Monday, September 13, 2010

Fox News: Sarah Palin propaganda machine, or secretly working toward her destruction?

There is a spotlight shone on Palin's lack of intelligence concerning economic matters during this entire interview, and for the life of me I cannot decide WHY she agreed to go on this show.  Is Fox trying to destroy her credibility, or are they counting on the fact that their audience is so intellectually challenged that they will not pick up on her glaring mistakes?

Host Liz Clayman actually asks this dimwit to suggest ways that President Obama could more effectively repair the American economy.  And she does this with a straight face, which I believe should get her an Emmy nomination at the very least!

At the 1:20 mark Palin makes the staggering suggestion that because Barack Obama has not run a business he does not understand how to run the country.  As if running the largest nation on earth is comparable to running a Subway sandwich shop in Wasilla or something.  It is pure idiocy.

To her credit Liz Clayman calls Palin on her simplistic answers about the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy at the 3:00 mark.  You can see Palin start to blink frantically which I believe is the agreed upon signal for her handlers to bail her out via her hidden earpiece. (I like the fact that she swallows hard in the middle of Clayman's question. Gotta love those tics!)  At the 3:35 mark Palin decides to change the focus from the national level, to a local level, feeling that she has more understanding of that kind of government.  Of course she doesn't.

Then the first thing she volunteers is that she was a city manager, which is complete bullshit since she hired John Cramer for that position while she was the mayor, and by all accounts HE was the one who did the actual day to day work of running the city for her. And as for her claim that she cut taxes? Well she DID cut property taxes, but only while raising the sales tax. However she also left the city 20 million dollars in debt when she left office. Concerning her call to cut federal spending, it should be noted that while mayor of Wasilla Palin was constantly flying to Washington to beg for money, and secured 27 million dollars for a town of 6,700 during her term, including 15 million for a rail project THAT WAS NEVER BUILT!

And WHERE is that money today?  Now THAT is a very good question indeed!

At the 5:15 mark Clayman again tries to be fair to President Obama, and lays out the positive impact his policies have had on the economy thus far, ending by asking Palin if she should not give "credit where credit is due." Clearly this woman does NOT know Sarah Palin who immediately dismisses Clayman's observation by saying essentially "I haven't seen that!"  Then she goes on the attack listing all of the damage done to the economy by the Bush administration and then dumping al lof that on Obama's doorstep.  Which, by the way, is a typical Republican shell game being played on the American people these days.

When the Palin-bot that Fox News insisted sit in on this interview to protect their star moron, asks Sarah Palin at the 6:50 mark about the Gelnn Beck rally, and why Obama did not watch it, the conversation goes from the surreal to the ridiculous. First Palin insists that the rally was attended by "hundred, and hundreds  of thousands of people" when the ONLY scientific measurement, which was done by CBS News, puts the number at around 87,000 people. (Here the company, Air Photos Live, explains how they reached that number and defends themselves against the Right Wing attacks.) Then she claims that President Obama was on vacation while the rally was going on, when in fact he was in New Orleans visiting with those still recovering from the devastation of Katrina.

No offense to my female visitors, but sometimes she is SUCH a hateful bitch!

(There is a second part to this interview if you want to watch it, but beware Palin does not sound any more intelligent in that part either.)

So exactly WHY do the powers that be at Fox News allow Sarah Palin to demonstrate her incredible lack of knowledge on their airwaves?  Are they gathering sound bites to use against her when she runs for President?  Do they have such a low opinion of their viewers that they don't think they will pick up on her stupidity? Is it just about ratings and they realize that people will tune in to watch Sarah Palin no matter WHAT she does?

And then we have to ask what the people that are supposedly helping to guide her decision are thinking when they put her in this situation. Do they think she sounds much smarter than she actually does? Do they have no choice because a certain number of appearances are in her Fox contract, and Fox gets to pick the programs she appears on?  Do they secretly hate her ass and WANT to see her fail on television so that they can mock her behind her back? (Secretly THAT is the one I am rooting for.)

Well WHATEVER the reasoning I think it is clear that the more people who see Sarah Palin trying to explain things that she clearly does not understand about how to run this country, the less likely those people will be fooled into voting for her in any future elections.

So perhaps in the long run, Fox is doing us all a big favor.  At least when it comes to Sarah Palin that is.


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Just on-going PROOF Gryph, that the Swag-Hag is indeed - STUPID.. If Simpleton works that can also be included... No wonder she won't speak to the REAL press - she has nothing of import to say!

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "Those of us on the front lines who are trying to make do..." Are you kidding me!!!???!!! You made $12 million in nine months you fraud. Stop makin' stuff up.

  3. sallyngarland,tx9:25 AM

    I talked to the most conservative conservative Fri. who I can barely stand to talk to. He said he used to like Palin but can barely stand her now because "she doesn't know what she is talking about." He also said he will vote for Dem for gov, Bill White in TX in Nov. So there is hope about her effects on people.

    Watch Tx in Nov. I think it may be a shocker. Many GOP are quietly crossing over to Dem White. "Vote em out" may backfire on GOP.

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I wonder about Faux too. I think they want her for the ratings, and they are TRYING to prop her up as a "commentator". I recall her last O'Reilly appearance included him practically spoon-feeding her answers to his own questions.

    The top brass may want her on, but her charms have worn thin for the people who actually have to work with her, and I think they put her down in subtle ways.

    The television business is full of very charming, very intelligent people and Quitty just can't "Wow" them like she does the common people.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    No offense taken at the 'bitch' comments.

    In fact, we women call each other that all the time.....under our breath, or right after we hang up the phone after talking to a 'bitch'. At least I do. I reckon that happens to me sometimes from the other end, too--because, frankly, sometimes I AM a bitch!

  6. WalterNeff9:33 AM

    Gryphen - retire the word 'bitch'. Today.

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    My goodness, I almost forgot - what DID happen to all that Federal money that didn't get spent on the railway?

    I hope the FBI are doing a little accounting in Wasilla...

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Hey, didn't her little car wash business go under? Couldn't she handle a car wash business? How can she possibly run a country if she can't run a car wash? Ha ha ha.

    Or, how can she possibly run a country if she can't keep her own family happy, healthy, and law-abiding?

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It is possible that since 2+2 still equals 4, the business channel can't be too ignorant or full of crap so they have to correct her a bit for their own credibility as Business News and not opinion.

    And I am sure her contract stipulates how much they have to put her on and I bet she lobbies for more.

  10. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Sidenote: another thing bad for this country. Meghan McCain. This is a girl who complains about media and people mocking her weight etc yet she freaking titles her book (though a fun beach read) Dirty SEXY Politics. Really Meghan? I would support Bristol over her ANYDAY. At least Bristol has shown strong work ethic and has worked most of her teenage life. Meghan was given a freelance writing job at DB just because of her last name (have ya read her stuff?) I hate to disparage or discourage anyone, but that is one spoiled, delusional chica. downtoearth and honest but delusional. At least when Bristol is asked policy questions (oh yes she has been), she doesnt act like shes an expert. GO BRISTOL! GO HOME MEGHAN! The fact that Jenna wouldnt hang out with her at the White House is telling. I love Jenna, sweet fun girl she is.

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Great post, Gryphen.

    I've wondered the same thing about FOX's underlying motivations in showcasing Palin's stunning ignorance and hubris for the world to see. Her appearances on O'Reilly's program were especially humiliating to her carefully crafted image as a so-called "expert." He exposed her "common sense" shtick brutally for the nonsense it really is.

    Beyond her ignorance, however, is the glaring fact that she is a clear poser --- a fraud --- a fake of the clumsiest, most overt kind. O'Reilly goes for the jugular when he senses weakness and posing (since he's such a fraudulent intellect himself). The fact that he's a misogynist who doesn't seem particularly enamored by the Tundra Tart's hillbilly charms doesn't help her with him either.

    FOX's motivations are a mystery which will no doubt be disclosed over time, but I'm inclined to think that FOX is riding her hard and, in the end, she won't just be put up wet, she'll be carted off to the glue factory.

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    12 mil and 1.3 an ep with discovery

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Do they have such a low opinion of their viewers that they don't think they will pick up on her stupidity? "
    Silly Gryph ;)
    that is because you have thinking skills....some of the voting public unfortunately hears God, Guns,real Americans and Patriots and that is all they need to know.

    here is another sign of the stupidity

  14. Squarish Belly9:50 AM

    Why doesn't someone ask Palin where that $15 million went?
    She's the expert on everything Alaskan, isn't she?
    While at it, why not ask her about that $50 million she gave TransCanada and what year you can expect to see some return on that "investment"?

  15. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think Fox knows that anyone who likes Sarah Palin is not going to win anyone over with these appearances, however, they also know she's not going to lose any of her rabid fan base no matter how stupid she sounds.

    Fox--like all TV networks--loves ratings. They know the folks who love her are going to tune in for her. They know everyone who doesn't like her is going to be tuning in to see how big a fool she makes of herself. It's total win for Fox. Sarah will throw herself under the bus eventually, and then Fox won't return her phone calls, and we'll all have to go back to our day jobs. :D

  16. Virginia Voter9:58 AM

    Uh, Sarah I thought the Glenn Beck rally was supposed to be non-political...what a dufus. And Walter Neff, lighten up, we women call each other bitches all the time, just like men are d+cks, it is sometimes the only word which can capture the true essence of a woman's attitude.

    As far as Queen Twitler goes, she should say thank you to Obama...he has made her rich beyond her wildest dreams by pandering to the fear and hatred of the teabaggers. Her dog and pony show would only rake in the big bucks with a black man as president. Sometimes I really wonder if she believes everything she is spoon fed by Scheuneman. We know she sure as hell doesn't understand it.

  17. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Fox doesn't want the grifter to run for president, they just need her to impress her followers with the importance of tax cuts for the rich, the privatization of social security, medicare cuts etc.

    No, she's not able to make a convincing argument. But so what? Her fans are probably doubly impressed that she evidently understands more about these things than they do!

  18. Anonymous10:03 AM

    @ anonymous 9:43 AM

    REALLY??? You listen to either one of these twits talk about "policy questions?" Really?

    No intelligent adult gives a flip what these girls have to say about policy or politics. Do yourself a favor, and stick to commenting on "Cosmopolitan's" latest fashion or sex tips, and leave policy discussions to the adults in the room.

  19. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I think the word bitch should definitely stay. She is what she is, and that would be a bitch. I am not insulted by the word and neither are my friends.....we can all be bitches if we want, we CHOOSE not to be....most of the time...

    9:43 AM At least Megan McCain is articulate and has a mind of her own. And that is seriously almost over the line calling Jenna a sweet young thing. yuk. Why are you even dragging these girls onto this board?

  20. Anonymous10:09 AM

    DC Metro ridership numbers for the day of the Beck rally support the CBS-commissioned count. People who came to the rally by bus were dropped at RFK stadium and had to take the patriot-approved Red Line to the Mall. Metro reported ~200,000 more trips Aug 28th than for the same Sat. last year = 100,000 round trips. There was a DC Nationals game that day too which accounts for some of the round trips, say 30,000 or half the attendance. That leaves 70,000 round trips by patriot Beck-lovers. Thank goodness the picture from Wasilla center leaves no doubt there were no more than 300 people there or the tale would be told that "thousands" showed up.

  21. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Well Gryphen, I respectfully disagree with your take on Fox News. I don't think they try to work toward her destruction.

    Remember this network is aimed at GOP viewers. What Palin said is no different from what other crazy right wingers said. They never gave Obama any credit and completely write off the effects of the stimulus plans.
    The point is to lie through their teeth with confidence in order to turn the whole thing into a 'he said, she said' matter', never mind the facts and reality.

    But it works for them. Now they just have this quitter pants lending her 'credential' to their economic model. So the viewers will swallow it whole.

    Remember only we liberals think she is stupid. The Fox viewers wouldn't believe she ever lies or is stupid. So for them, any facts presented to them are just liberal media lies.

  22. Gryphen - You ask if FOX believes that their viewers are too stupid to notice how ignorant SP is.
    If you check her cult site after any of these interview disasters, you will see them proudly display the video, will all of them concurring that she is a genius.
    I kid you not.
    They excuse anything and everything -
    we cannot underestimate the stupidity of the populace who watch FOX "news."

  23. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Fox news know who their audience is. They are super rich people who are smart enough to know the truth but are greedy and love Fox and their is a huge amount of willfully ignorant people who will believe anything Fox news tells them and thanks to the Christian right their will be generations of ignorant people who were home schooled by the very ignorant parents who watch Fox News all day. SP has no shame and as a female I agree she is a BITCH. Someone please stop her before people get hurt.

  24. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I'm gonna toot my own horn...I have an MBA in finance, am a CFA Charter holder and I must confess that Sarah makes me laugh out loud when she talks economics.

    Clueless in Seattle!

    I'm no fan of the terrible policies of the GOP but Mitt is going to wipe the floor with this woman in 2012 if she runs (I doubt it.)

  25. She is used up and now it's time to put her away and FOX will find another shiny toy. As fucked as FOX is, even their people are starting to go HUH? Her contract must be coming up, she thinks the investment fox made to her house would secure her job. That was chump change and they will be chumping her soon. Todd doesn't have a license for a float plane does he?

  26. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I wonder if the Thought Police are using her for experimentation. See

  27. Anonymous10:37 AM

    My guess is Fox has given her some guaranteed amount of time, and that their original plan was to fill it with her interview show. You know, the one with re-packaged interviews of people who did not want to appear on Palin's show? That was a big disaster. So now, it's back to pretending that she learned something in her five years at five different colleges.

  28. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Thank you Gryphen, for giving a to-be-read rundown of this video - from all of us who cannot hear talk videos. I check into your blog several times a day and love it! Kudos to your good work, integrity, and wit.

  29. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'd like to see her fight a real pit bull. Live. On TV. I'd even watch it on Faux Noise.

  30. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Sarah Palin is an IDIOT and a LIAR.

  31. laprofesora10:55 AM

    1) Home "sells"? "Cells"?

    2) Those of "US" who are trying to get by??? Is she joking???

    3) and if the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy stimulate job growth, and the cuts have been in place since 2003, WHY, oh Crazy One, is the economy in the crapper?

    I hate her to infinity.

  32. Anonymous11:01 AM

    "I would support Bristol over her ANYDAY. At least Bristol has shown strong work ethic and has worked most of her teenage life. Meghan was given a freelance writing job at DB just because of her last name (have ya read her stuff?) I hate to disparage or discourage anyone, but that is one spoiled, delusional chica."

    You can't be serious. The dumb, disrespectful, self-centered, phony, ignorant Bristol Palin has been handed everything on a platter, including the opportunities to make many thousands and thousands of dollars for being nothing more than SP's daughter. She gets to come and go from whatever other work commitments ("office manager"?)she pretends she's made, and have all the help she needs in child care. This bullshit about proving her work ethic makes me puke. Someone with a work ethic works hard on a demanding commitment, not a celebrity opportunity with production assistants answering your every need and doing your hair and makeup and clothing. Or being paid thousands to speak for ONE NIGHT to deluded assholes about ABSTINENCE!! I despite this young woman almost as much as I despise her mother.

  33. laprofesora11:03 AM

    PS "SHE" was a city manager??? I love when she does this; it's like her little pea-brain just has to leak out some truth in spite of herself. Has she ever admitted on the record that she hired a city manager to run Wasilla? I'm guessing not. It's just like when you're trying not to say something and the very thing you're trying not to say comes out of your mouth. That's Scarah; she's trying not to say "I had to hire a city manager because I was too lazy and incompetent to be mayor", and the very words "city manager" come tripping out. Idiot.

  34. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Sarah can't announce her candidacy since she couldn't have the free access to her media outlet if she did. She would be given equal access like other candidates. Once she announces a candidacy, her pundit days at Fox are over.

  35. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hateful, stupid bitch is right on!

  36. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Here's my honest take on it from a Canadian's POV:

    Oh no! The bitch answered every gotcha question from the redhead and pulled it off just fine. Americans, you have waited too long to destroy her. This is not the same woman that didn't have a clue when she was interviewed by Couric. Palin has shown that she is capable of answering the questions with all the rightwing hatefilled talking points. If this bitch decides to run for president in 2012, I think you people who oppose her could be in big trouble!

    Because: She's got the good looks that are #1 for a candidate. She has the talking points nailed down well enough that she can escape from those who want to trap her now. All most Americans want to hear is 'feel good' rhetoric and are not going to be interested in the truth about her being a no-mind idiot.

    My guess is that there is going to have to be something brought up that can destroy her from her previous record. I doubt very much that the faked pregnancy is going to be it because the public is just not receptive to that truth anymore. And that is 'not' the media's fault in my humble opinion. It's the fact that nobody is willing to attack motherhood. Or more correctly, nobody is willing to attack what she has fabricated to look like motherhood. Barring the good luck of a tornado sweeping her away or a heavy object falling from the sky and smashing her skull in, I think you're lookin' at yer next presnit.

  37. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "Is Fox trying to destroy her credibility, or are they counting on the fact that their audience is so intellectually challenged that they will not pick up on her glaring mistakes?"

    That's a rhetorical question, right?

    - kellygrrrl

  38. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "Bitch" is my favorite word to call men and women. It's very descriptive.
    "Bitch" isn't necessarily a bad thing to be, either. It really depends on the man/woman and circumstances. My favorite line from Dolores Claiborne - "Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive. Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto." Sarah, you may not use that line.

  39. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Here's a conspiracy theor for ya'all. Fox very cleverly matched up the two interviewers as a sort of good cop, bad cop scenario. It was most likely rehearsed and then replayed as opposed to being live. The huge value in this is in causing people to think that Fox is being fair and balanced by holding Palin's feet to the fire. And of course, contrary to the thinking of the people who hate Palin, she passed with flying colors. Lied her fat ass off with complete bullshit lies but still passed.

  40. After this interview Palin should recede into the shadows forever when it comes to discussing economic matters. She fast talked and failed to answer any question she was asked about the economy. I taught economics for at least 10 years before retiring, and I can say without a doubt that Palin knows absolutely nothing about economics, making her unsuitable to discuss the topic. Every endeavor Palin has even undertaken has been run by someone behind the scenes, and it shows. If she is not ashamed of her performance in this interview, she should be, and as sallyngarland,tx said, I do think that the sane conservatives know that neither Palin nor the republicans in Congress have much to offer in the form of solutions to our problems, except NO!

  41. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Hey, 9:43. At least Meagan McCain didn't get pregnant as a teen nor has she stuck out her tongue at reporters as did your sweet little Jenna. I may not like Meagan a lot, but at least she got an education. So did Jenna, who I must say seems to have grown up a lot.

    Bristol barely got her high school level education, does not have a steady job nor has she kept one for any length of time. She has a lot of "gigs," thanks to Sarah Palin being her mother, but she has nothing of merit to offer and is certainly not a role model for teenagers.

  42. A short additional comment. I'm someone who watches the facial expressions and body language of others very closely. I noticed the expression of disbelief and puzzlement on the interviewer's face as she was processing Palin's non-answers to her questions, and I think she was thinking, "There's definitely something wrong with this woman."

    Am I the only one to pick up on this?

  43. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Dudes, if you think she's being showing in a bad way now, just wait until November...if the GOP fails to take either house, she is going to be the donkey they pin all the blame on. Just you watch. I mean, I want the GOP to lose anyway, but anticipation of the public reaming she's going to get for it makes alllll the more worthwhile...

  44. Overall I am hearing Palin get her message across or make her points scoring herself in one extreme and Obama as the opposiste. Palin effectively communicates by deleting inconvenient facts, disregarding facts and intentionally inflating facts to send a message Obama is an ignoramus who does not even "hire a team" to do what he clerly knows nothing about. Then she portrays herself as being the brains of Wasilly, she did it alone to balance the budget, reduced taxes, she grew businesses, leaving the impression Wasilly was in the black.

    Palin made her points that she (Todd and I infer poor Bristol) are also are making do, their 401K's have not rebounded and that Obama..he ignored them. Obama does not listen or care about the masses but Sarah does.
    (I know she tripled to quadrupled the size of the crowd which scores more points in her favor!)

    Re: the intent of the post it's hard to know what Fox intends. Something smelled fishy to me hearing Sarah give shout outs to Fox News this past weekend. If it weren't for Fox she'd be nothing but an ordainary person on FB and tweeting for they are making her into a shooting star. Maybe after a taste of Palin's vindictive revenge for saying things like "give credit where it is due" or "to be fair Obama was in New Orleans" people will tire of her stardom at their expense.

  45. Anonymous11:46 AM


    1.) I strongly agree with WalterNeff @ 9:33 am. That term brings you down to Palin's level.

    2.) Can you follow-up on the comment of Anon @ 9:33am and dedicate an entire blog to this missing money?

    Many thanks for your selfless dedication to exposing $P and educating us on her shenanigans. You are doing the MSM's job.

  46. I've been wondering if Sarah has been a bright shiny object for the media to focus on while the Republicans try to figure out who will be the candidates for 2012. A kind of cover for the disarray. Well, the day is rapidly coming when the candidates are going to start running. Sarah needs to be discredited and gotten out of the way first. Time will tell.

  47. Every word, every gesture is beyond annoying. Her arrogance, narcissism, lies, and senselessness are intolerable...insufferable...unendurable...for me.

    It's unlikely she'll ever be interviewed by anyone who knows her history enough to call her out on the city manager, business owner, and governing experience crap.

    I'm thankful for IM's tenacity at focusing the spotlight on the lying harridan.

  48. Enjay in E MT11:51 AM

    Hey Faux -- SHE QUIT!!!
    She said she didn't need a title when she resigned. So quit calling her GOVERNOR !!!

    Since when did the FORMER half gov have to meet payroll as a private employer? Was that 10-15 yrs ago when her & todd'ers had the Car Wash (that failed)or the snow machine sales (?)- that I also believe FAILED?

    What an idiot?

  49. angela11:52 AM

    Anon 9:43

    C'mon Sarah. . . Don't you have some hate to spew.

  50. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If Fox News can allow Hannity and Beck to "pontificate" night after night why would they not think they had a "goldmine" in this dimwit?

    Rambling Rose just goes on and on in search of a period to end a meandering sentence that has absolutely no substance in the first place. Hand her a new word and she manages to interject it over and over in a failed attempt to appear viable.

    The whole Palin coverage is such a joke that it boggles the mind that anyone with a pulse could even decipher what it is she is trying to say.

    This woman is intellectually stupid. No other word can sum her up in quite the same way.

  51. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Nope, the TBs and PBots will see it as gotcha journalism.

  52. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Anonymous said... "At least Bristol has shown strong work ethic and has worked most of her teenage life..."

    Hahahaha, thanks for the laugh. On what planet do you reside?

  53. Pat in MA12:22 PM


    to infinity and beyond!

  54. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I think that the Folks at Fox all got the memo to be nice to Sarah and make her look good. When they found out that Sarah was getting more money than they were, and that it was almost impossible to make her look good, you end up with a show like the one posted here today.

    No instult to women, Gryphen, many of us knew exactly who Sarah Palin was before you guys got over how short her skirt was and that she winked especially at you. Guys are direct and tell it like it is. In school, starting around middle school, girls turning into mean, catty individuals. Not all girls, but enough to make life miserable for the rest of us. We can hear that whispering behind the back, see the notes passed in class and in today's electron world, there is poison to spare in tweets, facebook insults, messages and more. One unguarded moment or confidence can be the meat of juicy gossip for weeks.

    The thing that is interesting is who Sarah's fans are, especially among women. They seem to be like RAM or Adrienne Ross, Sarah's professional fan. But, we're not insulted at all; we knew what kind of mean girl Sarah was before you caught on. It's too bad that she seems to be raising her daughters the same way.

  55. The Godfather of our country, Rupert Murdoch, is the only one who can decide when to end this foolishness & put her & the rest of us out of our misery. She has exceeded my wildest expectations in the last couple of days....she is much dumber & crazier than even I thought possible.

  56. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Bristol Palin and work ethic in the same sentence equals straight-up fantasy. And as to her parenting skills I have seen her in Anchorage with her son and she barely acknowledges him as he wanders away. She is a very young immature girl/woman who was poorly parented and doing the best she can with the limited kills she has been given.

  57. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Bristol's only work ethic is studying hard to be the consummate grifter like her Mom. Gah!

    I'm not sure what Fox is up to but as long as they still get the morons to watch they don't care. Palin is a clueless dolt that thrives on division. She lies and gets away with it and her minions applaud this behavior...tells you alot about them, eh?

    I'd love to see her destroy herself and that's exactly what she'll do should she choose to run in 2012. See, she's able to pull this slamming the "lamestream media" crapola because she's not a candidate for anything. That would end abruptly should she run. A candidate for President can't whine, lie, cry about the media and answer zero questions on world and national policy nor wink or shake their ass in F me pumps and expect to be taken seriously. I think she'd scare the crap out of any voter with more than 2 functioning brain cells.

    BTW, I couldn't care less about the word bitch. As a woman it has never offended me and frankly I get really sick of all the politically correct nonsense about some words. She is a bitch, the bad kind. Period.

  58. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I just keep coming back to the Katy Couric interview where Sarah appears so entirely out of her element and how seamlessly she slips into her sing-song lying voice when she tries to answer the "What do you read" question. I was so offended when she attempted the Alaska card with the lame: "I read everything in front of me" ... and we Alaskans are not in the boonies ...

    Total crap, total deflecting crap.

  59. Maji,
    My training it to pay as much, if not more, attention to the feeling behind the words than to the words, including facial expression and body language. With Palin, you almost don't have to listen. When she was asked about the positive accomplishments Obama has made and giving credit where credit was due, or asked to explain something she couldn't, her eyes narrowed, her lips tightened, jaw clenched, and she displayed all the signs of anger and almost rage (she has the nerve to ask me that!). Another thing I look for in my clients, is the ability to be self-aware, recognize faults, and learn from one's mistakes.

    Palin is clearly unable to learn because at this point, most people in the public eye would have learned how to control their reactions to unpleasant questions. Try to think of times when you've seen another politician or other public figure who you have been able to tell what they are feeling to the extent that you can with her.

  60. Anonymous1:39 PM

    anon 11:01 100% agree! And Gryphen,
    is Mr. Cramer the man who actually ran the city while Palin had the mayor title still around? Wonder if he'd be willing to give an interview.
    His name has come up here, & elsewhere, bet he could shed some light on her managerial 'expertise.'

    Sharon TN

  61. Eunice1:44 PM

    I can't listen to her voice anymore. She sounds like a kindergarten teacher with that sickly sweet affected tone. I keep expecting her to ask if we're ready for some milk and cookies. Then I remember she's a national political force and I feel ill.

  62. Anonymous1:54 PM

    sallyngarland, i had to laugh at your post! i'm in fort worth and i work in an office full of conservatives (99%). they are all very lovely people and a joy to work with.

    we NEVER discuss politics, so i don't know how they feel about palin. frankly, i'm afraid to ask. i'd hate to discover if any of these smart, lovely people could be duped by her.

  63. Anonymous1:56 PM


    Frankly, "bitch" is too nice. Trust me, I'm a woman and I know a c**t when I see one.

  64. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Okay, I just read Walter's post. You may as well delete mine 'cause he won't like my word either.

  65. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Anon @ 11;14: "This is not the same woman that didn't have a clue when she was interviewed by Couric. Palin has shown that she is capable of answering the questions with all the rightwing hatefilled talking points. If this bitch decides to run for president in 2012, I think you people who oppose her could be in big trouble! "

    Palin will always be the woman K. Couric. Stupid is forever.

    Her lying, fraud-filled answers on Fox are prepared in advance. If she runs for P and refuses to ever engage in spontaneous questioning, she will lose. And if she does engage in it, she will also lose.

  66. Anonymous2:06 PM

    What business did Palin ever have? A failed car wash?

    I know TODD had a business, until Sarah got romantic with the partner, but wasn't that a small snow machine distributorship? How many employees other than Todd and Brad? One? None?

    How many employees in Todd's fishing sideline? Sarah? LOL!

    As far as I know, Todd's been a W-2 guy working for BP (with a few sidelines) and Sarah's been on a municipal/state government payroll. What a pair to claim so much knowledge about what a business owner has to deal with!

    Maybe there's some folk in Michelle Obama's family who have small businesses. Then Obama can lay claim to that experience the way Sarah lays claim to her inlaw's family fishing business.

  67. Anonymous2:12 PM

    People, your hate for Palin is clouding your thinking. She 'doesn't' sound all that bad anymore and she 'doesn't' come across as stupid anymore. For those of you with a little more political sophistication, you should know that what irks most others is not necessarily Palin's bad performance. For the majority of people (or voters) Palin has it nailed down. You refuse to recognize this at your own peril. Actually she now not only appeals to her rightwing base, I bet she's coming across as being acceptable to a large part of the middle of the roaders and the undecided.

  68. Anonymous2:13 PM

    9:43, huh? i'm not a big meghan mccain fan here, but, seriously, bristol is not even in meghan's league. from what i can see of bristol, she is an immature, rude, selfish, lazy, and disrespectful whining opportunist. whatever meghan's done to tick you off can't be worse than THAT.

  69. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Squarish Belly @ 9:50. wasn't it $500 million that Palin gave Trans Canada?

  70. Anonymous2:17 PM

    "counting on the fact that their audience is so intellectually challenged that they will not pick up on her glaring mistakes?"

    There you have it. These people are not seeking information, they're seeking validation. That quote from an audience member at the Palin/Beck scam in Anchorage - "This is who we are."

    Facts? We don't need no steenking facts. We have cognitive dissonance to deal with those pesky annoyances.

  71. Anonymous2:23 PM

    FOX doesn't care how dumb she is. They aren't paying her to INFORM anyone, for goodness sake! FOX has real advisors for that!

    FOX is paying for her entertainment value and locked in audience. Those people aren't looking to be informed either - only "vindicated."

  72. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Frankly, "bitch" is too nice. Trust me, I'm a woman and I know a c**t when I see one.

    1:56 PM

    When I watched Palin & McCain when they were on stage and TV together, their slogan was "Country First." However, I noted at the time that Sarah was standing on the left and she obscured the letter "o"; McCain did the same with the letters "ry." Accident or carefully planned?

  73. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah Palin is a s.o.c.i.o.p.a.t.h.

    She is always giving a performance because she has no substance to offer. The performance is to stimulate her hearers emotions not their intellect.

    The meaning of interviewers' questions is really unimportant to Palin. She doesn't care whether she answers the questions.

    From this Fox clip, I'd say her handlers are zeroing in the medication target. Palin is relatively coherent.

  74. Anonymous2:51 PM

    @2:12- Perhaps you are mathematically challenged. Are you unaware of how poorly Palin is polling now in "real America"? She is held in absolute disdain by the majority of Americans--even, apparently, in Alaska, as we witnessed this weekend, where 1% of the Anchorage population turned out to hear Glenn Beck.

  75. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Her main premise of her debate is wrong from the get-go. There is no proof that the tax cuts for the rich created one, single, solitary job. There is tons of proof that they just banked it and let the interest roll in.

    And her brushing aside of the deficient numbers was laughable. If the tax cuts for the wealthiest stay in place, we are looking at a 700B deficient not 40B like they said. The 30-40B is the number if the rich cuts get eliminated.

  76. ManxMamma3:22 PM

    Thanks for summarizing this Gryphen. I simply can't listen to the WGE.

  77. Anonymous3:35 PM

    More proof that

    That woman is an idiot!

  78. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Thoughts as I listen:

    This is a complete setup. First Liz sets up the false idea that Palin has more than one idea to spur job creation (listen about 0.30 to 0.33). She urges Palin to limit herself to "just one" idea.

    Then Palin is given easy questions that allow her to

    1) trot out the talking points: Bush tax cuts, yes!; Stimulus, no! and

    2) attack the President (her 2012 campaign has already started - VERY UNETHICAL OF FOX, but what do you expect from them?):

    HE has grown the debt (not the Republicans).

    HIS alleged mistakes are "forgivable" because he's never run a business or made payroll or balanced a budget (implying, falsely, that Palin has managed a payroll or that Palin has had to balance a budget. Wasn't her only budget as Gov made easy due to high oil prices? And didn't she leave Wasilla in debt?)

    HE has not hired a team of experts.

    HE doesn't understand free market principles.

    "Fundamentally the things that Barack Obama believes in are absolutely the wrong things for our economy at this time."

    "HE'S had nearly two years to see if his policies work and they're not working."

    "I don't know why President Obama doesn't understand why it wouldn't work on a national level."

    HE doesn't care about the Heartland because he was too busy to watch the Beck rally.

    (to be continued)

  79. Anonymous3:45 PM


    Liz also sets up the idea that PALIN would have an opportunity to fix the economy, presumably as President herself (see 2:33): "Would you be prepared to deal with deficit impact and the consequences of that?"

    Palin also gets to pretend that SHE was the city manager that was hired for Wasilla. Her audience doesn't know that the city manager was actually someone else.

    Finally, Palin gets to show off a new phrase that Randy Scheunemann has taught her: "monetize the debt."

    I agree that she sounds fine. She's attractive, she doesn't stutter, she sounds confident. So what if she is lying about her record and her capabilities. So what if her attacks on the President are disingenuous? Most people are ignorant and ill informed. Even the "normal" people. Obama will get blamed for the economy (even while it IS recovering). She'll get elected and take the credit when the economy recovers due to Obama's efforts.

  80. Anonymous3:47 PM

    It is TIME to open MONEYGATE and start some serious investigating into these missing millions! These revelation may also explain why many in her former inner circle are afraid to speak out against her, because they probably have a role in the embellezment scheme.

    Maybe knowing she stole millions from AK would be a reality check to turn off her low life, trailer trash followers who are blindly giving her their disability checks.

    Palin has sounded like an fool from day 1 yet look at all the idiots who salivate while she screeches her hate-filled lies and BS speeches that make no sense!

  81. corprimo3:58 PM

    I was checking poll results of the NH candidate, Ayotte, that Palin endorsed after a Google search. In a hurry, I didn't notice which website I was on until I started reading comments under the article. I thought I was in some weird parallel universe until I scrolled to the top and realized I was on It doesn't matter to the Palinbots how stupid Palin is or how poorly she communicates - they are TRUE BELIEVERS and will follow her wherever she stumbles. We can fact check as much as we want and present the truth, but as long as the Republicans are drinking that red koolaid, it isn't going to make a damn bit of difference. Newt's latest BS is another case in point. These folks are seriously nuts!

  82. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Yeah, Palin doesn't get why simplistic tax incentives on a muicipal level aren't being applied to our complex national economy.

    And Stupid people will nod their heads in agreement.

    We are doomed.

  83. Anonymous4:30 PM

    11:14 canada God I hope you are wrong!!!!

  84. Anonymous4:31 PM

    anony@1:56 I'm a women and i agree with you

  85. emrysa4:56 PM

    anon @ 2:12 pm sez:

    "She 'doesn't' sound all that bad anymore and she 'doesn't' come across as stupid anymore. "

    HUH? maybe you've been listening too much. you know that old saying about being in the shithouse for so long you no longer smell the stench.

  86. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Remember folks, the McCain / Palin administration would be halfway to balancing our national budget by now.

    Sarah, did you just explain the way here for our ignorant POTUS?

    Oh, and, STFU you lying dirtbag bitch. My version of the "C" word isn't as insulting as Palin's - "Creationist."

  87. Anonymous5:06 PM

    This woman isn't an economist. Why are these foolish Fox business reporters asking Sarah Palin about national economics. She never quotes numbers, statistics, or even shows she's aware of the monetary system. No banking, trading, financial points come from her brain because she knows nothing but pretends to know what she's talking about.

    When they ask her questions as though she were a financial guru, and she sits there with a smirk on her face pretending that she's on to their gotcha questions, it's hilarious. She's got to know viewers are laughing at her.

    About the question regarding families' pension funds, she responds by putting herself in there as "we" as though she is also suffering like the many who have seen their small business pension investments drop to nothing. She is such a @#$%^&*!!!

  88. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Fox thrives on agitation and Saint Sarah, as well as Hannity, Beck, and Bill-o are all agitators. That's their game. Allowing Palin to show her 'brilliance' brings in ratings and rants.

  89. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "I agree that she sounds fine. She's attractive, she doesn't stutter, she sounds confident. So what if she is lying about her record and her capabilities. So what if her attacks on the President are disingenuous?"

    I disagree that someone lying with stupendous confidence--the kind of confidence born only of mental illness--ever "sounds fine." And wow, that not stuttering part? Her speech amounts to stuttering. It takes place basically without engagement of the frontal cortex. You give yourself away so obviously... You show me the soullessness she inspires.

  90. Anonymous6:18 PM

    5;20p, I am a long time reader and frequent commenter on this blog. Many of the harshest criticisms of Palin are mine. I am no troll.

    Regardless of my personal opinion, I can say that yes, she did sound fine and I can see how ill-informed people could see her performance in a positive light. Palin's good looks and charm are a good cover for her ignorance and self-interest.

    One thing I do know: Sarah's opponents will have to bring better game than "she's bad for America."

    Perhaps I've lost confidence in the American voter. Only time will tell. But I will say that I do not have much hope. I suspect our country will have to actually experience another incompetent fraud like Sarah Palin to really get it.

    On the bright side, it could be a great show. She'll pull the same shit she pulled in Alaska and the GOP House will impeach her and a GOP Senate will convict.

  91. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Fox News knows exactly what it's doing.

    Fox (Rupert Murdoch) likes the ratings she generates from the birther/racist/gun-toting/religious folks. That's why they give her constant coverage.

    Fox desperately wants a republican to win the presidency but they know that Palin's unelectable.

    Right now, they're playing to Palin's massive conceit to encourage her to believe she's a viable candidate. Like the puppet she is, she hints about being a 2012 candidate.

    When we're closer to the 2012 election, Fox will trot out an intelligent, reasonable, conservative that cannot be easily slammed for his past actions (because he's currently behaving himself, unlike Sarah). By then, conservatives will jump at voting for any even-slightly reasonable person over Palin.

    So, Fox News is keeping her foolishness in the limelight to get ratings from her fanatics, to provoke the rest of the media and politicos to discuss her latest crappola ad nauseum, and to chronicle her history of idiocy. Sarah Palin is being manipulated by them but she also needs to continually feed her ego. She is Fox's wild goose chase to divert attention and competing airtime from Fox's real agenda.

  92. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Anon 2:12pm, you made me laugh! I really needed a good laugh.

  93. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I think Fox and the rest of the GOP establishment will use her to rile up the base as long as possible. Then they will bring her down in a way that will look as if the other media or bloggers did it - all the better in their minds to stoke the anger. Fox and the GOP leaders kow all the dirt. Don't be surprised if some interesting documents come over your virtual transom.

  94. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I think she serves two very important purposes to FOX and the right:

    1. She keeps the enthusiasm of her base ramped up with the blather that she spews and by the constant disrespectful railing at the President.

    2. She'll make ANY candidate the Republicans finally pick look good by comparison.

  95. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I commented at 2:12 and was attacked for what I said. People please, learn to separate the objective comments of those among us who hate palin as much as anyone. From a Canadian POV it's pretty obvious that she's starting to pull it off now that she's had some schooling and some coaching. Saying that and understanding that doesn't mean that I don't hate her evil stupid guts as much as the next guy. It's only saying that she's become a serious threat now. It's going to be a lot harder stopping her than it would have been back in the beginning when she couldn't even stand her ground with a softball interview with Couric.

  96. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Palin is a red herring..the political rodeo clown...look for a viable electable candidate to emerge..why would she give up $12M per year for the paltry sum of what a US President earns? And the work would be much too hard for her, even if it is just being the puppet for the neo-cons.

  97. Anonymous11:21 PM

  98. Anonymous11:56 AM

    immature, rude, selfish, lazy, and disrespectful whining opportunist.

    These words were used to describe Bristol. Most cannot be proven as I'd wager none of you have met her.
    However, I have and Bristol is none of these things. And why is being an opportunist a bad thing. Are you saying if someone walked up to you on the street, said ihowd ya like to be on tv ( and btw make 6 digits), would you say no? Unless you're painfully shy (to the point of becoming ill), you'd probably say yes. Esp if you like challenge and are adventure seeking. Life is about opportunities. Her mother had the confidence to pursue public service (not an easy thing to actualize). Don't hate bristol for opportunities created because of that first step. It sucks that some people have nothing due to poverty. I hope bristol discusses poverty in her teen motherhood speeches because that's what ppl face aside from govt assistance. But until you physcially hear her speak about her life and experiences, you know nothing

  99. Anonymous2:07 PM


    Bristol is responsible for her own reputation. That reputation was earned from HER OWN WORDS she gave in interviews and HER OWN ACTIONS in using her son as a moneymaker all the while condemning the child's father and accusing him of what SHE was actually doing.

    Nobody cares that Bristol is taking opportunities as they come. That's not what "opportunistic" means. What repulses decent people is how Bristol peddles her abstinence lie and her struggling-single-mom lie to people she can't do anything to help because she just doesn't get their problems or their reality.


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