Thursday, September 09, 2010

Evangelical minister decides NOT to burn any Qurans because he believes the Islamic Center in New York City will be moved to new location. This apparently is news to the owners of the Park 51 location.

From New York Times:

Terry Jones, the pastor from Gainesville, Fla., said at a press conference, "We have agreed to cancel the event."

The pastor's announcement came after a growing chorus of demands, from President Obama to religious leaders, American generals and others, that he cancel the event planned for Saturday because of the potential impact on Christian-Muslim relations and the effect a Koran burning would have on American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But details of the pastor's planned meeting with the Imam, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, remained elusive. Mr. Jones did say he got a promise to move the New York mosque, although such an agreement could not be independently confirmed.

"I have agreed to meet with him," Mr. Jones said in reference to the Imam.

"We have at this time no regrets," he said. "We feel we have accomplished our goal. We are very very happy with the outcome."

Interestingly enough I am watching Hardball right now and they are reporting that the owners of the property that the Islamic Center is supposed to be built on have no freaking idea what this guy is talking about.  Apparently they have had NO contact with him and he seems to just be making things up.

Of course that does not mean that little miss "can't mind her own business" did not feel compelled to tweet about it.

Book burner "stands down" -good! Now, followers of book who want to kill innocents bc some people do things you don't agree with: Stand Down
35 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Jesus!  Can't SOMEBODY make this woman shut up?

This is a breaking story so when I learn more I will update this post.

Update: More from the Huffington Post:

Pastor Terry Jones claimed Thursday that he decided to cancel his protest because the leader of a planned Islamic Center near Ground Zero has agreed to move its controversial location.

However, Imam Rauf, the leader of the proposed center did not make a deal and has never talked to Pastor Terry Jones, Park51 officials tell Huffington Post, adding that they are open to all solutions and that the proposed Islamic cultural center is open to dialogue and reconciliation with the community in lower Manhattan.

This has gone on far enough!  We not only have our generals overseas telling this idiot not to burn the Islamic holy book, we now have the President of the United States weighing in!

This has spun WAY out of control!  And the thing that pisses ME off is that it was orchestrated by right wing bloggers, Fox News, and Sarah Palin!  They purposefully started this fire, unleashing anger, religious intolerance, and xenophobia onto our streets and television screens and then sat back and watched the world teeter on the edge of a potential inferno while chuckling at their handiwork.

This insignificant minister, with a congregation so small they could meet in an airport restroom, stuck his finger in the air to see which way the winds of hatred were blowing after Fox News and Sarah Palin inflamed passion against Muslims, and then took the opportunity to put his face and his insanity onto the national scene. He would NEVER have known to do that without Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Fox News leading the way!

THIS is domestic terrorism inspired by the crap storm that Sarah Palin and her cohorts unleashed on this nation!  If this sorry excuse for a religious leader does ANYTHING which costs the life of even ONE American soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq the blame for that should land right on Sarah Palin's doorstep in Wasilla, Alaska!

This Saturday she plans to co-host an event in Anchorage to "commemorate" the 3000 lives lost on 9-11 (after first helping to fleece her fellow Alaskans out of $75 to $225 per ticket of course), all while she continues to use Facebook and Twitter to fan the flames of religious hatred that will insure the loss of even MORE American lives overseas.

Is THAT what Glenn Beck was referring to when he spoke of "Restoring Honor" in this country?


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Stand down"? Why is she using military terms? This is not a religious war we're in, right? Oh, wait....

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    A friend said she just heard the media whore on NPR and the burn is back on.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Is there an difference between "stand down" and "sit down and shut up"? Because Sarah Palin says she will never obey the latter yet comically issues the former command whenever her weak intellect gets the urge.

    @Sarah Palin

    (you are an idiot)

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    what do you think about your state suing the Feds

  5. Apparently, FOX News has been running the message all day that Quran burning is equivalent to building a mosque near Ground Zero. Hmm, where did I first hear that idea?

    It's no wonder Pastor CrazyPants picked that connection as an excuse to call off his book burning.

    Stupid people are so gullible.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Mama grizzly, get stuffed.

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I suppose this does not apply to Palin!

  8. Ratfish2:35 PM

    To: Sarah Palin
    From: Osama bin Ladin

    Re: Your order to stand down

    Dear Al Quada Commander in Chief:

    As a follower of the book who kills innocents, I will follow your tweeted directive to stand down.

    I await further orders.

    Your humble servant-


  9. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Yikes: after seeing Rachel Maddows' piece on "just how far can the Republicans GO to reach the 'TOO FAR' point?"---last night, I just read that CHARLES FREAKING MANSON is being pushed as a Republican candidate!

    I wondered if THAT would be the point at which even the most radical rightwing lunatic would say, "Uhhh, hey, waituh minit."

    Turns out to be a hoax. That I could believe it for even a few minutes, tells us something, though, doesn't it?

  10. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Dr. Gina Loudon's own dating site. Seems Gina Loudon has extra time on her hands to run a dating site. Why is this supposed to be a secret? Why do her people seem to be so upset about it being exposed?

  11. Pat in MA2:56 PM

    There's that tough fightin' talk again from Hello Quitty. Oh sure, STAND DOWN 'cuz Sarah said so. Jeez, she is such a freaking idiot. Has she never heard the old adage, 'silence is golden?' I wish she would stand down and STFU.

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Beck taking credit in 3...2...1...

  13. Now Pastor Jones says he was tricked. I think somebody may have played a Sarah-style fake phone call to him.

  14. Lynne3:06 PM

    I wonder if this slimy little worm will be satisfied with his fifteen minutes of fame or whether he'll become a hungry spotlight hog like another person we know. (Kind of reminds me of Joe Lieberman as well.) And I have to wonder if this is just another wingnut distraction. If the guy is as much of a grifter as I've been hearing, maybe he got paid to stir this stuff up.

  15. Breaking:
    Westboro Church Fred Phelps says he will burn the Quran if Pastor Jones doesn't

  16. Stupid b---h! I see, only Palin can incite people and twitter is her tool. What a foolish thing for her to say attacking the Quran.

  17. What is the difference is terrorists abroad blame their religion to jusstify their acts of terrorism and Palin and Beck using God to justify their terrorizing citizens?

    This pastor may not burn the Quaran tomorrow. It won't surprise me if there is a terrorist attack on our country this weekend resulting from the maelstrom Palin kicked up and Fox fed with some of the right wing. Palin is a "political pyromaniac".

  18. I hope that SP has just painted a bulls-eye square on her hate-spewing mouth. I hope that someone, some group decides that she needs to "stand down."

    By the way Gryphen, any report on those ticket sales for Saturday's event? Are people really going to show up for that? Are they going to bus in people from Canada to fill the seats?

  19. Enjay in E MT3:25 PM

    Am I the only one confused?

    I must have zonked out with all "hot air" going on cause I don't recall him saying he was burning religious books in protest of a NY Community Center being built. Thought he said it was because Islam is an EVIL religion or CULT according to the signs shown posted on his church site.

    So NOW he "says" he won't burn the Quran (in protest) because the intended Islamic COMMUNITY Center will not be located a couple blocks from the memorial- right?

  20. And now a THIRD nutty pastor

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Springfield minister says he also plans to burn a Quran on Saturday to mark the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    The Rev. Bob Old told The Tennessean the Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Center Outreach in Gainesville, Fla., is doing the right thing by burning the Quran, and so he's going to do likewise.


    However, Old says not only does he plan to burn the Quran, but he intends to post a video of the burning book online.,0,2432212.story

  21. Anonymous3:40 PM

    if they bus anyone in to Anchorage it will be from Wasilla with Prevo driving

  22. Anonymous3:40 PM

    EVERYTHING that Pappy Jones and his publicity reps have fed to the lunatic media machine today has been a HUGE LIE..

    No one from Pappy Jones group of loons talked to the Imam in NYC, OR, the representative of the folks in NYC.. ALL OF THIS IS A LIE..

    The Swag-Hag just helped Boner and his spray-KKKan patrol stir up more lies... It's truly amazing how the hate machine gets cranked up so quickly and easily...

  23. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Glenn Beck Hates 9/11 Victims Families and Calls Katrina Victims, SCUMBAGS! :

  24. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Bye bye Fred Phelps & Terry Jones!

  25. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The fb eye can't protect all these blithering book burners. With all the PSTD soldiers we have in this country, I would be afraid to go out there and basically say I didn't give a damn about putting our soldiers in harm's way.

    What will they say if one of our own decide to protect their brother's in arms? Will that be the Muslim's fault also, too?

  26. More fake ministers plan to burn Qurans on 9/11 ?

    Apparently, crazy is contagious.
    Worse than toddlers trying to get attention, all of 'em.

  27. SME1314:04 PM

    Unfortunately the IDIOTS at Westboro church are saying if Jones doesn't burn them they will.

    Also I find it interesting that this jones guy also protests funerals like Westboro does.

    They should all being criminally charged.

    Westboro Baptist Church, the small Topeka, Kan., church that pickets funerals of American soldiers to spread its message that God is punishing the country for being tolerant of homosexuals, has vowed to hold a Quran burning if Gainesville's Dove World Outreach Center calls its off.

    "WBC burned the Koran once – and if you sissy brats of Doomed america bully Terry Jones and the Dove World Outreach Center until they change their plans to burn that blasphemous tripe called the Koran, then WBC will burn it (again), to clearly show you some things," the church announced in a news release this week.

    And Jones in the last day has indicated some reluctance to burn the Muslim holy book.

    The Canadian Press reported Thursday that in an interview with a Canadian radio station, Jones said the church was considering calling it off.

    "We are very much in prayer about it. There is the possibility, of course, that we will not do it," Jones was quoted as saying.

    He told a group of reporters Wednesday that he planned to burn at least one copy of the Quran.

    Dove World is one of the few groups to join forces with Westboro members, who have protested at funerals across the country.

    In April, a handful of Westboro members picketed outside of the University of Florida Hillel, the Jewish student center, and Trinity United Methodist Church, and Jones and about 30 members of his congregation joined the WBC members outside of Trinity United.

    While officials from President Barack Obama to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have condemned Jones' plan, Fox News reported Thursday that a White House spokesman said the administration is considering contacting Jones to urge him to call it off.

  28. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Public pressure (plus regular doses of Palin stupidity) evidently works to get Palin/Beck's attention. Negative publicity just caused them to file a new game plan...

    Under intense pressure for being opportunistic 9/11 grifters, CNN is now saying Palin is reportedly not receiving a fee and Beck's donating his to charity. (Yeah, right.)

    Also, too, looks like Palin deleted her Twittered command to Islam to stand down. I'm guessing Rebecca was understandably concerned and advised Palin her order was an unnecessary provocation and to delete it immediately. (Palin doesn't even blink first before she posts.)

    Truthseekers, keep up the great surveillance of these two dangerous radicals. The day is coming when sustained public pressure will get them to stand down completely. These scourges will be out of our lives forever.

  29. Anonymous4:05 PM

    AP Reported Defense Secretary Robert Gates calls Florida Pastor.

  30. It's time for WGE to get a call from the Secretary of Defense too. Someone needs to make her stfu.

  31. London Bridges4:31 PM

    Muslims would not burn the Torah or the Bible as they are part of their religion.

  32. laprofesora4:45 PM

    The world isn't in enough trouble, people have to invent shit to get worked up about. There's a mosque near Ground Zero! We have to burn the Koran! Obama is a Muslim Fascist! Death panels! Dear god, what is wrong with people??? Has the whole world developed Personality Disorder? Here's a thought for all of you "chicken littles" out there: why not spend the energy you'd normally spend making up stuff to rant about, on actually HELPING PEOPLE??? What's the matter, too boring? No adrenaline rush from doing good deeds? Pathetic.

  33. Now that Queen Esther has twaddled her marching orders to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.5 BILLION Muslims~~~~~~~~~~~~~~via Twitter~~~~I' sure that they will fall into lock step and give her a resounding "yes MAM!"


    "heil commandant Palin"

    Seriously, is there ANY mental health professional who would take on a case as bad as $arah?

  34. laprofesora4:53 PM

    We are coming undone.

  35. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:55 PM

    How long before Terry Jones becomes Faux News' brand new "religion correspondent"?

  36. Anonymous5:09 PM

    SP is a deadly danger to the security of the US. Her inflammatory rhetoric is like unstable dynamite. America is walking on eggshells because of that self-centered twit. I dread her nasty facebook/twitter garbage. She refuses to shut up and she just gets worse.

    What horror if she were actually President or even VP. It's like she believes it's her scared duty to fuel more war and hatred. I just don't get her philosophy of life (death?). Is her ultimate goal armageddon, annihilation, the End of Days?

    Senator Stevens thought she was very dangerous for Alaska. He's probably turning in his grave seeing how much more dangerous she is for our American troops.

  37. Says he was lied to, rethinking his decision to cancel!

  38. Anonymous5:36 PM

    When this first popped up this afternoon, my initial thought was "okay, he's backed himself into a corner and is looking for a way out." Then the local imam said something interesting about how he felt it was necessary for Jones to feel like he had won this deal.

    I'm just wondering how much the little mostly unreported visit from the FBI had to do with this. Reverend Grifter has been doing a lot of sketchy things from his church, and all this attention has started to shine lights on things he'd rather stay hidden.

    btw, don't be surprised to see more insanity like this in the next few months. We're getting hit with a lot of energy from the sun right now, and it makes people go nuts sometimes.

    Remember "lunacy" refers to the moon, and that's only *reflected* light.

  39. Lynne @ 3:06 said:

    "If the guy is as much of a grifter as I've been hearing, maybe he got paid to stir this stuff up."


  40. Anonymous5:47 PM

    If she hasn't already Palin is going to insult the Muslims and have to go into hiding like Rushdie had to

  41. MC30315:50 PM

    Sometimes I swear I've stepped into an alternate universe because I cannot believe people are this freaking stupid!

    Has everyone just gone insane? I am thinking the answer is yes. Yeesh.

  42. Polly5:54 PM

    This whole drama is so sickening. Hope everyone can take a break, and not get too emotional about it. I think I'll do some on-line bill paying or something less stressful for awhile...

  43. Dorian M6:06 PM

    "Crap storm" ...good one, Gryphen.

    Reminds me of some crap flavoured pearls of wisdom from Mr. Lahey of Trailer Park Boys:

    "S**t tectonics - do you know what happens when two s**t plates collide? S**quake."
    - J. Lahey

    Good name for the Palin/Beck event in Anchorage, I think.

  44. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:15 PM

    Ella @5:39 and Lynne @3:06--

    EXACTLY what I've been thinking. The Rev is getting WAY too much PR and attention for this insanity not to have been backed and promoted somehow. Problem is--who? Koch? Murdoch? The Fundies?

  45. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I have Islamic friends and they KNOW this bunch of fruitloops is not mainstream America. All sane/rational folks, just keep fighting for what is right!

  46. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Stevens was afraid of Palin because here was someone other than his son Ben who was more greedy

  47. Anonymous6:51 PM

    laprofesora said...

    We are coming undone.

    4:53 PM

    I sadly feel the same. How this travesty even got the media attention it did then drew in our Pres, Secy of State/Defense and many other prominent leaders is beyond me. This guy is a whackjob and has duped our administration, media and the world. Very sad day.

  48. kinda hard to decide if this is stupidity, delusion, or selfishness, or perhaps a mix of all three.

    these so-called "Christians" are no better than the extremists who bombed the OK City Federal building. it's all just hate. nothing more than hate. the only question is where exactly is the hate coming from? is it because of the stupidity--that they don't even know what the Qu'ran teaches, therefore it must be evil cuz it ain't the B-I-B-L-E? is it delusion--that this will REALLY show those Muslims who dare try to practice freedom of religion in these here United States? or is it just selfishness--that these groups want their 15 minutes and no more? I think this guy has taken a chapter out of palin's "how to be a media whore" play book. this is sickening, pathetic, and a threat to national security. whether stupid, delusional, or selfish, one thing is certain: they don't care about our national security or our troops who are still in MUSLIM COUNTRIES. more taliban propaganda being filmed in florida, or at the WBC. or hell, at that church in Tennessee. this is certainly no way to spread Jesus' love to anybody. idiots.

  49. Well these freakin dickheads may be stirring a bunch of trouble. If you go to "Gods own party" Leah is working to replace every book burned by these pin heads.
    queen esther and faux nonnews are yelling fire in a crowded theater.
    Damn near tempted to go Anch this weekend just to yell FUCK YOU to beck and the quitter queen.

  50. Anonymous8:01 PM

    You know what, I've finally decided SP is right, we need to hark back to the day s of our founding fathers and their values. One of their values was to publicly humiliate scolds - shrill women who caused consternation and divisiveness in other wise peaceful communities. To punish such screechy harpies, they used the dunking stool.

    So, yes, let's do as the founding fathers did - Sarah, here's your seat- splash.

    (Hey, any video game designers out there - let's make that a game and charge money - going to progressive candidates and causes o f course - which allows one to virtually give Ms. Palin the dunking she deserves.

  51. WakeUpAmerica8:22 PM

    Why aren't the feds threatening to arrest the pastor for hate crimes if he burns the Quran?

  52. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Please, oh please save Sarah's idiotic immature foot stamping tweet. It needs to be replayed as part of an ad opposing her if she ever runs for president. Just imagine her as the most powerful ruler on Earth, tweeting enemies to "stand down." Sarah seems to have a problem with people who don't agree with her. I vote that it's Sarah who stands down. And shuts up and sits down.

  53. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I was sorry to see Obama address this topic directly. Not because I didn't like the message, but because I think it's beneath the POTUS to feed the trolls.

  54. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I agree with the point that if no one had bothered to make mention of this crazy person in the news nothing would have happened. No one should have commented on it - period.

    He got what he wanted - all that attention.

    I sincerely hope not one media person is on hand to feed him any more tomorrow.

  55. so now sarah palin is dealing directly with the terrorists herself ... stand down ... the woman is dangerous puppet!what's wrong sarah - our military leaders aren't good enough for you! you are a disrespectful, disgrace to our country -- Sarah Palin, STAND DOWN!

  56. Looks like the hatred is out of control.
    I have a daughter living abroad. Now her life is in danger.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.