Saturday, September 11, 2010

Brilliant Nissan Leaf commercial.

Now THAT is how you convince people to buy an electric car!


  1. Uhm. Cute. But. Electricity is mostly generated in the U.S. by coal. Coal is extracted from the earth with brutally destructive methods. Driving electric cars ADDS to the load. Better to work on ways to turn things OFF, not on.

    And, OT, but, thank a coal miner every time you log on to your computer.

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I not only thank coal miners, I pray for them. Theirs is a thankless, dangerous job fundamental to our way of life.

  3. great commercial. terrific post.

    As for coal miners, "Theirs is a thankless, dangerous job, fundamental..."--to date--"to our way of life" at present, which needs to quickly go away so we can switch to solar power, hopefully created by American photovoltaic cells created by former coal miners and others.

    Just sayin',

    Mo Rage
    the blog

  4. I like the idea that any car company is working on electric technology for the future, but what we really need right now are a lot more hybrids. The car companies keep promoting hybrids that get ridiculous mileage instead of compromising some of that mileage for more style, excitement, and better driving quality. We need a gradual revolution that replaces SUV's with a variety of types of hybrids, while the companies continue to develop more advanced technologies.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    omomma, you define tomorrow by the standards of today.

    that's how electricity is delivered today. what about tomorrow?

    that's the point, imho.

  6. This is one of the best commercials ever produced. It deserves to be remembered for decades in the future, like the '60's VW ads, or the crying Indian, or the early Coke commercials.

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Brilliant, indeed. I watched it several times, transfixed, before it dawned on me that this message was brought to us by a car company that has historically been part of the problem.

    Nevertheless, a very powerful message about how we must change our energy sources, and I commend them for that.

  8. yukonark10:23 AM

    You had me at the polar bear playing with the butterfly.

  9. Anonymous 9:27, yes, Nissan is another car company profiting from our oil usage, but the company has always been one of the least guilty of this crime. Most of their lineup has consisted of fuel-efficient models since the beginning. Hopefully, the Leaf will secure a place in history beside the 510 and 240Z as a Datsun/Nissan milestone.

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The man in this commercial is also a hottie-- compare him to the potbellied conservatives at the Rally today. Better yet. . . just think about His Hotness in the commercial! :)

  11. There's no denying the charm and creativity of the ad. But attention is drawn to the beautiful images and pointedly unspoken truths about global warming. It is so distracting that the real problemn--overconsumption of all energy sources--is obliterated. Not even considered.

    If powerful creative advertising visuals were focused on real solutions to energy consumption, we'd be getting somewhere. Buying a new car is NOT a step in the right direction, no matter what form of energy it uses.

  12. lidia3:02 PM

    Sorry, I used to drive less than 5k miles/year. Now I drive less than 1k miles/year. It behooves me to keep my 1993 car. The energy intrinsic to any car's construction may well be greater than that represented by the gas that will have consumed in the car's lifetime (my 1993 car is now at 55k miles).

    I don't know what the obsession is with cars and the insistence (sadly carried forth by Obama, and -yes- by the 'socialist' forces where I live in Italy) that car construction equals wealth/jobs/GDP.

    We don't need more cars; we need fewer cars.

    Most cars are drains on wealth, well-being, and productivity, not enhancements thereto.

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    i guess what omomma means is that we're just meant to walk everywhere.

    all this innovation in technology and the ONLY solution is to go back to walking.

  14. Lidia4:00 PM

    Floyd, etc. on this you are wrong. People do not need hybrid cars. People need to stop driving cars, period. in worst case, they can cut back their car use dramatically.

    My 1993 car is more efficient than any 2010 car you can name because it's Already Fuckin' Built. No one ever takes that into account..

  15. Lidia4:52 PM

    I apologize;; i thought one of those comments was rejected. Did not want to monopolize the discourse, but I stand by both, however.

  16. Anonymous9:49 PM

    lidia, i can understand how you feel about cars, considering you don't really need one.

    people who must drive because of work or other responsibilities and/or who drive children are also understandably concerned with a safe, reliable, and affordable car.

  17. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I watched it on youtube to comment. You can't believe the number of terrible comments. It makes me so sad.

  18. Well done...
    You did a great work by placing such video. The Leaf of Nissan is really a great product. Its environment friendly capacity may be accepted by most of the customers.


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