Saturday, September 18, 2010

Now this is a must see! The Taiwanese use animation to explain Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, and the Teabagger movement in the GOP. You are going to want to swallow your coffee before viewing. Trust me.

Okay that may be the funniest thing I have seen all week!


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I cracked up when it showed the guy choking his chicken with CO running up explaining about hairy palms so the guy tosses the chicken. Priceless! ROTFLMFAO!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Funny, true but it should also be a wake up call the the left to get out the damned vote. That bit at the end could happen, no matter what the pundits say.

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Derail? I think that could be seen as pro-teaparty express. And not very funny at all in that light.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I guess it might be funny if it wasn't so scary. Are you sure the Frank Bailey book coming out in late November will finally be the thing that brings this woman down?

  5. This is great!

    Anon 8:46 - Also, too, the thought bubble with the blind man.

  6. MrPeepers11:00 AM

    The current issue of Wired magazine has a great story about the company that makes these and how they do it: under 2 hours.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.