Monday, September 20, 2010

Update on the goings on around Casa de Gryphen.

It suddenly dawned on me that I have not provided an update about my daughter since she arrived.  Sorry that was a little rude of me.

Okay well she arrived on August the 27th, in a manner similar to when a tornado touches down on a farm house. Unfortunately, unlike a tornado, there was no siren to warn me to run for cover. 

She came flying into the house, threw herself into my arms for a hug, then ran upstairs to make herself a Mexican meal, and left the dishes for me to clean up in the morning.  So good to have her back home.

She had driven this god awful looking RV up the ALCAN which just barely made it here gasping and groaning, and leaking exhaust fumes,  every mile of the way. (Two and half weeks later it is still sitting in front of my house with a "For Sale" sign on it.  And I am sure it is driving my property values down every day that it sits there.)

Now my daughter did not just come up to visit her old man for awhile before heading back home to Georgia like every other time before.  No this time she came up here to live in Alaska and pursue her dream of starting a business and getting rich. I would tell you more about her extremely ambitious business plan, but I have been sworn to secrecy under penalty of being placed in an old folks home with ugly nurses if I dare speak a word. Even waterboarding won't get me talk with that hanging over my head.

Anyhow my daughter brought along her best friend, her dog, and TONS of her belongings.  She lived on her own for several years and so she brought with her pots and pans, bowls, plates, blenders, crock pots, etc., etc, etc..

Of course I already HAVE all of that stuff so currently it is just piled up on my living room floor as well as taking up half of the space in my garage. Slowly but steadily the pile is going down as we find places to put things or decide piece, by piece, that not EVERYTHING needs to be kept. (Have you ever pulled teeth from an angry rhinoceros?  Well THAT is what talking my daughter into throwing away one of her tangerine colored bowls with a giant crack in the side is like.)

Now I am somewhat of a loner so sharing my space is always a little difficult at first, but we have managed to get comfortable with each other's routines and I am not going into my bathroom and beating my head against the wall nearly as often as I was at first. (Which is good because my head kind of throbs a little when I do.)

The biggest adjustment  for me was the arrival of my daughter's dog. 

The animal actually has a very sweet and compliant personality, so I have no problems with how she behaves inside of my house.  However it has become apparent that the dog's Raison d'être is to murder my grass.  So my once gorgeous lawn now looks like it has some sort of sort of grass leprosy. (SOOO not happy about that.) Since I pointed out , in my usual calm quiet manner (With probably only one or two veins protruding from my forehead), that dog piss is NOT fertilizer, my daughter has dutifully taken the dog out into the nearby woods to do her business. I guess I will just have to wait through the winter and then try again next spring to bring my lawn back to its original magnificence.

On the plus side my daughter got work only a few days after she arrived with the local union and is currently working on the Drew Barrymore film "Everybody Loves Whales." (Which oddly enough just shot yesterday in the neighborhood where I grew up.)  Her friend recently auditioned for, and won a part in the play "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and is also working part time at the Performing Arts Center in Anchorage as well, so they are staying busy.

As for me, well I am trying to be less anal retentive and to relax about having other less, shall we say, tidy people sharing my space.  I do believe I am slowly adapting.  Just the other day I found muddy dog footprints on my upstairs carpet and, once I had stopped screaming obscenities, I calmly got out the bottle of carpet cleaner and "suggested" that my daughter clean up after her dog while I stood by grinding my fists into my temples.

See?  Everything is working out just fine.

Does anybody want to buy a motor home?  If you drive quickly I understand that the exhaust leak is less likely to render the driver unconscious.


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    there's a pill for the dog piss problem, see vet or pet store

  2. erica from texas9:47 AM

    Our children are so cute when they are asleep or out-of-town.haha!

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Funny : ) you should be writing books!

    glad you have your daughter home....

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Can we get an update on the diet next?

  5. It's not rude of you. Share what you like about your daughter, and don't share what you don't want to share about her. I'm glad you're happy but that relationship is none of my business.
    Now stuff you report on Palin that's your duty to share.
    Glad you're happy at home.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    You have a lawn? You might try something more natural and less maintenance. Dogs rule.

    Great to hear about your adventures! The best of the best to you all. It takes time, but my daughter did learn to do her dishes at my house. She was always good at her place, she just thought she had maid service when at my home.

  7. Ah yes, gyph has spoken like a true blue dad !

    No offense but I'm kinda having a good laugh.
    And the mom in me thinks you should place a freshly frozen bag, of this years crop of Mat Su valley peas, against your forehead.

    Now the generic parent in me says "You rock girls! You got jobs right off the bat ! WOOT, WOOT !"

    The Mat Su valley resident in me thinks you should train that dog to piss on the lawn in a checkerboard design. So when the bible beater kids come over, they will spend time playing checkers or chess, instead of attempting biblespeak, so to speak.

    Hugs gyph...
    Now don't you forget that frozen bag of peas against your forehead. And no nibbles! When they thaw, make the kid eat her peas.

  8. Aww, Gryph! Thanks for the update. Your daughter and her puppy are lucky to have you.

  9. deebee10:13 AM

    Have you considered using the motor home as living quarters for visiting family members? Or dog-kennel?

  10. GrainneKathleen10:18 AM

    so glad to hear that all is well. i will have to remember that threat about the nursing home with ugly nurses for my dad. poor guy - he and mom have daughters x 4! with 2 still at home, the youngest being nearly 28. yikes!

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Gryphen, you write so well; have you thought of starting a blog?

    Hi Gryphen's daughter! Hope you are enjoying Alaska.

    Remember; things that we "might need someday" are in actuality "clutter".
    My husband disagrees with me, but not a day goes by that I don't wish I could chuck half the stuff in our house and basement and garage into the Biggest Dumpster Available. !!

  12. Anonymous10:33 AM

    OMG, Gryphen, this is exactly what it is like when my daughter comes home. We say she leaves drop piles in every room and more than three or four in others. There isn't a room that isn't demolished. I can even follow tootsie roll wrappers to find her location! Ha Ha. The good news is she is great, intelligent young lady who will go far. To tell the truth, I think she likes to push my anal retentive buttons! She does just fine keeping a nice apartment when it is hers! I just keep saying to myself how much I miss her when I don't get to see her, and if I don't shut up and get over the mess on the carpet, she won't find home such a welcoming place.

  13. Irishgirl10:49 AM

    That's kids for you! Enjoy.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    The trick for the dog paws is to put a big towel near to where she brings the dog in. Wipe the paws EVERY time, not just when wet. That way stray grass or debris will not get into the house. e have done this with our dogs for 30 years.

  15. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I have a daughter who is very similar, only mine is allergic to work.

  16. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Thanks for the link to the Think Progressive site listing many of her statements. OMG, she IS bat shit crazy like Bachmann and obviously poorly informed like Palin.

    I hope her statement about never lying comes back to bite her on her plumb little butt because she lies just like Palin.

  17. Put a little tomato juice in the dogs water; no more spots on lawn. It works I swear!

    I buy a couple of cans every spring and freeze it in ice cube trays, drop one in their water daily, and no more lawn problems. The dog seems to like the taste too. You might need a bit more for a bigger dog I'd presume. Try it you'll be surprised!

  18. angela12:44 PM

    hahahahahahaha . . . .
    Glad that she has come home to you Gryphen.

  19. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Gryphen; Great funny post. I feel your pain when adult kids come back home to live; it is hard adapting; my son with his musical equipment, heavy amplifiers, mixers, cords, plugs, gadgets, guitar strings on my dining table. Yep, it's almost like the hoarding show.

    Oh, well, enjoy these times. Don't worry that she'll put you in "Shady Pines" just yet.

    Hope you sell that RV and improve your curb appeal soon.

  20. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Your daughter souds like she is full of energy, ready to ride the winds of time........and place.

    You would make for the very best father in law of all times!!!

    Send Photo of RV.

  21. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Have your daughter add tomato juice to the dogs food. It will lower the PH of her piss and save your lawn. Usually about 2 tablespoons will do the trick.

    What year is the mobile gas chamber?


  22. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Hahaha! I got a good laugh about your nursing home comment!

    For years now, my sons have always make it known where my nursing home will be when we don't see eye to eye. It's an old cement block elementary school which was converted many years ago and sits on a barren piece of land in the middle of nowhere! (Pelion, SC). I'm sure it's on the cusp of failing a DHEC inspection any day now.

    For Christmas one year, they gave me a bumper sticker that says

    "Be nice to your kids
    They'll choose your
    Nursing Home!"

    It's been on my truck for many years and it generates allot of laughs!

    Good to hear all is going well with your Daughter!

  23. SME1313:30 PM

    I feel your pain G, My garage hasn't been the same since my son moved back to Alaska. But it is so worth it to have him back. It's obvious you feel the same.

  24. Linda Arizona3:54 PM

    Great update! Thank you for writing about all your recent "joy."

    Sigh of relief, smile on the face, happy for you and your precious daughter!

  25. Thanks Gryhen for sharing.. It was great to get to meet your daughter at the fair. I hope you made lots of great memories..

    The best of the best to you all....

  26. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You are just too cute - I'm so glad you're enjoying the good and less good of your daughter and her entourage. See there? Once the veins calm down it's all good right? She's home! The lawn will keep growing, just like your girl..


    (it's tough having kids - but the best thing on earth!!)

  27. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Lady O'Donnell, voters at your feet
    Wondrin how you manage to make ends meet
    Who find the money when you pay the rent....

    Perhaps the guy who snapped the photo "See I swallowed!" ?

  28. Now that your daughter is there safe, please research RV safety and find that there are no safety laws that touch these vehicles. They are so dangerous it should be a scandal. Do not let her drive it any place else. I beg you.

  29. emrysa9:09 PM

    enjoyed your update gryphen.

    grass? really? grass sucks! I can't understand why people choose to have grass. nothing personal, of course.

    mulch, baby, mulch!


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