Saturday, September 11, 2010

There Obama goes again, making us proud to have him as our President.

This is NOT something that should even have to be explained to the citizens of this country.

Every student in every elementary school in America should understand this by the time they reach the third grade, if not sooner.


  1. Anonymous4:47 AM

    While I agree that we should all have learned by early grade school to not differentiate between races and people, I do indeed think this is a learned fact, not an innate one. I grew up in a very accepting household. My parents didn't cuss, yet I somehow learned the term 'aborcive' pre kindergarten. my mom's boss, who happens to be african, was my babysitter. I went everywhere with her family. My mom later told me that people would often stare at me when I was with them due to my pasty skin and blond hair. I was the albino kid to the walmart population. Despite my acceptance of everyone, I did notice a difference in people and how they act differently as a race. Obviously it's been an organic process, a process of rebellion and rejuvenation post civil rights era. However, the fact that I did notice differences and therefore based harmless judgments on that tells me that racism and prejudice is learned just like acceptance is learned. Kids may be willing to play with all kids despite color, but it doesn't mean they're not making judgments based on other things, then associating those things with color.

  2. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Something else one should learn by third grade. Don't judge before getting to know someone personally. Isn't that right all you Palin bashers

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    There Already Was A Ground-Zero Mosque -- On The 17th Floor Of The World Trade Center -- Used by Muslim Americans Who Were Murdered Just Like Everyone Else So isn't it time we stopped framing this as "us versus them"?

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Fox News' Latest Anti-"Mosque" Propaganda: The 9/11 Body Map

    This morning, Fox News jacked up its anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" propaganda by broadcasting a "map" that identified remains of 9/11 victims and their proximity to the proposed building site—all with a decidedly biased, fear-mongering tone.

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Sarah Palin and even her more established ilk are antithetical to what represents true American leadership.

    We are blessed to have a grown-up in the White House.

    Make's their heads spin doesn't it? The eight years prior are such a nightmare. Our whole nation is suffering PTSD.

    I'm still at a loss about how the Secretary of Health and Human Services established a Hail Mary policy to protect janitors of health care facilities to conscientiously object to swab the floor of a room that may or may not involve a medical procedure to save the life of a pregnant woman. Would that ludicrous policy apply to those who objected to vasectomies?

    That teabagging whack-job Christine O'Donnell that Sarah endorsed in Deleware's Republican primary is going to try and find a way to outlaw masturbation, will that conflict with abstinence only curriculum in our schools? Oh our youth are going to be messed up.

    That's how f'd up the Bush Administration and a righteous Republican majority is, adopting policies that conflict with legally protected rights.

  6. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Something else one should learn by third grade. Don't judge before getting to know someone personally. Isn't that right all you Palin bashers

    5:12 AM



  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    "They both represent the murder, killing, and war against America," Moughni said before the blaze was lit with a Bic lighter. As the flames flickered on his lawn in Dearborn, Moughni added: "Pastor Terry Jones. Osama bin Laden. It's getting hot in here, it's getting real hot."

    Moughni told the Free Press he wanted to burn both of them on the lawn at his home on the eve of the Sept. 11 anniversary because he said both represent religious extremists who should "burn in hell."

    "We're watching as the holiest book in Islam is under attack," Moughni said. "This is to show we're against what pastor Jones is doing. We're not going to be quiet. We're going to speak up."

    "We're also protesting Osama bin Laden, the man who is the cause of all of this," Moughni added. "He doesn't represent Islam. He represents terrorists, just as Terry Jones does. They're both contributing to attacks on the U.S."

    The burning of effigies is usually seen in Muslim countries, where protesters will burn representations of people they are angry with. The Dearborn burning took place in a fire pit on Moughni's lawn. As the flames lit up the night sky, some took pictures and others clapped. Several U.S. flags were on display near the fire as a show of patriotism.

  8. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Anon @ 5:12, we know Sarah. That is why we judge her. She judges us all and wants to run our lives.

  9. Anonymous5:39 AM

    2 Muslims travel 13,000 miles across America, find an embracing nation

  10. laprofesora5:45 AM

    Well, Gryph, making "some" of us proud. "Some" of us are bitter, jealous, petty little school girls who think the President stole her, uh, I mean, "our" job.

  11. laprofesora5:48 AM

    Did anyone hear anything around 5:12? I thought I heard an annoying whiny sound. Guess not. It was nothing.

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Stirring up hate and fear and religious fervour one video at a time...

    Do you want to see a primer on the Clash of Civilizations and the coming Islam-fueled Armeggedon hosted by a disgraced & philandering former politician and his third and current trophy wife? (Video)

  13. Anonymous5:54 AM

    While I appreciate how the president is doing his job by encouraging global acceptance, all the other problems with him just do not leave my thoughts. I don't understand how people can become presidential advisors yet have histories of tax evasion. Hopefully theyve gotten their shit together and paid by now.

  14. Anonymous @4:47. Aborcive? ". . .albino kid to the walmart population?" ". . .they act differently as a race?"

    What are you trying to say here? Walmart is for dark-skinned people and "albino" types don't usually go there? That you believe behavior is based on skin color?

    [Maybe the word you learned as a pre-kindergartener was "abortifacient" but they forgot to tell you how it's spelled.]

  15. Today, as we mourn and remember all those who lost their lives, we lift up our hearts to their memory, and to their families and friends who have lost loved ones because of misguided religious zealots turned terrorists, with no faith to guide them - my heart is and will always be with you. For those who have lost a loved one fighting in the two wars against terrorism in the middle east and around the world, my heart is with you! Your loved one has not died in vain, they died so we may remain a free nation, so I can remain free in my country. I am so very grateful for all the rights afforded to me in our great country! A country that believes and supports my Freedom to pray to whomever my God is without any fear of any type of reproach, whatsoever.

    As a Christian, today is a day to remember, Jesus Christ died so that I may live a life filled with very personal lessons of what it means to Love and to Forgive!

    Today, I wish you a day of Love, I wish you a day of Forgiveness, and I wish you a day of Peace! These are the fundamental values that unite all of mankind. We are one Nation under God - whomever your God maybe.

    Today, as I listen silently to the bells tolls across New York City in every house of worship, I pray in the coming years on this day every single house of worship in every single city large and small, in every town, every village, each hamlet in every county, in every state that all houses of worship of every single faith across this great country comes together to Let their Bells Toll! In the name of Love, in the name of Forgiveness and in the name of Peace and in the name of all those we have lost on this day- Let Your Bells Toll, and in the sound of those bells I pray, we will come together as one Nation Under God - whoever your God maybe!

  16. lwtjb8:43 AM

    You assume every student is in school. The big flaw in that assumption is all the home schooling by so-called conservative Christians. We have a lot of that in Oregon. We also have here what is euphemistically called "unschooling". Unschooling says children will learn what they need to know because they recognize what that need is.Then the child will arrange to learn that subject. I know one 15 year old girl unschooled until she rebelled. She just read her very first book in life. Besides that we also have lots of private schools run by fundamentalists. The object of most of this is to shield the child from learning about things like science. It also serves to indoctrinate students about all kinds of other things, like religion, politics and what supposedly is in the constitution.

  17. Some people have met Palin personally. Had their lives ruined from it. I beleive them. Have you met her or just saw her at one of her speeches? Or are you just one who blindly writes her checks?

  18. Anonymous8:51 AM

    5:12, so are you saying that somehow palin is a much better person to those who know her "personally?"

    sorry, even third graders know that it's okay to make judgments based on how someone conducts themselves in PUBLIC.

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    5:38, hill billy trailer park folk can be right nice when you get to know them.

    now GRIFTERS on the other hand, well, they live EVERYWHERE. some just happen to live on Lake Lucille.

    let's all please understand the difference.

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    6:46 omomma, you are over-analyzing 4:47's comment. the PARTICULAR wal-mart was likely in a part of town closer to black neighborhoods.

    and yes, it isn't beyond the bounds of being p.c. to recognize that people do act as a group - be it whatever group they are identifying with at the moment. it might be their sports team, or their class, or even, gasp, their race. it is just human nature.

    as for "abortifacient," well, that's just showing off. :-)

  21. Anonymous9:06 AM

    5:54, speaking of shit, you sound like you are full of it.

  22. Anonymous3:56 PM THAT is interesting!

  23. I'm telling ya, if I needed palin to help me win an election, I'd just pull up stakes and retire immediately! Nothing is worth getting in bed with that much evil!

  24. No them. Just us.

    I've been an American citizen for 3 weeks and 2 days now. I'm so very proud to be able to call Mr. Obama my President.


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