Monday, September 27, 2010

Having turned the Wiccans, the scientists, and the masturbators off to her campaign already, now we see video that will turn the gay community against Christine O'Donnell as well. Personally I believe she turned off just about EVERYBODY with that anti-masturbation stance.

If I may just cut to the chase of Ms. O'Donnell's argument, I believe what she is saying is that if the homosexual community would just stop acting so........freaking gay, then the government would not have to spend so much money fighting a disease that could easily be prevented if everybody would just follow O'Donnell's example and become an uptight, self loathing, crazy ass frigid bitch.

See? Problem solved!


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I could only stomach about 90 seconds of this bullshit.

    If it walks and talks like a Nazi...

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    You have a way with words :)
    Poor Christine needs to discover the joys of masturbation. She's be a whole lot less uptight. It's not healthy to be so repressed.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Oh Gryphen,

    Your commentary is so priceless and snarky! Thanks for brightening my day as usual. You rock, Mr!

  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    tee hee - can't watch video, must maintain some semblance of sanity (until the rally!).


  5. Anonymous4:58 PM

    is EVERYBOY a typo?

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This bitch is truly nuts. I guess she doesn't feel those that contract HIV from blood transfusion as victims either. She really needs to check herself into the cuckoo's nest and stay there.

  7. Randall5:02 PM

    This may be OT but...

    When I see what's going on up there in Alaska it really causes me concern.

    Specifically, the march in Eagle River to support Joe Miller. Those crazy people are openly carrying weapons.

    Once it becomes de riguer to carry weapons, gun play can't be far behind.

    When you make it legal to openly carry weapons - the bad guys get to carry them too!

    I hope Sarah Palin is prepared to deal with the buckets, barrels, perhaps rivers of blood she's going to have on her hands.

  8. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Wow, she said "disproportionate" and "allocated". She certainly has me sold on her argument ... Seriously, she sounds just like Palin, where you can see in her eyes that she doesn't really know what she's saying and tries to make up for it with words that she thinks makes her appear like an authority figure on the subject at hand. The truth is though, she's all ideology. While there is certainly a lot to be said about being principled in the way that she is, it's another to apply those principles blindly to a broad swath of the population about a very complicated issue. Something tells me she doesn't walk her talk though, much like a lot of other loud fanatics like her. Her whole argument there was basically that AIDS funding provides care for sin. Even so, she either purposefully doesn't acknowledge it or just doesn't realize that a very large amount of AIDS initiatives are actually aimed at preventions, not just toward cures after contraction. Her ideology tells her that the real solution is to convince everyone to be abstinent. That's just not reality though. If AIDS initiatives were done her way, there would be no condoms, no anything, and AIDS would certainly be on the rise. Somehow, I get the creepy sense that, in her world, she would prefer this outcome. She would then point to everyone with AIDS and say that they are facing God's just punishment.

    Such ideologues should be nowhere near any real power.

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    OMG! That poor repressed, closet Lesbian! Seriously, I feel bad that she truly believes what is coming out of her mouth.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I've changed my mind. She's not cute at all. She is immature and unfit for public office.

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    What can you say, really? (shaking head in disbelief)

  12. Anonymous5:09 PM

    OMG OMG They just totally BOOOOOOd SP on dancing with the stars. The audience was AWESOME!!!!!!! Gotta see it. Tom handled himself well, but there was definately an awkward moment. SP was visably shocked excuse the spelling Yeah!!!!!! She did not know quite what to do it was great!!!

  13. HOLD ON.

    At 1:36, she says that cancer is an act of God, whereas you get AIDS due to your behaviour.

    So the funding should go to treat people who have illnesses as an act of God? Isn't it God's will for them to be sick, then?

    I'm NOT suggesting that cancer and heart disease research shouldn't get funding, just trying to follow her argument.

  14. Anonymous5:44 PM

    What FUCKING embicile...

    Alice in Wonderland with her head down a rabbit hole syndrome...

    OMFG, what an idiot...

  15. Anonymous5:54 PM

    how in the hell did this woman get so much TV face time??? what a bone-head

  16. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Another self righteous asshole, just like sista sarah.

  17. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Love your comments, Gryphen!

    Just saw Rachel Maddow's explanation on how Christine is raising money - affiliate groups in other states and internationally. She has raised over 10 times as much money as her Democratic opponent!

    If money matters in an election, we have to take the crazoid known as Christine seriously. What scary times we live in when someone like her can have a real shot at winning a Senate seat!

    Historically, the nation has other crazy Senators, but we can no longer afford to have even one this crazy.

    Send even small donation to her opponent as soon as you can, people. It matters.

  18. Best laugh of the day there Gryph.
    You rock.

  19. Anonymous6:15 PM

    HuffPo posters are all saying Sarah was booed on DWTS! Can't wait to see the video.

  20. Anonymous6:16 PM

    OT: Expect some Vicious tweets from the Twit. She was just booed on DWTS.

  21. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I want to strangle this ignorant, moronic girl. There are so many children who've been born with aids, and will live with it for their entire lives. O'Donnell's assumption that only promiscuous people (usually gay) get aids makes me wish she'd be inflicted with it just to know what it's like. People like her who don't believe in a woman's right to choose whether or not the baby she's carrying should (or could) be aborted should be forced to raise those children born with Aids...let's see how she'd feel about funding, then!

  22. Anonymous6:26 PM

    ...Christine O’Donnell doesn’t understand why monkeys can’t turn into people right before her eyes.

    Bill Maher continued his video torment of O’Donnell by releasing another old clip of her on his HBO show on Friday night, this time showing one in which she argued that “Evolution is a myth.”

    Maher shot back, “Have you ever looked at a monkey?” To which O’Donnell rebutted, “Why aren’t monkeys still evolving into humans?”

    The comedian has a soft spot for the sweet-faced Republican Senate candidate from Delaware, but as he told me on Friday, it’s “powerful stupid to think primate evolution could happen fast enough to observe it. That’s bacteria.

    “I find it so much more damaging than the witch stuff because she could be in a position to make decisions about scientific issues, like global warming and stem cells, and she thinks primate evolution can happen in a week and mice have human brains.”

    In the Republican primary, O’Donnell beat Congressman Mike Castle, who had the temerity to support stem-cell research and acknowledge global warming. O’Donnell’s numbers are dropping, while Castle is still beating the Democratic candidate, Chris Coons, by almost 20 points in a theoretical matchup.

    In 2007, O’Donnell frantically warned Bill O’Reilly, “American scientific companies are crossbreeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.”

    ...Sarah Palin will believe global warming is a hoax until she’s doing aerial hunting of wolves underwater. And in a 2009 clip, Sharron Angle, the Republican Senate candidate from Nevada, suggested that autism — a word she uttered with air quotes — is a phony rubric. She suggested that people are taking advantage of such maladies to get extra health benefits, adding that she doesn’t see why she should have to subsidize maternity benefits for other people either, especially since, as she said, she’s not having any more babies.

    ...Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Jim DeMint and some Tea Party types don’t merely yearn for the country they idealize from the 1950s. They want to go back to the 1750s.

    Joe Miller, the Palin-blessed Republican nominee for Senate in Alaska, suggests that Social Security is unconstitutional because it wasn’t in the Constitution. The Constitution is a dazzling document, but do these originalists really think things haven’t changed since then? If James Madison beamed down now, he would no doubt be stunned at the idea that America had evolved so far but was hemming itself in by the strictest interpretation of his handiwork. He might even tweet about it.

    Evolution is no myth, but we may be evolving backward. Christine O’Donnell had better hope they don’t bring back witch burning.


  23. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This fucking woman is so goddamned ignorant and just outright stupid.

    I can't believe she is spewing such bullshit and hate.

    I cannot wait until this election cycle os over and we will not have to see her cunty face again.

  24. Anonymous6:43 PM

    If only there were no more sex in this world, there would be no more masturbation, abortion, fear of church pews and rectories, no STD's and no wiggling around in excrement, no need to hate gays cause I believe that's the part that turns them fundies off the most, the sex parts rather than the affection.

    And where would we be?

    We wouldn't. Christine, you are one ever loving dumbfuck. No sex, no babies, no Values Voters forum, no nothing. But personally, I thank you for withholding your ovulating eggs from zygote formations - you procreating is as horrifying as Sarah and Bristol doing so, and so often too. Or not. Trig matters.

  25. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:56 PM

    the lady with the blonde hair was just about one step from going postal on COD...i admire her restraint. The garbage from COD about why we fund medical research is so insane i can't begin to put it into words without throwing up a bit in my mouth.

    so, heart disease is a function of life choice and if we find out we have heart disease then we quit eating fatty foods and excercise.........hmmm do we have to do that before we get approval for the heart bypass?

    i just hope there aren't too many folks like COD on grant boards that decide medical research funding. just saying.

    craaaazy wooomaaan needs to go away now paaaleeeese.

  26. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Wow, we have so much back-video on this wackco! But let's not forget this is 13 year old testimony. What does she think now - why aren't we privy to that from the horse's mouth? Ms. O'Donnell $2.5M international ho, what do you have to say about all the batcrapcrazy stuff you've said in the past? And be specific, and no youthful crap - what about now? We're waiting..

  27. Yes Anonymous 4:58, I left off of the "D". Thanks for letting me know.

  28. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Along with Rush and Ann, let's just take them out back and ya know....... I won't type it because you will likely not post it. BUT real/true evil should be erased. Some one suggested that she was dropped on her head by her mom. That explains some of it, the rest is inexplicable.

  29. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Anyone that understands the research that is going on with AIDs knows that if a cure if found it will also help in the studies of killing some cancers (I have friends in cancer research).

  30. CorningNY8:23 PM

    What an idiot she is! You could tear apart her "AIDS is caused by behavior, therefore we shouldn't fund it" by pointing out that MOST cancer and heart disease is caused by behavior s well. Skin cancer is caused by sun exposure, colon cancer is caused by low-fiber/high fat diet, lung cancer is caused by smoking...So be her thinking, none of these people are "victims" and should not be treated. And does she truly believe that people quit bad behavior when they know it injures their health?? Has she never met a SMOKER?!!! Again, what an idiot.

  31. Anonymous9:14 PM

    DAMN this woman! how dare she? My son in law died of AIDS - he was a haemophiliac and contracted it through a tainted blood transfusion. How was that his fault, Ms O'Donnell?

  32. AKRNC3:10 AM

    O'Donnell's former campaign manager who said she is a fraud also revealed that the real reason O'Donnell was running was to obtain a position on FOX or CNN as an anchor or to host her own show!!! She loves the limelight even more than Palin, if that's possible. Take a look at her resume' when at the ripe old age of 23, she takes credit for developing the strategy that allowed the GOP to retake Congress in '94. Sure, all those old white men listened to her at the age of 23?? Then she blames her lack of income on a recent pro-bono case she took for somebody on life support? She's doing consulting work, what type, who knows?? What she doesn't realize is that is no excuse, you're supposed to have enough intelligence to be able to say "as much as I'd like to help you, I'll have to refer you to someone else as I cannot afford to take on a non-paying client at this time." She thinks her excuses take care of all the problems she's had instead, they prove just how stupid she is!

    I could only watch 15 seconds of the video, that's it. That voice and that smile while she's telling you you're unworthy of help due to your being a homosexual is too much for me to handle.

  33. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I wonder how she feels about hemophiliacs contracting AIDS? Is that a lifestyle choice? If nothing else, she should support research to help them, even if she disagrees with the risky behavior of others.

  34. California Dreamin'8:07 AM

    God, she is stupid! Does she not realize that there are people who contract AIDS through no fault of their own?? What about the unsuspecting spouse who contracts it from an infected partner, Christine?? Get a clue.


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