Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bill Maher outs Christine O'Donnell as an ex-witch.

By the way I call bullshit on this claim of O'Donnell's about "dating a witch." 

All of that talk about Satanic sacrifices sounds like the usual bunch of crap that evangelical Christians spout off about all of the time in order to demonize those they see as pagans or unbelievers.

Now I personally have actually dated a witch, and I can tell you that she was a lovely person who was no more Satanic then the average Christian woman who checks her horoscope on a daily basis to see what her day holds in store for her.

By the way HBO is famously defensive about their videos so this YouTube may not work for long.  Watch it while you can.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Then Maher did the big reveal, a short segment which included actor Jamie Kennedy listening incredulously to her story.

    "I dabbled into witchcraft," O'Donnell says in the clip.

    "I didn't join a coven, Let's get this straight," she says, as Kennedy asks her questions. "I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not makin' this stuff up. I know what they told me they do."

    O'Donnell, sporting super permed hair, a blue sweater and black pants, then describes "one of my first dates with a witch."

    It was "on a satanic altar and I didn't know it, and I mean there a little blood there and stuff like that," she says. "We went to a movie and had a little midnight picnic."

  2. Olivia7:14 AM

    I agree with you, this is just another fake situation that they can say "see, she knows what she is talking about because she has been there"
    She may have felt satanic when she did whatever she did but she knows nothing about witchcraft and she lied when she said she dabbled in it.

  3. GrainneKathleen7:36 AM

    another funny kimmel skit:

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    She is forgiven of all sin.

  5. GrainneKathleen7:48 AM

    another great new animation video featuring sis sarah, christine, and their tea partyin' fools. these really crack me up!

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I used to practice witchcraft and hang out with a bunch of witches. The only time human sacrifice ever came up was when we were trying to freak out drunken college students on the bus.

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Did she date "Witch Doctor" Pastor Muthee?

    Does Bible Spice know? Is she jealous.

    Haha...these Tea Baggers are endless fun.

  8. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Gryph, post the interview where she was on Billo and said that companies were cross breeding humans and mice and that there were mice with fully functioning human brains.

    HAHHAHA...making some of them are managing her campaign!

  9. laprofesora7:54 AM

    Somebody needs an awful lot of attention.

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Wiccans make up a larger portion of America than people realize. It's not freakish. It's not that different from any other religion.

    She says she dabbled, not joined. Big difference. You have to study for years to be respected as a witch. It's serious business and quite fascinating. The healing powers are magnificent. The power to focus mental energy is a pretty awesome thing.

  11. She is a true idiot. I know several people who are pagan or witches. They are normal and do not worship the devil. The devil is a Christian concept that has nothing to do with pagan beliefs.

    She also said warlock. Warlocks are considered bad in pagan belief.

  12. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The God of the Old Testament killed folks for "dabbling" in idolatry.

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    She is full of crap about being a witch and dating one. Most witches I know are pretty secretive about being a witch because of the way they are treated when people know.

    She lies. Like Palin she lies about things just to see if she can get away with it.

  14. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I worry Maher will go too easy on her- he seems to like her. I don't get it. Anyone else and he would tear them to shreds.

  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Well I've got admit, the best fresh picked tea I ever drank, was at the table of the local witch.

    The Christie chick sure is in need of attention. Like she is screaming for it.

  16. She's lying. Witches are not Satanists and Satanists are not witches. A Witch would never have a 'picnic' on their altar - it's as sacred as a church altar to them. What a load of bull - Christine, quit making' stuff up! She's another attention wh*re in the mold of Quittypants.

  17. Anonymous9:38 AM

    A fine example of cross breeding mice and humans.

  18. akbright9:47 AM

    Looks like she is even afraid of Fox News:

  19. Patronsaintofcats,
    You beat me to it. Wicca is a nature religion. I wouldn't characterize it as idol worship. Satanism is a offshoot of Christianity during the Middle Ages. It started at a time when "The Church" was so corrupt that the peasants decided that if that was of God, they'd hang out with Satan. I

  20. Chenagrrl10:22 AM

    She said witch. Did she mean witch or warlock. Hmmmmm ^^

  21. It doesn't matter if she was lying or not. She states she dabbled in witchcraft. That's enough to send the holy-roller evangelicals running away. It proves she's a fake, a phony, a liar.

    As the attorney says, you're either lying now, or you were lying then... which is it? Either way you're a liar. Case closed.

    Thank you, Bill Maher. Hilarious that he calls it a hostage crisis, every week she doesn't show up he'll throw out another "body" (video). Ha!

  22. MOMMOM10:59 AM

    Sounds like the gullible college girl was lured to the "date" on the alter by some wily college guy.Just what did the do at their "picnic" on the alter?We all know that no real Wiccan would defile their alter with her azz sitting on it.

  23. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Here we go folks, she's a Quittypants, Version Two.

    She says any ignorant, attention-getting statement to get people to look and talk about her. What does she "know" about witchcraft? Nothing.

    She lies easily, and has a thousand excuses for her irresponsible behavior.

    Having been conned once by SP, this time I hope American media will not be so taken with an attractive female face they will accept any crazy-ass thing she says without checking the facts.

  24. angela11:59 AM

    Wow! I don't think that my kind, nature loving, crystal wearing witch niece ever sacrificed anything but the vegetables she eats in her meals.

    O'Donnell is an idiot.

  25. I hear a lot of teen age angst sneaking into her segment and her trying ao apply the shock factor of "dabbling" in Witchcraft to make herself the subject of attention much like many kids today do.

    First off I will address a previous post:

    "Wiccans make up a larger portion of America than people realize. It's not freakish. It's not that different from any other religion.

    Actually an untrue statement. Wicca is totally different than the eclectic varieties of Paganism that many people mistakenly deem as Wicca. Wicca is a strictly initiatory religion and only through a lineaged coven that can trace their roots back to the founders of the religion and its very few sects such as Sanders and Gardner.

    One of the most notable lines is:
    "all Wiccans are witches but not all Witches are Wiccan"

    There are various eclectic Witchcraft or NeoPagan belief structures but to my knowledge most tend to be earth based beliefs and tend to revolve with the cycles of nature and the ideal of birth, death and rebirth to show allegorical reference to a person gaining personal knowledge and power. They have little in common with Satanism and in most instances do not even acknowledge the Judeo Christian ideals of God or Satan. I know for a fact that traditional Wicca does not ascribe to these beliefs.

    Dear Christie you were full of crap then and remain full of crap today.

  26. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Chenagirl / 10:22am noticed the same thing I did.

    There is a BIG question here, since a MALE witch is a WARLOCK!

    So, if COD dated a "witch", are we talkin' 'bout something else or what?

    Inquiring minds wanna know...

  27. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Here is the link to the clip Bill refers to in the segment that was released on YouTube.

  28. Anonymous5:05 AM

    There are satanic pagans and witches who really do invoke dark energies with the intent to harm, manipulate, and even kill. There are also lots of pagans and witches who simply interact with nature and the powers of the spiritual realm with an intent to help and heal others and to advance their own understanding of life. Wiccans and pagans who deny the dark ones within their midst are running around with real blinders on. I've known many satanic magic practitioners and yes, they often use animal sacrifice in their ceremonies. Not pleasant people to be around.

  29. To Chenagirl:

    "There is a BIG question here, since a MALE witch is a WARLOCK!"

    A Male witch is still a witch. The term Warlock is derived from "werlech" which means oath breaker. Sorry you are utilizing incorrect information just like Christine.

  30. HERE is the transcript of the Bill Maher/Larry King interview.

    After they discuss $P at length, Larry asks a question about a rumor (about Biden and Clinton). Notice how Bill Maher says, "Oh I thought you were going to say something else."

    Wonder what rumor popped into his mind...??

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    To be honest there are differences between Wiccan and witch. Witches are not necissarily Wiccans but some Wiccans in the past used witch and Wicca interchangably.

    Also contrary to what another here said Wiccans do not have to be in a group to be initiated into Wicca, There are Solitaries who have self-initiated and while certain trads insist upon initiation in a group as a bona fide to be called Wiccan, its partly hype.

    And no Wiccan would desecrate their altar with blood or have somebody's rear sitting on it.

  32. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "Wiccans do not have to be in a group to be initiated into Wicca,"

    This is incorrect, Mark had it right. Original Wicca requires initiation. That has and always will be the case. You are referring to a latter day pagan practice that borrows bits of it in which people claim "self" initiation (something that's not feasible - one can't initiate himself into something he's not in nor has access to; "self-dedication" is the correct term - as in dedicating/committing to one's own path). There are too many differences to go into. Commonly to distinguish the two, the Wicca he referred to is aka British Traditional Wicca and the latter you refer to as Neo-Wicca or Eclectic Wicca. "Eclectic" because people incorporate elements from other sources as well & practices differ from person to person. Traditional Wicca is much more recognizable from practitioner to practitioner because the ways & teachings are passed from initiate to initiate.

    So no, not all "Wicca" is the same. Eclectic Wicca & some forms of Neo-Paganism are what you're referring to. Mark was being more specific.

    That's not to say one is "better" than the other, just that "Wicca" is a lot more than people think. What both Wiccas share are being positive paths that don't engage in the nonsense O'Donnell and her ilk fabricate.

  33. "And no Wiccan would desecrate their altar with blood or have somebody's rear sitting on it."

    The Wicca here will know why that was funny.


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