Monday, September 20, 2010

The DSCC smells blood in the water with Christine O'Donnell's nomination and goes in for the kill.

In my opinion THAT ad is going to make a lot of the Teabaggers, who pride themselves on supporting fiscal conservatives, balk at the idea of sending this woman to the Senate.

I cannot help but believe that this has Palin in a kind of panic and THAT is why she keeps tweeting about this woman. If O'Donnell goes down in flames it may erase much of the political cachet that Palin was given over her endorsement of Joe Miller's successful bid for the Alaska Republican nomination.  Of course THAT one is not exactly working out the way Palin had hoped either.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Do-dah. That nails the problem - well, okay, most of the problem.

    That is flighty, inexperienced and totally unqualified are other problems, but the financial irresponsibility should hit home as most people struggle to do the right thing while she doesn't seem to care.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I think they should be running clips of what Karl Rove said on FOX about COD.... Ha!

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM


    Refudiate that!

  4. KidShalleen6:56 AM

    Here is the perspective fly in this ointment. For those who may be marginally pro T-Bagger, and/or just fed up with the system as it is, they tend to have a skeptical view of the media. That being the case, this ad, or ones like them, may have the affect of pushing these people the rest of the way into the T-B camp.
    This is just a thought. To be absolutely honest, I couldn't for the life of me be sure how these people think, being that I feel I can. But as we have seen with Caribou Barbie, the more she is assailed,seemingly, the stronger she gets. Like poison ivy, the more you scratch it, the more it seems to spread.
    Geez, Louise,what a mess.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Low-information tea-baggers wallow in their ignorance assured by FoxNews and Palin that being informed is terrifying (and the founding fathers said it all already, so why bother).

    Oh, they probably glance at a Bible on occasion, but absorb new information, they do not.

  6. KidShalleen7:09 AM

    Just an aside: Now that this Palin doppelganger has attained the level of notoriety that she has, her visage seems to be plastered equally, and plentifully, with that of Sister Sarah all over the pages of HuffPo.

    My stomach is now in a perpetual state of upset.
    Great goggally moogally.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I'm glad to see that they are pointing out the financial irresponsibility and leaving the wacky witchcraft issues to speak for themselves. Let's hope, in this case, money talks. Sure, she can afford to laugh it off and say things like "who didn't hang out with questionable characters in their teens" and sound relatively "normal" to the Tea Baggers. She can't say the same for her miserable personal and professional financial record.

    The insane have truly gained serious ground in the political process...

  8. Younger and prettier7:23 AM

    "Younger and prettier"

  9. emrysa7:28 AM

    good ad.

    sure says alot about the teabaggers and palin, doesn't it? they choose their candidates according to personality, and NOT competency.

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    i think this is what should be investigated, some of the other stuff although funny doesn't seem to discourage the far right from voting for her and it is also not illegal. But if she did something illegal concerning campaign financing it will take her down (hopefully)

  11. Sounds like a typical republican to me.

  12. CREW is calling for a federal investigation into Delaware Barbie:

    Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints with the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against newly-minted Delaware senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell (R) for using campaign funds for personal living expenses. By misusing campaign funds, Ms. O'Donnell committed the crime of conversion; by lying about her expenditures on forms she filed with the FEC, she committed false statements; and by failing to include the campaign funds she misappropriated as income, she committed tax evasion.

    "Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted," said Melanie Sloan, CREW Executive Director. "Ms. O'Donnell has spent years embezzling money from her campaign to cover her personal expenses. Republicans and Democrats don't agree on much these days, but both sides should agree on one point: thieves belong in jail not the United States Senate."

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Well, this ad is a start. Isn't CREW starting an investigation of how she handled her campaign funds this week?

    O'Donnell is probably feeding receipts into a shredding machine this minute, and will say that she just couldn't find all the information, (just the way SP couldn't seem to find all the clothes the RNC "loaned" her.)

    Zealots will believe O'Donnell is being "smeared" but I pray regular folk will recognized that she is completely unqualified for the job.

  14. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The big problem is that T-baggers don't watch DSCC ads and if they happen to see one, all they shear and see is " blah, blah, blah", and think *pretty Republican*, *looks like my granddaughter*, *I'd hit that*, *how come the women in my church don't look like that?*

  15. Anonymous8:08 AM

    ? ? ? personality NOT competency ? ? ?

    Bristol Palin has a way to go. If she isn't appointed to a cabinet level job, how far can she go in politics? She is really going to need to shine tonight.

    OT: Don't destroy your TV b/c you're sick of the exploitation of motherhood and celebrity moosecrap. Catch it on You-Tube later or just read the publicity rags. Bristol Palin helped design her own costume and it sounds like a winner. Sarah will be so proud, we can't wait to hear what Track has to say. It is a night to remember, upload to your cell, lyrics to Mama Told Me (Not To Come)...
    Mama Told Me (Not To Come)...
    TMZ: 'Sex Bomb' Explodes on 'Dancing With the Stars'
    "The most shocking performance -- Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas -- they Cha Cha to "Mama Told Me (Not to Come)" ... are you listening Levi? But the best part -- Bristol will rip off some "tear-away clothes" while Sarah Palin sits in the audience!"

    Is it all a come on or will she do a cute strip for her biggest fan Sarah? Now we know that Sarah wanted a girl child that was a hit in Tiara Tots, what went wrong?

  16. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Teabaggers in general don't seem to care if one of their own is a crook.

  17. Anonymous8:19 AM

    This ad is simply too dry and factual to make much of an impression.

    I think the Delaware Masturbator's Union should put out their own hard-hitting ad.

    (A funny comment on The Huffington Post reads: "Well, if she criminalizes masturbation, at least my repetitive motion injures will clear up.")

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    They are crooks, they are mavericks.

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Just my own personal theory but I think that Palin's decision to run or not run is going to depend largely on the outcome of the Delaware, Nevada, Kentucky and Alaska senate races. All four should have been solid GOP states, but because of far right candidates winning the GOP primaries only one (Kentucky) is solid GOP, Alaska is leaning GOP, Nevada is a tossup and Delaware is solid Democrat. If two or more of these go Democrat (or moderate Republican in Alaska's case) then it could be proof that extreme right candidates can win primaries but not elections. Sarah is not interested in just winning a primary.

  20. London Bridges8:21 AM

    why is there a big fuss about OD's witchcraft thingie, when Sarah's was much more bizarre & scary?

  21. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Anon@8:08, Can you imagine any previous presidential hopeful watching his daughter strip shortly before announcing his candidacy? Try to imagine GW Bush watching the twins strip. Or Reagan watching daughter Patty strip. On the other hand if you want to keep selling books and speech appearances would you do it? You Betcha. This could be the most telling sign so far that Palin has no intention of running but has everything to gain by delaying an announcement as long as possible.

  22. Silly Gryphen - only democrats are crooks (and socialists too, don't forget) not pretty little tea-baggers like Christine and Sarah! They're too pretty to be crooks!

    *sarcasm off*

    ugh - fiscal conservatives my ass...

  23. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Younger and prettier, rogue and maverick... but "not a crook" Nixonian works for Repubs. Please don't expose the rogue finance of Christine OD too soon, who will replace her? Someone worse but more hidden. Give her the Palin treatment and lay off the obvious misdeeds and wing nuttery.

    Sarah Cub and grizzly Mama, Bristol show the world how to do it all. What a stellar example of a grizzly Mama. Paul Peterson and Gloria Allred must be proud that she is showing us how the industry in Hollywood cares for children.

    Mini-me celebrity Tripp loves the limelight like his Ma and his Pa. Proof of perfect parenting skills shows the one-year-old going to the job site. It is California and the industry should be on top of any labor or workplace violations. So we can assume he is not being sedated or given any happy pills to have him in performance mode. It is all about her rehearsing and caring for Tripp at the same time. Quality workplace behavior. How many caretakers are on hand, does he have his own nursery or does he join others? Germs are a matter of fact that any decent workplace nursery will deal with. Prop Tripp certainly has a better advantage than poor prop Trig ever saw on that book tour job he did.

  24. TexEsq8:58 AM

    Meh I think that ad is pretty weak. It's so ordinary. No imagination. And the Baggers don't care about facts. It could make some difference with moderates, but they aren't going to vote for this nut anyway.

  25. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Whats interesting is if Christine or Sarah were men, there'd be questioning but there'd be no character assassination or intense ridiculing. Compare how the media and public reacted to Rev Wright and how everyone's reacting to a passing involvement with a cultish form of worship. There are reasons people pick specific churches, date specific people, denounce certain ideologies.

    Why does the President get a pass for once being friends with a radical pro-black, anti white, anti american minister yet you're attacking a woman who once dated a wiccan?

    Sexism will always exist. Capitol Hill makes sure of that everyday, dems and reps alike. We need two strong, capable women to battle it out in a general election for a woman to one day be President. And Hillary is not among the most welcomed of candidates in my book.

    Bring on the unknown. Let's boot Obama and his minions

  26. Anonymous9:02 AM

    OMG, this list is absolutely staggering when you think that this person could be sitting in Washington making laws! HELL NO!

  27. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I bet Saint Sarah brings the twins. She just can't have anyone shine her tonight even her daughter!

    Oh, hope Christine will be in the audience as well!

  28. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Of course Palin, or probably more likely her Deciders are scared shitless. "Stay in Delaware and talk to the people you will serve" means "STFU and stay off the TV box." I think they know all they can do now is hope if they shut her up, the rest of the country will forget about her.

  29. Anonymous9:25 AM

    That ad won't affect teabaggers. Teabaggers are really mostly right wing Christians anymore, not fiscal conservatives. O'Donnell has been trying to run for office in Delaware for years. Delawarians know who she is.

  30. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I think Palin got (undeserved) sympathy for her interviews during the campaign because she clearly was inexperienced on camera but seemed so earnest.

    O'Donnell has much more experience on camera, in political organizations, recorded openly speaking about extreme religious views, and campaigning for higher state offices than Palin, so people expect her to be more polished than Sarah is.

    I think it's important that O'Donnell is running in a much older state that actually went through the Industrial Revolution, and has a much larger and more diverse population racially and politically.

    Democrats better not take this race for granted and get out the vote.

  31. Anonymous10:20 AM

    yeah I have a feeling the Palins are a solid couple in all this together

  32. Anonymous10:24 AM

    So what will Bill Mahr leak today?

    As much as I'm not a CO'D fan, I've got so much Palin fatigue that I would welcome a few years of the new chick.

  33. Anonymous10:26 AM

    8:08, true to form, brisol continues with the shocking performances.

  34. Anonymous10:28 AM

    8:33, rules don't apply to palin. that includes those of etiquette and appropriate behavior.

  35. Anonymous10:31 AM

    9:00, clearly you'd hate obama with or without his rev wright.

    at least rev wright is mainstream. palin and COD's witchery is beyond the normal. really, it is.

  36. Anonymous10:35 AM

    10:20, todd looked freaky in that vid. scary eyes.

  37. MC303111:20 AM

    Dear Anon @9am: I think you might have taken a LEFT turn in Blogistania instead of the RIGHT turn you meant. Because surely you understand where you are posting this, yes?

    Or are you that dense? Hmmm. I suspect the latter.

    Moron. Boot your own minions. They're the ones causing trouble and/or obstruction.

  38. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Look at our Evil Witch of the North! She's melting! She's melting!......She's melting........melting............ melting.............hum.............

    Jeez, can't she just die already?


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