Sunday, September 19, 2010

Christine O'Donnell skips out on appearance with Fox's Chris Wallace who sticks it to her by having Karl Rove on in her place.

Is it wrong that I love this so much?

I love how Rove does not attack her so much, and ask why she is so far behind while other Teabagger candidates are so far ahead?  "Hey, I am JUST asking the question!"

Later in the interview Rove suggests that Sarah Palin demonstrate her political power by going to Delaware and campaigning for O'Donnell.

By the way let me give a BIG virtual hug to the person who made this next video.  I could not have done it better myself.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "Masturbation is murder?"

    I haven't heard that one before. Sounds like we must start building more prison ASAP.

  2. KidShalleen4:50 PM

    Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent!!!!!
    Worth watching, and listening to, a number of times.

    The best line, "This Church is not full of hypocrites, there's always room for more."

    Am definitely passin' this on.

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Unfactual - is that a word?

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Poor stupid, stupid, stupid little Sorry Sarah.

    Didn't Paw Heath teach her that Professional Lunatic trumps Professional Retard/Victim every time? Karl wasn't just gonna go sit down and shut up. As others have pointed out, this is a man who outed an undercover CIA agent! People like him eat lightweights like Sarah for a snack.

  5. If Karl is going to call out christine to talk about witchcraft then why can't he call out Palin on her's ... seeing it looks like witchcraft is something these two right radical sisters have in common

    I find it completely fascinating President Obama, who was raised a christian by his single American mother in the united states of American, falls suspect because his father is Kenyan, but, Sarah Palin who was "anointed an Apostle", by a Keyan Witch Prayer Warrior on the Alter of the Wasilla Assembly of God, gets FREE PASS from the Lame Stream Media! What do you think of Sarah Palin's Keyan Prayer Warrior worldview, Newt Ginrich? Talk about the "best Con" on the American People!

  6. emrysa6:53 PM

    karl rove deserves to burn for a very long time, so it doesn't matter to me who he slams or promotes. he a piece of shit. I just love how he's coming out of the shadows because his efforts are being thwarted by the tea baggers. suck it up, rove! reap what you sow, asshole.

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    OT... But... Do Alaskans recognize this woman who is babysitting Bristle in LA?

    Neither one are babysitting little Tripp.
    Way to dress up for the evening as well Bristle. Is that your best flannel shirt?

  8. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Go! emrysa Go! Keep writing - you make me feel better with every word.

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I love one of the images at the end, that flips from SP to COD - and how closely COD has transformed herself to look like SP. I bet Becky is soo jealous! (Or else totally in love.)

  10. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I think it is a matter of time until Rove does the same kind of hit on Palin. We all know he is intelligent and knows she is a piece of shit. I never thought I would be favoring something by Karl Rove, but if he could bring her down, I would absolutely favor it. Let Frankenstein kill the monster.

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Maybe she needs to get her Vibe back!

  12. Rationalist9:12 PM

    Gotta agree with emrysa (not the first time). It's a sad day when we're cheering Karl Rove as a good guy. But I guess it's kind of like being glad Voldemort is picking on someone who deserves it.

  13. Rove and the like can do nothing. The cats out of the bag the GOP is what O'Donnell and Palin are. The GOP cant stuff the cat back in the bag so they have to learn to deflect what they can. The GOP is the tea party just they don't want anyone to know. Sad that the DEM'S are not liberals!!And the rest of us are well up shit's creek.

  14. Anonymous11:03 PM

    If I had to make a choice between Sarah P. or the clone Christine O'D. I'd take the newer refreshed version. Rove is a Dr. Frankenstein but he has some smarts and is more cunning than a fox in a chicken coup. Karl is the man when it comes to creating brainless monsters from old poo parts.

  15. Somewhat tangental to this thread, but I post the latest pictures of Bristol Palin.

  16. GrainneKathleen3:17 AM

    that "masturbation is murder" sign reminds me of the monty python skit i found funniest growing up catholic - the one where a catholic father comes home to a family brimming full of kids, even more than the palin's, and they all break into the ditty: every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate....

  17. Anonymous3:18 AM

    IMHO, Karl Rove is attacking the clear and present danger. Once the mid-term elections are over, an SP makes a decision, I believe he will unload on her. (with many others)

  18. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Miss Wasilla Witch Away is given a pass on this because no one can believe that the GOP chose a loon for VP. This religious stuff has to be a fake, can't be real, like babygate, they can't wrap their heads around this much crazy.

  19. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Perky witch and saggy bitch form redcoat sheep fleecing union.

  20. GrainneKathleen4:56 AM

    a bit ot, but i just saw rachel maddow's friday broadcast, and at the end she shows a sad and scary yet hilarious video of a southern sounding man claiming that the evil rachel maddow is evil not only because she is a manly lesbian (his words paraphrased), but she is - and he has proof! - a form of the undead. i know the important and serious issues of lgbt rights are a big focus of this blog, but i thought a little levity on the subject might be in order from time to time, especially levity from dear rachel herself. on this show there is also some interesting talk about how strongly homophobic o'donnell is and how that used to be a big focus of her "values" work. this is just the comedic relief part i am including, but the rest can be accessed from the same site.
    also news, miss lady gaga is coming to my home state of maine today to advocate snowe and collins to vote to repeal dadt. wish i could go to the rally in portland - not too far as the crow flies, but alas, i can't fly and can't drive there today either. who knows, maybe snowe and collins are fans?
    here's rachel's video:

  21. Anonymous7:00 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Perky witch and saggy bitch form redcoat sheep fleecing union.

    4:47 AM"

    Yikes. The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming.

    Where is Paul Revere when you need him?

  22. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Brilliant damage control from Rove for Ms. O'Donnell, and also proving that anything is acceptable to him if it means a repub win.

    This also makes it clear that the game plan is to win and little problmems like O'Donnell can be neutralized by the Repub party later on.

    Gryphen, you wrote: Is it wrong that I love this so much?

    No, it's not wrong as long as you don't touch your keyboard in ways that make your keyboard feel uncomfortable.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.