Sunday, September 05, 2010

Here is a very interesting video taken during Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally.

You may want to turn it off only a few minutes into the video, but I think it is something that we should all see in order to understand exactly WHO Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin are attracting and what kind of poison they are delivering to their pea sized brains.

(H/T to the Daily Dish)


  1. Molly9:13 AM

    Well, thanks for posting the video.

    It's funny how they can spout back the Fox talking points, but can't explain themselves further.

    I especially enjoyed the big fat white lady sitting on the lawn chair saying that "they" should all just leave "us" alone. I think maybe she means the Big Bad Gubmint should stop telling her that she really shouldn't just sit in a lawn chair and snarf down KFC and soda all day long.

    Poor poor sheeple.

    What would they think if they found out that GWB and Cheney et al were the ones who caused 9/11 and they were all duped?

    They shoulda been half as suspect of GWB as they are of Obama--then they wouldn'ta bought 9/11 hook line and sinker.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Oh, man, that is really hard to watch.

    Stupidity, denial, repeating misinformation heaped upon them by the shovel load.

    You have to give the "man on the street" a little leeway about being intimidated by a microphone being shoved under their chin, with a camera aimed at them--but in each case on this video, my instant reaction is that I wouldn't want ANY of these people to hold my dog for a moment while I went to the restroom...suspecting I'd come back a moment later to find them eating something, not remembering me, nor what happened to my pooch.

    Sorry, America: you are NOT impressing the rest of the world, with your grasp of reality. Your stated stance shames both the Christian religion, and democracy in general.

  3. Mickey79:27 AM

    John Cole's site (Balloon Juice) had a post on this right after the video was released. Apparently, the young men doing the interviews correctly identified themselves as being journalism students from Wright State. After the video hit the Internet and was much mocked, Tucker Carlson's site (Mediaite) made an issue over the fact that these young men two purposely misled interviewees who thought they were from a website called RightState (not apparently knowing what Wright State meant)--a website, btw, which doesn't actually exist. Mediaite tried to make this somehow sound like 'gotcha' journalism, even though the journalists clearly identified themselves and no one asked interviewees to 'please sound as ignorant as possible for the cameras.' Not sure of their point. Are they suggesting that somehow this level of stupidity would have been perfectly acceptable on a right-wing website, so to post it in the real world is liberal bias? Good grief. You'd think the right would be running to distance themselves from people this awful, not making excuses for them.

  4. Lynne9:27 AM

    I lasted five minutes. I might try to watch more, but it was just too crazy. What the hell are these people talking about? (So are they saying they don't even watch their fearless leader, Glenn Beck?) They are definitely lost in America. I can see they are sincere and well meaning in their ideas, but I feel sorry for their ignorance.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    DEAR MOTHER OF GOD!!! What a huge gathering of ignorant yet storngly opinionated people! I watched about 3 minutes before I had to run to throw up in the bathroom.

  6. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I saw this on Wonkette. I think it was well-done and a fair depiction of the crowd. Somehow, the Wonkette editor Ken Layne felt it was somehow offensive. The actual remarks were:

    This one was done by some young, sincere libtards. We’ve seen this guy’s stuff before, and the idea is to sort of look polite and “let the wingnuts dig their own grave” or whatever. We like the Reason one better, frankly, because it’s not so sleazy.

    Read more at Wonkette:

    I didn't quite understand why Ken made such a comment. Does he somehow feel that truly stupid people deserve more leeway? As far as I could tell, they were asked questions and they provided honest, albeit embarrassing, answers. Their bad. Ken Layne must have a big heat. I think it got in the way of logic in this case.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ask them what do they read and watch them do a Palin or Jan Brewer impression.

  8. GrainneKathleen10:06 AM

    i forget this young man's name, but he always does a fantastic job of "infiltrating" and interviewing these "far right" extremist rallies(i hate using the divisive language of "left" and "right," but it's hard not to). he's polite, uber-informed, asks great questions, and gets people to talk because he really listens and doesn't argue. i hope we see this kid doing more more and great work as he gets further into a career perhaps in real journalism. the cameraman is very talented, too.

    that said, these people's views are hideous and just as hideously uninformed. we need to have some sort of a massive sage-burning at the monuments to dissipate all this bad energy. particularly disturbing is the way they talk about our president. all of it is poison, though.
    that said

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Is that Bristol in the yellow tank top being interviewed?

  10. Now HOW on earth will Beck defend himself for being portrayed as a cult follower and false prophet, after all, Keller IS a bona fide Evangelistic, at ground zero going after Muslims.

    That IS FOX's audience, right wing, born again Evangelists..

    I've been waiting for this, because ALL Evangelists think that Mormonism is a "cult" and will take you straight to hell just as fast as being a Muslim.

    I was rather surprised when Beck took this on BECAUSE he is a Mormon and just as surprised that the teabaggers haven't gone after him before now.

    It's the War of the wackos, grab your popcorn!

    Ground zero church launches with anti-Muslim, anti-Mormon sermon
    Extremist pastor opens ground zero church by denouncing Glenn Beck and Imam Rauf as false prophets

    To an audience of about 50 people -- fully half of whom were members of the press -- Pastor Bill Keller launched his 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero this morning with a fiery sermon targeting Muslims and Mormons as hell-bound followers of false faiths.

    Keller took aim in particular at Glenn Beck, a Mormon, and Imam Rauf, the organizer of the Park51 Islamic community center.

  11. Rick Hill10:46 AM

    Everything they say are talking points from hatewing radio. It's more a cult personality disorder than anything else. The important question is how to combat it. These folks will never change their minds from what they know is right but the constant barrage of negativity gives the majority of folks, who don't pay close attention, the impression something is wrong. This will plague us indefinitely unless it can be topped. Most of us assumed that facts would win the day but that appears to not be holding true.

  12. When the woman in the yellow tank parked on her lawn chair stated that praying is no longer allowed because they were told that I almost fell off my chair. I read
    comments by Beck's followers and they are convinced Beck is "teaching them history" when he is rewriting history to feed them misinformation to better control them.

    My sister knows a man who believes and repeats like a parrot whatever Beck and Palin say. Now Beck and Palin have arranged a trap so anyone who presents accurate information will be viewed as anti God, non christian. This is a horrific situation for our country and these people they prey upon in deranged power trips.

    It is self evident that they can not substanitate teh twisted, sick and ouright lies they have been fed to poison their minds against everyone but their cult leaders.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Did these people fall and hit their head?

  14. KidShalleen11:08 AM

    When I watch the interviews this kid does I find my self equal parts amused and equal parts scared to death. These people vote.
    And while these people vote, knowing veritably nothing, knowledgeable people in the Prog/Lib/Dem community will be sitting on their hands come the mid-terms due to some perceived slight they feel because "Obama didn't give them what they wanted".
    Well guess what, like's a bitch.
    Get over it and batten down the hatches,'cause if we don't there will be hell to pay with a Rethuglican Congress.

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Unbelievable !

    And what's really scary is these "intellectually challenged" people are voting and breeding.

    When are they going to have the book burnings ?

  16. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Simple rubes.

    You can see where they got their Fixed News talking points.

  17. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I will says as an Alum of Wright State, I am mortified that she was introduced to the lower 48 on the same stage where I got my diploma. I LOVE that these guys are from there and might "Restore our Honor!" ;)

  18. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Funny how you all think these people are stupid. Pot meet kettle. You all buy into the obamarama drool coming out of his devil in sheeps clothing mouth. Do you realize before he was president he openly wrote books about a socialist society? His college days if " smokeing ciggrettes with my friends and we would talk of neo-socialist theology " or something of the marxist sort. You call these patriots ignorant, but maybe it is you for those on tape were not afriad to speek thier minds and the courage it took to have a sleezeball reporter throwing questions at you before you can even finish a thought. All I can say is this, I would stand today with those men and women because maybe they didn't get thier thoughts out right, but thier morals and convictions and sense of family and forgiveness is what matters. Those men and women are Americans and are not afraid to show it. And that to me, is the most honorable of all.

  19. I love that guy. How he keeps a straight face is remarkable. I watch all his videos.

  20. I can't speak for all of them but give you an example of what I went trough when I manned phones for the Obama campaign. I no longer am allowed in my step mom's house and lost some e-mail friends. A black man for President they were not ready. Tough shit. No great loss.

    Not once did I say I was right. I listened but when it comes to destroying a man's character on falsehoods I drew the line. 2 years later nothing has changed.

  21. angela12:38 PM

    Anon 11:52
    Are you joking? You spout insane Obama conspiracy theories and defend base ignorance. Were you one of the people interviewed? Sadly, you seem very close in thought to them.

    So if you discus socialism -- you are a socialist --hmmm? I'll bet you talk about the back side of a mare all the time.

  22. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The *truly* sad thing is that these people honestly believe what they're saying. They are being led to think they are the last bastion of Hope for America(tm), and as soon as they get up off they're folding chairs, they're gonna do something about it. And they have guns, too, in case the Golden Horde starts moving their way.

  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Dems Palin people!

    The reason they had that outing in Washington DC, it is easier to fleece the sheep when they are all in one place away from family who might talk them out of giving Palin money.

  24. Virginia Voter12:54 PM

    It just cracks me up when Anonymous trolls like 11:52 show up to prove the point of this video...please dude, do back to fifth grade and learn how to compose a sentence.

    "His college days if " smokeing ciggrettes with my friends and we would talk of neo-socialist theology " or something of the marxist sort. You call these patriots ignorant, but maybe it is you for those on tape were not afriad to speek thier minds and the courage it took to have a sleezeball reporter throwing questions at you before you can even finish a thought"

    Smokeing ciggrettes! Priceless...your English teachers would be so proud!

  25. Anonymous1:03 PM

    The stupid. It HURTS!

    WTF were they talking about??

  26. Anonymous1:10 PM

    @11:52 am,

    A parrot can make sounds too.

    Does that make it smart?

    You're as ignorant as they are.

  27. I challenge these folks to define what honor is. I also want to know when we lost it. Was it in Viet Nam? Was it when Ohio National Guardsmen killed Kent State students, Or when police killed Jackson State students? Did we lose our honor when mall walkers in Cleveland spit on high school students right after Kent State and told us "They should of shot ore of your kind". Perhaps we lost our honor when BushCheney lied about WMD? Did we lose our honor when Heckofajob Brownie nearly did in New Orleans. Is honor lost when teenagers give birth to babies ( no, wait, that is honorable, no?).

    Well get this; MY America is still honorable. MY America's honor rallies when people do the right thing not for the publicity, but because its the right thing to do. When we help others out of a jam, when we look across conflict to solve problems.
    MY America does stand for truth, justice for all, the pursuit of freedom for all. MY America's honor is borne of generosity, of honesty and integrity.

    THESE FOLKS DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME, and MY America loses honor every time one of these feet of clay dietities opens their mouth.

  28. HAHAHA! The guy at the 3:00 mark stating with a straight face that Al Sharpton is going to bring his Black Panthers here today. WTF?!

    They all look a little "off", in my opinion, just regurgitating talking points straight from FOX News.

  29. icstraights2:18 PM

    Glen & Scarah are nothing more than "snake oil salesmen"...and they found their audience.
    These 'people'? seem one taco short of a combination plate. Just sad.

  30. Anonymous2:58 PM

    AMAZING...they have NO CLUE WHY THEIR EVEN THERE ! Just another tricky day in Hateville.....

  31. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Sweet Jeebus! She is a parody of herself.

    God Help Us!

    - kellygrrrl

  32. MC30313:34 PM

    Those two students ( are awesome. I've seen their work before and sent them some money because I don't know how Chase does it with a straight face. Mine would show the insanely high level of WTF?? going on in my head. Bless them.

    Love the little trollers come to play in Gryphn's backyard. How sweet.

    Listen, I wouldn't go over to (a trench like) Free Republic and start spouting my views. They're entitled to their space and can talk about whatever makes them happy. I am under no delusion that *I* will be the one that shows them the light. As if.

    Trollers, surely there are other places you are welcome, yes? Because your coming here gives us nothing but fodder to use for our snarking and I'm pretty sure that's not your intent. (Or IS it? You people are so so smart!)


  33. Anonymous6:02 PM

    oh boy.

  34. Anonymous12:26 AM

    OMFG they are all stupid morans(teabagger slang for morons.) Al Sharpton and the black panthers? Where do they get this crap from. Oh wait never mind. At around 3:15 the stupid witch in the green shirt claims that Caucasian don't own a George Washington. Does she think that African Americans love Washington? That he was somehow their hero? Maybe he took real good care of the 316 slaves that he owned at Mount Vernon but I doubt it. Finally they never heard Glenn Beck be disrespectful to the president or call him a racists. Bullshit.

  35. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Look folks, we've got one of our own at 11:52 defending the Hatriots.

    Don't pet it cause i think it bites.

  36. Randall10:38 AM

    You know - it's sad - but I'll bet one could easily show stupid people on the left as well. Stupid is the norm here in the good ol' USA.

    For example, I know people that hate - hate - George W Bush and his administration, and they believe that Bush sanctioned things like using duplicitous statements to start two wars, extraordinary rendition, denial of habeas corpus, warrentless wiretaps against American citizens ...even torture!

    ...oh ...wait


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.