Thursday, September 16, 2010

Examining the guts and gears of the Sarah Palin political machine.

From the Daily Beast:

The way the endorsement game has unfolded is no accident. It’s all part of a media strategy mapped out last April, when SarahPAC staffers gathered at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans to hear their boss speak. The event also gave the cyberoffice (aides are scattered around the country) a chance to meet together face to face instead of the usual conference calls and emails they rely on to make the PAC tick.

The meeting was harmonious, but some strategic tensions ran beneath the surface. Staffers decided not to hire a communications director, but rather to continue to rely on Palin’s tweets and Facebook posts as the primary way of dialoguing with the public and the press (aside from her contract with Fox News). Some in attendance were upset by this course of action, preferring instead to hire an official press spokesperson—a role that remains as yet unfilled.

The meeting was run by Jason Recher, her closest aide at the time, who has been by Palin’s side since the 2008 campaign. A loyal aide, he accompanied her to countless rallies and paid speeches, not to mention every stop along on her Going Rogue book tour. But Recher has since been sidelined for Mansour. A SarahPAC staffer described Recher as “being in the hot seat,” although he is still employed by the PAC.

All of her close aides must adhere to a code of honesty and total loyalty to the candidate. No one is allowed to speak to the press without Palin’s express approval. (Palin declined repeated requests by The Daily Beast for an interview). “She is attracted to people who are going to take a bullet for her because she really will ask you to one day,” an aide from the 2008 campaign said.

That suits the members of her team just fine. “One of the things I have learned about her is her instincts are really good,” Mansour said. “She respects her team and her team respects her and we’ve learned that she knows what she’s doing.”

The author of this piece, Shushanna Walshe, is another of those reporters, much like Dave Weigel, that I fear may have had a sip or two of the Palin spiked kool-aid.  She is not wholeheartedly a Palin sympathizer or apologist, but she has a tendency to look at Palin with a much less critical eye than many other reporters, those put off by Palin's demonization of their craft and resistance to media access, might be.

I was first notified that Walshe might not be the most trustworthy source of Palin information when somebody pointed out that she was twittering back and forth with RAM on a fairly consistent basis and using that information to write her articles, much like she did this one.  Now as all of us know, RAM is now the high priestess of all Palin propaganda, and she does NOT communicate with anybody who does not show Palin in the proper light.

Sarah Palin herself is VERY good at identifying reporters who are susceptible to her influence.  Don't forget that when she became Governor she quickly tapped both Juneau reporter Bill McAllister, and KTUU's Meg Stapleton to help block access from the very media of which they used to be a part.  It is sort of like taking a shark out of the water and conditioning it to attack other sharks before placing it back into the ocean.  Diabolical, isn't it?

So now that Palin does not have an OFFICIAL press person she simply finds the weak members of the media herd to separate and provide a certain, shall we say, deal with the devil?  You can have some carefully controlled access, just so long as you write what WE want you to write.  One mistake and you are put on the media BANNED list.  And lord knows there are a lot of us on THAT list.

That is why Michael Joseph Gross, the writer of the Vanity Fair piece,  was attacked so viciously.  He refused to compromise his journalistic integrity for the story.  Besides he was gay, so he was not a man who wanted to sleep with her, nor a woman who wanted to BE her, which meant that she had no way of seducing him into writing a positive article about her. In a situation like that it is "Palin-bots attack!", every single time.

And why do you think she lost her freaking mind when Joe McGinniss moved in next door?  He is not a gay man, but I saw his wife once and she is a stunning woman who makes Sarah Palin look like an unfortunate hookup after a night of binge drinking.  That plus the fact that he is infinitely more intelligent and professional than many of the other authors or journalists Palin has encountered made him her worst next door neighbor nightmare.

However having said ALL of that, this article is worth reading because, even though let's face it Walshe only got to see a few inches beneath the skin, it is the first real view of HOW the Palin machine functions.  And that is both interesting for informational purposes and helpful in identifying her weaknesses.

Thanks for the information Shushanne, now whatever you do try NOT to get turned to the dark side.  That way leads to madness. If you guys want to read more of Walshe's Daily Beast article, just click the link at the top.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    But surely, if Palin’s endorsees are elected this fall and in office come 2012, it would be easier for her to govern, Mansour is asked. “Bingo,” the aide replies.

    No, not surely. President Palin will dominate the GOP establishment because of a handful of endorsed teabaggers? This breathless, fawning crap is just too silly-just ask Scott Brown.

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    look, palin is a product of fox news.
    take away what hannity, beck and the lies that fox uses to cover for palin and there is no palin.

    the point is if the rest of the media was doing their job there would be no such thing as a palin political anything.

    and that is the biggest mystery no one can answer ,"why does the media protect this bizarre woman"?

    anyone else who had made the statements and lives the life she does would have been laughed of the political stage long long ago.

  3. Anonymoose8:37 AM

    Off topic - I came across an article about ears that might be of interest to you:

    I think the article is quite old.

  4. Anonymous8:52 AM

    “She is attracted to people who are going to take a bullet for her because she really will ask you to one day,” an aide from the 2008 campaign said.

    I believe that it's lemmings who take the bullets from HER circling hiring squad that she values so dearly for Saint Sarah, the perpetual victim, again demonstrates that she's not going to take any responsibility for her actions and that's why she has the -bots.

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    If Barack Obama is really as smart as everyone says he is, he'll use all the tools he's got, while he's got the chance, to expose this fraud for the corrupt criminal she is. Please, if you care about your country, get the FBI, the CIA, IRS on the case, Barack! NOW while you still have them at your disposal.

  6. imnofred9:42 AM

    After reading the article, everything seems to make sense. Palin/Fox News and the Teabaggers are trying to hand pick candidates for congress so that Sarah can easily control them should she become President.

    This is scary because Fox News and people like the Koch Brothers will have an unlimited amount of money to throw at her.

    When is the Republican Party going to wake up? If they are not careful, she will split the party as has never been done before and could get the nomination. I am interested to see when the Republican Party will grow some balls and stand up to the likes of Fox, Limbaugh...etc. If the Republicans want to win the White House, Sarah is probably not their best chance.

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Palin was only able to draw in 1000 at her 'unity' speech in Tulsa, Ok. last night.

    If she can't get more than that in this red state, in the second largest city, she is in real trouble. And her version of 'unity' is the Republican Party caving into HER. lmao.

    Move-on dropped the ball BIG time by not getting the word out that she was coming and that there was a protest planned. Guess they don't think she's that important either....

  8. Walshe claims some kind of strategy. There's no strategy. There's just the ever complacent press, willing to print anything to sell papers and website hits.

  9. Anonymous9:59 AM

    so here we are still talking about palin but this time she has much more power. She is actually taking on Carl Rove and is seriously being considered for 2012. When is the info about babygate going to come out or is it? We are starting to enter dangerous waters here.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "and that is the biggest mystery no one can answer ,"why does the media protect this bizarre woman"?"

    $. Not so mysterious now is it?
    She's a cash cow. Look at all the blogs that are geared towards her on both sides of the aisle. Look at all the articles written about every thing she says, does, or even wears.

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Can I say I miss Meg Stapleton? Becky is okay, but Meg could foam at the mouth like nobody's business. And how is her recovery going?

    Jason Recher must be a junior Dick Cheney.. he sees the darkness, and he likes it.

    I don't see anyone on her team that can really bring some game to her campaign.

    When Mrs. Todd Palin burned Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace after they worked double time to try and polish this ignorant and ungrateful woman, I'm sure the top professionals in the field took notice.

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:29 AM

    SP's handlers (and now, the same could be said for Chrissie), have mastered layering and layering of the Palin myth, much like the old Hollywood studio system protected the reputations of their biggest stars. The mega $$ backers are counting on short attention spans and the power of the purchased media to obscure the facts hiding in plain sight. I commend Michael Gross in starting to chink away at that armor. For now, there's ju$t too much to lo$e if an pesky, unavoidable truth suddenly pops up and smacks Palinbot World across the face. Then, it's into the heavy-duty spin cycle, lead by the C4P cheerleaders. However, if SP really angers someone much higher up in the food chain (Uncle Karl?), her team will be banished, her protective shield will evaporate and the media will be granted an all-out field day. One can not only hope, but I'm sure either this scenario, or a nasty public breakdown, will eventually happen.

    I wonder what kind of legal document her team has to sign to keep them quiet just in case SP loses it in a "meeting" and blurts something damning out?

  13. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What Sarah Palin political machine? Do you mean the political machine that Sarah Palin as it's prop? The machine owned and run by the same person or person's that own and run FOX news? Paylin does not have the brains or the attention span to conceive the idea of a political machine let alone run one.

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I knew Shushanna (however you spell her name) - was on Sarah's good side b/c she interviewed Chuck and Sally for the other recent article she wrote - a couple days ago. And trust me (I live out here in the Valley) Chuck and Sally are on the shortest leash imaginable. Sarah can't take the chance of her dad saying anymore revealing things (ie. her water broke in Texas; she doesn't make any of her decisions anymore - they're all made for her, etc.)

    The fact that Shushannah had a face to face interview with them in their home just a few days ago means Shushannah won a little gold star and she is probably trying to position herself for a job in Sarah's 2012 administration. How does Press Secretary sound, Miss Shushannah?

    Pathetic, the lot.

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "All of her close aides must adhere to a code of honesty".

    Stop, my sides!

    Sorry, that is just way too funny. Honesty! SARAH PALIN demands adherence to a code of honesty!

    Oh RAM, you jokester.

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Interesting how Rove immedidately came out with 'crud' about the gal that just won back east, but little of the 'crud' we know about Palin in Alaska is making national news. We know that the Republicans have dirt on Palin, but when is it going to be published and proven? When she announces her run for president? God forbid!!!

  17. Anonymous10:53 AM

    You do realize if Barack Obama were a woman he'd be treated and ridiculed exactly how Sarah is. They both incite hatred, they both all ill prepared for the office of the Presidency. Politics is a mans playing field. Why do you think these insider jackasses are terrified that "average americans" will soon infiltrate their precious temple of deadly secrets?

    The first rule of life: it is not about your quality of education or pedigree. Its whom you know and your growing network. Hopefully we can abolish elitism and entitlement one day. P

    People get angry when they see others making "easy money" in Hollywood and the like, when anyone with the drive to succeed could do the same thing. The world is everyones oyster. Stop being jealous and stewing in hatred and go accomplish something.

    And why does everyone attack Sarah when she's essentially proven herself to be no different than Rove, Obama and their buddies. Except she will call people out regardless of status
    And vote Palin 2012 write-in or not

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    9:56. You do realize that if the MS press did their jobs effectively, thered be very little politicians if any left unscathed. Our president better be thanking his lucky gym shorts that he even won in 2008 and that his true ambtitions aren't discovered. People will believe anything and hate anything the same. Only to serve their own agenda

    That is why we need everyday americans in office and that is why the tea party matters

  19. Facebook Lurker11:55 AM

    O/T, but what is Bristol on in this Hannity interview from last night:

    Hannity asks Bristol if she really didn't go to her prom, and she again claims she did not go to her prom because she was pregnant with Tripp. And yet again she is making the assertion that she is raising Tripp on her own, when we know in fact she has a nanny. I would have so much more respect for this spoiled little brat if she would just own up to be priveledged.

    Looks like Bristol is making the rounds on Fox to get all of her mom's devoted diabetic mall walkers (and motorized scooter riders) to vote for her.

    Her face appears seriously messed up...her left eye is smaller than her right, and her cheeks look completely swollen. Some folks here commented about her being on "substances", I do know anti-depressants can make you gain weight, but jeez, she looks awful. disturbing in fact.

  20. angela12:10 PM

    Anon 10:58 It seems your everyday Americans are not the people I would want to lead ANYONE. Your everyday Americans seems to be totally white, angry
    non-inclusive, collecting social security, medicare and whining about socialism and tend to be racist.

    How are you doing everyday American 10:58?. Not happy that a well educated, brilliant, kind black man is in office? You want a woman who wants to end unemployment benefits and make rape victims who get pregnant "make lemonade," one who wants people to stop masturbating, one who thinks businesses should be allowed to keep black people out, one who wants to be a U.S. Senator but doesn't think the government should have any say in anything. Nice and crazy, everyday Americans.

    I don't want a damned everyday American to lead this country. It seems everyday Americans preach at everyone while they break all the rules and judge everyone else. Palin is a quitter with a teen daughter that got knocked up and a husband who had a DUI and a drug addicted son forced to go into the military and another daughter who trashes real estate.

    These kind of Americans in my neighborhood are pretty much called "trash." But in your neighborhood I'm sure it doesn't matter how illustrious our president is—he'd still be just another N word in your neck of the woods. So your "Everyday Americans" speaks very much of your ignorance.

  21. mommom12:23 PM

    Good Golly Gee Willickers,the bots are out in force!!! It must be so upsetting to be duped by Mrs PAYlin.More upsetting to realize you have been duped!!And even more to realize it and be unable to admit it!!!

    Oh,and of course,the fact that PRESIDENT Obama is a man has kept anyone from demeaning,ridiculing,or criticizing him!!

    You so funny!!

  22. Irishgirl12:30 PM

    10.58....What do you mean about everyday Americans? If you talked liked that in wouldn't last long.

  23. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Just wait, Christie Odonnell is being investigated by the FEC because she had not treasurer most of the time during her campaign. Just wait, 3 2 1, before they start complaining that she is being picked on because she is a woman, or a conservative or whatever.

  24. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Isn't fox news like Tokyo Rose?

  25. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah Palin and Barack Obama--one has all of the power and the other has all of the appearance of it.

    While Palin drew only 1000 at an event in red state Okalahoma, Obama got two republicans to cross the isle to finally get his small business tax and loan bill passed. These last two years while the tea party has been screaming and dressing in costumes and Palin has bullied the republicans into submission, Obama has had some major accomplishments. Why should democrats be scared because 15% of Delaware voted for a nut? Get this--there are more of us than there are of them. All polls right now are based on likely voter models which factor in enthusiasm levels. With republicans getting more extreme, it's just the incentive the rest of us need to get out and vote. If we vote, we easily hold Congress.

    Sarah Palin is a manufactured mirage. The fact that the media and the republicans have propped her up will only come back to haunt them. The rest of us know better and should not be afraid. JUST GOTV.

  26. LisanTX1:15 PM

    anon. at 10:35 a.m. who lives in the Valley--

    How is Kristen Cole these days? Is she recovering or still not doing well?

    Has Kristen seen the truth about SP?

    What's the scoop?

  27. Anonymous1:21 PM

    She is now saying that she never really went to any of her dances? Isn't there a picture that disproves this? Or does the qualifier "never really" mean that she got dressed up, had the photos, but never made it to the prom....hmmmm...we know what that means.

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Is she now saying that she never really went to any of her school's dances? Isn't there a photo that disproves that??? Unless the qualifier "never really went" means that she got dressed up, had the photo, and never made it to the dance.....hmmm...we know what that means.

  29. Irishgirl1:37 PM

    When the bots come out, you know you have hit a soft spot.

  30. Doot Diddy Doot1:40 PM

    Looks like Christine O'Donnell must have consulted with Sarah before deciding to run. Her Mother and her boyfriend paid big bucks to 'work' for her. Disgusting!

    C'mon people we've got to take to the streets, they are destroying our country.


    We must go out of our way now to make sure our friends and families who aren't paying attention that the billionaires are funding the nuts who will shut our govt. completely down while eliminating social security, medicare, healthcare, unemployment, etc.

    We are losing our very freedoms to these flippin nuts who are getting rich off of American ignorance, bigotry, complacency, etc.

  31. Anonymous2:11 PM

    These people are seriously deranged -
    'she'll ask you to take a bullet for her one day?'WHAT?! Do these grovelling pond scum not have parents, children,they care about or who care for them? I bet checking into the backgrounds of Ram, Recher,
    Randy Schuenemann, & other 'top-bots' childhoods/relationships would reveal some shocking info. Normal people don't worship another human being.
    Even athiests don't do that. It's
    time for the FBI to check out that lot.

    Sharon TN

  32. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I for one was not duped by Sarah. I don't care if the stories are true (even though I know most are not). I'm not stupid to think she's superhuman. People expect politicians to be perfect and to have lived perfect lives since birth. That's crazy. The best teachers are the most experienced. I feel bad for the boring, inexperienced people and politicians. I also feel bad for people who refuse to accept that Obama is far from the jesus figure he is perceived to be. Obamabots and palinbots are alike in that respect.

    Commonsense is needed in all aspects of life

  33. Buffalo, NY2:14 PM

    Where's her wedding ring ?

  34. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I agree 10:32 AM. Palin is the prop/puppet and the machine is run by others. Bristol has her part to play. Facebook Lurker, she has a steroid look at the Hannity show. Poor thing does look worked over. If she is not use to exercise and starts with dance you know it hurts bad. What do athletes do to mask pain and go on with a performance? Fools like Bristol will do the same. The lies are far worse than I could have imagined. They are really selling a new Wonder Woman! She can do anything! I should of had a baby or two at age 13, just think of the worldly riches I could have by now. Oh well, we just didn't have role models like Sarah and Bristol.

    Did anyone see Matt Lauer on Today this AM? VERY INTERESTING

    The machine does handle all this for Sarah and her family. Track will be appointed Secretary of Defense one day and they really need to get him out there before "Sarah's Alaska" airs.

  35. Anonymous2:35 PM

    If you watch Shusannah Walshe's interviews, she has adopted at least one of Palin's mannerisms. Palin occasionally scrunches up her chin and lower lip - flattening out her lips. It's her "I'm thinking" face. Walshe does the same thing. Odd mannerism for (relatively) people. Only time I've ever seen it before is on someone who has a problem with their false teeth.

    Walshe's articles only give up little tidbits of negativity but the majority of what she says builds up SP's image. Walshe is devoted to Palin - I take everything she says with a grain of salt.

  36. Anonymous2:43 PM

    “One of the things I have learned about her is her instincts are really good,” Mansour said. “She respects her team and her team respects her and we’ve learned that she knows what she’s doing.”

    TRANSLATION: Palin is so f-in lazy that she has us do all the work. We love it because we never have to check in with the boss and can do and say whatever we damn please - and get praised for it. After all, what does she know. ;)

  37. Lani R.2:45 PM

    'Speak through Fox News' says Sarah Palin. It works and don't forget to teach your children well.

  38. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Calm down, everyone. Sarah's going to run in 2012, we already know that. What better way for her to grift money from people than to hold massive political rallies where she can hand out buckets to collect money for her "PAC" like she did on "her" book tour. Maybe she'll win the nomination, maybe she'll even start a third party after it becomes obvious that she's persona non grata with the GOP -- which would be even better, in her eyes, even more possibility for grifting -- but she is not going to be president. More than 60 percent of the population thinks she is unfit to be president, not that they don't approve, but that they think she is unfit. I know it seems like she has a lot of followers because her candidates have won primaries, but the percentage of people who vote in primaries are very, very small. In Delaware, the winner had 57,000 votes. Joe Biden won in 2008 with 257,000 votes. Carper in 2006 got more than 170,000 votes and the Republican got less than 70,000 votes, and this is in an atmosphere, where the Republicans and the Tea Partiers in general are supercharged. That means their turnout in the primary was higher...And that's how Sarah's nutty buddy won. Turn out...That's it.

    So..what you have to do, is make sure all of your friends turn out to vote for Democrats.

  39. To Anonymous@10:53. I want someone WAY smarter than I am to run the country. I don't want any barely literate "average American" at the helm of the ship of state thank you very much. No one who is even remotely like me has any business running for public office.

  40. Oh, and, the first rule of life, 10:53? It IS education, number one, first, foremost, primary. Most people can get at least a Bachelor's degree from any local or regional 4 year institution, and it needn't be completed in just 4 years.

    And if you can't get that, there are public libraries everywhere to continue your learning after grade school or high school or your GED or however far you got.

  41. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Gryphen: Please refrain from posting that picture of Sarah that looks like she's having her first bowel movement since the 2008 election. Poor taste!

  42. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Did anyone hear that Palin said she had just shot a caribou while on O'Reilly last night? He didn't even pick up on it.

  43. emrysa5:04 PM

    well I appreciate the heads-up gryphen but I'm not going to read it. if walsh is sending emails back-n-forth with ram, well you know walsh's perspective is definitely skewed. and NOT in favor of the truth.

    ram will be thrown under the bus one day and will come to regret her comments.

    palin and the tea baggers have one goal - to disrupt government. and that's exactly what they're doing. it still amazes me the people who act without regard to the great wheel of karma. they will get theirs, and why they choose to bring it on to themselves is baffling. my motto? karma - it's everywhere you're going to be. act accordingly.

  44. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hi LisanTX at 1:15

    I think Kristin is doing better from her fall a few months ago.

    After speaking to a number of "Sarah's BFFs" - it appears she has distanced herself from just about everyone except her parents and a couple other family members. One would guess this is because she needs them to raise her kids for her (they are the ones who drop the kids off, pick the kids up, get them to their sports, etc)

    She had basically cut everyone else off. When Walshe (sp?) talked about how Sarah doesn't like to go out in public here in Wasilla because she doesn't want to "get mobbed by her fans" - what an absolute joke that is.

    I've watched her one of the very few times she actually did show up at one of her kid's events. No one spoke to her. Everyone looked up and saw that she'd walked in - she kind of looked nervously around and then went and stood in the corner and manically started to text. She was totally ignored. Finally a dad went over and said hello. Mobbed? Good one.

    She's ignored in her own home town. That's why she doesn't show her face. She's either ignored, or according to the Vanity Fair guy, gently mocked (Hey - there's Tina Fey!)

    There's no doubt in my mind if she could figure a way to never have to set foot in Alaska again she'd gladly do so - but Todd won't live anywhere else and her kids can't function outside of this little environment. They haven't been raised to be curious or to be able to hold their own end of a conversation. Todd and the kids have to stay here - which means Sarah has to stay here - even though the vast majority of people out here now find her deeply distasteful.

    And yes, I think Kristin now knows she was played, used and then discarded by Sarah, like everyone else. Wow. What's it gonna be like when RAM meets the underside of the bus.


  45. emrysa5:48 PM

    the trolls, the trolls! omg full force on this thread. can't go any further than

    "That is why we need everyday americans in office and that is why the tea party matters"

    everyday americans? I am an everyday american and I want someone much smarter than me to be making the decisions. I call bullshit on this whole 'every day americans should be making policy' crap. no, they (WE) shouldn't. most everyday americans have very little knowledge about international relations & trade, economics, domestic policy... it's a ridiculous proposition. that's not to say that the people who are currently there are doing a great job, but the greatest country on earth should be able to do better than everyday americans as policy makers.

  46. ROFLMAO! Imagine "wanting to be Sarah Palin." Imagine wanting to be

    - A failure as a mother
    - A failure as a politician
    - Mean
    - Greedy
    - Vain
    - A liar

    I'll stop here. I'm tired of listing her characteristics. I'm sure she and her fans think I have this all wrong. That every woman would want to be her because she's so attractive, so rich, garners so much attention. Well, looks fade, money runs out, and once your 15 minutes of fame are gone you're all alone. Palin at 62 or so is not going to be pretty.

  47. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I thought about this all day today and came to the frightening conclusion that she is not going to run in 2012, but she will run in 2016! She will be of prime age and have her political "legs" by then if she will show up on a real talk show. Be very afraid folks. I really think this is her plan. 2016. Gag. We have to deal with this idiot for another 6 years. Please....bring her down if you can.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.