to get the special treatment regarding the judges vote. Can't really allow the judges to give 3's after the spending all that money flying the 2 performers and camera/production crew to Alaska and back. Not money well spent.

    On a side note, I did notice the stairway's railings in the Palin's house. Reminds me of the ones that were pictured at the Menard Sports Complex. hmmmm....

    Also, the dynamics between BS Bristol and Saint Sarah from the street video is very telling. Definitely not the same dynamics they had on the DWTS show, which came across as staged and phony. I foresee a SNL skit... Turn it on only for the cameras baby, then revert back to your absorbed boring selves.

  98. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Shushanna Walshe has certainly fallen under the Palin spell. Early writings by her had a semblence of impartiality and warranted criticism. Now, she gushes over the entire Palin family - to the point of making one nauseous. What caused this about face? She was accused of harassing Piper on her way home from school in Juneau. Such an about face - was she promised something down the road or is she already on the Palin payroll?

  99. Anonymous3:33 AM

    America sees Sarah Palin for exactly what she is: a con artist. Eventually, this will dawn on the intellectually challenged mainstream media.

  100. BAustin3:53 AM

    Loved that stupid sarah was seated next to a chick with a REALLY low cut top. hahaha.

    and bristols dress DID look exactly like miss piggy. The poor girl is clueless.

  101. nice to see that higher education is taking a backseat to hollywood.

  102. spottedsunshine4:00 AM

    Okay, so maybe I agreed that Jennifer Grey's scores could have been higher, BUT then they went BACK to the ballroom.....ah, now i get it. Is there NO video footage of the crowd? The poor girl behind her, she was trying SO hard to not look disgusted! YEAH, the WORLD justs LOVES Sarah, don't they! Can't wait to see how Beck tries to spin this, the idiot.

  103. Anonymous4:13 AM

    You just have to ask yourself, what would it be like to have a valley girl for president?

  104. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Wow - look at the Update 2 link carefully with the sound off. (Turning the sound off makes it bearable and lessens the screech distraction).

    Todd is indeed there carrying a very young child.

    You can really see the fake factor in Sarah's interaction with Bristol. Bristol looks genuinely surprised and happy with the praise that Sarah is giving, but Sarah looks totally fake giving it.

    Watch how she minces over to Bristol to give that hug. Sarah's body language is so stiff it is painful to watch. Most mothers who love their children do not move like that when giving hugs. It was as if she had to force herself to hug but couldn't remember how to hug. Totally unbelievable.

    I don't think Bristol has ever received real love from Sarah, and has tried producing babies, traveling during the 2008 campaign, moving out and now this stunt to get Sarah's attention and appreciation, but honestly, watching Sarah interact (with that sound off) really conveys a lot about how awkward it is for Sarah to show real love to her children.

    Have you ever seen her hug Piper or Bristol or any of them spontaneously? I sure haven't and I've been watching for two years now.

  105. I'm no fan of the Palins, but I really thought she did a good job considering that she's not a professional. I think there's a danger of filtering everything about the Palins through the distaste we have for her mother. But really, that just makes us look petty.

  106. Anonymous4:21 AM

    What I noticed was how the people sitting behind Sarah reacted during the interview and after Bristol's dance. There was clearly some disdain evident. I don't know if it was Sarah herself or for how she tries to hog the spotlight or what, but people were not looking at her with that starstruck admiration you see when the bots look at her. The audience members nearest her didn't seem impressed at all, in fact seemed rather unimpressed. I used the tip of turning the sound off which makes it easier to concentrate on what you see rather than be distracted by the music. Amazing how things pop out without the soundtrack.

  107. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I think Bristol's pregnant. Look at the DWTS video when she walks in the house with the red tee. She is starting to get that pregnant lady sway back waddle. And when she twirled and dipped in that big lavendar monstrous dress, you could see her big black spanx. Now tell me, in a dress that is obviously designed to cover her up, why would she need to be bound like she's wearing a slinky dress? I believe she is more than just fat and her middle is getting bigger every week. I think everyone associated with the show knows her condition and she is getting higher scores to force her to stay on so it becomes unhideable to the public.

    And wake up P'bots. They were booing Palin, not scores, not woohooing, they were booing your Queen.

  108. KidShalleen4:51 AM

    The reason for the booing being floated now, by the media,is that the booing had to do with scoring being shown for one or the other contestants.
    We know the truth,so let them have their fantasy, is my feeling.

  109. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Bristol is hitting the bottle again.....look at the puffy doubt

  110. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Oh please, DWTS isn't "reality". It's a scripted cross between pro wrestling and kareyoke. The point is to draw viewers and ad revenues; no-talent Bristol Wasilla does that, so will stay on til nearly the end. Boooooooo! Kimosabe.

  111. Anonymous4:59 AM

    First--what a horrible dress. *shivers*

    It's pretty clear Bristol's partner is carrying a lot of the water during the dance. The steps were really easy and were repeated multiple times. Still she did smile and not fall on her face. Gotta give her that. She's not doing anything difficult, but she's not messing up what she is doing.

    Sarah was in "gushing" gear in both clips, and I really don't get how anyone can think that comes across as genuine. It's soooo contrived.

  112. Audience member at DWTS speaks out...

  113. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I don't think the judges are intimidated by the Governut. I believe it is about money and the Palin circus. Bristol isn't much of a dancer, but the Palinbots tune in religiously so it means money. They don't want to lose her following since they equal viewers. DWTS got their highest ratings ever.

  114. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sarah Palin was very well paid for her appearance in the audience at DWTS. Her handlers appear to have the medications well adjusted. Her daughter's performance and costume were bad enough to give Sarah Palin her ego boost. She got to say "hockey mom" to a sizable TV audience.

    I think Sarah Palin counts this as a great night for her. The post-show hoopla about whether she was boo'ed is just more fuel for her victimhood.

    Bristol stank and the judges' could just barely mouth the praise that the scriptwriters handed them. The judges' performance was the best acting. They will be well compensated also.

    Bristol rakes in $100,000 for nearly no work and relatively minor humiliation. The teen mom career is going great for her. Piper is taking notes.

  115. DebinWI5:18 AM

    What's with both Bristol's songs have a "momma said" theme. It's just sickening.

  116. Anonymous5:19 AM

    As a die hard fan of DWTS, I agree with ANON at 9:43. If there is any booing after the scores are given, and it has happened, it is usually while the dancers are still facing the judges. My guess would be that the booing was for Palin when she walked out to sit in the audience.

    Also, it ticks me off that everything pertaining to Bristol is all about Sarah. It is really ridiculous. If they have Sarah in the audience every week, Bristol will probably win because the judges seemed not to dare to say anything negative about Bristol with Sarah in the audience.

    I think everyone should vote to save Mike Bolton! and then maybe Bristol would go down faster.

  117. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:24 AM

    Aha...a great comment on HuffPo in regards to this incident:

    "In all the years Dancing With The Stars has been on the air, there has never been any booing in response to any dance or dancing couple, no matter how awful they were. The couple with the MC at the time of the booing are in first place, so there is no way they were being booed.

    There is no doubt the booing was intended for Palin, because of her negative influence on our politics. She has supported and helped some of the least qualified, anti-equal rights, uneducated, uninformed and proud of it candidates, ever to run for office. If they win, and are put in the position of having a voice in determining our future, we are in big trouble. She deserves to be booed. The one thing she has in common with all the candidates she supports, is that they are blatantly unqualified."

  118. Grouchodawg5:26 AM

    Isn't Dancing with the Stars - Live. What's Sarah wearing a black leather jacket when it was 113 F in Los Angeles yesterday?? Hottest day
    on record. Gotta play the sexy, slutty part to reel in those low (i mean) misinformation Cluster Fox Milf loving Male voters!!!!

  119. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I couldn't bring myself to watch the show, but I checked in on the FB DWTS page every so often as it was practically live chat... there was tons of anti-Palin sentiment (SP though, not Bristol) and my, the Palin supporters' anger goes from 0 to 60 in a nanosecond. More than once someone would comment something like "they really shouldn't have politicians on this show" and then someone would reply with something like "WELL I'M SURE YOU WISH SHE HAD AN ABORTION." So much hostility! I don't know what SP has done to earn the take-a-bullet mentality of these people.

  120. Anonymous5:30 AM

    More interesting than all the booing (which was very loud and audible last night, before the changed the sound on these videos) was the tape of Bristol coming home with Mark. Sarah ran right up to Mark and gave her signiture "look how loving I am hug" but then she and Bristol stood several feet apaprt. Bristol stood blank faced while her mom said "I am so proud of you, blah, blah," then went in for a hug. Bristol was not even sure what to do for a minute. Did not reach out, then realized her mom was going to hug (not hit her) and sort of hugged her back. Looked very unfamiliar and unnatural to me. Take a peek for yourselves.

  121. Anonymous5:37 AM

    My hero, Matt Taibbi, wrote a fine article that nails Sarah!!

  122. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Bristol is dancing a lot better than I ever expected. Her partner is talented. Mama's skirt is too short.

    Sarah called Bristol "Bristol the Pistol"! Good grief. That silly, absurd woman.

  123. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Her main dance step is doing sache (step togtehr, step together) -a very easy move. There is no footwork to any of this. And the twirls? He's a professional. Anyone could be led by him and get it right. She is a zero as far as dancing. Sorry folks. The moves are total BS.

  124. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I don't know why, when watching Bristol dance last night the following thought came to me, but it did. Bristol's dancing reminded me of Christmas. Not the figgy pudding, but what happens when one of the cats eats some tinsel from the Christmas tree and later uses the cathroom. A stool or turd becomes intertwined with the tinsel and clumsily follows the cat's movements around the room until I grab some tissue and remove the disconcerting tinsel-turd combo from the dancing cat.

  125. Anonymous6:08 AM

    the booing started when Tom Bergeron went and sat down with SP. It was obvious it was all about her. Bristol noticed and cringed. Mark appeared very interested though.

    Is that Track behind Sarah in the beginning of the clip?

  126. London Bridges6:10 AM

    Are any of the Koch brothers companies sponsors of the show? There are many companies and products.

  127. Anonymous6:14 AM

    "Ok now I realize that Brooke says "There's booing in the ballroom right now, we don't know why..." but still I don't believe it's booing."

    obviously you did not watch the show - it was very definitely booing, and it was NOT about the scores. JG got the highest scores the judges ever give. They don't go higher than 8, even though they can.

    Bristol was wearing somebody's grandma's dress in 3XL and it was altered to fit. She looks SOOO pregnant, I'm surprised DWTS allows her to compete.

  128. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Margaret Cho was SOOOO much better than Bristol, yet she got low scores. This show is rigged to favor Pistol.

    what is with the Palins? Pistol and Trigger?

  129. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Every single competitor last night had
    style & grace except Bristol. Mark
    caught the short end of the stick when he drew her. She can rehearse
    till she's blue in the face - the result would be the same - mechanical & rote. Her face looked better & different than I've ever seen it,
    the make-up folks worked wonders on her. Her dress was the ugliest thing
    & accented her thick waist & very broad backside. My opinion is the others were all good-excellent, &
    Bristol's score was artificially hiked
    soley because of Sarah's influence.
    There's no other explaination.

    Sharon TN

  130. Anonymous6:27 AM

    22? Serious? her only claim to fame and her only talent is sleeping around and producing a money maker kid.

    Live TV had the booing. It was loud, and the contestants were looking to see what the problem was. We knew what 'it' was. 'it' was Palin and her choice prop, Piper. (who never seems to be in school).

  131. Anonymous6:50 AM

    You know how you can tell she was rattled? Right as the camera goes to Palin, look at how she shakes her head in disgust. Hi Sarah! See how easy it is to show you what most of American thinks of your mean girl schtick? There's more where that came from. you betcha!

  132. Anonymous7:40 AM

    ." Mark
    caught the short end of the stick when he drew her."

    not really. Everyone knows who he is now and most had never heard of him before.

  133. Anonymous7:43 AM


    she WOULD have had another abortion if she had been PREGNANT! But she wasn't, so she didn't. She already had TWO abortions, what's one more?

  134. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Just have to add my own BOO! BOO! BOO!

  135. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I watched the whole show last night, so I heard the booing.

    As far as Bristol, I think she did a fine job, but her score was slightly too high. She held herself very well and did great steps, but the dance was boring and her upper body was way too stiff.

    (All this coming from someone who can't dance at all....)

  136. Sarah's fans should stop giving false praise and false hope to Bristol. She has no talent.

    Bristol needs to be in vocational school or junior college right now, gaining some kind of marketable skill so she can feed her babies.

    Whatever undeserved winnings Bristol gets from DWTS will be gone in a flash, and she'll be right back where she started... flat broke, no husband, no education, no skills, no future.

  137. Sarah is lucky they didn't throw stones at her big head.

  138. IF there was booing about low numbers for Jennifer, then you would assume the audience was really involved in the scores.

    If they were that LOUD over 8's there would have been even LOUDER reaction when Bristol got an 8 and two sevens.

    You can tell the booing was about Palin and you can tell the old English fool must have put some money odds down on Bristol as a long shot to give her such high numbers to keep her around for his own payday.

  139. Number ratings from last night DWTS was down.

    Week-to-week changes (adults 18-49): Castle (14.30%), 90210 (10.00%), How I Met Your Mother (5.60%), Rules of Engagement (3.20%), Two and a Half Men (0.00%), Lone Star (0.00%), Dancing With the Stars (-2.00%), Chuck (-4.80%), Mike & Molly (-5.10%), Hawaii Five-0 (-7.90%), Gossip Girl (-9.10%), House (-11.90%), Chase (-16.00%), The Event (-21.60%).

    Futon Crictic

  140. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Wrong again, Gryphon? What are the odds? From USA Today:

    Dancing With The Stars co-host Tom Bergeron is clearing up the question of whether the audience on last night's show was booing Sarah Palin.

    "There's a misunderstanding," says Bergeron. The audience was not booing Palin, he told Jimmy Kimmel on his show. "No, they felt Jennifer (Grey) got screwed, that she should have gotten 9's," he says.

    Tom also noted that talked to Palin off-camera and, "She's charming."

  141. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I knew I had seen that dress somewhere! Bri$$tol is wearing Miss Piggy's outfit! Awesome.

  142. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I have seen Bristol dress on Miss Piggy!

  143. Anonymous12:34 PM

    That's Ivy behind Sarah and Track behind Piper.

  144. Anonymous1:32 PM

    You know, I can hardly even stand to watch anything with SP, even if it's something that validates what I and many others have come to realize... she is a fake and phoney person. I know I could get attacked for saying this, but the more I see her, the stronger the really bad vibes are. Yes, I'm talking about vibes - intuition. She is a real menace and people are buying into it, and it worries me. We need to stand united against this woman... "The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein

  145. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I may be wrong but I don't think Bristol is pregnant at this time. She might be on birth control or post abortion. Imo, the Palins will use Bristol's weight to keep the speculations going so they can say the "she is pregnant" voices are tin foil heads. Crazy people and ignore them, see what Sarah had to put up with when she was pregnant with Trig?

    I would like it if there was a way to expose ABC for being fixed. The judges can claim they actually thought she deserved a score almost as good as Jennifer Gray. The P-bots can find ways to vote for Bristol more than their allotted numbers. Bergeron can cover up and lie to the audience. How do you do anything to improve all that? The system sucks.

  146. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Keanu ~ If the audience was caring for the scores you'd think they would have taken notice of what happened to Margaret Cho. She is what the show is about. Someone who is not a dancer but does rehearse, without special trips to promote for votes. Cho is trying to win the dance competition by dancing. Not who can generate the best publicity. You could see that she improved and was serious about dance. The costume was fitting but not my fav. She did look more trim which makes sense. Bristol was not worthy of the judges praise. They could have been kind to her but not thrown the scores with what was clearly a fix. She looks like she did not work out much, hence, did not go down in weight.

    I think it is sad for Bristol also. Sad that she is only "winning" or "improving" because of her mother and how the masters of the game want everyone to act. Her whole purpose is to show her work ethic (it doesn't look like she is working at rehearsal) and to show her independence and being her own person (she is a total failure at that part). If they all get by with this scam she will be a defacto winner and we all lose.

  147. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Bristol surely looks pregnant in a lot of the footage and it's a firm lump from her rib cage down, not just a muffin top!

    Why doesn't Sarah's skin move on her face when she talks? Her lips looked frozen, must've OD on some plastic surgery.

    I definitely heard the booing loud and clear and Brooke and the 2 dancers heard it and said why are they booing? I figured the person behind Sarah was in her group, otherwise we would've seen people's "real" reactions to her interview.

  148. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I've been thinking the same as Anonymous at 3:05 -- The Palins are using Bristol's weight (I'd also add "and her clothing," especially that hoodie and long pants in the tremendous heat yesterday and the layered clothing that is so unnecessary while "working hard" rehearsing) to keep the speculations going so they can say the "she is pregnant" voices are tin foil heads, crazy people, so ignore them. See what Sarah had to put up with when she was pregnant with Trig?

  149. Anonymous4:41 PM

    It's interesting...I never saw the crowd boo Palin. I heard them booing someone or something, perhaps it was her. But do we know that? I'm curious how it is you liberwock hacks know that it was Palin who got booed. The strange thing is I did see them enthusiastically applaud her after she was introduced. So one minute they're booing her and the next they're applauding? I swear you moonbats are sooo full of shit you can't see straight. Sure, she's an amiable dunce but so is Slow Joe Biden and I don't see you nutroots rolling out the hate wagon for him. Hell, he's not even amiable; he's just an idiot. Why don't you just admit that the reason you hate Palin has nothing to do with her lack of intellectual acumen and everything to do with the fact that she doesn't share your warped, sycophantic, "me first" ideology? All things being equal, if Palin were a fucking liberal scumbag piece of shit, but still had the brains of Joe Biden, you'd love her. You'd bend over backwards to make excuses for her, just like the Kool-Aid drinking morons on the other side are doing for her now. Like all liberal ideologues, you think you're better, but you're just a different side of the same elitist smugassed coin. Take a good look in the mirror. You're just as cracked as the bootlickers under the other side of the table. Self righteous fucking hypocrites.


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