Monday, September 13, 2010

Biggest threat to the Fox News empire of disinformation comes, not from MSNBC, but from Comedy Central.

From Politicsususa:

The newest Pew Research Center’s survey of where and how people get their news has been released, and while Fox News is still polling the oldest viewership, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are pulling the youngest. As Stewart educates his young viewers in the ways of FNC on a nightly basis, it is clear that he is the biggest long term media threat to Fox News.

It is no surprise than that Fox News, just like the GOP caters to an older audience. Sixty three percent of Bill O’Reilly’s viewers are over 50 years old, and 65% of Hannity’s viewers are over 50. Only 44% of the nation as a whole are over 50 years old, so the over 50 demographic is overrepresented on Fox News. If the younger viewers aren’t watching Fox News, then what are they watching?

The answer to this question can be found on Comedy Central Monday through Friday from 11 pm-12 am. Colbert and Stewart’s audiences are young. In fact, they were the youngest in the survey. Eighty percent of Colbert’s audience is between 18-49, and 74% of Stewart’s audience falls into the 18-49 demo. Although their audiences are double the amount of liberals in the overall population, Colbert and Stewart also appeal to Libertarians, as they make up 29% and 27% respectively of their audiences. Interestingly 53% of Colbert’s audience and 43% of Stewart’s said that they watch these programs for entertainment. They may come for the entertainment, but they also get a healthy dose of the news.

Fox News has made no secret of their distaste for Colbert, and especially Jon Stewart, and it is pretty obvious why. Colbert and Stewart are educating an entire generation of younger viewers to critically think about what they see in the media. The long term health of Fox News is going to depend on their ability to attract and retain younger viewers. These are the same viewers that are watching Jon Stewart expose and mock Fox News on a nightly basis. This is why FNC goes out of it’s way to impugn the credibility of Stewart anytime they can. It is funny to think that the competition that may do the most long term damage to Fox News is not Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow, but a comedian who hosts a nightly mock newscast on a comedy network.

Now you know why I often post video from the Daily Show or the Colbert Report here on IM.

I learned long ago that their influence was vitally important in providing real factual information, and it is only the cherry on top of the "information sundae" that they do so in a comedic, and highly watchable, fashion.


  1. Hey! I'm well over fifty and I watch Stewart and Colbert religiously - and have for years. Often the only "news" I watch because I know they'll get through the BS and get to the point. (I also watch MSNBC when I want to get the news with thoughtful commentary. Cannot stomach faux news My hope is that all those young people who supposedly watch The Daily Show and Colbert Report will go to the next step and vote - against the liars and racists that are exposed on TDS and TCR.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    o/t, Willow's a little bonafide hottie. Bristol's also starting to lose weight. She looks good in the latest paparazzi video. Representin Alaska with her Size Matters shirt. Love it.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I have been saying this since Day 1. Colbert and Stewart didn't ask for the title of being the nation's information source of truthiness, but they are. They have revealed more duplicity and unethical issues than the real media. Rolling Stone comes in second as a credible news source. The others...not so much.

    I think it is important to give their staffers credit for the incredible research they do compared to most news outlets.

    1. I think this country owes Colbert a medal for his work exposing SuperPacs.

      Both have won well deserved Emmys.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The truth is John Stewart offers a more "fair and balanced" news view than either FOX or MSNBC. His interviews are much better, also. The guy may be a comic, but he's obviously very educated and up to date. JS rocks. Colbert, okay, but he never lets anyone speak. His show is a bit too stupid for me.

  5. laprofesora6:47 AM

    The world is truly upside down when we have to rely on shows from Comedy Central to call out the BS in the media today. Stewart and Colbert expose the truth, something you never see on the supposed "news" shows.

    PS My husband works with a RWNJ who believes Colbert is a right-winger! Too stupid to live.

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    @6:15 - you need meds and a vision check. You're welcome.

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Just a quick FYI. Stewart and Colbert air M-TH on Comedy Central. Wish they were on Fridays too!

  8. Lynne7:01 AM

    Anonymous at 6:15...and your point is...? Did you get lost and find yourself on the wrong blog this morning?

  9. Randall7:24 AM

    The most effective way to let the air out of Sarah Palin's balloon would be to get people to laugh at her. Mock her.

    Tina Fey in 2012

    1. Colbert had a great sendup of Palin this week. He showed her picture, referred to Honey Boo Boo and said "A dollar makes me holler."

  10. GrainneKathleen7:25 AM

    i disagree where is says tat we are coming to watch to be entertained, but we are getting the news as a by-product (paraphrase). if you didn't already know the news, you wouldn't get the jokes - they're only 1/2 each and they have to hi themselves ho. most viewers are already educated in the news, or at least what the media is dishing out now. js teases that his audience is all stoners. while there probably are a lot of stoners, they are well-informed stoners. i am bound and determined to get tix to both of these sometime in the next five years. anyone got any pointers?

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I, too, am on the other side of 50 and watch Stewart and Colbert for my daily dose of sanity. I never watch fox in case stupidity is contagious.

  12. KidShalleen7:30 AM

    To Editor;
    As I'm sure you know, there is a movement(though I don't know how serious it is), for Colbert to have a truthiness rally as an antidote to Beck's rally in Washington. I kind of hope it comes to fruition. Adding Stewart to it and maybe Maddow, and a couple of high place Democrats, it could be quite a turn out.
    Maybe even in the millions, using the FOX metric. ;)

  13. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Much has been made of younger viewers "getting their news" from Colbert and Stewart, but we should keep in mind that viewers have to be well informed to even get the jokes.

    On the other hand, the reason hardly anyone watches CNN anymore is because CNN has turned into a really bad joke.

  14. I am trying not to go off on Anon 6:15 who has obviously missed the point.

    I am thinking Palin channels unresolved madonna whore issues some men have. If that is the case let's get Pamela Anderson in a carnival propaganda road show giving shout outs to Jesus, abstinenence, freedom a herd of fat bellied men can get riled up. Some people need to go pay a stripper seperating their issues from the nation's critical problems in need of resolution.

    Not in a good mood today for nonsense.

  15. It's been just since last winter that I have had a cable/dish network that I could watch Comedy Central...I don't receive MSNBC on my plan..sigh. I absolutely adore Jon Stewart and I'm retired. I have a little more trouble with Colbert and I can't quite figure out why!
    But think how awful it would be to not have them to sift thru the Fox noise or rather clarify and humiliate!

  16. Good article except for the part about FOX doing us a favor.

    Hillary claimed to be doing Obama a favor by toughening him up for the Republicans.

    Yeah... sure thing, Sister.

  17. Anonymous9:54 AM

    We are also well over 50 and watch JS & SC. As are our friends/extended family. I agree, you have to be aware of what's actually going on to get their jokes/satire. I think those figures need to be re-evaluated.

    Colbert is excellent at his brand of satire and his WORD is the best part of any show. Snark and satire at their best. And he can teach $carah quite a bit about honoring the troops.

    6:15 AM What is wrong with you? You sound like someone Toad should be monitoring You are kind of creepy.

  18. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I, too, am a Daily Show and Colbert Report (not as much) devotee - and I am well over 50. There are many older folks that I know who love the Daily Show - guess we are not counted.

    I NEVER watch Faux News!


  19. I'd love to know where they do their surveys. This household has two over 60s who adore Comedy Central and wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News(?).

  20. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Another over 50 here who adores Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Their audience is not just young people who want a laugh, but serious people who enjoy watching clever and humorous commentary on current events.

    Love those guys! Couldn't have made it through the Bush years without them.

  21. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Colbert is just. . . sexy.

    John Stewart is refined and sexy.

    I watch them for their looks. Do they speak? LOL

  22. aj weishar5:41 PM

    I'm another member of the minority watching Stewart and Colbert. At 62, I've had cable for a couple decades, but never watch the editorial channel, Fox. Colbert and Stewart make MSM look like idiots by pointing out their mistakes and over acting. It's an excellent statement about our country. The most accurate, factual news stories come from a team of comedy writers.

  23. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Just another over-50 here, loving Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and yes, the jokes wouldn't make much sense if you're not already aware of what's happening--stoned or not ;)

  24. I'm 58 and I watch it for the political commentary. I do occasionally hear a new news item.

    I also read The Huffington Post.

    Yeah, Fox has a problem in that too much of it's viewership dies off each year, never to be replaced.


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